d e Infraestructura a PaIsaJe ROSSETTI La carretera austral como motor de resignificación froM Infrastructure to landscape The Southern Road as a resignification instrument f uLvIo rossettI Profesor Asistente Adjunto Escuela de Arquitectura, Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile, Santiago, Chile Palabras clave Habitualmente entendemos a las We are used to understanding Transporte infraestructuras en términos de su infrastructures in terms of their Renaturalización funcionalidad, es decir, como medios al functionality, that is, as means at the Patagonia servicio de otra cosa o bien como soportes service of something else or as supports Augusto Pinochet Soberanía de una actividad. Sin embargo, tal como for an activity. However, as this text lo demuestra este texto, ellas son más demonstrates, they are more versatile Keywords versátiles de lo que parecen: también than what they seem: they can also Transport pueden crear nuevos significados y detonar create new meanings and trigger visions Rewilding visiones distintas que incluso contradigan a that can even contradict those that Patagonia las que les dieron origen. originated them. Augusto Pinochet Sovereignty l cerro Castillo, nevado y enmarcado por las hojas erro Castillo, snow-capped and framed by the E rojizas de un bosque caduco (fiG. 1), protagoniza C reddish leaves of a deciduous forest (fig. 1) la portada del libro Carretera Austral, el camino más features on the cover of La Carretera Austral. El camino espectacular de Sudamérica (a a.v v., 2012). Este coffee-table más espectacular de Sudamérica [Carretera Austral, the book fue patrocinado por movimientos ecologistas que, most spectacular road in South America] (aa.vv., 2012). liderados por figuras como Douglas Tompkins, han The coffee-table book was sponsored by environmental posicionado la idea de Aysén y la Patagonia como una movements that, led by figures such as Douglas inmensa reserva virgen a preservar. La foto integra una Tompkins, have established the idea of Aysén and serie de publicaciones que los mismos actores difundieron central-western Patagonia as an immense, virgin en Patagonia chilena ¡Sin represas! (a a.vv., 2007), una reserve to be preserved. The photo integrates a series intensa campaña mediática en contra del proyecto de of publications that these same actors included in generación hidroeléctrica HidroAysén. Buscaban, en Patagonia chilena ¡Sin represas! [Chilean Patagonia, cambio, integrar al sistema de parques nacionales una Without dams!] (aa.vv., 2007), a powerful media serie de terrenos que el propio Tompkins fue adquiriendo operation against the hydroelectric generation project desde los ’90 para su ‘rewilding’, revirtiendo áreas ganaderas HidroAysén. They attempted instead to integrate into a su estado de naturaleza virgen y convirtiendo los tramos the system of national parks several areas that Tompkins de la red vial que las atravesaban en rutas escénicas. himself had acquired since the beginning of 1990s for En este contexto, la imagen sublime del cerro Castillo their ‘rewilding,’ returning livestock areas to their original – parte de las bellezas admirables desde la carretera – virgin state and transforming the stretches of roads that 86 expresaba una idea territorial más amplia: adelantaba traversed them into scenic routes. In this context, the sublime image of Cerro Castillo – part of those beauties that can be admired from the road – expressed a broader territorial idea: it anticipated the recent constitution of the Patagonia Parks network that, connected by a highway and a naval route, was institutionalized by President Michelle Bachelet in SANTIAGO, CHILE January 2018. The succession of parks (fig.2) was — created to a large extent by integrating Tompkins’s reserves into the system of areas protected by the State. Thus, the project crystallizes an image built through the ARQ 99 struggle of environmental groups and the alignment of center-left governments that followed the dictatorship. The network consolidates the idea of Patagonia as a territory to be valued because of a hypothetical wilderness and thus be kept aside from development processes. Such FIG 1 Cerro Castillo idea, as image of a supposed beauty, was intentionally en la portada del libro disseminated through a discourse revolving around the La Carretera Austral. El camino más espectacular possibility of enjoying, by land, of “the most spectacular de Sudamérica. / Cerro road in South America” and by sea, of the “scenic route of Castillo on the cover of the the most impressive glaciers in Chile, and (...) the world.”1 book Carretera Austral. The most spectacular road in The discourse stated that, if HidroAysén’s energy route South America. would split the country in two, as a support for scenic Fuente / Source: Editorial perception and ecological continuity this same route Ocho Libros, 2012 would have the capacity to connect it. Featured on the cover of a much older publication, looking up, his arms crossed and with a confident pose, la reciente constitución de la red de Parques de la General Pinochet stands in a light