0 1797 South Carolina's Oldest Newspaper 1962 (BtQt&tioton %imm OUT OF STATE $3.00 5c Per Copy Vol. No. 166 No. 6 SUBSCRIPTIONS: TN STATE $2.50 Georgetown, S. C, Thursday, Dec. 6, 1962 Parade Opens City's Christmas Season Santa Claus came to George­ Georgetown Junior Chamber of featured on a float of the Cham­ Barbara Moore and Barbara Pos- i youth accented by Front Street town Tuesday with a flair in tho Commerce, the Yuletide parade ber of Commerce - City of ton. also rode in the parade, ac-' Kindergarten youngsters. Brown­ largest Christmas parade ever was under the direction of a Jay­ Geoigetown singing a Christmas companied by tho present queen, ie. Girl and Boy Scout Troops. staged in Georgetown. cee committee headed by Glenn anthem. Other religious floats Joyce Nell Shelley. Band units included St. Mary's WOMEN OF MOOSE It. was a parade wiln a broad Goodman. Wen entered b.v Wayne Methodist Floats in the parade were en­ Drum and Bugle Corps. Winyah The Women of the Moose will accent, ranging from religious Leading oil the parade was Church and Condon's Department tered b.v the Georgetown Chamber High School Band. Howard High hold their Christmas party on scenes to marching tots, beauty Mayor L, L. Weed, followed b.v Store. of Commerce, Andrews Chamber School Band, and Andrews High Saturday, December 8, SK'9 P. M. queens and FHA sweethearts, the Winyah Band and Miss Riding on other tloats and curs of Commerce. Pleasant Hill Com- School Band. All Chapter members and their bands and scouts, a model guided Georgetown. Ellen Nelson, who were such title holders as Miss munity, Santee - Cooper Electric I Other entries were Leo King's husbands fir dates are invited. missile ship. Happy Rain and rode the Jaycee float. Winyah. Judy Eaddy: Miss An- Cooperative. Wayne Methodist horses ridden by Mr. King and Mickey Mouse. Among unusual floats was that drews, Norma Powell; Miss Win­ Church. B & PW Club. Miriam's Charles King, ReacTa Fox. Linda HOSPITAL ENDOWMENT For ono unit, the 1002 George­ of Pleasant Hill Community which yah Homecoming, Carolyn Eaddy; Beauty Shop, Condon's Depart­ McConnell and Jeanie Summers Contributions to the endowment town Christmas parade was a featured the manger scene com­ Miss Pleasant Hill. Jessie Smith; ment Store. Nora's Beauty Shop. Edward's. Rose's., Winyah High fund of lhe Georgetown County very special occasion. The St. plete wilh two live lambs. A Miss Johnsonville, Janet Hughes: Naval Reserve Training Center.' School junior class, Civitan Club. Memorial Hospital have been Mary's Drum and Bugle Corps is model of a guided missile ship, Miss Merry Christmas. Margaret TV Channel 5. Liens Club. Darden's G & MS made in memory of Mrs. Leon being disbanded, and youngsters dubbed the USS Oeorgetown, was McDonald, and Little Miss Merry High stepping toddlers ot the Shrine Cluh. B <•* PW Club car. Weinberg by Mrs. Cecilia A. in the corps were making their buill as B float ol the Naval Re­ Christmas, Joan Bomar. Cooper River Playground iu Topping oil the parade with Thames. Dr. and Mrs. F. A. Bell, last public appearance as a drum serve Training Station. Candidates for the title ol FHA Charleston dressed as majorettes all ins merry antics was Santa. and Mrs. LeGrand G. Walker. and bugle corps. The junior choir of Ihe George­ Sweetheart, Dclray McDonald, Caught the eye of crowds lining riding a colorful red and white / Sponsored annually by the town Presbyterian Church was Linda Dimcry. Connie Mobley. the business area wilh a note ot , float built by the Jaycees. MCDONALD PTA Sergeant B. E. Fallaw of ie State Highway Department will present a safety program for the Santa Receives Lette PTA of McDonald Road Elemen­ By Hand Delivery tary School at 7:30 P. M. Monday. During Parade Impersonation Of Officer JUNIOR CLASS BARBECUE A little boy, apparently decid­ A barbecue supper wiH be sold ing that a bird in the hand is by members of the Junior Class worth two in the bush, person­ of Winyah High School in the ally delivered a letter to Santa during Tuesday's Christmas pa­ Brings Sentence In Court i . school cafeteria Friday at 3 P. M. until shortly before the junior rade. An odd case of impersonation of class play begins at 8 P. M. A letter sifined by Kicky D. an officer ended in the Court of Morris was delivered to the Gemral Sessions Monday with MOOSE MEETING driver of Santa's float. Jury Urges Closing Hung Jury Results In imposition of a three months A business meeting of the Loyal Santn s.iid he was happy to Pavillion Until sentence. Order of Moose will be held to­ NEW LOOK — H. M. Daniels of Sampit Furniture in­ learn that Ricky says grace be­ A 49 - year - old man. Jim fore meals and asked for pres­ night at 8 P. M. spects one of the palm trees being placed on Front Street. After Easter Season Mistrial In Murder Case Tindall. was charged with fraud­ The tree is being planted by Samuel Wineglass and Jake ents for his little brother, Kev­ ulently impersonating an officer KENSINGTON PTA Maybank (beside tree.) —Times Staff Photo in, and his mother as well as The grand Jury of the Court] The trial of William R. Howard,] the other shot passed through a to obtain possession of an out­ The Kensington PTA will meet himself. ol General Sessions recommended j charged with murder in the slay­ door at the roar of the house. board motor. at 7:30 P. M. Monday at the He chuckled at Ricky's prom­ to the presiding judge. George T. ing oi Joe Bunn June 19, ended! Officers testilied that Howard Tindall is charged with having ( V Kensington School where a City Decorates ise of having "some coffee and Gregory, Jr., Monday that the with a hung jury in the Court told them that he had returned pretended to be a federal officer Christmas program will be pre­ cake ready for you to eat." Pavilion at Paw leys Island bo kept of General Sessions Tuesday. from his sister's place in thc coun­ and seeking to obtain a motor sented by the fifth and sixth Letters addressed to Santa. closed until alter the Easter hol­ A mistrial was declared by Pre- ty where he had been target from Mrs. Willie Ward, who lost grades under the direction of Mrs. For Christmas % The Times, will be published idays. Biding Judge George T. Gregory.; shooting. her husband in a boating accident Gladys Horan. and forwarded on to the old Gent. Jr., when the jury reported it was , Not wishing lo leave his pistol last month. Georgetown is getting a "sprue- | The bows were prepared and A similar recommendation was deadlocked alter over four hours' in the car where it might be Ward was injured in a fishing submitted b> the grand jury at HANDICAPPED CHILDREN ing-up" for the holiday season j Installed by members of the club, of deliberation. si jlen. ho placed the weapon tn trip mishap and left on lhe shore? with hopes that the effoi-t will! The City of Georgetown has its last term. Investigating officers testified his pocket when he entered tho of ,he Inland Waterway near The Georgetown County Chap­ Woodmen Of World I The juvenile delinquency corn- ter for Handicapped Children will , carry over into the rest of the been busy too in the Christmas that Bunn was shot b.v Howard residence, they said . South Island while his companion year as well. I beautification effort. Elect New Officers ! mittee of the grand jury reported seven times with a .22 caliber re­ meet at the Kelley Clinic at 8 P.j ' that "progress is being made and : went to sook aid. When a rescun Over 40 palm trees in hand-. Five large Christmas trees, rite- volver at the Bunn home where Howard testified that he drank party returned. Ward was missing M. Tuesday. Mrs. W. H. Thomas, - For Coming Year I thai IBc committee is . working Jr.. will report on a s-emhiV she made cj press ("ntainers are iJeir*!. .orated wHh Yul"tifle lights, havs Howard als* made his residence.' ...i.oe. wit...:.lh. Mr»«-.. an...,di Mrs!>.,.. r>....'.Bunn. Hi.rr' . ' IJOCI.|_. j.V. wa... s never found after 1 Officers of the Woodmen of the the ministerial association. * attended in Durham last week and placed through the business area , been erected in the eity. One tree wiHl The two men were brothers -in­ When he arrived. As he started 6o long searches by deputy sheriffs. Woild were elected at an organi- j, i 1 Edward A. Eaddy, drive chain- of Front Street to enhance the j was erected across from the Fire oca cgisiators are "working on law. ksave the room, be staled tha the Rescue Squad and volunteers. zational meeting hero Friday. 1 man, will discuss plans for the | attractiveness of the area. j Hall on Broad Street with others the issue," the jury committee Howard c'aimed that he fired Bunn struck him In the neck and Tindall is charged with having The project is one of several | lour* approaches tp Georgetown Dr. J. B. Marvin was chosen reported. then in thc face, breaking his foithcoming drive. Officers will at past consul commander with Bob in self - defense after Bunn hit impersonated an officer and seek­ be elected for the coming year. being undertaken by the Council j Pt Church and St. James, High- him with his fist, knocking him | lassos.
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