Acta Botanica Brasilica 26(2): 444-455. 2012. Pollen morphology of Rubiaceae Juss. species occurring in an area of caatinga (dryland) vegetation in Bahia State, Brazil Cristiano Eduardo Amaral Silveira Júnior1,3, Marileide Dias Saba1 and Jomar Gomes Jardim2 Recebido em 13/12/2011. Aceito em 3/04/2012 RESUMO (Morfologia polínica de espécies de Rubiaceae ocorrentes em uma área de caatinga no estado da Bahia, Brasil). Rubiaceae foi representada na fl ora de Brejinho das Ametistas por dezesseis espécies, as quais foram tratadas palino- logicamente no presente estudo: Coccocypselum hirsutum Bartl. ex DC., Cordiera rigida Kuntze, Coutarea hexandra K.Schum., Declieuxia fruticosa Kuntze, Diodella apiculata (Willd. ex Roem. & Schult.) Delprete, D. radula (Willd. ex Roem. & Schult.) Delprete, D. teres Small., Emmeorhiza umbellata K.Schum., Leptoscela ruellioides Hook. f., Mitra- carpus baturitensis Sucre., Mitracarpus villosus Cham. & Schltdl., Palicourea rigida Kunth, Psyllocarpus asparagoides Mart., Richardia grandifl ora Steud., Staelia aurea K. Schum., Staelia galioides DC. Para análise sob microscopia de luz e eletrônica de varredura, os grãos de pólen foram acetolisados, mensurados, descritos, foto e eletromicrografados. Os grãos de pólen variaram de pequenos a grandes; suboblatos a subprolatos. Inaperturados em P. rigida, colpados, e colporados na maioria das espécies, com número de aberturas variável de três a várias. Exina predominantemente microrreticulada entre as espécies, sendo reticulada (C. hirsutum, C. rigida, P. rigida), birreticulada (D. fruticosa), microequinada-perfurada (C. hexandra), equinado-granulada (R. grandifl ora), equinado-granulado-perfurada (D. apiculata e D. teres), e psilada (P. asparagoides). Os resultados mostraram que as espécies são palinologicamente distintas. Palavras-chave: Gentianales, grãos de pólen, Palinologia ABSTRACT (Pollen morphology of Rubiaceae species occurring in an area of caatinga (dryland) vegetation in Bahia State, Brazil). Th e palynology of the following 16 species of Rubiaceae, from Brejinho das Amestistas, was investigated: Coccocypselum hirsutum Bartl. ex DC., Cordiera rigida Kuntze, Coutarea hexandra K.Schum., Declieuxia fruticosa Kuntze, Diodella apiculata (Willd. ex Roem. & Schult.) Delprete, D. radula (Willd. ex Roem. & Schult.) Delprete, D. teres Small., Em- meorhiza umbellata K.Schum., Leptoscela ruellioides Hook. f., Mitracarpus baturitensis Sucre., Mitracarpus villosus Cham. & Schltdl., Palicourea rigida Kunth, Psyllocarpus asparagoides Mart., Richardia grandifl ora Steud., Staelia aurea K. Schum., and Staelia galioides DC. Th e pollen grains were acetolysed to and their morphological characters were analyzed using light and scanning electron microscopy. Th ey varied in size from small to large; were suboblate to subprolate; inaperturate (P. rigida), colpate and colporate in the remaining species, with an aperture number that varied from three to several. Th e exines were microreticulate in most species, reticulate (C. hirsutum, C. rigida and P. rigida), bireticulate (D. fruticosa), microechinate-perforated (C. hexandra), echinate-granulate (R. grandifl ora), echinate-granulate-perforate (D. apiculata and D. teres), and psilate (P. asparagoides). Based on the results, palynologi- cal data can be used to distinguish these species. Key words: Gentianales, pollen grains, Palynology 1 Universidade do Estado da Bahia, Departamento de Educação Campus VII, Laboratório de Palinologia, Senhor do Bonfi m, BA, Brasil 2 Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte, Departamento de Botânica, Ecologia e Zoologia, Natal, RN, Brasil 3 Autor para correspondência: [email protected] AACTACTA VV_26(2)_ART18_p444a455_2220.indd_26(2)_ART18_p444a455_2220.indd 444444 114/06/20124/06/2012 110:41:360:41:36 Pollen morphology of Rubiaceae Juss. species occurring in an area of caatinga (dryland) vegetation in Bahia State, Brazil Introduction exine ornamentation among the fl oral morphs investi- gated; Pire (1996; 1997) palynologically studied the tribe Th e family Rubiaceae, as currently circumscribed, be- Spermacoceae; Huysmans et al. (2003) documented the longs to the order Gentianales and comprises 637 genera and pollen morphology of all of the genera of the tribe Rubieae approximately 10,700 species (Robbrecht 1988); approxi- occurring in Europe; Perveen & Qaiser (2007) described mately 112 genera and 1347 species occur in Brazil (Bar- the pollen morphology of 50 species of the family occurring bosa et al. 2010). Th e family is widely distributed globally, in Pakistan; Verellen et al. (2007) undertook palynological although its diversity is principally concentrated in tropical studies of the tribes Naucleeae and Hymenodictyeae; and regions (Souza & Lorenzi 2008; Judd et al. 2009). Th e in- Cai