blue suit and tie Patagonia que, conectados por una carretera y una on an extraordinary issue of the Association for Latin ruta naval, fue institucionalizada por la presidenta American Integration’s magazine in 1981 (fig. 3). The Michelle Bachelet en enero de 2018. La sucesión de cover celebrated the soon to be inaugurated first section parques (fiG. 2) fue creada en gran medida integrando of that same road today applauded by the most radical las reservas de Tompkins al sistema de áreas protegidas ecologists, although by entirely opposite reasons. del Estado. Así, este proyecto cristalizaba una imagen As the highlight among a series of propaganda que se construyó a través de la lucha de los movimientos operations, the inauguration of the “Carretera ecologistas y el alineamiento de algunos gobiernos de Longitudinal Austral Presidente Pinochet” [President centroizquierda post dictadura. Pinochet Longitudinal Southern Road] conveyed a La red consolida la idea de la Patagonia como un different message: it was not a route built for visual territorio a valorar por una supuesta virginidad e implica enjoyment (although beauty was not despised), but an mantenerlo al margen del desarrollo. Esta idea, como infrastructural work of strategic importance, whose imagen de belleza, se difundió intencionadamente con productive and transforming effects on the territory un discurso que destacaba la posibilidad de gozar, por vía would directly benefit the region’s settlers and the terrestre, «[d]el camino más espectacular de Sudamérica» country as a whole. The cover evoked the country’s union y, por vía marítima, de la «ruta escénica de los glaciares through a discourse that, structured around the need for más impresionante de Chile, y (…) del mundo»1. Si bien its productive homogenization, conceived the bucolic and este discurso afirmaba que la carretera energética de depopulated southern territory as an evil to be reversed HidroAysén cortaría al país en dos, se daba a entender through settlements and an adequate road system. que, como soporte para percepción escénica y continuidad Associating the project with the face of a character ecológica, esta misma ruta tendría la capacidad de unirlo. trained in the Chilean military world during the second En otra portada más antigua, mirando hacia arriba, half of the twentieth century,2 the cover also suggests de manos cruzadas y con una pose segura, el general that the reasons behind the road are geopolitical. Thus, Pinochet protagonizó un número extraordinario de la the ideas surrounding the infrastructure today culminate Revista de la Asociación Latinoamericana de Integración a process of cultural redefinition that needs to be studied. de 1981 (fiG. 3). Inmortalizando al dictador con un Behind the implausible virginal image of a territory that traje y corbata celestes, la portada celebraba la próxima was also backdrop to different struggles and conflicts, lies inauguración del primer tramo de la misma carretera the richness of a story that tends to be forgotten. que hoy es aplaudida por los ecologistas más radicales, aunque por razones diametralmente opuestas. A weak border Como la obra estrella entre una serie de operaciones The Southern Road sought to complete an integration de propaganda, la inauguración de la «Carretera process that began in the early 20th century, when in 87 FIG 2 Parques Nacionales y Reservas Forestales en 1902 an arbitration award traced, in a relatively definite la Patagonia de Argentina way, the border separating the Chilean Patagonia y Chile, 1978. / National from the Argentine one (areas that, with the exception Parks and Reserves at Patagonia in Argentina and of Chiloé island, maintained their indigenous status Chile, 1978. until the republican era). After the award, it was Fuente / Source: a sought to ‘Chilenize’ the territory between Punta Elaboración propia The autor Arenas and Puerto Montt – colonization poles already consolidated – initiating a process that was not free leyenda / LEGENd of problems, conflicts and transboundary tensions b c originated essentially in the permeability that the Reservas Forestales / Reserves d e g h f m international borderline presents in this section. a. Llanquihue (1912) i l n b. Lago Palena (1965) o However, the harsh geography made such integration p q r c. Lago Ensueño ( 1968) difficult. The system of transversal hill strands running s d. Puyuhuapi (1969) from east to west (fig. 4) hindered for a long time the e. Puerto Cisnes (1969) u t possibility of executing communication routes that f. Los Cuervos (s.f.) v w extended south those terrestrial roads like the Pan- g. Lago Carlota (1965) h. Las Guaitecas (1938) American highway or the longitudinal railway. At the x i. Isla Magdalena same time, as plains are located in areas far away from l. Los Cuervos (s.f.) the coast, settlement processes arose in sectors like m. Las Quemas (s.f.) the border pampas. These territories were difficult to n. Río Norte (s.f.) integrate within Chile but were very well connected with o. Mano Negra (s.f.) p.
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