List of affected pattadars for direct purchase of land for land for consruction/expansion of National Highway No. 102(39) from Lilong Bridge Village No. 28 - Thoubal Achouba Sheet No. 4 Sl. Name of the affected pattadars Patta No. Dag No. Affected Land Standing Standing Total Classif- No. area (in Value properties properties Amount ication hect) without with solatium solatium 1 i) Rajkumari (N) Dhanisana Devi D/o (L) 358 3080 0.0061 787890 1463180 2926360 3714250 Ingkhol Sanatomba Singh of Thoubal Achouba ii)R.K. Ghandhishana Singh S/o (L) Sanatomba Singh of Thoubal Achouba iii) R.K. Joychandra Singh S/o (L) Sanatomba Singh of Thoubal Achouba iv) R.K. Dorensana Singh S/o (L) Sanatomba Sing of Thoubal Achouba 1(A) i) R.K. (N) Dhanisana Devi D/o (L) 873 3079 0.0108 1394953 0 0 1394953 Ingkhol Sanatomba Singh of Thoubal Achouba ii) R.K. Ghandhishana Singh S/o (L) Sanatomba Singh of Thoubal Achouba iii) R.K. Joychandra Singh S/o (L) Sanatomba Singh of Thoubal Achouba iv) R.K. Dorensana Singh S/o (L) Sanatomba Sing of Thoubal Achouba 2 Waikhom (O) Sakhitombi Devi W/o (L) 872 3077 0.0079 1020383 1394028 2788056 3808439 Ingkhol Biren Singh ii) Waikhom Netrajit Singh S/o (L) Mani Singh of Thoubal Bazar 3 i) Akoijam Priyokumar Singh S/o (L) 1029 3075 0.0050 645812 1135540 2271080 2916892 Ingkhol Ibomcha Singh ii) Akoijam Pratap Singh S/o (L) Ibomcha Singh of Thoubal Bazar 4 i) Akoijam Gandhi Singh S/o (L) Ibochouba 50 3174 0.0055 710393 637337 1274674 1985067 Ingkhol Singh ii) Akoijam Ranjit Singh S/o (L) Ibochouba Singh iii) Akoijam Mocha Singh S/o (L) Ibochouba Singh iv) Akoijam Opendro Singh S/o (L) Ibochouba Singh of Thoubal Bazar 5 i) Leitanthem Jiten Singh S/o (L) Ibopishak 613 3082 0.0072 929969 1479066 2958132 3888101 Ingkhol Singh of Thoubal Achouba ii) L. Bishworjit Singh S/o (L) -do- iii) L. Gopeshwor Singh S/o (L) -do- 6 Leitanthem Deven Singh S/o Ibobi Singh of 614/1288/2 3084 /3377 0.0018 232492 0 0 232492 Ingkhol Thoubal Bazar 243 7 Leitanthem (O) Asem Priyolata Devi W/o (L) 1288/2243 3084/ 0.0018 232492 296576 593152 825644 Ingkhol Neta Singh of Thoubal Bazar 3377/3084/ 3378 8 i) Leitanthem (N) Bimo Devi D/o Ibobi Singh 614/1288/2 3084/ 3380 0.0018 232492 297029 594058 826550 Ingkhol of Thoubal Bazar ii) Leitanthem (N) 245 Ibeyaimbi Devi D/o Ibobi Singh of Thoubal Bazar iii) Leitanthem (N) Ibemcha Devi D/o Ibobi Singh of Thoubal Bazar iv) Leitanthem (N) Sunibala Devi D/o Ibobi Singh of Thoubal Bazar 9 Leitanthem Sunil Singh S/o Ibobi Singh of 614/1288 3084 0.0018 232492 0 0 232492 Ingkhol Thoubal Bazar 10 Leitanthem Dinendra Singh S/o Tomba 614/1289 3085 0.0082 1059131 469908 939816 1998947 Ingkhol Singh of Thoubal Bazar 11 Leitanthem Noren Singh S/o Maibam 1084964 1932193 3864386 4949350 1290/2631 3086 0.0084 Ingkhol Mohon Singh of Thoubal Bazar 0.0663 8563463 9104857 18209714 26773177 Village No. 28 - Thoubal Achouba (Sheet No. 5) Sl. Name of the affected pattadars Patta No. Dag No. Affected Land Standing Standing Total Classif- No. area (in Value properties properties Amount ication hect) without with solatium solatium 1 Mainam (O) Vanu Devi D/o Kumar Singh of 515/2263 4323/5118 0.0009 116246 1217247 2434494 2550740 Ingkhol Thoubal Melaground 2 