THURSLEY PARISH MAGAZINE St Michael & All Angels NOVEMBER 2020 60P Village Diary 6 Thursley Climate Action 20 Editorial 7 Village Hall Update 22 Church Services 8 Christmas Fair 23 Advent Sunday Service 9 Macmillan Coffee Morning 24 Remembrance 2020 10 Life on the Farm 26 Church Letter 11 Coronavirus App 29 Parish Council Update 12 Give it a Grow 30 History Society Report 13 Interview with Tony Kelly 32 Friends of the Common 14 Lizzie Young 34 Horts Society 15 Recycling Update 36 Neighbourhood Watch 16 Thursley Tree Initiative 37 New Borough Commander 17 Elstead WI 38 Lutyens & Cenotaph 18 Clockhouse News 39 NEED HELP? Help i Thusle is aailale to aoe liig i the paish of Thusle. WHAT HELP IS AVAILABLE? Taspot to Dotos, Detists ad Hospi- tal appoitets, Shops, Post Offie, Hai- desse, olletig pesiptios, ou pet to the Vet, et. HOW IT WORKS Phoe ad leae a essage. The Dut Offie ill liste to all essages at least oe a da Modas to Fidas ad seek a appopiate olutee to help ou. The Dut Offie ill otat ou to disuss ou euest ad the otat ou agai to gie ou the ae of the olutee ho ill help ou. Please esue ou gie us a fe das otie. Honey Landscapes Garden Maintenance and Construction 07952 915547 Patios ~ Drives Stonework ~ Brickwork Ponds ~ Fencing Turfing ~ Planting Lawn Mowing and Treatments Hedge Cutting Email: [email protected] VILLAGE ORGANISATIONS AND LOCAL DIRECTORY CHURCH: ST MICHAEL & ALL ANGELS HELP IN THURSLEY Rachel Young Chaia: Via: Fitness Red Haah Mooe Daid YOUNG . [email protected] [email protected] Teasue: Assoiate Miiste: Pete HUNTER Pilates & F.I.T. Classes Red Delia Oe [email protected] Thursley Village Hall [email protected] THURSLEY CLUB Monday evenings Seeta: Chuhades: Joe HALL One to one PT sessions Hila BARR THURSLEY CRCKET CLUB (or small groups) also available [email protected] Chaia: Other Pilates classes in Dee MILLS Lee SMALLBONE Elstead, Hambledon & [email protected] [email protected] Chiddingfold Seeta: Seeta: Vaat Ale MEEARS For more info, contact Rachel on Teasue: [email protected] Mihael THATCHER 07770 363231 THURSLEY PARISH COUNCIL .thusle-p.go.uk [email protected] Safeguadig Offie: Sheida HUMPHREYS Couil Clek: Elaie FELTON The Baos, Seale Road, Elstead GU LF. Ogaist: [email protected] Roie GOLDFINCH Chaia: Chuh Cleaig: Jaes MENDELSSOHN Sallie ROLES Beas Ba, De House Road, Thusle Sue GU QD Weloe to Sue’s Lagest Tie Yad. Chuh Floes: [email protected] Ae WAKELEY We ae ou oe stop shop fo all ou feig ad ladsapig eeds Vie Chaia: Chuhad Wokig Pat: Joh SWIFT [email protected] Mike ROBERTS Couillos: Childe’s Chuh: Mihelle DE VRIES Caol LANE [email protected] Feig • Gates • Dekig • Wie Nettig• Sa Tie • Sleepes • Kil Died Logs • Hele FLAVELL Wood Fuels• Bak • Claddig • ad uh oe PAROCHIAL CHURCH COUNCIL [email protected] The Tie Yad, Gage Road, Tilfod, Sue, Uited Kigdo, GU DQ Nia ALLEN Pete HUNTER [email protected] Rosie DALE-HARRIS OPENING TIMES Joh LUFF Moda to Fida .a-.p, Satuda .a-.p Susae HUNTER [email protected] Closed o Bak Holidas Maio OBRIEN Rihad OWEN [email protected] .haestoodpoduts.o.uk [email protected] PARISH FOOTPATH WARDENS SURREY FIRE & RESCUE SERVICE Cotat Elaie Felto Be ALEXANDER [email protected] COMMUNITY RECYCLER Niki BATES BUTTERFLIES NURSERY [email protected] D ELLUL & M DHILLON KEITH'S PRIVATE CAR HIRE THE THREE HORSESHOES THURSLEY NATIONAL NATURE RESERVE Resee Wade: .theehoseshoesthusle.o Let Keith take you where you want to go Jaes GILES [email protected] THURSLEY VILLAGE HALL Local and long distance .thusleillagehall.o.uk THURSLEY HISTORY SOCIETY [email protected] Chaia: Atho