oto)'lomco a6og fif @omJa oJor'looomco fino@e(r)o firds@|anomo15c6ro ootc€lo firc. 65gl O9.OZ.2014 oej ogordl6. oec gt dlooos" Cl o/l oo oO o, o0 c6, oO - oO. ruf . oO cnr. 2 0 13- 2 014_ ci goEoqg oJrurola d O.lOl3l,o. e@oo. @'1. o6. oodD(S (Ai|. 06..100, oc5m1 (fleg. urfi, aco[c[o aomcrfl ti@csTrc{o cllAq o@tl (€) ru-!. 2013-2014 "4F.oOd. "O-oO. "Ofiu- "0".oOd.oO-"O.oJl."Oax" 2Oj3-2014 OsAo.HS oraDoJlaoa (u)qcoca, "O(&|lcod ffucmrcrotA ordcooruJlni cacdcocs cro5m clta,doA ctrm" p.,rc6cd oaqfgee dlsaloer crlloicu ctccorceoa oacdcG)cd dlBoroer oO@ qqrorolacr8 oem.uocn$occon crodrD cxeqjlni fitab. (l)m6co! ola,*lci €(Uluil(otg5n{ "Oma" @oJcdsa 6)d* 57 [email protected] @rg(o @q(Un t60i/oJGl)(Ut6ua edl4oxolkrf, 54 oo6mo ooo(6)flcoc6ln- o{Dffrdo ooa(t')(o- cdccorcea 6b.sr6dlqil€6rr{ dl o@cc.!crn;q60E o6mlercnt(d otro@(oc5TD" o0oro. o4o(|')Co6o(p)mao, Groc)lqos on(oni (r)o, c)jlafoococooc ; (l)(I) ole.Jcf, err{14 (otor(Ut, (6nol(o'd qxDcc'aooil p'l' "Jaloteeos p"Jcd(6 Bcc@cmao odl4o, omcrrooojl cumocro; otaql(i erd6c(Uroc! ooffrn ot(rocft@GDsA dloxot, "oord mmrd m)nrlbr ojl('d(Jocogcoc; aernuercdlmroccnooilnf "6rrdlcl a@cot 6rdl4l'(6ro(F6 mloc(oJl cdd6crD. errddg@ poJcdoaa€ld (l)(r)acoJ cxd,qf oronoaofl mdaftotlig gqrorolar,,A ooo(d)Bco; fiJlc(o.rcs6o6n\lejo 6'dld ollaooocaccoc; (Dm6cclc(rao(Ut md6'l,otglgc(UrD(ul "Ool ; (od) oacejleJc6njl osmle.noroilog oaccojletcenJl- o6ccoile$6rr$ rrlce)caeodnu.lexoruiloel .ggilorcaordl "i..O4ff\, oeoorlercnr{l .lEilaracroid .,n.€drnt ('cllsr6oocg GrgqdacllG oJlocl$o('rdffud q4olcm- (r)cll.(6eqdaclB ol-tonsodffuct o4cnSlollsasngilnn oegs. alrdoilorm "Offr, @ol(d(6lotl60a c.m oa,.$oco @cJ$nt6gos ac.dlrrrotd rns..:darpos GroogrdCrdgorocos oo(o)ci t3cd5n n{coc(/)oil ojlsoBocmccoc ? c)l6,.Jlrl md€;l(or€6nt @(Iu(6) @ol(o(urojl au"6nmrtaf Grd6rDcfiaoot .googgolccmoico@ ms.JElaoa ec6rD c)le.Jci fiula,.dl4 or(Gfira. om)es(6 ecodlmJd List ofworks senctioned under LAC-ADS in Finance recommended by admitristrative rartment(2013-14) in Kozhikode District. Name of Sl No Name of work Estimated File No: and LAC Amount rn Date lakhs Vrtakara I Improvement works for 25 4023o/NCB3/ pip€line road in Chorode |4lFin dtd Gmma PanchaYat 06.05.2014 2 Construction of 25 40482/NCB3/ Anchukandathil bridge l4lFin dtd 06.05.20r4 3 Improvements to 25 41435,NC83/ Vengolithazha- 14/Fin dtd Parolemukku km 0/000- 09.05.2014 0/850 in Eramala Grama Panchavat Construction of bridge and 50 3807s/NCB3/ approach road at l4lFin dtd Kanolipalam in Vadakara 30.04.2014 municioalitv 5 Imprcvements to OPK 25 38078,NCB3/ stop-Konnedpalam road 14lFin dtd km 0/000-0150 in . 29.04.20t4 Eramala Crama Panchayat 6 Upgadation of University 25 Center to Kokkanjath road km 0/000-0/534 in Vatakara municiDalitv 7 Upgradation oflohiya 25 mandiram Muyipra road km 0/000-0/4 I 0 8 Irnprovement works to 25 Koroth road to Parade road km 0/00-0/550 in Azhiyoor Grama PanchaYat Name ofLAC sl Name ofwork Estirnated File No: & date No Amount in lakhs Kuttiady I Improvements to 50 4978,4{CB3i Malayadepoyin Neftoor l4lFin dtd Road ch 0/0 to l/650 of t3.01.2014 Purameri GP 2 Renovation of 25 43978/NCB3/ Panayantemukku l4lFin dtd Samskritam