"• ' luum i,if|fl B ?PF"* ripiin..,'!!.- ^A,,KOiar IM .».«SrJf.ii^pJwp.! ( " THE HANNA HERALD "AND EAST CENTRAL ALBERTA NEWS'* VOLUME XXXXIV — No. 49 Mt HANNA HfcRALD an* EAST CENTRAL ALBERTA NEWS — THURSDAY, OCTOBER 10, 1957 $3.00 per year in Canada — 7c per copy MRS. ELIZABETH JEAN SUTHERLAND DIES IN HANNA HOSPITAL; WAS AMONG PIONEER FARM WOMEN Gove Much to Early Form Women's Organizations Since 1920; Demise Follows Lengthy Illness; Funeral Today Mrs Elizabeth Jean Sutherland, one of the west's pion­ eer women and for many years a well known resident of the Honna district, passed away in the Hanna Hospital on Monday evening, October 7, following a lengthy illness. She was the wife of J.K. "Jack" Sutherland, himself a prominent resident of the district and well known to hosts of people throughout western Canada • ' * Mrs. Sutherland was born in Earltown. Nova Scotia, September 7, 1880, where she received her Game Birds Still public and high school training, .later going to Halifax where she completed her education. In 1913 Around Despite she came west to Trail, B.C. where she held the position of account- j ant with the Consolidated Mining j Severe Storm and Smelting Co. In 1920 Mr. and Feeding Conditions Not Mrs. Sutherland were iparried in i Calgary and moved to a farm six i So Good As Stubble miles south west of Hanna, where Blanked with Snow the family has since resided. The severe storm of last week During her many years in the j has put the damper on hunting in district the late Mrs. Sutherland j the Hanna district to some extent. took an active interest in the early development of the Hanna com­ Feeding conditions have been on munity and especially farm organ­ the "light" side for -'migratory izational work. She was a director game birds, as most stubble fields THANKSGIVING 1957 for thy Acadia FWUA for seven have been blanketed with a heavy years and also served on the pro­ coating of snow. However, a few vincial executive of the FWUA. of the more hardy hunters have She was keenly interested in the been out every day this week, and work of the Women's Institute, while bags are not so large, they FIRES SUCH AS THESE hove in the past cost Albertoris and played .an active role in polit­ have been successful in securing thousands of dollars and taken mony human lives, ttdt to men­ ical affairs several years ago, both tion thousands of injuries. In the home, the office, -the factory -provincial and federally. some geese and ducks. The theory ftta that the birds have left the coun-1 and on the farm, fires have struck with devastating effect. THANKSGIVING SERVICES Besides her husband she is sur­ try, is hardly true, as from reports This is Fire Prevention Week across Canada, ond its slogan vived by a son John of Calgary, the Herald has obtained, the nor­ "Don't Give Fire A Place To Stort." Is there such a. place two daughters, Mrs. Sherman Stauffer of Olds and Mrs. Lloyd thern ducks are just beginning to your home. You owe it to yourself to check up how! Standish of Midnapore. A brother come into the district and geese also lives in Vancouver. The late are still around. Mrs. Sutherland is also survived This Saturday, October 12 will by four grandchildren. see the opening of the upland RESIDENTS OF HANNA URGED TO OPEN TOiTHE PUBLIC game bird season, and all indica­ Funeral services will be conduc­ BOOSTS PREVENTION O ted today from the First United tions are that Hungarian partridge PUBLIC THANKSGIVING SERVICES f Church, Hanna, at 2 p.m. with the and Prairie Chicken are in good , CHECK "FIREBUGS" BY BRIGADE FOUL FALL HAS Rev. Will L. Gourlay officiating. supply. 1 NEXT MONDAY; PUNNED BY HANNA FOWL FOULED PLENTY Cremation will follow in Calgary. (HIEE, FIRE PREVEHTIOH WEEK The foul fall weather has, tha fowl in east central Alber- Youth For Christ Win For Rams ' Chief C T. Grover Gives Lengthy ,**#»• MINISTERIALASSOCIATION; 10:30, distrlet • poor old frii -^IM-^ J^SPife. MeetiltJjS tost of Fjeceuthms to be Taken In her Ufa in test Friday', , Chuwchbf CrlVri^ylost io AniyiJr %CA*SMA ^pJtl^ Qqtober a9i Mlt1UtlllJj^*^^^^^BJpi>i(f} t^JflonmrO but "produced" to Hie very Service of Thanks; Church Leaders last. M«r owner searching ab­ Youth For Christ meetings which Earnest was tbe messassr-eudOT-*'*~t*t*Vle shocking am In Hanna Extendi Cordial Welcome out for eggs hi a pile of straw have so far only come as far east Gives First Place to every home in Hanna from Fire I a„s ijs, the shameful Art that C*m- found "biddie" on bar nest of Of Calgary as , Hanna have been 1• •*~'*^5S*^faaa-. fire loss, per head of pep- The fourth annual community** eggs