TABLE B-‘I.-V.& Army lY!ginunt8 and regimsntal combat taalm.9, [Rates stated M caeea per day Killed in 2?% N”Pr Total hit action Tactical operation A&y’ Regi- Mean re& ment strength -_ ments daY8 Number Rates Number Rate6 I. Total U.S. Army Regiments and Regimental 4 Jul 195& Combat Teams. 27 Jul 1953 28 20,568 3,457 94,086 1.32 16,764 0.24 Total Combat Operations (lean redeploying, 4 Jul 1950- regrouping, and Army Reserve). 27 Jul 1953 28 16,519 3,440 93,460 1.64 16,664 0.29 II. Defensive Operations (major Communist offensives) . 24 1,233 2,791 23,551 6.84 5,902 1.72 Delaying invasion of South Korea. , . 4 Jul-3 Aug 11 217 2,180 3,859 8.16 1,722 3.64 1950 Defense of Pusan perimeter.. 4 Aug-15 Sep 14 552 2,493 9,906 7.20 2,252 1.64 1950 CCF counteroffensive in North Korea.. 25 Nov-15 Deo 19 120 3,011 3,064 8.48 439 1.21 1950 CCF counterattack in Wonju-Chipyong area. 12-21 Feb 1951 10 82 3,113 1,652 6.47 498 1.95 CCF fir& spring offensive (1951). ........... 22-29 Apr 1951 15 96 3,673 1,746 4.95 286 0.81 CCF second spring offeneive (1951). ......... 17-22May1951 9 45 3,801 1,160 6.78 315 1.84 CCF attack on western and central fronb (1952) ..................................... 6-13 Ott 1952 3 24 3,374 369 4.56 49 0.61 CCF attack ROK II Corps front (1953). ..... 10-18 Jun 1953 4 36 3,644 944 7.19 163 1.24 Battle of Kumsong River, salient ............ 14-20 Jul 1953 11 61 3,922 851 3.55 178 0.74 III. Withdrawal Operations (Communist general offensive) . 19 610 2,939 1,493 0.83 267 0.15 Evacuation of Hungnam . l-24 Dee 1950 6 129 2,864 531 1.44 102 0.28 Withdrawal from North Korea to Line “D” . 2 Dee 1950- 13 481 2,959 962 0.68 165 0.12 16 Jan 1951 IV. Offensive Operationa (major UN offensives). 19 1,924 3,319 23,884 3.74 3,641 0.57 Breakout of Pusan perimeter. 16-27 Sep 1950 12 144 2,816 3,896 9.61 692 1.71 Inchon landing and liberation of Seoul. 18-30 Sep 1950 4 39 3,109 381 3.14 86 0.71 Operation Thunderbolt-Armed Recon to 25 Jan-20 Feb retakeoffenaive............................. 1951 19 384 3,189 3,551 2.90 624 0.51 Operation Killer-to reestablish UN Line 21 Feb-7 Mar east of Wonju.. , . 1951 12 168 3,114 l,OOQ 1.91 137 0.26 Operation Ripper-to outflank Seoul and 7 Mar-4 Apr capture Chunchon.. , 1951 19 480 3,214 3,503 2.22 528 0.33 Operation Rugged--to becure Phase Line KANSAS north of 38th parallel. 1-15 Apr 1951 18 132 3,403 921 2.05 137 0.30 Operation Dauntlegs-to Mcure Phase Line UTAH forward to Line KANSAS. 10-22 Apr 1951 9 108 3,706 1,072 2.68 87 0.22 Operation Detona+to return to 38th 20 May-8 Jun parallel third time and retake Line KANSAS. 1951 19 276 3,644 3,430 3.41 494 0.49 Operation Piledriver--to secure Phase Line WYOMING and The Iron Triangle. 3-12 Jun 1951 12 105 3,625 1,929 5.07 224 0.59 Operation Commando-to secure Phase Line JAMESTOWN. 3-15 Ott 1951 6 48 3,856 2,509 13.55 382 2.06 Operation Nomad and Polar-to aeeure Phase Linea later designated as Line MISSOURI. 13-22 Ott 1951 3 30 3,864 1,602 14.60 250 2.16 V. Pursuit and Mopping-up Operations. 19 975 2,965 2,999 1.04 589 0.20 Pursuit and mopping-up south of 38th par- 28 Sep-30 Nov allel . 1950 16 399 2,860 627 0.55 153 0.13 Pursuit north of 38th parallel to Yalu River. 5 Ott-27 Nov 16 500 3,066 2,171 1.41 400 0.26 1950 Iwon landing and pursuit north of 38th par- 31 Ott-27 Nov allel . 1950 a 76 2,849 201 0.93 36 0.17 VI. All Defensive Linea (including Limited Openr- tion.9) . ...*..... , 26 11,777 3,593 41,533 0.98 6,265 0.15 Defensive Lines (excluding Limited Opera- tions)...................................... 