I. The Old Testament Sabbath A. The day of rest principle dates 1. The Sabbath was the last day of the back to the completion of God’s week: Saturday. creation (Gen. 2:1-3). God rested on 2. The Sabbath as a religious obligation was first made known when Moses the seventh day and sanctified it— presented the Ten Commandments to set it apart as different from the Israel (Neh. 9:13, 14). other days of the week. In the 3. The Sabbath was primarily a day of Genesis account, the seventh day is rest. Remember that Old Testament NOT referred to as a Sabbath. worship took place on a daily basis in B. The Sabbath as observed by the the tabernacle, and later the temple. 4. The Sabbath was intended as a Jews under the law was instituted in beneficent blessing, but by Jesus’ day it Exodus 20:8-11; 16:4-5, 14-30 had become an unbearable burden. C. The Sabbath as a legal institution Matt. 12:1-14; Mark 2:23-3:6 was specifically given as a sign between God and Israel (Ex. 31:12- 18). II. Should Christians observe the Sabbath? A. Remember the Old Testament • Colossians 2:13-17 13And you, being Sabbath is Saturday, the seventh day. dead in your sins and the uncircumcision of your flesh, hath he B. In Colossians 2:13-22, Paul describes quickened together with him, having how we are free from the law, including forgiven you all trespasses; 14Blotting the observance of “sabbath days,” out the handwriting of ordinances stating that Christ has “blotted out the that was against us, which was handwriting of ordinances that was contrary to us, and took it out of the against us” and nailed that ordinance way, nailing it to his cross; 15And (as well as the others) to the cross. having spoiled principalities and Clearly, the observance of the seventh powers, he made a shew of them day Sabbath is NOT a command for openly, triumphing over them in it. Christians. 16Let no man therefore judge you in 1. Keep in mind the law was given to the Jews, not the Gentiles. Even though we meat, or in drink, or in respect of an were never under the law, we see clearly holyday, or of the new moon, or of the through the law God’s standard of holiness sabbath days: 17Which are a shadow and how we fall short. of things to come; but the body is of Christ. II. Should Christians observe the Sabbath? C. In Galatians 4:8-11, Paul rebukes the • Galatians 4:8-11 8Howbeit then, when Christians at Galatia for their return to ye knew not God, ye did service unto Jewish legalism. Paul feared for these them which by nature are no gods. believers because they insisted in 9But now, after that ye have known observing “days, and months, and God, or rather are known of God, how times, and years.” Their emphasis on turn ye again to the weak and the Jewish law called their profession of beggarly elements, whereunto ye grace into question. desire again to be in bondage? 10Ye 1. There is an attempt to do have believers observe days, and months, and times, do the same thing today. Its called the and years. 11I am afraid of you, lest I Hebrew Roots movement. have bestowed upon you labour in 2. As a saved individual, what is wrong with vain. putting yourself under God’s law (like the sabbath) to be pleasing to God? • Hint: Galatians 2:21; 3:2-3; 5:1-8, 12-15 II. Should Christians observe the Sabbath? D. Prior to the Gospel to the 3. It is not reasonable to think that the Gentiles, the Christians of the early Jerusalem council met on the sabbath. church were Jews, who witnessed to Acts 15:4-22 4. The Jerusalem council did not lost Jews in the synagogues on command gentile believers to keep the Saturday, but gathered together as law of Moses or to keep the sabbath. Christians separately. Acts 11:26; Acts 15:5-11, 19-30; 21:25 13:5, 14-16, 44; 17:1-2, 10, 17; 18:4 E. Clearly, the observance of the 1. The scriptures make a distinction of the Jewish synagogues and the seventh day Sabbath is NOT Christian Churches. Acts 14:1, 21-23 incumbent upon New Testament 2. You can’t be witnessing in the believers. Seventh Day synagogues, and at the same time be Adventism/Hebrew Roots Movement gathered with the brethren. How could does not stand the Bible test! you be in two places at once? Acts 14:27 III. So what about Sunday? A. Sunday is NOT a “Christian Sabbath.” B. The “sabbath”, like the other OT laws, 1. The New Testament never hints at the was a shadow of things to come. Col. observance of any Sabbath for Christians. It 2:16-17; Heb. 8:5; 9:9, 23; 10:1 is nowhere commanded in the New 1. The body that cast the shadow of sabbath Testament. rest is Christ himself. Col. 3:17 2. The New Testament never gives a code of 2. We have died with Christ and are no longer conduct for the supposed “Christian subject to the ordinances of the Sabbath.” The concept is foreign to the commandments. Col. 2:20-22 Bible. 3. We have risen with Christ, and are in Christ, 3. The New Testament never calls the first and can experience spiritual rest everyday! day of the week (Sunday) a “Sabbath,” and Col. 3:1-2 neither should we. 4. Rest in the Christian life comes through 4. The New Testament never hints that the complete reliance on God’s promises and full Old Testament Sabbath was changed to surrender to his will. Col. 2:6; Heb. 4:1-10 Sunday. The Sabbath as a legal institution was nailed to the cross (Col. 2:14)—not a. Cessation from working for your salvation replaced by Sunday. b. Cessation from self-reliance in sanctification III. So what about Sunday? C. Sunday is the Lord’s Day, the day d. While Saturday commemorated God’s cessation of work after creating the first of Christian corporate worship. man Adam, Sunday commemorates the 1. Though not to be regarded as a completion of redemption and resurrection counterpart to the Old Testament of the last Adam—Christ! Sabbath, Sunday was observed from 2. While not a form of ritualistic legalism, apostolic times as the Christian day of Christians are obligated to gather corporate worship. together for worship (Heb. 10:25). Such a. The disciples came together to hear assembling clearly took place on the first preaching on the first day of the week, day of the week, Sunday. Sunday (Acts 20:7). 3. Since the “rest day” principle precedes b. Believers were commanded to set the law, it is wise to maintain a day of aside their offerings for collection on the rest. Man’s constitution is best served by first day of the week (I Cor. 16:1, 2). six days of labor, followed by a day of c. Revelation 1:10 refers to the “Lord’s Day,” a title distinct in contrast to the Old rest. Testament Sabbath. III. So what about Sunday? C. Sunday is the Lord’s Day, the d. While Christians are clearly obligated to assemble on the Lord’s Day, the Bible day of Christian worship. is silent regarding other activities. 4. Since Sunday is the “Lord’s Day,” it e. In order to distinguish the Lord’s Day should be distinct from other days from others and to preserve it for of the week: corporate worship, Christians should seek—as much as possible—to avoid a. We should meet for corporate working on Sunday. Church worship on the Lord’s Day (Heb. 10:25). f. Sunday should somehow commemorate Jesus’ resurrection. b. We should hallow the “Lord’s Day” by emphasizing corporate worship and Christian fellowship. c. We should enjoy a measure of rest on the Lord’s day, following the “rest day” principle established in Genesis. .
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