■» 8 FRIDAY, OCTOBER 18.1®** PAGE TWENTY-FOUB The W eather *”Terc*‘£ r'‘"» roiweeet of U. a. WosOm Bb Ootober 8, lt8S ■unay, breoey, aSM 8i SunMt lUbekah Lodffe wiH oleer, ooelev 8 a a l|]il wMh tew meet and entertain state of­ fuare Dancers Sm out choice gcloctloB of * 14,452 About Town Manchester Man Accused 8*> ficers of Rsbskah Asssmhiy Macs, Cortlhnds, Roi A ^ b e r of the AikUt near 48) memjf ead Oub'^ok 144 will m«et to­ Monday at 8 p.m. at Odd Fel­ [ost Visitors UanxMi of OlrouUtloa nwrrow, Ugk near ie> . night at 7 at KMney S4. School lows Hall. Offlcsrs ars remind­ Of Robbing Wealthy Uncle doos. GniTcintcliw JlitmdtMUr^A City of Village Charm TIm MaaohacUr SquaM Dance ed to wear eddte gw*"*- Hh*- wlM. Also; Tom of Th« execuUva oommlttea ot Olub WiU ba hoat to a group ot Richard R. Oankm, >7, ot 141*hla houaa on the antata. Bailey Nonnie Hlldlng will head a rs« up to 98 11». 6m I»* CoW SwMt MANCHESTER, CONN., SATURDAY, OCTOBER 16, 1965 (OlMrifted ASvortlriag on Pago 11) Nutmaff Foreat, Tall Oe<»ani o4 freshment commlttea. 40 daaoara from the Hl-Taw Center St, Manchastsr. U aooua- told Mm ha had no money. V0L.LXXXV,N0.14 (FOURTEEN PAGER—TV SECTION) PRICE SEVEN CENTi Then Oonlon marched Bailey Labanon, wlH meat Monday at Twlrlan of Pearl RWer, N.T. at ed ot robbing Charles Oonlo.i, _ Odor. Indian Corn And 7:60 p ^ . at the Maaonlc Tam- at rifle point to the unele'e Washington Social Club will an open danoe tomorrow from t his wealthy uficle, of $30 pla have Its second annual Ladles house, Bailey entered the bouse Night Saturday, OcV M at to U p.m. at Waddell School. Wednaaday night and approaohad Oharlaa APPLE FESTIVAL SPEOAIi! Polish National Alllanca^ Orange Hall. Dancing will be The event la open to all area The nephew appeared In the Conkm. He told the elder Oonlon MoelNTOSH APFLIS ............ Orovp 1088, will meet Sunday from 8 p.m. to 1 am. TlekeU aquare dance mambera. Thonypsonvtlls seseion of circuit wttat had happened. Ih a nephew at 3 p.m. at North St. are available at the olUb or Earl Johnaton of Vemoti, chib Court 13 yesterday afternoon to waited outside, covering Bailey FINK GRAPEFRUIT.......................* ^ JJ* from members o t the dande caller, wlU eaU for aquare danc­ face the charges of robbery with With the rifle, the caretaker aald. MUSHROOMS ................. • • i r l j Thousands Demonstrate ing. He wtU b4r asatated by Mr. Wesley Memorial Methodiat committee. vldenoe, aggravated aeeautt, The uncle gdve Bailey a 130 CUQUOT CLUE SODA ...... 5 Church, lilO raiinjton Rd., Blast and Mra. RuaaeU WhlU on and unlawful dleoharga at fire­ MU. Bailey then want to give It round dancing. Hartfoi^, will have Ka second The BVench Club of Manches­ arms. Oonlon waived Ms right to to the nephew outride. The care­ NAtlVEi Caolinower. annual Apple Festival on Satur­ Mr. and MTa. Joseph Moriarty a hearing of probable cause and taker said the younger Oonlon and Yellow Beans, Spinach. ml^Eaiive, ter win meet tonight at 8 at will ba In oharga qCGdoor duty. Peppers, 8Mvoy Cabbage, A r tk h o l^ ,^ 6 WWt* day from 10 a.m, to 4 pm. at Orange Hall. TTwre will be en­ was bound over to the Hartford then tried to take Bailey with E s^ le , Com, BbeU Beans, Oreen Mt Pototoea aaa w ttie church. Apple pancakes and Mr. and Mra. Roger Morgan are Mm as-he fled. Bailey refused tertainment and refreshments. In charge of refreahmenta, aa- Qpunty Superior Court. sausages will be .served all day. Oonlon^alled to poet the |10,- and Oonlon drove away. Sweet Potatoee. Rjid WMtri Against Viet Nam Policy ALSO: Freeh Ptaeepplee, C anW w pe^PI^ Artlcfra. tor sale will Include atated by Mr. and Mrs. Joaeph Shortly after midnight State 17ie Golden Rule d u b of Morin and Mr. and Mra. Robert 000 bond aet for Ms release laM and Blue Grapee, White and P l^ O m p ^ t P o i^ ^ baked goods with apples, apples, the Tahxrttville Oongrogatlonal Auxiliary Head night and was taken to the Hart­ Trooper James Hall arrestad Florida Navel Orangee, Im po^ C hee^t^® ^ ” Morton. Boeo Peart, Honeydewa. Peralaa and Caaaba Melons. apple recipe book and handmade Church will sponiMM- a Military Mt«. EU& Dunbar of Fbotvllle, Ttcketa for the elub’a New ford State jail to await trial. Conlon on Center St. in Wind­ articles. Whist card party tonight at 8 Wts., national praaldent of the Year’s Bhre dtnnor-danoa will be Enfield police say the crime sor Locks. Oonlon had /aported- <Here*a Where Yon Meet Teur Neighbor* aM Frlendsr State News at the church, Mrs. SebasUan United Spanteh War Veteraha available or may be obtained occurred In the tollowlnf man­ ly