Instauration® o In February 1950, joe McCarthy made his famous speech about Commies in the State De­ partment. Later he also talked about the queers In keeping with Instauration's policy of anonym­o Since there are thousands of criminals and there. Both these categories were thought of at ity, most communicants will be identified by the misfits loose out there, I must get a gun to that time as security risks because they were so first three digits of their zip codes. protect myself. Certainly the police cannot pro­ open to blackmail. Soon his attacks on queers tect me. My right to life means that I have a ceased and joe concentrated on the Commie o Minority antics seem quite explicable to me. right to protect it. If it takes a gun for me to do issue. When the Republicans gained control of What I cannot fathom is the often bizarre be­ so, then I am entitled to have a gun. This is what the Senate in 1953, McCarthy became head of havior of the numerous Majority loonies in our the Constitution provides. If liberals don't want the Government Operations Committee. midst. A neighbor recently told me about her me to have a gun, then let them remove what Hearst columnist George Sokolsky recom­ grown daughter, who is easily recognized as a caused me to need one in the first place. mended Roy Cohn as his chief counsel. joe, Majority type. Her husband has blue eyes and 799 wanting to curry favor with the jews and wary red hair. They are both in their late 20s, live in a of the anti-Semitic tag (the names that were rural area and want to have a family. Judging o Water has had a lot to do with the Kennedys' coming to light all seemed to be jewish), hired from their appearance, the pair could be ex­ disasters. Teddy at Chappaquiddick and JFK, him. Cohn quickly dragged joe down with his pected to produce some decent offspring. This who was the only officer to get his PT boat, gumshoe investigations and his obnoxious be­ option was discarded in favor of the adoption which lay dead in the water, sunk by "collision" havior. In his book, The Center, Stewart Alsop process. They chose the 10-year-old daughter with a japanese destroyer. When PT boat vete­ says the reason joe dropped the queer attack is of a dead Vietnamese couple. Wading into the rans get together, they talk about this feat of that some bright researcher at the Republican bureaucratic swamp, they managed to secure seamanship. JFK's "heroism" occurred after his National Committee had read the Kinsey Re­ their new "daughter" after a considerable wait ship was sunk. No one asks how it got sunk. port and pointed out (falsely) that 10% of and the payment of nearly $10,000. But follow­ 606 American males were fruits. Sumner Welles ing a short period of family bliss, she became had been Undersecretary of State until Cordell extremely lonely for people of her own kind. Let's assume that the time is tomorrow and Hull got FOR to can him because he was a fairy. Her "parents" promptly responded by selling we now have an amendment to the Constitu­ I don't know if Welles stacked the department their farm and moving into a large city where tion permitting prayers in public schools. Ac­ with fruits, but I have heard that at one time the she could regularly attend a Vietnamese social cording to my religion, I need this big brass idol Foreign Service was very attractive to them, center. The saga continues with their new home before me when I pray, so I will have Dad take it especially such posts as Morocco. being gradually transformed into an Asian cul­ to school for me in his pickup truck on Satur­ 449 tural hall. With large numbers of Majority twits day.ln my religious devotions, I always have to such as these running loose, how can we hon­ paint my face a little and wear these crazy o It's time to say something about the pathetic estly be optimistic? robes, furry hat and noisy charms. I must also attempts of the U.S. religious right, especially 142 chime my chimes, ding a bell, rub some beads, the fundamentalist Protestants, to capture a roll a handfull of bones and burn a lot of smelly mite of the opinion-forming action in the me­ o Connie Connor, the Canadian ambassador's razorback incense while I chant at the top of my dia. The fundprots want to counter the trend wife's secretary, should have slapped back voice and dance around wildly. I have to be toward secular humanism and moral indiffer­ hard, told Mrs. Gotlieb to take her job and careful to do all of this in the right order, or it ence. With good reason, they look at the cess­ shove it, then walked out. could start raining outside or cause an earth­ pools of our great cities as the spawning ground 038 quake. It's happened! Once a'month we nor­ of immorality, but they refuse to connect trends mally sacrifice a maiden to the idol. It boosts with their behind-the-scenes makers. The my­ LJ The Aryan Nations group is now so heavily collections. We can do that at recess. The prob­ opia is illustrated in their willingness to em­ infiltrated with G-men and so completely wired lem will be to find a qualified maiden in our brace all the fluff and effluvia of "neo-conserv­ no member will be able to go to the bathroom school. You know what I mean. We may have to atism." Talk about allowing the enemy into the without the FBI knowing about it. borrow one from the kindergarten class. tent! 411 902 356 Instauration is published 12 times a year by CONTENTS Howard Allen Enterprises, Inc. Box 76, Cape Canaveral, FL 32920 Secrets of the Black Dance ......................................................... 