i) Kshetrimayum Anil Ssingh S/o Manglem 181/1252 4333/4658 0.0030 387487 404976 809952 1197439 Ingkhol Singh of Yairipok Angtha ii) Ksh. Supriya Devi D/o Manglem Singh of -do- iii) Surma Devi D/o -do- 3 Konsam (N) Subita Devi W/o Th. Udhop 181/1253 4333/4659 0.0030 387487 1432969 2865938 3253425 Ingkhol Singh of Keishampat 4 Konsam (N) Bimola Devi D/o N. Ibomcha 1254/181 4333/4660 0.0030 387487 1292902 2585804 2973291 Ingkhol Singh of Keishampat 5 Konsam Maikel Singh S/o (L) Gulap Singh 181 4333 0.0303 3913619 4459325 8918650 12832269 Ingkhol of Thoubal Achouba 6 Konsam Saratchandra Singh S/o Mitugulap 182 4334 0.0273 3526132 5086527 10173054 13699186 Ingkhol Singh of Thoubal Achouba 7 Hodam Sarat Singh S/o (L) Achou Singh of 1099 4335 0.0105 1356205 1329757 2659514 4015719 Ingkhol Thoubal Achouba 8 Hodam Premkumar Singh S/o (L) Achou 2271/1099 4335/5121 0.0105 1356205 782376 1564752 2920957 Ingkhol Singh of Thoubal Achouba 9 Sanjarambam (N) Takhellambam (O) 2595/7 4388/5259 0.0116 1498283 1587097 3174194 4672477 Ingkhol Santibala Devi W/o Ibotombi Singh of Melaground 10 Ningombam gojendro Singh S/o Ibomcha 7/1200/171 4628/4844 0.0040 516649 0 0 516649 Ingkhol Singh of Thoubal Ningombam 9 11 Rameshwori Lousambam S/o Chandra 7/1200 4628/4388 0.0032 413319 0 0 413319 Ingkhol Singh of Khurai Sajol Leikai Imphal East 12 Akoijam (O) RK Lembisana Devi W/o 1200/1839 4628/4904 0.0032 413319 0 0 413319 Ingkhol Debachand Singh of Athokpam Makha Leikai 13 Rk. Yaiskul Singh S/o (L) Muktasana Singh 536 4389 0.0034 439152 13475 26950 466102 Ingkhol of Thoubal Achouba 14 Irom Tomba Singh S/o (L) Chandrahas 536/1300 4389/4689 0.0034 439152 0 0 439152 Ingkhol Singh of Thoubal Achouba 15 Rk Muktasana Educational Institution 536/1301 4389/4690 0.0034 439152 0 0 439152 Ingkhol Thoubal Secretary Rajkumar Noren Singh of Thoubal 16 Koijam Joy Singh S/o Chaoba Singh 12/169 4392 0.0328 4236525 0 0 4236525 Ingkhol Singjamei 17 Koijam Joy Singh S/o Chaoba Singh of 12/169 4394 0.0217 2802823 0 0 2802823 Ingkhol Singjamei 18 Leitanthem Rajen Singh S/o Muhol Singh of 1190/2660 4624/5285 0.0028 361655 0 0 361655 Ingkhol Thoubal Bazar 19 Leitanthem Kumar Singh S/o Muhol Singh 1190/1661 4624/5286 0.0028 361655 0 0 361655 Ingkhol of Thoubal Bazar 20 Leitanthem Noren Singh S/o Muhol Singh of 1190/2662 4624/5287 0.0028 361655 3002821 6005642 6367297 Ingkhol Thobal Bazar 21 Leitanthem Biramani Singh S/o Muhol 1190 4624 0.0028 361655 0 0 361655 Ingkhol Singh of Thoubal Bazar 22 i) Soibam Tampha Devi W/o (L) Iboyaima 1182 4460 0.0313 0 75198 150396 150396 Ingkhol Singh ii) Mohindro Singh S/o (L) Omor Singh iii) Monendro Singh S/o (L) Omor Singh iv) S. Anandkumar Singh S/o (L) Iboyaima Singh of Thoubal Melaground 23 Thoubal GP Level Multipurpose Co 346 4447 0.0800 10332987 0 0 10332987 Ingkhol operative Society Ltd. 24 Wikhom Kuber Singh S/o (L) Naral Singh of 1192/1565 4417/4787 0 306602 613204 613204 Thoubal Achouba 25 Leitanthem Basanta Singh S/o Tomba 35211 70422 70422 Singh of Thoubal Achouba 26 Kshetrimayum Manglem Singh S/o Madhop 1299/1000/ 4688/4689/ 0.0040 516649 203768 407536 924185 Ingkhol Singh of Thoubal Achouba 1602 4795 27 Soibam Kuber Singh S/o Mohen Singh of 970/1543 4091/4778 0.0041 