26 10,996 3,558 24,453 0.62 3,364 0.08 Line “D” (furthest CCF penetration into South Korea-1951)......................... 5-29 Jan 1951 19 342 3,120 324 0.30 85 0.08 Line BOSTON (south bank of Han River; 18 Feb-6 Mar southeast of Seoul in I Corps sector). 1951 6 96 3,143 135 0.45 20 0.07 Line KANSAS (Eighth Army Phase Line acroea Korea; north and south of 38th parallel). 4-28 Apr 1951 18 144 3,563 235 0.46 35 0.07 130 by k&cat operation,U.S. Army, Korea, July 1@6ctJul~ 1963 per 1,000average strength] - - Wounded in action All nonbattlecauoe~~ Dineam Nonbattle injury _- - - ._I - CR0 COME Admissions Incl. CR0 cawa I,Excl. CR0 caaea CR0 caws I Admissions CR0 caaea I Admissions Number Rates Number Rat&n Yumber Raten Qumber Rates Vumber Ratem Humber Rates gumber Rater Yumber Ratse -- 11.020 0.16 66,302 0.93 38,035 1.94 26,230 1.76 12,226 0.17 95,016 1.34 580 0.01 30,215 0.42 10,829 0.19 66,987 1.16 13,405 2.00 04,610 1.84 8,295 0.16 77,905 1.37 stnl 0.01 26,705 0.47 1,537 0.44 18,112 4.68 12,395 3.60 12,240 3.56 140 0.04 9,260 2.69 15 0.00 2,980 0.87 107 0.23 2,030 4.28 1,660 3.50 1,630 3.44 30 0.06 1,;336 2.82 - - 296 0.62 560 0.40 7,094 5.16 6,555 4.76 6,530 4.75 15 0.01 5,680 4.13 10 0.00 850 0.62 60 0.17 2,566 7.10 1,705 4.72 1,695 4.69 10 0.03 895 1.92 - 1,ooO 2.77 110 0.43 1,044 4.09 865 3.39 860 3.37 5 0.02 515 2.02 - 345 1.36 204 0.58 1,256 3.56 820 2.32 805 2.28 16 0.04 625 1.49 280 0.79 107 0.63 738 4.31 365 2.13 355 2.08 10 0.05 260 1.62 - 95 0.56 116 1.42 206 2.53 85 1.05 70 0.86 15 0.19 60 0.74 10 0.12 142 1.08 639 4.87 135 1.02 120 0.91 15 0.11 95 0.72 - - 25 0.19 132 0.55 541 2.26 205 0.86 176 0.73 25 0.10 96 0.40 5 0.02 80 0.33 166 0.09 1,061 0.59 6,190 3.45 6,186 3.45 5 0.09 3,200 1.79 2,985 1.66 13 0.03 416 1.13 1,050 2.84 1,050 2.84 - - 370 1.00 680 1.84 152 0.11 646 0.46 6,140 3.61 5.136 3.61 6 0.00 2,830 1.98 2,305 1.62 2,017 0.32 18,226 2.85 18,860 2.96 18,670 2.91 275 0.04 13,546 2.12 15 0.00 5,025 0.79 276 0.68 2,928 7.22 1,500 3.69 1,496 3.68 - - 1,250 3.08 5 0.01 245 0.60 3 0.02 292 2.41 50 0.41 45 0.37 5 0.04 40 0.33 - - 6 0.04 199 0.16 2,728 2.23 4,720 3.85 4,705 3.84 15 0.01 3.095 2.53 - - 1,610 1.31 107 0.20 756 1.46 1,815 3.47 1,805 3.45 10 0.02 1,206 2.30 - 600 1.15 292 0.19 2,683 1.70 4,530 2.87 4,465 2.83 60 0.04 3,280 2.08 5 0.00 1,185 0.75 116 0.20 668 1.49 966 2.12 950 2.11 5 0.01 710 1.58 - - 240 0.53 64 0.16 921 2.30 1,050 2.62 1,ooO 2.50 50 0.12 820 2.05 - 180 0.46 328 0.33 2,608 2.5Q 2,530 2.51 2,445 2.43 85 0.03 1,875 1.86 - 570 0.67 369 0.97 1,336 3.51 1,070 2.81 1,036 2.72 30 0.08 855 2.25 5 0.01 180 0.47 196 1.05 1,932 10.44 375 2.02 365 1.97 10 0.05 265 1.43 - - 100 0.64 68 0.59 1,374 11.85 266 2.28 260 2.24 5 0.04 150 1.2Q - - 110 0.95 188 0.07 2,222 0.77 6,950 2.06 5,875 2.03 50 0.02 4,220 1.46 26 0.01 1,655 0.57 103 0.09 371 0.33 1,920 1.68 1,905 1.67 - - 1,476 1.29 15 0.01 430 0.38 80 0.06 1,691 1.10 3,465 2.26 3,405 2.22 50 0.03 2,490 1.62 10 0.01 915 0.60 5 0.02 160 0.74 565 2.61 565 2.61 - 255 1.18 310 1.43 6,922 0.16 28,346 0.67 70.010 1.65 61,740 1.46 7,825 0.18 47,680 1.13 44s 0.01 14,fMO 0.33 6,059 0.13 16,030 0.41 64,190 1.62 56,465 1.43 7,325 0.18 43,480 1.10 400 0.01 12,985 0.33 10 0.01 229 0.21 3.560 3.34 3.540 3.32 16 0.01 2,230 2.09 5 0.01 1,310 1.23 25 0.08 QO 0.30 930 3.09 920 3.05 5 0.02 ‘705 2.34 5 0.02 215 0.71 65 0.13 136 0.26 950 1.86 920 1.79 25 0.05 705 1.37 5 0.01 215 0.42 131 TABLE B-7.--U& Army rcgimsnts and rsgirntial combat teams, bu Killed in x% N”iP Total hit a&ion Tsatical operation Arrdiy’ Regi- Mean regi- ment strength - ments daYS Number Rateu Number Rater VI.
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