Report on an unannounced inspection of HMP Erlestoke by HM Chief Inspector of Prisons 26–27 June, 3–7 July 2017 This inspection was carried out with assistance from colleagues at the General Pharmaceutical Council and in partnership with the following bodies: Crown copyright 2017 This publication, excluding logos, is licensed under the terms of the Open Government Licence v3.0 except where otherwise stated. To view this licence, visit nationalarchives.gov.uk/doc/open-government-licence/version/3 or write to the Information Policy Team, The National Archives, Kew, London TW9 4DU, or email: [email protected]. Where we have identified any third party copyright information you will need to obtain permission from the copyright holders concerned. Any enquiries regarding this publication should be sent to us at the address below or: [email protected] This publication is available for download at: http://www.justiceinspectorates.gov.uk/hmiprisons/ Printed and published by: Her Majesty’s Inspectorate of Prisons Victory House 6th floor 30–34 Kingsway London WC2B 6EX England 2 HMP Erlestoke Contents Contents Introduction 5 Fact page 7 About this inspection and report 9 Summary 11 Section 1. Safety 19 Section 2. Respect 29 Section 3. Purposeful activity 41 Section 4. Resettlement 49 Section 5. Summary of recommendations and good practice 59 Section 6. Appendices 65 Appendix I: Inspection team 65 Appendix II: Progress on recommendations from the last report 67 Appendix III: Photographs 73 Appendix IV: Prison population profile 77 Appendix V: Summary of prisoner questionnaires and interviews 81 HMP Erlestoke 3 Contents Glossary of terms We try to make our reports as clear as possible, but if you find terms that you do not know, please see the glossary in our ‘Guide for writing inspection reports’ on our website at: http://www.justiceinspectorates.gov.uk/hmiprisons/about-our-inspections/ 4 HMP Erlestoke Introduction Introduction HMP Erlestoke is a category C training prison in Wiltshire that holds just over 500 adult male prisoners. The vast majority of those held were serving lengthy sentences, often for serious offences, and nearly half were serving indeterminate or life sentences. Despite this, the prison did release about 10 prisoners a month, although the fact that it was not a designated resettlement prison limited the resources that could be allocated to support this aspect of the prison’s work. It had been four years since we last visited Erlestoke. When we inspected the prison on this occasion, our findings were a disappointment. Deterioration was clearly evident and outcomes were now judged to be insufficiently good in three of our four tests of a healthy prison. Safety in the prison was not good enough. Most prisoners suggested to us they felt safe but violence had increased and more of it was serious. Much of the violence and bullying that did exist was, in our view, linked to a significant drug problem, and yet the prison lacked an effective drug strategy. Work to confront and reduce violence was weak and uncoordinated, and staff confidence and competence in ensuring reasonable challenge and supervision needed improvement. Staff-prisoner relationships were superficially positive and staff were very busy, but rules and boundaries were not supervised with sufficient rigour. Incidents of prisoners self-harming had doubled since we last inspected but, while some care was provided, many aspects of the prison’s support for those in crisis were partial and inconsistent. Governance of security, use of force and segregation similarly required improvement. It was telling that upon arrival most new prisoners faced considerable stays at Erlestoke. Early days and induction arrangements provided an important opportunity to set a tone, build relationships and structure expectations concerning important work to be done by serious offenders. Yet we describe in our report the early days experience of most new arrivals as chaotic. Erlestoke remained a reasonably respectful prison. The external environment was good, although standards of accommodation varied greatly, with much in disrepair or dirty. There was a commendable use of peer support, but too much of it lacked accountable supervision. Despite the settled nature of the population, consultation with prisoners was weak. Both these criticisms represent missed opportunities. Some recent corrective action had helped improve matters but, in general, the promotion of equality was poor. Health care provision was, however, improving and prisoners were more positive about the food. During our spot checks we found 23% of prisoners locked in cell during the working day, with significant numbers of others not doing anything purposeful. Residential staff did not always know the whereabouts of their