r-- NEXT WEEK'S MAILS Unices you register' you cannot From The Coast Siberia Mnru, 11; Mntso'nla, Sept. 14; vote, Registration' will close Sep- Sept. Sheridan, Sept. IB. tember 15. Don't delay' longer. En-- ' roll as 'a voter now; To The Coast Wllhelmlna, Sept. 15; Nile, Sept. 16; Lurllne, Sept 18. 2 1st YEAR NO. 1069. WAIIvUKU, MAUI COUNTY, HAWAII, FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 10, 1920. PRICE 7 CENTS Baldwin National Public Schools Will Open Monday With Make Half A Thousand C. of C. Solidly Prisoners Changes Rumored Women Registered Practically Full Teaching Staff And For Wharf Bonds Escape From Jail Up to of business yes- Report Says Bank Will Secure Ter- tho close Grammar And High Is Select School "Resolved that the Maul Cham- Three Territorial Convicts And County terday afternoon there had been ber of Commerco do go on record ritorial Charter Open Branches Prisoner Ssalc Wall, and 510 registrations of women filed in as heartily In favor of and back- Burglarize In Various Parts of Maui, Expand- the offico ot tho county clork. It ing to the limit tho Mala Wharf House And One Appropriates An was estimated there should School open Monday Clan-ton- , ing Business. that will with Marie McDonald, Miss Catherine project and to do what can be Automobile. be registered about 2300 male vo- practically a full teaching staff in Mies Edith M. Stalley, Miss Ger- done for the sale of tho bonds ne- ters and Clerk William F. Kaae chrage of the Maui schools. Maul trude Wlldung, .Mrs. Florence V. cessary to carry out the project." Baldwin National Bank will change Four prisoners, threo considered that good progress is Grammar and High School Is named Root, Miss Amelia iSIaudt, Miss Janet The foregoing resolution was territorial its- charter so as to operate under convicts and ono serving a years' Jail being made but urged no let up In as one of the select schools of tho Is- Slaudt, W. Kan, Miss Phocbo Wilcox, passed at tho meeting yesterday territorial laws instead of as a na- now sentence, made their escape from the ' the enrolling of tho voters. lands, that Is a school where English 1 tp be announced later. afternoon following reports on thu tional bank,' is-- the report which ban Walluku jail Monday evening, throu After today there remain only speaking by prospective scholars Is subject. Tho president of one of vbeon heard (his week. It Is said the Keahua Miss Evelyn D. Whit- of them burglarized the room of Mr. four days for registration and one one of tho essential qualifications for man, Miss Wini- the large Honolulu concerns that directors will meet tomorrow to take Rebecca Tseu, Miss and Mrs. D. W. Chilson at tho Alex- of those days is a half holiday. admission but that will make little has been approached to assist In final action on the proposal. D. C. fred Watson, Miss Flora Low, 1 to ander House Settlement residence, , Numbers of blanks that were sent difference in the conduct of the school nu. the project Is away. Directors of Lindsay, cashier of the bank-- yester- and one of them stole an automobllo out are thought to Lave been filled and will not entail extra charges for another concern were reported as day declined to confirm the report, Pala Miss Mary E. Fleming, Mrs. and made his way to Lahaina. Three In and sworn to but not yet return- tuition as It had been rumored such favorably Inclined. Pending replies mee'.-in- g Violet W. Lee, Mrs. C. do L. Andrade, but admitted there would be a ed to tho county clerk. change might of the escapes havo been captured entail. John Gonsalves, from both concerns action looking of the directors tomorrow. Of tho' 510 to register 122 are In Miss LoiMurdoch, and about half of tho loot recovered. The naming of select schools was Miss Rita Rosecrans, Miss German, to selling at remaining bonds was Coupled with the report of an Im- the Walluku district. The men, ono by one, scaled the wall agitation, In postponed to next regular meeting pending change were other reports the result of Honolulu for Miss German, Miss McConnell, Miss of the Jail and made their get away. setting aside ot certain schools for Avery, Miss Long, or to a special meeting with the prdWv that It is planned to considerably en- Ellen JuliyE. Miss Masa Okamura, said to have a children of English speaking families M. Gladys subject referred to the standing large the operations Of the bank and Sarah Schurcr.YMlss St vious criminal record that included only. Ability In English speaking by Mala Wharf committee of which that several branch banks are to be TelephoneR ates Charles, Miss