Somascan Fathers via di Casal Morena, 8 * 00040 MORENA-ROMA Tel. 06/72.33.580 Fax 06/72.33.575 [email protected] ufficio stampa crs * © 31th March 2007 Election of the Fourth General Councilor mans. After some negotiations, only one During the past Consulta 2007, held in Tagay- hostage will be executed, while the others will tay (Philippines), on February 24, Fr. Aldo be released. He has ministered in different Gazzano was elected as fourth General Coun- communities, as a formation director of postu- cilor. Best wishes for a fruitful work as a lancy and as a zealous pastor in the splendid Councilor! Church restored by him, Santa Maria del Popolo in Cherasco. He has been teacher for The Goal many years at Nervi’s College and he minis- On March 19, at the Curia General, the special tered with great attention to some female reli- moment of Somascan renewal, part of the gious Congregations. To the Somascan family great project of ongoing formation, has begun. he left the memory of being an exemplary reli- The following religious are present: Bro. Aldo gious of profound spiritual life and of continu- Bettineschi (Como, Annunciata), Fr. Gi- al prayer. ambattista Guazzi ( Villa San Giovanni, Par- rocchia del Rosario), Fr. Antonio Zavattin Fr. Jose de Cupertino Cruz González (Romania Delegation), Fr. Dante Cagnasso The Lord called him on February 13, at the age (Narezole, Villaggio della Gioia), Fr. Giancarlo of 72. Born in Sensuntepeque (El Salvador), he Rinaldi (San Mauro Torinese, Villa Speranza), has studied philosophy and theology at the Fr. Gaetano sacchi (San Salvador, La Ceiba Seminary of Magenta (Mi) and was ordained de Guadalupe), Fr. Luis López Castelo priest in Somasca in 1967. In different Central (Badalona, Parish Madre de Deus), Fr. José American communities he has dedicated his Jorge Leiva (Madrid, Residencia Emiliani), Fr. life to teaching and pastoral ministry. His Juan Domínguez (Mexico, Parish San Juan apostolate was characterized by a special sen- Ixtacala), Fr. Valerio Fenoglio (Oceania Dele- sibility for the last: street children, alcoholics, gation), Fr. Vijaya Prabhakar (General sick, elderly, and poor. As vocation Director, he House), Fr. Aldo Gazzano (General House), visited parishes, country families, youth, and Fr. Mario Ronchetti (General House). bringing to them St. Jerome’s charism. Lately, This experience, felt as a moment of grace, is an accident condemned him to a wheelchair. intended to be an aid in re-centering one’s life He accepted this trial with a good spirit and in Christ and in seeking the will of the Father. faith, joining in with the chain of solidarity of In the first two weeks, Fr. Giuseppe Oddone other sick members of the “Silence Founda- and Giovanni Odasso, as well as the psychol- tion.” ogist Elena Santomartino, have given a pre- cious contribution. The title given to this event Fr. Antonio Raimondi would like to recall what St. Jerome wrote in On February 17, at the age of 93, he passed his first letter: “…if the Company will stay with away at Casa Madre, after a long and fruitful Christ we will meet our goal.” religious and priestly life, spent at the service of the Congregation. Born in Lainate (Mi), Fr. Fr. Giuseppe Bernardi Antonio made sacred music an instrument for On February 12, he returned to the house of his praise to God. His music was always in our Father. He was 87 and born in Tezze del search of perfection, because only the best Brenta (Vi). After the Novitiate and the philo- things can be offered to God. Patience, under- sophical and theological studies, he was or- standing, frankness, and precision were the dained as a priest by the Blessed Card. Ilde- qualities of his teaching Gregorian chant to fonso Schuster in 1944, in Milan. Later, he the novices, the first steps in using the instru- was sent to the community in Cherasco: it was ments to the little ones, as well in his compo- the critical time of war and he was taken sitions of many songs in honor of St. Jerome. hostage with ten other citizens by the Ger- He has founded and directed for many years the Coro Val San Martino, because to sing is Giovanni Gigliozzi wonderful and makes one discover the joy of Director and cooperator of the magazine Vita being together. Come to the sunset of his life, Somasca, he passed away on February 24 at he has accepted the troubles and infirmities the age of 87. He has worked with RAI as a by offering everything to the Lord with Christ- journalist, leading the historical program “Qui ian resignation. Radio Due” In 1949, he started, with Mons. Luigi Novarese, the radio program “Quarto d’o- Fr. Ettore Boazzo ra della serenita”, broadcast by Vatican Radio. At the age of 94, he passed away on March 21 For a long time he has been president