6 Annual Subscription $25 regular (sent third class) Two Sociologists Blast Two Sociological Articles of Faith ........... 9 $15 student (sent third class) Lawbreakers Cheered, Lawkeepers Cursed by the Add $10 for first class mail $34 Canada and foreign (surface) Arizona Establishment .......................................................... 11 Add $15 Europe (air) Vacation Memories .................................................................. 14 Add $20 Elsewhere (air) Single copy price $3, plus 75rt postage Cultural Catacombs..................................................................20 Inklings .................................................................................... 22 Wilmot Robertson, Editor Notes from the Sceptred Isle .................................................... 24 Make checks payable to Howard Allen Satcom Sam Dishes It Out ........................................................28 Third class mail is not forwardable. Please advise us of any change of address Talking Numbers ......................................................................30 well in advance. Primate Watch •••••.••••••••...•••••.•.•••••.••••••••••••••••••.••••••••.••••••••••••••31 ISSN 0277-2302 Elsewhere ................................................................................. 32 © 1986 Howard Allen Enterprises, Inc. Stlrrlngs· · .................................................................................... 36 All Rights Reserved PAGE 2 --INSTAURATION -- NOVEMBER 1986 o Integration was sold to us on an economic o I am currently a junior at a Midwestern o They let Gore Vidal's stuff be published be­ basis. Most fair-minded Americans were con­ college, with a double major in political science cause they do not fear him and his kind. vinced that if we assisted the blacks into the and journalism. My college is an "internation­ 222 middle class, peace would result and they al" campus, which means it is polluted with all would be part of the produce-and-consume sorts of exotic creatures. If you don't want it, racket. We would be doing the decent thing. It we have it. I would opt to attend another col­ o I watched the TV "Rehnquisition" (Sen. Or­ all turned out to be so, so wrong. lege in our fair state, but the racial composition rin Hatch's word for it) go on day after day with 666 of other campuses is even worse. And since my all the Democratic leftwingers getting in their parents are typical middle-class whites, I must bootlicking for the black vote. I heard day after o I strongly suggest that you consider adding a pay my way through school, which eliminates dreary day the horrid details of Rehnquist's section to the magazine on what others are choosing a private university. Uncle Sam "past" -- how he really wasn't for busing, how doing to become Instaurationists. I am not doesn't allow me to receive any funds for my he wanted people to be able to read before they speaking of starting a movement, and I am not education. I don't fit the racial needs test. could vote, how he was "insensitive," especial­ speaking of articles starting with, "What the Zip Withheld ly about anti-Negro and anti-Jewish covenants government ought to do is .•.." I certainly am in deeds, how he was against ERA and affirma­ not speaking about building a cabin in the o Instauration is a magazine that says what you tive action. God, I hope it's all true! woods and going back to nature. Those are not think. 327 the ways to build a better future. We want 966 Instaurationists to inherit the world. It cannot o Anyone who's ever been active in a pro­ be done with violence. It can only be done with o Some years ago I read an article in Scientific white organization knows that you can't organ­ strong minds being fed sound, constructive American describing, as a result of an actual ize around Nordic supremacy or superiority. ideas, and by developing in every Instauration­ experiment, how a dog under water would soon Any Nordicist political organization would ist a strong sense of individual responsibility die because it could not rid itself fast enough of quickly find itself redefining racial categories! and accountability.
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