SessionSession 1:1: HighHigh JumpJump TechniqueTechnique andand TechniqueTechnique TrainingTraining MattMatt BurnsBurns 2/13/2009 2009 WISTCA Clinic 1 SessionSession OverviewOverview •• OverviewOverview ofof HandoutHandout MaterialsMaterials •• TopicsTopics CoveredCovered inin thisthis SessionSession –– PhysicsPhysics BehindBehind thethe HighHigh JumpJump –– Approach,Approach, Takeoff,Takeoff, andand BarBar ClearanceClearance –– DecidingDeciding WhatWhat’’ss ImportantImportant inin aa JumpJump (to(to changechange oror notnot toto change)change) –– Training/PracticeTraining/Practice 2/13/2009 2009 WISTCA Clinic 2 PositionsPositions InIn thethe JumpJump •• StartStart PositionPosition –– TakeoffTakeoff •• GoalGoal PositionPosition –– LayoutLayout •• FinishFinish PositionPosition -- LandingLanding 2/13/2009 2009 WISTCA Clinic 3 HighHigh JumpJump PhysicsPhysics RotationRotation fromfrom takeofftakeoff toto landinglanding –– TwistTwist –– SomersaultSomersault • Lateral • Forward •• PhysicsPhysics 101101 –– NoNo rotationsrotations createdcreated afterafter takeoff!takeoff! 2/13/2009 2009 WISTCA Clinic 4 ApproachApproach •• Goal:Goal: PlacePlace thethe jumperjumper inin thethe samesame spotspot relativerelative toto thethe barbar withwith thethe samesame bodybody leansleans andand atat thethe samesame speedspeed onon everyevery repetition.repetition. 2/13/2009 2009 WISTCA Clinic 5 ApproachApproach (Cont.)(Cont.) •• EstablishingEstablishing aa startingstarting markmark •• MeasurementsMeasurements (examples(examples areare forfor aa male)male) –– 1212 feetfeet oror 1616 feetfeet out?out? (determined(determined byby jumperjumper speed)speed) –– 5050 feetfeet oror 7070 feetfeet back?back? (determined(determined byby jumperjumper height)height) •• NumberNumber ofof stridesstrides –– 88 oror 1010 withwith 22 ““momentummomentum--generatinggenerating”” stepssteps •• PreservationPreservation ofof thethe markmark –– WriteWrite itit Down!Down! 2/13/2009 2009 WISTCA Clinic 6 TakeoffTakeoff •• Vertically*Vertically* •• TakeoffTakeoff legleg experiencesexperiences veryvery littlelittle flexionflexion •• LeadLead legleg drivendriven parallelparallel toto oror slightlyslightly awayaway fromfrom thethe barbar •• ArmsArms drivendriven parallelparallel toto oror slightlyslightly awayaway fromfrom thethe barbar 2/13/2009 2009 WISTCA Clinic 7 ApproachApproach SpeedSpeed atat TakeoffTakeoff •• RegardlessRegardless ofof whetherwhether aa jumperjumper isis aa ““speedspeed”” oror ““powerpower”” flopper,flopper, aa fasterfaster jumperjumper isis aa higherhigher jumperjumper…… upup toto aa failurefailure point.point. FindFind thethe failurefailure point!point! 2/13/2009 2009 WISTCA Clinic 8 FlightFlight PhasePhase && BarBar ClearanceClearance •• ““LetLet itit happen.happen.”” VeryVery littlelittle cancan bebe donedone atat thisthis stagestage toto savesave aa badbad approachapproach oror takeofftakeoff •• AvoidAvoid queuesqueues duringduring flightflight toto correctcorrect approachapproach problemsproblems –– Example:Example: ““ThrowThrow youryour headhead backback”” toto correctcorrect underunder--rotationrotation issues.issues. 2/13/2009 2009 WISTCA Clinic 9 FlightFlight PhasePhase && BarBar ClearanceClearance •• GoalsGoals –– KeepKeep everythingeverything (arms,(arms, legs,legs, hands,hands, head)head) outout ofof thethe wayway ofof thethe barbar –– KeepKeep everythingeverything closeclose toto thethe axisaxis ofof rotation.rotation. 2/13/2009 2009 WISTCA Clinic 10 DecidingDeciding WhatWhat’’ss ImportantImportant -- ExtremelyExtremely ImportantImportant •• ConsistentConsistent approachapproach velocityvelocity andand cadencecadence •• MaximizedMaximized approachapproach velocityvelocity •• ProperProper andand consistentconsistent takeofftakeoff locationlocation •• ConsistentConsistent takeofftakeoff bodybody--positionposition (leans)(leans) •• ProperProper landinglanding positionposition (indicates(indicates correctcorrect rotations)rotations) –– KneeKnee drivedrive directiondirection 2/13/2009 2009 WISTCA Clinic 11 DecidingDeciding WhatWhat’’ss ImportantImportant -- SecondarySecondary ImportanceImportance •• HeadHead positionposition duringduring brittanica.com layoutlayout – High bars can be cleared with your head up Dick Fosbury dwightstones.com Dwight Stones - 1983 2/13/2009 2009 WISTCA Clinic 12 DecidingDeciding WhatWhat’’ss ImportantImportant -- SecondarySecondary ImportanceImportance •• ArmArm PositionPosition duringduring layoutlayout There is considerable variance among the best jumpers in the world. Important thing is to keep the arms away from the bar. Kostadinova Stefan Holm Sotomayor 1989 Matt Hemingway 2000 MH 2004 2/13/2009 2009 WISTCA Clinic 13 DecidingDeciding WhatWhat’’ss ImportantImportant -- SecondarySecondary ImportanceImportance •• LeadLead kneeknee