\ SVOLUME44. No 19. South Amboy, N. J., Friday, August 1, 1924 PRINTS OBTAINED BY POLICE EXCURSION OF ST. MARY'S P MAY LEAD TO ARRESTS IN ROBBERY SOUTH AMBOYANS YOU KNOW LEAVE FROM THIS CITY In the sixteen years since he became a house contractor in Suspicions Directed Against Local Characters In Robbery this city, John J. Ryan, introduced to our readers this week in Had Previously Planned to Leave From Pe "South Amboyans You Know", has averaged the completion of at Home of Mrs. John Oliier on Main street—Entire seven dwellings a year, in addition to three schools and numerous Sail Up The Hudeon River and Back to House Found To Be Ransacked Upon Investigation— small jobs. Boat Will Leave Here at 9:30 A. M.—] Born on Augusta street July 27th, 1877, "Johnnie", as he is Wedding Presents Taken. affectionately known to his many friends, is a real "native". Edu- Excursionists Four Hours at Coney Islan cated in the St. Mury's Parochial and Public Schools, of this city, r Chief of Police Thomas Gleason at thirteen years of age, he began work at the modeling trade in ' Next Wednesday, according to prefl has nearly completed his investigation | MOTORCYCLE OFFICER the "Old Terra Cotta" plant in Perth Amboy. After a year and sent indications, this city, will be \ll of the robbery at the home of Mrs.. a half at puddling clay, he entered the pattern shop and remained SUCH CLAY CO. but de-populated for the day an John Oliver, of 211 Main street, some for two and a half years more. Then, after narrowly escaping evening. The rey.on is the excur time late last week.. It is expected ENJOYS FAST RIDE becoming a "grocer", he started in carpenter work and has found MEN ON STRIKE sion of St. Mary's KS&aP the Hud- that there will be several suspects In response to a telephone message that work so much to his liking that he has remained at it ever Most of the laborers employed by son River and then to | placed under arrest within a few days fro.m the Keyport police authorities, since. For fourteen years he worked as a carpenter, and he can on the "Sirus" of the Iron St as the result of linger print compari- the Such Clay Company went on Sergeant Ryan detailed Motorcycle still be seen handling a saw or plane ulongsidc his workmen al- strike, or quit their jobs, before be Company. The boat will leave'here sons made by Chief Gleason and his Officer McCormack to apprehend most any day. at 0:30 A. M., and after a'Mil up force. Suspicion is directed at more ginning work this morning as a pro moving van just shortly. after dark In 1002, Miss Mary M. the Hudson as far as time will, per- ,"th*n one local character and speci- test againBt a reduction of five cents last night. The truck was wanted for Farrell became his bride mit, will return so as to land the bs of the finger prints of several an hour in their wages, which reduc- being mixed up in an automobile ac- end the family, which now tion became effective today. The men passengers at Coney Island at two have been taken. cident near Keyport. The motorcycli includes one son, who o'clock. For the return trip the boat Th«j robbery\was discovered on hud been getting fifty-five cents an officer recalled having noticed a van bears his name, make hour and working nine hours a day will leave Coney Island at 6:15 P. M. Sunfly evening by Mrs. Oliver when answering the general description of their home at 260 David Late this week arrangements we»^ she returned home from a visit with but were told this morning that they the wanted truck passing through a street, in what is recog- completed whereby the boat wi^j iesVf her daughter at Craniord, where she could go to work for either eight or little while before arid mounting hi nized as one of the most frof m thfiJE^ryisylvanihJE^li a RilRailr^^a(j coa|. had gone'the proceeding Wednesday. nine hours but that the basic rate machine made a quick run down the beautiful homes in South would remain at fifty cents. The no- docks here, the^rrUflgTments having; * Immediately upon discovering that Pennsylvania right of way, dodging in Amboy. been made chiefly through the kind- her home was disordered and had evi- tice regarding the reduction was post- and out of the lines of cars at con Mr. Ryan built the pub- ed yesterday. Only a few went to ness of Mr. G. W. Crnne^ghippims -r dently been ransacked, she telephon- siderable risk of his own safety, and Agent at the local piers. As a result ed the police and "Chief Gleason, who lic schools at Cheese- work this morning but it