*QS*r P t n Founded 1 8 8 8 1 .. .Published'every FRIDAY at MILLBURN. NJ. COPY .MR. AND MRS. DAYTON A In any event ‘-it is said the - JONES, of Wyoming Village, Township "will be increasingly y | c i n Twp. Grants > are the parents 4pf a'baby girl, in-the highway spotlight as ap- ... - & born Sunday, April 19. Mr. pi’oval of some route through Jones is^Millburn’s Recreation the community is sought by Board Here? Bonuses Director. planners. * A Millburn, EJanning Rpard "RjbViiSEftr "walked olit of-*the. jM n g ? stisflfc*"*" Make Ward 'ussnade its*baw-at;. Uie-.TDwn«i)iP,.-;. * tion on salary bonus 'payments 21 Answer * C om m ittee'm eeting 1 Monday all full time municipal em­ evening. Committeeman Clark ployees receiving less than $3,- A Major acted as sponsor and prompter........ 000 yearly. — - ■ • New Draft Call An ordinance providing for, Every Employee will be paid E. Bernard Ward of Short creation of such a body, was a minimum of $50. and the Twenty-one registrants with Hills, has been commissioned a adopted unanimously, Messrs bonus nqay go as high as $76 Loeal D raft Board No. 9, in major in the Army Air Corps. Hill and deCamp both stating...- - for those in the higher salary Millburn will report to that of­ For the past three years Major their affirmative votes were to <t brackets. To. arrive a t this lat- fice on Saturday, May 2nd in Ward has been the Collector of bring the issue before the pub­ ® figure the additional re­ the latest draft call. They will Taxes for Millburn Township. lic despite the fact they are 1 muneration is figured on the be driven to 113th Regiment He is also treasurer of the New not convinced as to the need basis of five per cent, of the ■Armory in Newark by members Jersey State Tax Collectors. As­ for such a step here. of the Red Cross' Motor Carps, sociation and president of the fust $1,500 of salary._ J i MAJOR E, BERNARD WARD,. It might have been a tie vote Where' t h e y willundergo a phy- Washington Rock Sayings arid Paymena of the bonus Will be Township tax collector who has but for "their” “concun'anre" "as Loan Association of Millburn. retroactive to the first Of Jan ­ sical test. Ah who pass will be reentered Army Air Corps. Committeeman Kain was ab­ immediately inducted into the The Millburn Towgship Com­ uary and distribution -wih be * sent A public, hearing .will be.... mittee has granted the Major made quarterly out of a con­ army. held at the May 18th meeting. a leave of absence for the bal­ tingent fund created under the Those scheduled to repojt Mr. Clark prefaced, introduc- ance of his te riff "and. Mrs. Es­ ne^- budget as adopted. are: Edward Zimerand, 11-A Another Route tion of the ordinance with a telle H. Smith, senior clerk in statement reading in part: A- is expressly provided th at Chestnut street, Newark; Wil­ the Tax Office, has been ap­ "Town planning, is not mere­ payments are in no sense to be liam H. Kelly, 33 Berkely road; For Parkway pointed Acting Collector. ly restrictive but is positive in considered salary Increases and John J. Speranza, 247 Main Street; George M. Monahan, 14 During the' first World War, its application to the develop­ the committee reserves the The Regional Plan Associa­ Blaine street; Salvatore Sam- Major Ward was a flying of­ ment of gur community. The right to reconsider any indi- tion of New York, is the spon­ martino, 29 Ocean street; Ansil ficer assigned to instruction building boom in the last few viduar payment as aricTir prices sor for the Garden State Park­ W. Poplet, 35 Rawley place; and was stationed at Ellington years — during which Millburn of commodities are “frozen” as way now being touted as a post William Kitchell Ford, Morris Field, Texas for a year and a came close to leading the state of # date prior to January 1, war works project. At least this Turnpike; John A. Dilem, 85 half. This instruction center — is just an indication of what 1942. association is the one that has Lafayette street, Newark. was the air corps’ only bombing is in store when building opera­ Under provisions of the reso­ approached the Essex County school during the last war. Abraham Silverstein, 75 Main tions resume after this war lution there will be no bonus Park ^commission to utilize Major Ward" will report next street; Rocco Fiola, 256 Essex (Continued on Page 16) for members of the committee park lands for the approach to week to a large training center street; Edward Kilgus, 96 Mill- who are themselves part time Millburn Township in West Texas. His family will bnrn avenue; Emil E. Szmans, workers and new employees en­ The parkway plan has had remain in Short Hills while he 359 Millburn avenue; Marcelo tering Township service subse­ numerous endorsements but is in service. 