MONITOR STRATEGIC Revistă editată de Institutul pentru Studii Politice de Apărare şi Istorie Militară, membru al Consorţiului Academiilor de Apărare şi Institutelor de Studii de Securitate din cadrul Parteneriatului pentru Pace, membru asociat al Proiectului de Istorie Paralelă pentru Securitate prin Cooperare. REDACTOR {EF • General-maior (r) dr. MIHAIL E. IONESCUIONESCU, Directorul Institutului pentru Studii Politice de Ap\rare [i Istorie Militar\, Ministerul Ap\r\rii, România COLEGIUL DE REDAC}IE • General de brigad\ (r) prof. MICHAEL CLEMMESEN, Royal Danish Defence College, Copenhaga, Danemarca • Prof. asociat dr. JORDAN BAEVBAEV, The New Bulgarian University, Bulgaria • Prof. univ. dr. DENNIS DELETANTANT, London University, Marea Britanie • SORIN ENCU}ESCUENCU}ESCU, pre[edintele Asocia]iei „Manfred Wörner“, Bucure[ti, România • Lector univ. IULIAN FOTAA, Directorul Colegiului Na]ional de Ap\rare, Ministerul Ap\r\rii, România • Dr. SERGEY KONOPLYOVV, Harvard University Program for Black Sea Security, SUA • Prof. univ. dr. VASILE SEC|RE{SEC|RE{, {coala Na]ional\ de Studii Politice [i Administrative Bucure[ti, Rom=nia • Prof. univ. dr. MICHAEL SHAFIRSHAFIR, Universitatea din Cluj-Napoca, România • Colonel (r) SHAUL SHAYY, [eful Departamentului de Istorie Militar\ al Statului Major al Armatei Israeliene • Dr. JEFFREY SIMON,SIMON Institutul de Studii Strategice al Universit\]ii Na]ionale de Ap\rare din Washington D.C., SUA • ZHOU JIANJIAN, Institutul pentru Studii Strategice Interna]ionale, Beijing, China • Comandor (r) GHEORGHE VARTICARTIC, Redactor [ef al „Revistei de Istorie Militar\”, Ministerul Ap\r\rii, România ADRESA Str. Constantin Mille nr.6, sector 1, Bucure[ti, cod 010142, telefon> 0040 21 315.17.00, fax> 0040 21 319.58.01 www.ispaim.ro www.sarindar.ro e-mail>[email protected] Revista este inclusă în baza de date a Consiliului Naţional al Cercetării Ştiinţifice din Învăţământul Superior, fiind evaluată la categoria „B+”. SUMAR • SECURITATE INTERNA}IONAL| - The South Caucasus in the European Security System – dr. GAYANE NOVIKOVA........ 5 - Pipeline Politics in The Caspian Region – dr. CIPRIAN BENIAMIN BENEA .................. 10 • REGIUNEA EXTINS| A M|RII NEGRE - Ini]iativa „Sinergia M\rii Negre”- Uniunea European\ planific\ extinderea cooper\rii sale regionale – dr. ANNELI UTE GABANYI ................................................................... 27 • RUSIA/CSI - Ideologie versus interes na]ional> determin\ri ale politicii externe a Rusiei – MARIANNA KULEVA .................................................................................................... 31 • ORIENTUL MIJLOCIU - Strategia Statelor Unite pentru Orientul Mijlociu extins> critici ale abord\rii neoconser- vatoare [i limitele teoriei p\cii democratice – MIHAELA MATEI ..................................... 41 • STUDIUL RELA}IILOR INTERNA}IONALE - Perspective ale cercet\rii [tiin]ifice în domeniul securit\]ii [i Rela]iilor Interna]ionale în România – dr. MIHAIL E. IONESCU, {ERBAN FILIP CIOCULESCU ............................... 57 • STRATEGII DE SECURITATE - Procesul de stabilizare [i reconstruc]ie post-conflict> o abordare teoretic\ – DRAGO{ B|NESCU ................................................................................................... 65 - The Role of Romanian Military in Post-Conflict Stabilization and Reconstruction Process in Iraq – Lt.-col. LAUREN}IU-CRISTIAN DUMITRU ...................................................... 78 • POLITICI DE AP|RARE - Aspecte controversate ale politicii de ap\rare a Republicii Populare Chineze. Revolu]ia în Afacerile Militare [i proiec]ia geografic\ a securit\]ii [i puterii na]ionale – {ERBAN FILIP CIOCULESCU ............... ...................................................................... 89 • OPINII - Desp\r]irea de realism sau despre s\r\cia realismului neoclasic – dr. ANDREI MIROIU .... 105 - România în secolul al XXI-lea> de la falimentul na]ional la relansarea moderniz\rii – IULIAN FOTA ............................................................................................................. 113 • DIN AGENDA {TIIN}IFIC| - Seminarul international> “How can the Black Sea Region contribute to improved global security?”, Bucure[ti, 7-9 iunie 2007– DRAGO{ B|NESCU ........................................... 121 - Conferin]a Interna]ional\ Balkan Communication Network, Bucure[ti, 28-29 iunie 2007 ........ 123 - Reuniunea informal\ a Grupului de lucru „România în politica interna]ional\” cu tema Kosovo, 13 iulie 2007 – {ERBAN FILIP CIOCULESCU .................................................... 125 • RECENZII - Kenneth Waltz, Teoria Politicii Interna]ionale – {ERBAN FILIP CIOCULESCU .............. 