et al. (2008) studied the pollen grains of Asian species dividual species of this group have various habits, such as of this family. herbs, subshrubs, shrubs, and trees; lianas and epiphytes are In spite of these eff orts, we are still quite far from com- less common. Morphologically, the family is characterized pleting the palynological documentation of this family by having simple, opposite leaves, interpetiolar stipules, and because only about 15% its species have been investigated epipetalous stamens equal in number to the petals (Souza & (Dessein et al. 2005). Most of the palynological studies of Lorenzi 2008). Recent phylogenetic studies have suggested the Rubiaceae have been undertaken on taxa not found in support for only three subfamilies: Rubioideae (18 tribes), Brazil, which has left a large gap in our knowledge about Cinchonoideae (nine tribes), and Ixoroideae (15 tribes), plus the pollen of representatives of the Brazilian fl ora. For this the tribe Coptosapelteae, which cannot currently be placed reason, the present study examined regional species of this in any of the subfamilies (Bremer 2009). family in order to contribute to the taxonomic and system- Heterostyly is a genetically established fl oral polymor- atic knowledge of this group. phism, and Rubiaceae comprises more heterostylous genera than all the other plant families combined (Ganders 1979). According to the same author, this implies both physi- Materials and methods ological and morphological diff erences in the reproductive We analyzed the pollen of 16 species belonging to 11 verticils and pollen grains of these plants, and diff erences in genera of Rubiaceae. Floral buds were collected in the pollen grain sizes in many genera of Rubiaceae can be ex- fi eld following the methodology recommended by Mori plained by this polymorphism. Brevistylous (thrum) forms et al. (1989). Five specimens of each species were col- generally have larger pollen grains than longistylous (pin) lected, when possible, and deposited in the herbarium at forms (Ganders 1979; Jung-Mendaçolli & Melhem 1995; the Universidade do Estado da Bahia (HUNEB - Caetité Dessein et al, 2000), which must be taken into account in Collection). Material was also obtained from specimens palynological studies. deposited in the herbaria at the Universidade Estadual de Palynological studies involving species of Rubiaceae Feira de Santana (HUEFS) and the Universidade Federal in Brazil have been limited to pollinic catalogs or paly- da Bahia (ALCB); abbreviations follow Index Herbariorum nological surveys, such as those undertaken by Salgado- (Th iers, B., continuously updated). Labouriau (1973), Melhem et al. (2003), and Silva (2007). Th e fl oral morphologies of the specimens (thrum or Th e principal palynological studies of the Rubiaceae have pin) were determined using a stereo microscope. Species characterized the family as eurypollinic (Erdtman 1952; without annotations regarding their fl oral morphology are Salgado-Labouriau 1973; Jung-Mendaçolli & Melhem 1995; those that do not have published descriptions of heterostyly Dessein et al. 2005), and have facilitated the use of pollen available in the literature. morphology in classifying and identifying its taxa. Accord- Material examined: Coccocypselum hirsutumBartl. ex ing to Dessein et al. (2005), morpho-palynological data in DC. - BRAZIL, Bahia: Caetité, Brejinho das Ametistas. the Rubiaceae can elucidate evolutive relationships among Farm Capão do Plástico, 19/V/2009, Bonfi m, L. G. N. et the diff erent taxa, and can be used to reject or corroborate al. 42 (HUNEB - CTE).Cordiera rigida Kuntze – BRAZIL, taxonomic decisions. Bahia: Caetité, Brejinho das Ametistas, road to Pindaí - Th e following works stand out among the published BA, 06/IX/2008, Silveira Júnior, C.E.A. et al. 04 (HUNEB palynological studies of the family Rubiaceae: Erdtman - CTE). Coutarea hexandra K.Schum. – BRAZIL, Bahia: (1952) palynologically described 230 species belonging to Caetité, Brejinho das Ametistas, road to Pindaí-BA, 120 genera; Kirkbride (1979) revised the genus Psyllocarpus 23/I/2009, Vasconcelos, L.V. et al. 213 (HUNEB - CTE). in Brazil using palynological features; Puff & Robbrecth Declieuxia fruticosa Kuntze - BRAZIL, Bahia: Caetité, (1988) investigated the taxonomic position of the Australian Brejinho das Ametistas, Passagem da Pedra, 20/I/2009, genus Durringtonia; Roubik & Moreno (1991) palynologi- Santos, L. S. et al. 07 (HUNEB - CTE); BRAZIL, Ba- cally documented the species of Rubiaceae occurring on hia: Caetité, Brejinho das Ametistas, Silveira Jr et al. 23 Barro Colorado Island in Panama; Jung-Mendaçolli & (HUNEB - CTE). Diodella apiculata (Willd. ex Roem. & Melhem (1995) analyzed 25 heterostylous species
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