frozen stiff. Down in Ac­ Football Contest Biffed of Fire Prevention Week, October arranged for the localities further ulation, is one of the highest in observance of Thanksgiving will adia Valley Hie turkeys have east, among them Acadia Valley Thanksgiving Doy 6 to IS. L take place in the Church of Christ things turned backwards, due "There's nothing more import­ the world today. Tbe hopeful fac­ and Youngstown. The first meet­ For Hanna Fans at 10:30. Monday morning, Octo­ to the weather no doubt. On ant than the fire safety of tbe tor in getting rid of the blot is Sea Cadets ing in Acadia Valley will be held ber 14. Sponsored by the Hanna the farm of Mr. and Mrs. Ken The Hanna Rams will be shoot­ household. Every family can help that most fires are caused by hu­ on October 16, in the United Miss­ by making its own check of dan­ Ministerial Association, public in­ Booker tha turkey hens are ing for top place in the Central man carelessness and neglect. And terest in these united services of laying eggs. No explanation • ionary Church at 8 o'clock. Fea­ Alberta Football league on ger spots. Or tbe fire department Organize Here; it's in the home that we learn Thanksgiving has been growing for the oddity is offered by Mrs. ture speaker of the evening will Thanksgiving Day, Monday, Octo­ will gladly and freely help with from year to year since they were Booker, other than it can be be Mr. Norman Jamieson who will ber 14. Now tied with Crossfield suggestions." lessons." ? first begun in 1954. , blamed on the weather. This for second place the black and The Chief was speaking in sup­ show colored sound films and Experience throughout the con­ A large attendance is anticipat­ Uniforms Soon foul fall really has thinks all gold squad, bolstered with the port of the nation-wide education­ tinent, the Chief said, had shown ed again this year. Rev. "John Twenty-Five Young Lads fouled upl speak of his work with Youth for addition of several players will be al campaign sponsored by the As­ that a program of voluntary home Klassen, secretary - treasurer nf Now on Strength; Christ while in Japan. going all out to down the league sociation of Canadian Fire Marsh­ inspection throughout the entire leading Drumheller Miners. als and the Canadian Association the Hanna Ministerial Association Parade Nights Arranged The venture, interdenomination- j year was the answer. Locally, it will preside at the service as wor­ al in nature, invites attendance This is the "big game" for the of Fire Chiefs to publicize and was most encouraging to report ship leader. Rev. M. Starr will Welcome news was in store for from all congregations. It is ex­ Rams and they have been on the "root out" the common hazards increasing public co-operation, tike which give fire a place to start es­ read the Scriptures and offer pray- young boys in Hanna and district Fire Chief C. T. Grover Light Lunch pected that future meetings will • short end of some lop-sided scores Chief said, pointing out that of 1 er, and Rev. A. Botha will deliver with the announcement this week be held in the Memorial Hall, the j in their past two outings, they pecially in the home. Fire damage course under provincial law he . head of Hanna's fire depart to homes in Canada, he said, to­ the address. that a corps of the Sea Cadets had ment this week urges that all cit­ next being scheduled for the sec- j feel next Monday -will see some was empowered to enter and in­ been organized in Hanna. Follow­ ond week in November. They will { changes towards winning form. talled more than $20 million a spect any home. Special music will be furnished izens make a special effort to Establishment year. by the United Church choir and ing a meeting last Friday a civil­ check Iheir premises as io fire be held monthly, roads permitting, i Game time is 2 o'clock sharp. However any family could help the choir from the Alliance Taber­ ian committee was appointed loc­ hazards and to take every means by remedying its own shortcom­ nacle. The public of Hanna and ally to assist in the operation of of eliminating them before winter Opens October 19 ings and as examples of "firebug" district is cordially invited to at­ the corps. This committee is head­ sets in. Fire Chief Grover's words spots in the average dwelling, tend this service. ed by Jas. Foster as chairman, of caution come as Fire Preven-1 "Waffle Shop" Latest Chief Grover listed: •& with Mrs. S. Tatarniuk secretary tion Week is observed across Can­ Addition to, Hon no Basement: rubbish, unprotected treasurer and executive officers ada.
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