prisoners, routines were not reliable and not enough was done to address the unacceptably poor punctuality or non-attendance of those meant to be at work or training. There were sufficient activity places for most and, for those who attended, our colleagues in Ofsted judged the overall effectiveness of learning, skills and work provision to be ‘good’. The main purpose of the prison was to address the offending behaviour and reduce the risk of long- term offenders. Access to offending behaviour work was reasonably good but much offender management work was undermined by the lack of an up-to-date assessment of need or by the re- deployment of staff away from offending behaviour work. Many prisoners arrived without an up-to- date offender assessment system (OASys) assessment and public protection work had deteriorated. Resettlement work for those being released was limited. Visits arrangements were also poor. Overall, and despite our criticisms, we do report on much that was positive in the prison. The management team was relatively new and evidenced an enthusiasm to make improvements. There was a sense that with a little more organisation and consistency, and with a determination to ensure policies and rules are complied with, the prison could become much better quite quickly. Many told HMP Erlestoke 5 Introduction us of the potential they saw in the institution. Improved structures of accountability and supervision would also help in sustaining improvement. In our main recommendations we list a number of issues we consider to be priorities for the prison. These include making better arrangements for prisoners on arrival, tackling the drug problem, the better promotion of equality, and ensuring prisoners attend activity. Peter Clarke CVO OBE QPM September 2017 HM Chief Inspector of Prisons 6 HMP Erlestoke Fact page Fact page Task of the establishment Category C adult male training prison Prison status Public Region South West Number held 512 Certified normal accommodation 494 Operational capacity 524 Date of last full inspection 30 September – 11 October 2013 Brief history HMP Erlestoke was built on the former grounds of Erlestoke Manor House. The site was taken over by the then Prison Commissioners in 1960 for use as a detention centre. In 1977 it became a young prisoners’ centre, and was converted to its current role as a category C adult male training prison in 1988. Life-sentenced prisoners were first received in the 1990s. Short description of residential units Marlborough - 60-bed induction unit Alfred, Wessex and Silbury - hold up to 288 prisoners of all regime levels Avebury, Imber, Kennet and Sarum - hold up to 176 enhanced level prisoners Care and separation unit - eight single cells and one special accommodation cell. Name of governor Chris Simpson (acting governor) Escort contractor GEOAmey Health service provider Inspire Better Health Learning and skills provider Weston College Independent Monitoring Board chair Sheila Kimmins HMP Erlestoke 7 Fact page 8 HMP Erlestoke About this inspection and report About this inspection and report A1 Her Majesty’s Inspectorate of Prisons is an independent, statutory organisation which reports on the treatment and conditions of those detained in prisons, young offender institutions, secure training centres, immigration detention facilities, police and court custody and military detention. A2 All inspections carried out by HM Inspectorate of Prisons contribute to the UK’s response to its international obligations under the Optional Protocol to the UN Convention against Torture and other Cruel, Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishment (OPCAT). OPCAT requires that all places of detention are visited regularly by independent bodies – known as the National Preventive Mechanism (NPM) – which monitor the treatment of and conditions for detainees. HM Inspectorate of Prisons is one of several bodies making up the NPM in the UK. A3 All Inspectorate of Prisons reports carry a summary of the conditions and treatment of prisoners, based on the four tests of a healthy prison that were first introduced in this inspectorate’s thematic review Suicide is everyone’s concern, published in 1999. The tests are: Safety prisoners, particularly the most vulnerable, are held safely Respect prisoners are treated with respect for their human dignity Purposeful activity prisoners are able, and expected, to engage in activity that is likely to benefit them Resettlement prisoners are prepared for their release into the community and effectively helped to reduce the likelihood of reoffending. A4 Under each test, we make an assessment of outcomes for prisoners and therefore of the establishment's overall performance against the test. There are four
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