529566 0 0 529566 Thoubal Achouba 0.3058 35455063 21230251 42460502 77915565 Village No. 28 - Thoubal Achouba (Sheet No. 6) Sl. Name of the affected pattadars Patta No. Dag No. Affected Land Standing Standing Total Classif- No. area (in Value properties properties Amount ication hect) without with solatium solatium 1 Thongram Shyamkumar singh S/o Amu 322 5204 0.0066 852471 1325326 2650652 3503123 Ingkhol Singh of Athokpam Awang Leikai 2 Thongram Priyokumar Singh S/o Amu 322/2110 5204/5265 0.0066 852471 51477 102954 955425 Ingkhol Singh of Athokpam Awang Leikai 3 i) Thongam Dorendro Singh S/o Munal 313 5208 0.0040 516649 919959 1839918 2356567 Ingkhol Singh of Athokpam Awang Leikai ii) Thongam Santa Singh S/o Munal Singh of Athokpam Awang Leikai 4 Thongam Raghumani Singh S/o (L) Bijoy 311 5213 0.0028 361655 1079397 2158794 2520449 Ingkhol Singh of Athokpam ii) Thongam Ibocha Singh S/o (L) Bijoy of -do- iii) Thongam Binodkumar Singh S/o (L) Bijoy of -do- iv) Thongam Tomba Singh S/o (L) Bijoy of -do- v) Thongam Deven Singh S/o (L) Bijoy Singh of -do- 5 Wangkhem Mohen Singh S/o (L) Gokul 496 5203 0.0012 154995 0 0 154995 Ingkhol Singh of Athopam Awang Leikai 6 Haobam Sanatomba Singh S/o H. 151/253 5202 0.0016 206660 245972 491944 698604 Phourel Surendrakumar Singh of Yaiskul Chingakham Imphal West 0.0228 2944901 3622131 7244262 10189163 Village No. 28 - Thoubal Achouba (Sheet No. 7) Sl. Name of the affected pattadars Patta No. Dag No. Affected Land Standing Standing Total Classif- No. area (in Value properties properties Amount ication hect) without with solatium solatium 1 Khaidem Muhindro Singh S/o Khaidem 203/2146 6181/6299 0.0060 774974 664843 1329686 2104660 Ingkhol Kullachandra Singh of Athokpam Awang 2 Khaidem Kullachandra Singh S/o (L) Gopan 203 6181 0.0030 387487 340625 681250 1068737 Ingkhol Singh of Athokpam Awang 3 Thoubal District Congress Committee 347 6180 0.0208 2686577 0 0 2686577 Ingkhol 4 Department of Social Welare Trust and 269 6177 0.0309 3991116 0 0 3991116 Ingkhol Culture 0.0607 7840154 1005468 2010936 9851090 List of affected pattadars for direct purchase of land for land for consruction/expansion of National Highway No. 102(39) from Lilong Bridge to Pallel. 32-Athokpam Sheet No. 4 Sl. Name of the affected pattadars Patta No. Dag No. Affected Land Standing Standing Total Classif- No. area (in Value properties properties Amount ication hect) without with solatium solatium 1 Athokpam Suba Chandra S/o Babudhon 152 3009 0.0015 173723 206287 412574 586297 Ingkhol Singh of Athokpam Awang Leikai 2 Athokpam Jiban Singh S/o Manaoton Singh 2048/2069 3010/3933 0.0045 521170 595430 1190860 1712030 Ingkhol of Athokpam Awang Leikai 3 Athokpam Amumacha Singh S/o (L) 153/2048 3010 0.0045 521170 422149 844298 1365468 Ingkhol Anganghal Singh of Athokpam Awang Leikai 4 Surjit Changam Mayaum /o Amu Singh of 465 3011 0.0020 231631 195161 390322 621953 Ingkhol Athokpam Awang Leikai Okram (O) Shanti Devi W/o Okram Bhudhi 465/1616 3011/3730 0 413132 826264 826264 Singh of Okram Wangmataba 5 Thongam Manihar Singh S/o (L) Bihari 153/1198 3012 0.0012 138979 400012 800024 939003 Ingkhol Singh of Athokpam Awang Leikai
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