School t7.05.20t4 MalavilDeedika road in "n-Arr\eZ,A^l Kumurnmal Grama PanchaYat 42718/|{CB3/ 3 Conshuation of 58.5 Thiruvallar bus stand l4lFin dtd building in Thiruvallar 15.05.2014 Grama Panchavat 4 Construction (KYIP) road 50 45278,NCB3/ l4trin dtd km 2l | 8 50 -22 I 5 50of r rghl bank Main canal in 28.05.2014 Kunnummel Grama Panchayat 5 Improving and providing 150 38082,NC83/ BM&BCto l4lFin dtd Kaviltheekkuni-Kuttiady 28.04.2014 road km 2/500-3/000 No: & date Name ofLAC sl Name of work Estimated File No Amotmt rn lakhs Construction of new block 100 43654AIC831 l4lFin dtd Quilandy for Govt. HSS(Girls) at Quilandy 16.05.2014 2 Construction of ngw block 100 9092INCB3/ for Go\4. Mappila l4lFin dtd Vocational Higher 24.0t.20t4 Secondary School, Quilandy 3 Constructiol of building 100 4l'137NCB3I for Public Health l4lFin dtd Subcentre at Puliyanchery 15.05.2014 in Quilandy municipality 4 Construction of building 25 46729AIC83/ for Alurveda Hospital, l4lFin dtd Muchukunnu 27 .05.2014 Name ofLAC sl Name ofwork Estimated File No: & date No Alnormt m lakhs Balusseri I ConstructioD of smart 50 34009/NCB3/ classroom, reading room l4lFin dtd and library in GHSS, 03.04.2014 Poonoor under Ente School Proiect Name of sl Name of work Estimated File No: & date LAC No Amounl m laklts Improvements to Moottoli- 230 63110/NCB3/ Karuvathur road km 0/000 l3lFin dtd Elathur b ?/800 05.07.2013 2 Construction of Kakkodi 125 6874lNCB3/ flood bank road in l3lFin dtd Kakkodi GP 25.0'1.2013 3 Construction of Kakkoor 50 108581/NCB3/ GP office building 13,trin dtd t3.12.2013 4 Construction of building 65 39399,NCB3i for Ayrrvedic dispensary l4lFin dtd in Karuvattur Grama 30.04.2014 Panchayat Name of sl Name of work Estimated File No: & date LAC No Amount in lakhs Kozhikode I Construction of building 50 4I240NCB3/ North for GHSS, East hill l4lFin dtd 09.05.2014 2 Conslruction of Mini 255 45285,NCB3/ Stadium at Chelavoor l4ttln dta 22.05.2014 Name ofLAC sl Name of work Estimated File No: & date No Arnount ln lakhs I Constuction of School 49.65 69387,NCB3/ building for Kudungal 13,f in dtd Govt UP School 26.07.2013 Kozhikode South 2 Conskuction of school 100 69390,NCB3/ building for Chalappuram l3lFin dtd Govt. Boys HS 26.0'7.2014 3 Construction oh Scool 60 69393NCB3/ building for Azchavattom l3lFin dtd Golt HSS 26.07.2013 4 Renovation of Poozhichira 62.50 3538ArCB3/ 3 at Thiruvarurur in 14/Fin dtd kozhikkode dist. 09.01.2014 5 Conskuction of school 2J 43137/NCB3/ building for Govt. UPS, 14lFin dtd Thiruvannur t5.05.20r4 File Nor & date Narne of sl Name ofwork Estimated LAC No Amount in lakhs Beypore I Construction of school 200 43959NC83i building for Gor4. VHSS, l4lFin dtd Cheruvannur r'7.05.2014 Name ofLAC SI Name of work Estimated File No: & date No Amount m lakhs I Construction of building 100 2594lNCB3/ for Gor4. HSS,Mavoor 13/Fin dtd 15.01.2013 2 Construction of a building 100 978,^rCB3 for Go14. /13/Fin dtd HSS,Kuttikkattoor 04.01.2013 3 Colstruction of building 50 69382NC83i Kunnamatrga for Kodal Nadakkavu l3lFin dtd lam Go\4. UP School 26.0'7.20t4 4 constuction of School 100 693844.rCB3/ BuildiDg for Govt. HSS, 13/Fin