0 . C. D . W orkers R. Bulatao, 12 East 88th street, quent to passage of the bonus none of these have assumed Monday night the Township New York City; Anthony will be onlookers also. actual parenthood and decision 'Committee voted Mrs. Smith a Thomas, 15 Church street; Total of the bonus payments as to what agency will.bear the $600. salary increase while she Make-up Courses George B. Brown, 308 Main costs involved is still a matter it is estimated majr reach from is acting tax collector which it A new series .. of make-up street; Leo John - Tylecki, 53 of doubt. $5,000 to $7,000 during the cur­ is expected will be a t least up courses for OCD workers basic Spring street, Leo Kunyz, 10 The Park Commission has no rent year.-------- . ......... to January 1, 1943,^the end-01 training will begin Monday, Taylor street;—Robert—Jr- Kern, funds for such construction-but “Major Ward’s le rn T o f office. A April 27th. The courses are open 295 Millburn “ avenue, Walter the state or Essex County may bonus of one-sixth of his an­ to those “who missed classes, Yukniewicz; 31 Kent street, be looked to as making Hr a nual salary was also voted and to new workers._____ 1 Two A ir Corps- -Newark, John--Sefcik., 2Q B rook-. * part "Of "their,‘ highway system- ‘ Major Ward dTrrlng lhe time he The first session of fire lec­ side drive; and Felix A. Car- Route 22 is already a part of will be on leave of absence. tures may be made up on Mon­ done, 103 Main street. the state approved project that Cadets Train Millburn Board of Education day or Tuesday, April 27 and has been held in ebeyance first has already named Town Treas­ 28 the second fire-lectures on because of the local opposition Now taking ‘pre-flight train­ urer George O. Lord as custo­ Wednesday or Thursday, -April ing at the Air C orpsR eplace-* and secondly by the insistant dian of its funds in Mr, Ward’s 29 and 30, the third fire lec­ 50th Wedding demands for highway construc­ ment Training ^Center' (Air absence. tures on Monday or Tuesday, tion in other parts of the-state.- Crew) at Maxwell Field, Ala­ May 4 and 5, the first gas lec­ Had Short Hills too become in ­ bama, are two cadets from Short Anniversary ture on Wednesday and Thurs­ sistent it would in-all pnpbablii-■ 6 V . Hills,. Edward Welman Laffey RtlidV Returns day, M ay.6 and 7, the second of Mfsltview avenue; and Robert Mr. and Mrs. Frederick N. ty be a reality already. Colonel John Paul Ratay, a gas lecture on Monday or Tues-' At-the time the Regional Plan Hroolis Koster- of Jefferson road. Taylor of 15 Duncan street, will former resident of Short Hills, day, May 11 and 12, and the Association approached t h e Cadet Laffey. Is the son of celebrate their fiftieth Wed­ arrived in New York recently third gas lecture, including de­ Park Commission for approval Mr. and Mrs. Meredith C. Laf­ ding Anniversary this week-end. by Transatlantic Clipper, in an molition bombs, ©n Wednesday, of the Brookside drive plan, It fey. tte graduated from W es-' Although the anniversary fills exchange of prisoners: - or Thursday, May 13 and 14. )<? ygM t.n have had also an al­ leyan University in 1941, re­ on Monday, they, will celebrate 1; Colonel Ratay was serving in ceiving an A:B. degree. ........ with a family -dinned party at ternate. route; of more SSfeRiSr Buch'afest“ 'RtnHsmia as miiitary . their home on Sunday. Attend-^ character that 'traversed the Cadet Koster. is the son of attache - to th c - American Em- ing the d in n e r o n ’Sunday will second mountain southward. X o t t r o ! Mr. ahd Mrs. piristign Henry bassy-when the Axis struck. He be their seft-and daughter-in- ■ lip hia- touto would be .. on.the Koster. He'D? a graduate oT Mlll- is one of the first American -to p of-the-m ountain west of. Fandango Mills has been buin High- School and attended' law, Mr. and Mrs. John A. Tay­ officers_to figure in a prisoner * Brookside drive and it would obliged to discontinue receipt “fi u i oefSTJhlversity Tlx tension. lor and sons Jack and Dick of exchange. enter the Township through the of waste paper until after When these cadets finish their Interlaken. Joseph P. Day property and so Ill May 4. Mr.
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