of the in Turin. Orphan of both parents, at 16 he en- ANFIN (Associazione nazionale familiari martiri tered the Somascan community. Austere, sim- italiani). He has always been on the forefront ple, and kind of heart, he shaped himself to be in denouncing, in the execution of the Ardea- of God and to give himself to others. Wise, in- tine’s Pits (1944), a deliberate crime for fright- novator, open to the novelty of the Spirit, he ening population and not only for a military re- wanted to be, first of all, a good Christian in taliation. In that massacre, he had lost a order to be a good priest and religious. He al- cousin. A grateful thought was recently ad- ways had in front of him the missionary ideal. dressed to him by the President of the Italian At 45, he left for El Salvador, where he taught Republic Giorgio Napolitano, who remembered and ministered to the people by riding his him as “a noble patriot as it was Giovanni horse in order to bring the sacraments to the Gigliozzi, president of the association for more poor people of the villages. After a long period than thirty years.” Noticeable character of the in Spain, he went back to Guatemala. His life Roman Catholic lay movement, he has left a was kind of intense. At 82, he wanted to dedi- living memory in many Somascan religious cate himself to prayer, meditation, apostolate who knew him personally, appreciating his and study of St. Jerome. He accepted with a courageous faith and his mission of faithful- good spirit his precarious health condition, ness to the Gospel. stating: “I find myself in that human condition where I can only entrust myself to God.” - 2 - BRIEF NEWS Provincial Chapter – On April Albania Delegation – The going to build 4 family units for 10, at the Centro di Spiritualita’ following note arrived from the 50 children, and a school/shop in Somasca, the XVIII Chapter of community Qendra Profession- which will help them get ready the LombardoVeneto Province ale “Sh. Jozefi” of Rreshen, on and be involved in the world of will start. In such an event will the February 8: “We have cele- labor. It will be a daily center to participate by right Fr. Gener- brated the solemnity in simplici- offer the youth of the area dif- al, Fr. Provincial Luigi Ghezzi, ty. The children were on vaca- ferent services, such as meals, the four Councillors, Fr. Walter tion on that day, since there was vocational courses, education… Persico, Fr. Luigi Bassetto, the transition from a semester In the town the number of Fr. Emilio Pozzoli, Fr. Lorenzo to another. They are going to be “meninos de rua” is growing, Marangon, the US Commissary involved for March 14. For the since very high is the number of Fr. John B. Vitali, and the Dele- occasion we have prepared orphans because of the prema- gate from Romania Fr. Livio Va- some pamphlets in Albanian ture death of parents (AIDS) lenti. As delegate of the Pro- language with biographical in- and of the situation of abandon vince were elected: Fr. Livio formation about St. Jerome and when families are in crisis: chil- Balconi, Fr. Luigi Amigoni, the Somascan Fathers, as well dren abandoned by single moth- Fr. Augusto B. Roncalini, Fr. En- as holy cards with “Our Prayer” ers, children of divorced. In a rico Corti, Fr. Eufrasio Colom- and the translation of the tradi- society extremely poor, espe- bo, Fr. Giovanni Benaglia, tional prayer for the good edu- cially in town, the children who Fr. Francesco Redaelli, Fr. Gio- cation of our youth. During the are victims of these situations, vanni Bonacina, Fr. Ottavio company meal with the teachers often, are not welcomed by their Bolis, Fr. Pietro Redaelli, and cooperators of the Profes- relatives. They try to survive in Fr. Giuseppe Oltolina, Fr. At- sional Center, we distributed the streets by begging, doing tilio De Menech, Fr. Luigi this material for a first informa- small jobs, stealing… and they Croserio, Fr. Gianluigi Sordel- tional effort. We did the same at are exploited by adults (sexual li, Fr. Livio Dona’, Fr. Vincenzo the Cathedral in the afternoon abuse and criminality).” Rossin, Fr. Lorenzo Salvadori, with some communities of sis- Fr. Gianmaria Munaretto and ters present in the city, and with Professional Center in Al- Fr. Luigi Stecca. Delegate of the some youth that cooperate with bate – During February, ASFAP US Commissariat is Fr. Alberto them in different capacities. We (Associazione Somasca For- Zanatta. are preparing a translation of mazione Aggiornamento Profes- the Anonymous, of the Letters, sionale) promoted a series of Our Deceased Relatives – and the Proper Liturgy of our events which drew inspiration On February 25, in Trani (Ba), Founder and of the feast of the from St.
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