129 - Mari probleme umanitare în dezbaterile oamenilor de [tiin]\, editori Ionel Clo[c\ [i Ion Suceav\ – LAUREN}IU IONESCU ................................................................................................... 132 - Alexandra Sarcinschi, Vulnerabilitate, risc, amenin]are – {ERBAN FILIP CIOCULESCU ..... 135 Redactori> maior Stelian Fize[an, Drago[ B\nescu Tiparul executat la Centrul Tehnic Editorial al Armatei, sub comanda nr. 1064/2007 ISPAIM — monitor strategic 3-4 / 2007 ISPAIM B 54/20/12/2007 SECURITATE INTERNA}IONAL| Monitor Strategic Monitor Strategic 4 Nr. 3-4 / 2007 Monitor Strategic The South Caucasus in the European Security System* Gayane Novikova, Yerevan, Armenia The fundamental geopolitical changes that Proposal of various projects, aimed at in- have been taken place in Eurasia in several volving Armenia, Georgia and Azerbaijan into recent years, on the one hand, have urged the European security system is, first, an evi- intensification of relations of the three South dence of the desire to minimize the threats, Caucasian states with the Western European coming out from the region and the ones states and Euro-Atlantic structures, and on coming via the region, and to create some the other hand, they have increased the im- security area along the existing and new bor- portance of that newly shaped region within ders of the European Union, after the 2007 the European security system. enlargement, rather than its economic pros- For Europe, interested in creation of a pects and attractiveness.2 security belt along the perimeter of its own Second, these projects, in particular, the borders, as well as in the alternative source European Neighborhood Policy, define and es- of energy from the Caspian region, the un- tablish the marginal status of the South Caucasus stable security environment in the South in Europe< at least in the visible future the Eu- Caucasus is a subject of concern to some ropean Union is not ready to consider the South extent. However, the level of that concern is Caucasian states even as its potential members. substantially less than that regarding the situ- Third, the proposed projects and realized ation in the Balkans in 1990s1, or as regards programs are something like carte blanche and to Ukraine and Russia, or the Central-Asian a stimulus for the development of the South region at present. Caucasian states, and hopefully Armenia, Geor- Actually, the South Caucasus finds itself in gia and Azerbaijan will be able to use the open- the periphery of the interests of Europe and ing opportunities in the maximum effective European structures. At the same time it is manner. obvious that in case if the situation in the South Thus there are unequal, but coinciding in- Caucasus gets out of control, the same Euro- terests of the leading European states and all- pean states and organizations will directly face European institutes and three states of the South such unconventional threats as uncontrolled Caucasus – Armenia, Georgia and Azerbaijan. migration, trafficking, the use of territory for The European states and all-European in- drug-traffic, as well as one of the ways for pen- stitutes consider development of democracy etration of international terrorist organizations in the South Caucasian states, assistance to and transnational crime to Europe. In addi- the economic and educational programs there tion, resumption of hostilities in any of the as priority directions of their activity. To a less three South Caucasian unresolved conflicts extent they are ready for active engagement (the Nagorno-Karabakh, Abkhazian and South into the processes of settlement of the con- Ossetian) will endanger the European stabil- flicts in that part of the post-Soviet space. ity one way or another. Therefore, Europe and As for the South Caucasian states, they European organizations cannot afford com- stress that their orientation toward Europe has pletely ignoring the processes, going on in no alternative.3 Each state has its own moti- some nearness to its borders. vation> Georgia sees itself as a undoubted * The paper has been initially published by the ”Spectrum” Center for Strategic Analysis, Yerevan, 2005, and expresses the author’s points of view. 5 SECURITATE INTERNA}IONAL| Monitor Strategic European state, the “price” of which drasti- - perceiving and taking into account the cally grows with the operation of the Baku- interests of its partners, in particular, Russia, Tbilisi-Ceyhan oil pipeline and Baku-Erzrum USA, Turkey and Iran, – Europe is ready to gas pipeline< Azerbaijan proceeds from the ignore or close its eyes to some processes, importance of its energy resources for Europe< going on in its periphery. Armenia uses its adherence to the European In general, announcing itself as one of the culturalMonitor values Strategic as its brand. main foreign players in the
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