dtd Iringallur 26.07.20t4 5 Construction of new 50 93042NCB3/ building fr Gort. UP 13/Fin dtd School Manakkad in 25.r0.20t3 Kozhikkode 6 Construction ofa n€w 25 93046NCB3/ building for Govt. LP l3/!in dtd School Vallayaunu in 31.10.2013 Mavoor CP 7 Construction ofa Box 4l 9577lNCB3/ Culve atPuthiyaramannil l3lFin dtd in Kozhiklode 06.11.2013 8 Constuction of 25.20 4983NCB3/ KammandikkadavuPalam 14/Fin dtd Approach road 15.01.2014 Chathamangalam GP 9 Improvements to new 25 952oNCB3/ SIDCO-MLA road in l4lFin dtd Olavarura GBKozhikode 28.0r.2014 No: Name ofLAC Sl No Name ofwork Estimated File & Arnount m dat€ lakhs I Construction of building for 13944,4IC83 Go!t. LPS,Chamal Kattippara /14lFin dtd Kozhikode 07.02.2014 2 Constructionofco!4. LPS 25 13940,NCB3 Vettiozhirjathottam,Kattippara /14/FluJ.dtd 07.02.2014 Koduvally 3 Construction of building fof Go Q5 I 3944,il{cB3 LPS Chanal /14/Fin dtd 07.02.2014 4 Construction of new building fo '33 17820/NCB3 Govt. LIPS Vennakkad at Kodu\ nlly /14/Fin dtd 21.02.2014 5 Construction of new building fc 3l r7662lNCB3 Gol4 LPS Paimblassery at /14/Iin dtd Madavoor Panchayath 21.02.20t4 6 Construction of 50 r5909/NCB3 GMLPS,Kalamnthiri,KoduvaU) /14/Fin dtd Palchayath t0.02.2014 7 Construction ofnew building fo 28 19433,NCB3 Village Office, Kizhakoth /14/Fin dtd 8 Construction of OP Block for G rQ6 44656NC83 A,'urvedic dispensary, /14lFin dtd Pannikkottoor 20.05.2014 File No: & date Name ofLAC sl Nane of work Estimated No Amount m lakhs Consfuction of building 45 l02l8NcB3/ for Engampuzha Bus Stand l4lFin dtd amenities in Puthuppady 30.01.2014 GP Thiruvsmbady 2 construction of building 50 139l8INCB3/ for GMUP school, l4lFin dtd Kodiyathur 0'7.02.2014 3 Construction of new 60 13942NCB3/ building for Gort. Tribal l4lFin dtd LPS Kootlaranji 0'7.02.2014 panchayath 4 Construction ofnew 35 17532NC83/ building for Subceltre l4lFin dtd Adivaram 20.02.2014 5 Consfuction ofa new 60 41735,NCB3/ building for IP Block 14,4in dtd building in CHC, 12.05.20r4 Kodencherry 6 Construction of building 70 45317NCB3/ for Corrummity Hall, 14/Fin dtd Koodaranji 22.05 7 Construction of 60 51334,4IC83/ Kudumbasree Skill l4lFin dtd development Centre, I1.06.14 Valliyadu in Puthuppady Grarna Panchayat 8 Construction of new 65 49957NC83/l building for GUPS, 4/FIn dtd Manasserry in Mukkom 11.06.2014 Panahayat Lirf of works rccommended bY AlD but not financial clearancece in 2013-14 Reasons Name of Name ofwork Estimated File No: & LAC No Amount rn date lakhs Clarification Perambra Constuction of 100 542l,NCB3/ Chakkittapara grarna l4,ryin dtd sought for fiom Panchayat stadium 19.0t.2014 the Davillion. Gallerv sate Administrative 2 Colstruction of first 100 42634NC8 Department for floor ofPHC, 3/14/Fin dtd grantrng Meppa,'ur 15.05.2014 financial concurence Name of SI Name of work Estimated File No: & Reasons LAC No Amolmt m date takhs Kozhikode I Purchase of 30.15 40007/Nc83/ Clarification sought South equipments 14/Iin dtd for from the for Fire and 27.03.2014 Administrative Rescue Deparhnent for Station $antiry financial Kozhikode concurence a,d*A.
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