is expected succeeded in catching up with th quake, Old Bridge, and that they will all report on Monday will be saved the trouble of traveling , 'happened to be at the City Hall, went truck near this end of the" Stnt,c Jamesburg nnd is at pre- morning. No trouble is anticipated. of this arrangement the excursionists in person to make the preliminary in- bridge. The truck proved to be the sent pushing as rapidly as to and from Perth Amboy in order, r-'vestigation. one wanted by the Keyport police al- he can the construction of to get on board of the boat. The- " The'investigation brought out that though the driver disclaimed rcsponsi the firehouse on Broad- excursion was advertised previously- the intruders had been very well ac- bility for any accident while admit- way. Just now he has six LOCAL MAN as leaving from Perth Amboy but the- quainted with the neighborhood as ting that he had seen it. The van was homes in the process of arrangement was hardly as satisfac- well ai the,household and were well 'owned by E. E, Leuch, of Montclair completion and averages DECLARED INSANE tory as was desired^iso efforts were •atfare of the fact that they were un- continued toward getting a landing - and driven by Clarence A. Williams, ten to twelve workmen on Upon complaint of relatives, An' likely to be disturbed. Practically place in this city. The change in plans of 133 Glen Riddge aveneue, Mont- his payroll the year a- drew Kubisiak, of Louisa street, was every closet in the entire house had is a most welcome one to many here,.. chiir. round. His business aver- removed to the Trenton institution been ransacked and something taken John J. Ryan particularly to mothers who wanted'; Motorcycle Officer McCormack ac ages Borne sixty thousand for the insane on Wednesday of this from them all. The police are of the to go for the trip up the Hudsjm-o^""~* compRhied the truck to the City Hal week. The committment was made 'opinion that there was a woman with dollars per year in turnover and most of the houses he builds cost to see Coney Island once jnore, but here and Sergeant Ryan notified the upon the recommendations of Drs. the thieves on account of the fact in the neighborhood of $C,600. The same kind of a house, he who hesitated at the thoughts of hav- Keyport police of the apprehension of E. A. Meacham and E. H. Eulner, that while a number of valuable says, he could build for about $3,200 when he first entered the ing drooping little heads on their the truck. Officer Cwoard, of Key- who made examinations of the pa- gowns were, taken, those taken were contracting business in 1908. About two-thirds of his work has hands attempting to get home via port, arrived in due course and took tient on Wednesday afternoon. of the latest mode of fashion where- been done in this city. bus from across the river. The boat the truck and its driver back to Key- ms a number of others of equal or Mr. Ryan's hobby is blue rock shooting and he has become Kubisiak was for years a crossing will stop at Perth Amboy at 10:00 a. port for appearance before the police or greater value originally, but now quite proficient at it. He can nverage breaking about eighty-five watchman for the Raritan River Rail- m. on the up-river trip and also touch- court of that place. "a little old and 'consequently not so out of a hundred of the clay birds. He aims as a possible perfect road and later at the Pine avenue there on the homeward trip before- stylish were left untouched. This score, and expects eume day when unusually lucky, to attain his crossing. He has, however, been making the final landing at the coali unable to work for a long time. ' suspicion is also borne out further ambition. Of late, "Johnnie's" score has fallen off occasionally, dock here. •"•*,; Early this week, the patient had by }he fact ' that - the dress- COMPLAINS OF and he explains this as being the result of breaking in "the boy" another of the attacks that have been The excursion bids fair to be a es Jakeniwith,the.loot were selected at the pigeon-breaking game, occuring with more frequency of very successful venture and tickets from Smong several closets,' each of ACTION OF Mr. Ryan expresses himself very positively optimistically as late, and this time the attack became are going fast at the innovated re- which contained other gowns and Chief of Police Gleason is in re to the future of this city, but forsees no material decrease in building costs.
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