LurenffH. Cooke, Miss seven jail breaks, was the leader of pupils, however, Is the requisite for Arthur W. Collins is chairman. an-oth- Martha Burke, Arthur Fook Wan, the party. The other two territorial established, one in Wp.lluku and in ability of Maui Up To Commission admission under the modifilcd ar- Miss Maude Nevlls. Confidence the prisoners were Eduardo Aliclo and at Lahaina with possibly others to take up the requisite bonds was rangement. Makawao M. Eddy,-Mrs- . Fernando Marcello. Tomas Rodrigues, at Pala, Haiku and Hana. John John expressed. M. Eddy, S. Medetrosf'Mrs. E. K. a Porto Rlcan, waB tho county pris Another report which had been cir- Telephone rates came In for a D. C. Lindsay of the board of, pub- A. Abreu, Miss Miss oner who has a record of threo for culated to the effect that the Bald- brief consideration at tho meeting of lic Instruction returned Wednesday Rose TanrYau, En Axfjo, Mur- mer breaks. win Bank was to be absorbed by the the Chamber of Commerce yesterday. night from tho meeting in Honolulu Kyau Yap, Manuel Miss H. phy, Miss Clfesson. Two Little Boys Hide In Mango Tree Bank of-- Bishop & Co., and to be run No copy of the report of tho commit- bringing with him a list of the Maul Grace According to the story told by the nsl the Maul branch of the Honolulu tee named to conduct matters with assignments. The list which follows, Kealahou J. Vlncent.-'Mrs- . J. Vin- Drown recaptured prisoners, tl.reo of them listitution, Mr. Lindsay denied. the utilities board was at hand ail he said, was subject to a few changes cent, Ah Lung Lau,-- ' Manuel Carvalho. at Haiku copies of the statement of the case may be made and to tho scaled tho wall one at a time, each Under the federal law 2 opera-ion- s wfylch later Keokea David "Capohaklmohewa, having gone to V ..uAtt-j- . Joaquin of a few vacancies: boys ten years concealing himself In a mango tre-- ; of a national bar-nr- e restricl-- d ig Mrs. Julia Kapohaklmohewa, Mrs. Two little of six and Garcia, nearby to await tho arrival of tho very much mo , than are the in thf.ausence of tho other and Grammar H. V. Annie Ah Sam. met death yesterday afternoon in a two membei of the committee, re "sh pond road In Haiku. others. Rodrigues did not join tho of te Xorlal banks and one Tolllday, Edna M. Ward, Kula Sanitarium Miss E. K. Na-- not far from the ported verbally. The children were Ernest de Ponto others and did not participate in the PJsuch resl.ifi.lons prevents the 5 --ij nil, Miss Agnes Moe, mau. burglarizing that followed. lie was To utilities board the committee and William Fernandez and they, had branch Institutions. Ter- J.ss Gladys Payne, .,.'s Marjorio Hamakuapoko Mrs.L. V. Boyum, captured Tuesday afternoon at Camp had protested against toll rates for gone Into the muddy pool for a bath. ritorial banking houses, also, have hlllips. MIsr Margart J. Neary, Miss Miss Rita York. MissAnna P. Dalen. Ono nurse's beach house which he had central Maui as excessive, uncalled A peculiar circumstance, It Is report- t?PPU to them a wider scope of busi- Mary J. Couch, MjnS. J. C. Villlers, Mrs. Walter Mrs. irflda Peterson. entered to got food. for and tending to split up and sepa- ed, was that when tho bodies of tho ness than have national banks. Thi3 Miss Anna M. Katrer, Miss fliyrtie Ulupalakua Tiring of waiting tho other threo rate that part of the Island. Figures iu. "pllle Mahalo. children were recovered and efforts Ives more credibility to the reports Huddleslon, Miss Mary M. Dolliver, proceeded to tho Chilson homo. Mr. 'be vari- on a flat rate as suggested by the com Makcna R. L. Ogelvle. made to resuscitate them, no water, .hat branches will opened In 3 to be announced later. and Mrs. Chilson had gone to Puu- Mat-su- e In ous parts of tho Island with the cen- - pany were called excessive but the Kaupakalua M. A. Dear, Mrs. or practically none, was found tho Kamehameha III Benj. O. Wist, nene. The burglars sought entrance trhl bank remaining at Kahulul. commlteo favored a flat rate which Murafa, .Mrs. Mlsao Hlgaki. lungs. Mrs. Rose Mooklnt, Miss Carrie Dunn, by a ship window but abandoned that Is reported that would enable the- - company to secure Haiku Herbert A. Wade, Mrs. Oy Missing her boy the mother of one From Honolulu it Miss Mj. Dunn, Miss Lilian Whitford, plan and entered tho house through a sufficient revenue or suggested Cum Wang, Mrs. Ruby Blanchard, of tho children started in search of one of the purposes of Mr. Lindsay's Miss Elsie Crcwell, Miss Lily Apo, i rear door they found unlocked.
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