actionaction duringduring ascentascent –– straightstraight vs.vs. bent.bent. (straight(straight legslegs slowslow rotation)rotation) Blanka Vlasic – 6’ 8 ¾” 2007 Javier Sotomayor – WR 7’ 11 ½” on 9/8/1988 2/13/2009 2009 WISTCA Clinic 14 DecidingDeciding WhatWhat’’ss ImportantImportant -- NotNot ImportantImportant •• ArmArm drivedrive techniquetechnique –– AthletesAthletes havehave succeededsucceeded withwith allall threethree commoncommon varieties.varieties. –– DoubleDouble ArmArm –– SingleSingle ArmArm –– CyclicCyclic •• ItIt isis importantimportant toto havehave somesome consistentconsistent armarm drivedrive technique,technique, butbut II havehave seenseen nothingnothing provingproving oneone isis betterbetter thanthan anyany other.other. 2/13/2009 2009 WISTCA Clinic 15 ApproachApproach TrainingTraining •• TheThe executionexecution ofof aa consistent,consistent, correctcorrect approachapproach isis thethe singlesingle mostmost importantimportant tasktask inin thethe event.event. –– InIn competition,competition, anan approachapproach thatthat endsends withwith aa ““gogo aroundaround”” isis unacceptable.unacceptable. •• ApproachApproach workwork mustmust bebe thethe startstart ofof everyevery HJHJ practicepractice –– AA practicepractice approachapproach isis aa fullfull approachapproach butbut insteadinstead ofof attemptingattempting aa jump,jump, thethe athleteathlete runsruns underunder thethe barbar placedplaced atat aa highhigh (goal?)(goal?) height.height. 2/13/2009 2009 WISTCA Clinic 16 ApproachApproach TrainingTraining (Cont.)(Cont.) •• ApproachApproach workwork isis notnot aa warmwarm--upup forfor thethe jumpjump workout.workout. ItIt shouldshould bebe watchedwatched andand analyzedanalyzed byby thethe coachcoach asas muchmuch asas anyany jumpingjumping is.is. LookLook for:for: –– GoodGood runningrunning techniquetechnique –– RunningRunning alongalong thethe curvecurve –– nono cuttingcutting –– AcceleratingAccelerating intointo thethe takeofftakeoff footfoot--plantplant –– ConsistencyConsistency inin takeofftakeoff footfoot positionposition andand coachingcoaching markmark 2/13/2009 2009 WISTCA Clinic 17 ApproachApproach TrainingTraining (Cont.)(Cont.) •• CommonCommon mistakesmistakes duringduring approachapproach workwork –– NotNot attackingattacking thethe curvecurve (lazy,(lazy, slow)slow) –– NotNot preparingpreparing properlyproperly (should(should bebe thethe samesame asas ifif thethe athleteathlete waswas jumping)jumping) –– PoppingPopping upup andand landinglanding inin frontfront ofof thethe barbar 2/13/2009 2009 WISTCA Clinic 18 ““CoachingCoaching”” MarksMarks inin PracticePractice •• AtAt thethe startingstarting point,point, 88 oror 1010 stepssteps fromfrom taketake--off.off. Ideally,Ideally, thethe athleteathlete willwill taketake aa couplecouple leadlead--inin stepssteps toto thisthis mark.mark. •• 44 stepssteps fromfrom thethe taketake--offoff –– interiminterim checkpointcheckpoint forfor thethe athlete/coach.athlete/coach. NOTNOT aa ““cutcut”” point.point. •• TakeoffTakeoff –– 33--footfoot stripstrip parallelparallel toto barbar (practice(practice only)only) •• TryTry toto avoidavoid overuseoveruse ofof anyany visualvisual queuequeue thatthat cancan’’tt bebe usedused inin aa meet.meet. 2/13/2009 2009 WISTCA Clinic 19 TechniqueTechnique PracticePractice •• KnowKnow thethe goalgoal ofof thethe practicepractice andand dodo thethe appropriateappropriate drillsdrills –– ApproachApproach deficiency?deficiency? ThenThen justjust dodo approachesapproaches w/ow/o jumpjump oror w/w/ scissorscissor jump.jump. –– TakeoffTakeoff positionposition problems?problems? DoDo shortshort approachapproach jumps.jumps. –– Arm/HeadArm/Head positionspositions oror barbar clearanceclearance issues?issues? DoDo standingstanding backback--oversovers and/orand/or shortshort approach.approach. 2/13/2009 2009 WISTCA Clinic 20 TechniqueTechnique PracticePractice (Cont.)(Cont.) •• BackBack--OversOvers –– FlightFlight positionposition practicepractice (head,(head, arms)arms) –– OverOver--exaggerateexaggerate rotationrotation -- athleteathlete shouldshould rollroll overover theirtheir shouldersshoulders inin thethe pitpit andand endend onon theirtheir knees,knees, facingfacing thethe bar.bar. –– NegativesNegatives –– makemake suresure thethe athleteathlete doesdoes notnot carrycarry thesethese overover intointo thethe event:event: • Artificially produced rotations • Jump into pit 2/13/2009 2009 WISTCA Clinic 21 TechniqueTechnique PracticePractice (Cont.)(Cont.) •• ShortShort approachapproach jumpsjumps –– Takeoff,Takeoff, flight,flight, andand layoutlayout practicepractice –– BenefitsBenefits overover fullfull approachapproach • Delays fatigue onset • Reduces over-use injuries • Reduces approach-introduced
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