tried to go to the apartment Major Riot Carbone of Rocky Hill will be from mwnbers of the executive ner; of a woman friend. He had Auxiliary, wlM make her offi­ Richard Conlon went to Ms abandoned Ma car knd rifla “ "THE KING featured The event Is open to cial visit to the Department of committee. Cities Ask FREE the public. .uncle’s estate at 10:80 Wednes­ aometlme before the arrest 0f Produe*!" Is Avoided Oonneotlcut tomorrow and Sun­ day night in Haaardville. The day. FARMERS PAY glJI BILLION DELIVERY The VFW Ladles Auxiliary OMAHA. Neb. — Federal and, uncle breeda and sMla horsea 40% VSE CREMATION PERO For Truce Mrs. Mary J. Mathieu of Man­ and the Stein Club will aponaor state Income taxes paid by tiie and bird dogs there. The nephew tOipON — More than 40 378 OAKLAND STREET a OPEN 7 DATS e 848-6884 In Berkley ARTHUR DRUG chester, past national president frist went with a rifle to the per cent of BrMMi funerala are a , Halloween Daiwe and Buffet of the auxIHary, wiU be hoatesa U.S. farm population In 1964 reached $1.3 bllUon. caretaker RMoeri L. Bailey at by orematlon. j In Walkout NEW YORK (AP) — Saturday from 9 p.m. to 1 a.m. to Mirs. Dunbar while she Is in at the post home. A1 Carlson’s ■ Thousands of persons pro* this area. Mrs. Otadys Ridolfl, HARTFORD (AP)—A truce In tested U.S. involvement in Orchestra will play, prliee will a mdmber, and Mrs. Gertrude the Connecticut Oo. strike and be awarded for the men's and Buchanan, president of Mary B. appointment of a committee to Viet Nam in demonstrs- SEYMOUR women's most original and fun­ Cheney Auxiliary of Manchester, InvesUgate the labor - manage­ tions Friday in more than * niest costumes. Tickets wlU be will assist Mrs. Mathieu. ment dispute were proposed Fri­ score of American cities. lAUTO STORES available at the door, from the The national president win be day by the Hartford City Coun­ More demonatratlona were 681 MAIN STREET officers of the organisations or entertained at dinner tomorrow NOW! A WHOLE NEW SERIES OF ULTRA-LUXURIOUS CHEVROLETS cil and the Greater Hartford planned for today in an organ­ OPEN TONIGHT from the post stewsupd. The event night at the Statler-BQlton Hotel, Mass Transit District. ized weekend ot proteat. 6 Is open to members and guests. In California, a major clash Haitford, as a guest of the Paat The two organiZations urged Department president’s Club. had been feared between 10,(MO Gov. John Dempsey to appoint demon.riratofs and SFpectatora tai She will be entertained Sunday a fact finding panel and seek an the largent proteat march of the by the Department of Connecti­ So I Wanted a ^Differenf Fair Souvenir . agreement from the union and day, but there waa little dteor- cut Auxiliary of Spanish War the company to resume service FLETCHER GUSS GO • OF MANCHESTER That’s what Donald Gingery, a Maryland construction firm president, is tell­ der. Veterans at a banquet at the ing his friends after coming home from the World’s Fair with this pair of while the panel does Its work. The demonatratoTB attempted Hotel America, Hartford. Westphalian stallions..He was high bidder on the horses, put up for sale by the Mayor William E. Glynn of a proteat march from Berkeley *When You Think of Glass, Ixiwenbrau Gardens exhibit. (AP Photofax.) Hartford sent a message to to Oakland, but they turned 16494521 Dempsey saying that while back when 3T6 Oakland pcdic#- Think of Fletcher** Three Renamed “there ia no Indication of a men barred their way. National substantial Impact on our down­ Guardsmen had been on riand- To Jury Duty town merchants. It is recogniZed by alert. 54 McKEE STREET that the strike is creating a The marchers said (hey vrould • CLOSED THURSDAY EVENINGS « Otto F. Sonniksen of 23 Wal­ Indonesian Leaders Ban hardship to many hundreds qt try agiUn today. THROUGH LABOR DAY ker St, Mra. Stanley F. Jakiel citizens, particularly those in A crowd of epectators eelt- mated at 7,000 got between the of 14 Marble St, and Miaa the low Income brackets.” marchers and police and eggs TUB ENCLOSURES & SHOWER DOORS BUeanor M. Benevento of 79 All Political Activities Airport Addition were thrown on the demoiuktra- Homestead St have been re­ tors from rooftops Jammed wHh from $25.00 l« $45.00 JAKARTA, Indonesia At least 80 persons were Jogfjakarta area of central WINDSOR LOCKS (AP) — appointed to one-year terms on Java. There was no official con­ onlookers. the town’a Jury Committee. wounded when demonstrators Temporary facilities have been (AP)—Indonesia’s highest clashed with Chinese students.
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