Global Hindu Diaspora A bibliography of books and main articles October 2004, few updates June 2008 by Martin Baumann (University of Lucerne) The bibliography lists monographs, edited books and main articles which as their main topic describe and analyse the global spread of Hindu traditions in antiquity and modern times. At times a synonymous treatment of "Indian" and "Hindu" had been unavoidable though this usage does not imply that all Indians are necessarily Hindus. The same applies for the usage of "South Asian". For convenience, at the outset a list of some main edited books on the global Hindu diaspora is given. Amendments and suggestions for completion of the bibliography are appreciated. Temple festival, procession in front of the Sri Murugan temple, Hamm (North Germany), 2001 "The top ten" edited books on the global Hindu or Indian diaspora, in order of latest year of publication. Jacobsen, Knut A. (ed.), South Asian Religions on Display: Religious Processions in South Asia and in the Diaspora, London: Routledge 2008. Oonk, G. (ed.), Global Indian Diasporas. Exploring Trajectories of Migration and Theory , Amsterdam: Amsterdam University Press for IJAS 2007. Lal, Brij V., The Encyclopedia of the Indian Diaspora , Singapore, Kuala Lumpur, Paris: Editions Didier Millet 2006, 416 p. Jacobsen, Knut A., Kumar, Pratap (eds.), South Asians in the Diaspora. Histories and Religious Traditions , Leiden: Brill 2004, 513 p. Baumann, Martin; Luchesi, Brigitte; Wilke, Annette (eds.), Tempel und Tamilen in zweiter Heimat: Hindus aus Sri Lanka im deutschsprachigen und skandinavischen Raum , Würzburg: Ergon, 2003, 500 p. Coward, Harold; Hinnells, John; Williams, Raymond Brady (eds.), The South Asian Religious Diaspora in Britain, Canada, and the United States , New York: SUNY 2000, 301 p. Vertovec, Steven , The Hindu Diaspora. Comparative Patterns , London, New York: Routledge 2000, 190 p. Rukmani, T. S. (ed.), Hindu Diaspora. Global Perspectives , Montreal: Concordia University 1999, 473 p. Williams, Raymond Brady (ed.), A Sacred Thread. Modern Transmission of Hindu Traditions in Indida and Abroad , Chambersburg: Anima Publ. , 1992, 337 p. Vertovec, Steven (ed.), Aspects of South Asian Diaspora , Delhi: Oxford University Press, Papers on India, Vol. 2, Part 2, 1991. 1 List of studies on global Hindu diasporas, Overseas Indians, and globally distributed South Asians Ampalavanar, Rajaswary , The Indian Minority and Potential Change in Malaysia 1945-1957 , Oxford: Oxford University Press 1981. Angrosino, Michael V ., "Religion among overseas Indian Communities", in: Giri Raj Gupta (ed.), Religion in Modern India , New Delhi: Vikas 1983, pp. 357-398. Arasaratnam, S ., Indians in Malaysia and Singapore , Kuala Lumpur et al.: Oxford University Press, 2nd edition1979 (first print 1969). Aveling, Marian , "Ritual Change in the Hindu Temples of Penang", in: Contributions to Indian Sociol- ogy , 12, 1978, p. 173-193. Bahadur Singh, I.J. (ed.), The Other India. The Overseas Indians and their Relationship with India . Proceedings of a Seminar, Arnold-Heinemann 1979. Bahadur Singh, I. J. (ed.), 1987, Indians in the Caribbean , Delhi: Sterling Publ. Ballard, Roger , (ed.), Desh Pardesh. The South Asian Presence in Britain , London: Hurst 1994, 296 p Barot, Rohit , "Hinduism and Hindus in Europe", in: Sean Gill, Gavin D'Costa, Ursula King (eds.), Religion in Europe. Contemporary Perspectives , Kampen: Kok Pharos 1994, pp. 68-85. Bastos, Susana; Bastos, José , Para além das dicotomias perturbadoras – Uma abordagem pluri- metodológica das estratégias identitárias dos Hindus-Gujaratis residentes em Lisboa , Lisboa, Orientália, Col. da Fundação Oriente 2001. Baumann, Martin , "Conceptualizing Diaspora. The Preservation of Religious Identity in Foreign Parts, exemplified by Hindu Communities outside India", in: Temenos , 31, 1995, pp. 19-35. Baumann, Martin , "Sustaining ‘Little Indias’: The Hindu Diasporas in Europe", in: Gerrie ter Haar (ed.), Religious Communities in the Diaspora , Leuven: Uitgeverij Peeters 1998, pp. 95-132. Baumann, Martin , Alte Götter in neuer Heimat. Religionswissenschaftlichte Analyse zu Diaspora am Beispiel von Hindus auf Trinidad, Marburg: diagonal 2003, 356 p. Baumann, Martin; Luchesi, Brigitte; Wilke, Annette (Hg.), Tempel und Tamilen in zweiter Heimat: Hindus aus Sri Lanka im deutschsprachigen und skandinavischen Raum , gemeinsam mit Würzburg: Ergon, 2003, 500 p. Benedict, Burton , Indians in a Plural Society: A Report on Mauritius , Colonial Office, Colonial Re- search Studies Nr. 34, London: Her Majesty's Stationary Office 1961. Bharati, Agehananda , "The Hindu Renaissance and its Apologetic Patterns", in: The Journal of Asian Studies , 29, 2, 1970, pp. 267-287. Bharati, Agehananda , The Asians in East Africa. Jayhind and Uhuru ,Chicago: Nelson Hall 1972. Bharati, Agehananda, "Ritualistic Tolerance and Ideological Rigour: The Paradigm of the Expatriate Hindus in East Africa", in: Contributions to Indian Sociology (NS), 10, 2, 1976, pp. 317-339. Bhardwaj, Surinder M.; Rao, N. Madhusudana , "Emerging Hindu Pilgrimage in the United States: A Case Study", in: Surinder M. Bhardwaj, G. Rinschede (eds.), Pilgrimage in World Religions , Berlin: Dietrich Reimer 1988, pp. 159-188. Bhatt, Purnima Mehta , "A History of Asians in Kenya, 1900-1970", Dissertation an der Faculty of the Graduate School of Howard University, Department of History, Washington,D. C. 1976; Ann Ar- bor, Mich.: University Microfilms Intern 1978. Bilimoria, Purushottama , Hinduism in Australia: Mandala for the Gods , Melbourne: Spectrum Publ., Deakin University Press, 1989. Bilimoria, Purushottama , The Hindus and Sikhs in Australia , hg. vom Bureau of Immigration, Multi- cultural and Population Research, Canberra: Australian Government Publ. Service, 1996. Bilimoria, Purushottama , "The Australian South Asian Diaspora", in: John Hinnells (ed.), A New Handbook of Living Religions , Oxford, Cambridge, Mas.: Blackwell, 1997, pp. 728-755. Bilimoria, Purushottama; Ganguly-Scrase, R ., Indians in Victoria (Austr.): A Historical, Social and Demographic Profile of Indian Immigrants , Victoria: Deahin University Press 1988. 2 Bowen, David (ed.), Hinduism in England , Bradford: Bradford College 1981. Brennan, L.; Lal, Brij Victor , "Across the Kala Pani: Indian Overseas Migration and Settlement", in: South Asia (extra edition), 21, 1998, pp. 1-237. Burghart, Richard (ed.), Hinduism in Great Britain. The Perpetuation of Hinduism in an Alien Cultural Milieu , London, New York: Tavistock 1987. Clarke, Colin G., East Indians in a West Indian Town. San Fernando, Trinidad, 1930-70 , London: Allen & Unwin 1986. Clarke, Colin G., Peach, Ceri, Vertovec, Steven (eds.), South Asians Overseas: Migration and Ethnicity , Cambridge: Cambridge University Press 1990. Coedès, Georges , The Indianized States of Southeast Asia , edited by Walter F. Vella, translated by Susan Brown Cowing, Honolulu: East-West Center Press 1968. revised edition from Les États hindouisés d'Indochine et d'Indonésie , Paris: Boccard 1964. Collins, Elizabeth Fuller , Pierced by Murugan’s Lance. Ritual, Power, and Moral Redemption among Malaysian Hindus, Illinois: Northern Illinois University Press 1997. Coward, Harold , "The Religions of the South Asian Diaspora in Canada", in: John Hinnells (ed.), A New Handbook of Living Religions , Oxford, Cambridge, Mas.: Blackwell, 1997, pp. 775-795. Coward, Harold; Hinnells, John; Williams, Raymond B. (eds.), The South Asian religious Diaspora in Britain, Canada, and the United States , New York: SUNY 2000, 301 p. Dabydeen, David; Samaroo, Brinsley (eds.), India in the Caribbean , London: Hansib 1987. Dabydeen, David; Samaroo, Brinsley (eds.), Across the Dark Waters. Ethnicity and Indian Identity in the Caribbean , London, Basingstoke: Macmillan 1996. de Klerk, C.J.M ., De immigratie der hindostanen in Suriname , Amsterdam: Urbi et orbi 1953. de Lepervanche, Marie M ., Indians in a White Australia. An Account of Race, Class and Indian Immi- gration to Eastern Australia , Sydney et al.: Allen & Unwin 1984. Dech, Matthias , Hindus und Hindutum in Deutschland. Exemplarische Untersuchung anhand der Situation in Frankfurt a.M. , Marburg: Microfiche 1998. Dhaliwal, A. K ., "Introduction: The Traveling Nation: India and its Diaspora", in: Socialist Review , 24, 4, 1994, pp. 1-11. Diesel, Alleyn , "The Empowering Image of the Divine Mother: A South African Hindu Woman Wor- shipping the Goddess", in: Journal of Contemporary Religion , 13, 1, 1998, pp. 73-90. Diesel, Alleyn; Maxwell, Patrick , Hinduism in Natal: A Brief Guide , Pietermaritzburg: University of Natal Press, 1993. Eck, Diana L., On Common Ground. World Religions in America , CR-Rom, Columbia University Press 1997, updated 2 nd edition 2001. Finger, Joachim , Gurus, Ashrams und der Westen. Eine religionswissenschaftliche Untersuchung zu den Hintergründen der Internationalisierung des Hinduismus , Frankfurt/Main et al.: Lang, 1987. Firth, Shirley , Death, Dying and Bereavement in a British Hindu Community , Leuven, Belgium: Peet- ers 1997. Ghai, D. P.; Ghai, Y. P . (eds.), Portrait of a Minority: Asians in East Africa , Nairobi: Oxford University Press 1970. Ghosh, Amitav , "The Diaspora in Indian Culture", in: Public Culture , 2, 1, 1989, pp. 73-78. Gillion, K. L., Fiji's Indian Migrants. A History to the End of Indenture in 1920 , Melbourne: Oxford University Press, 1962, reprint. 1973. Gillion, K. L ., The Fiji Indians , Canberra: Australian National University Press 1977. Goa, David J.; Coward, Harold G.;
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