Lagdale Village Hall Chaia: Heathrow and Gatwick Airports [email protected] Clea BEECHEY (including pick-ups) [email protected] Seeta: Jakie RICKENBERG Village Hall Seeta: [email protected] Dee MILLS Teasue: [email protected] ELSTEAD Tel: 01252 703005 Rihad BATES Village Hall Maage: Ahiist: Isoel MURPHY Email: [email protected] Ti WALSH o THURSLEY HORTICULTURAL SOCIETY [email protected]. Seeta: COUNCILLORS Pat CLAKE [email protected] Sue Cout: Daid HARMER HANKLEY COMMON MILITARY ACTIVITY Wasto, Toe Road, Hidhead, Hou Ops Roo Sue GU ST NEIGHBOURHOOD WATCH [email protected] Jakie MALTON Waele Boough: [email protected] Je ELSE PARISH MAGAZINE [email protected] Edito: Daid ELSE [email protected] Tiia HORWOOD [email protected] LOCAL MEMBER OF PARLIAMENT Adetisig: Rt Ho Jee HUNT Jae HEPBURN [email protected] [email protected] DOCTORS Distiutio: Spigfield Suge Je GORDON Witle Suge [email protected] Milfod Cossoads Suge POLICE Hust Fa Suge .sue.polie.uk/o/epot/ what3words Thursley Common covers a very significant area – and it is often difficult for visitors and locals to identify exactly where they are on it. Accidents – and fires – do occur and valuable time can be saved if the caller can identify exactly where the incident is. We would therefore encourage everyone with a smartphone to download the free app whatwords. It breaks down the Common – and indeed the entire world – into square metre blocks by giving each one a unique combination of three words. By providing these three words to the emergency services, you might just be able to save some vital minutes. VILLAGE DIARY FOR NOVEMBER & DECEMBER Moda d Noee .p Paish Couil Meetig Suda d Noee -.p Chistas Fai. Coid opliat. Village Hall. Suda th Noee Deadlie fo Thusle Photo Copetitio. See p fo full details. Suda th Noee .p Adet Caol Seie St Mihael & All Agels Chuh Suda th Deee & p Lie Theate! It’s a Wodeful Life Coid Copliat. Village Hall see p. Bookig essetial. PLEASE NOTE DEADLINE OF TH NOVEMBER FOR SUBMISSION OF ARTICLES TO THE DECEMBER ISSUE OF THURSLEY PARISH MAGAZINE. EDITOR: Tiia HORWOOD, Thusle House, De House Road, Thusle, Sue GU QD. Tel: E-ail: [email protected]. ADVERTISING MANAGER: Jae HEPBURN Tel: Eail: [email protected] DISTRIBUTION MANAGER: Je GORDON Tel: Eail: [email protected] Coe: Paish Field, Josh STEAD. Opiios epressed authors ad series offered adertisers are ot speifiall edorsed Thursle Parish Magazie or the Parohial Churh Couil. REMEMBERING THE CLOCKHOUSE B Triia Horood Chapel Lane, Milford GU8 5EZ Open: Monday – Friday 10am-3.30pm Istead of a editoial, e eee We ee uale to eleate VE da istead all those ho fought fo thei ealie this ea, ut I thik this poe Do you, a relative or friend want warm company, out, ot ol duig to Wold Was eids us of thei uiet heois. friendship and a good inexpensive lunch on ut all othe oflits. a regular or occasional basis? The Clockhouse provides just this. We also offer Chiropody, Hairdressing, Pilates, Art classes and more, all in the same bright and vibrant building. Inexpensive transport (£4 or £5 return or half that for one way depending on area) can be arranged to collect and/or return you to your home address if UNMENTIONED IN DISPATCHES required. The price for a Hot Homemade two-course lunch is a very By Peter Wyton affordable £6 with a varying weekly menu. Why not visit us - come and see for yourself? Want to volunteer? We welcome volunteers to support the running of the centre and we can always find an appropriate job to suit you. We need Some of them never come home to fanfares, reserve minibus drivers for our two 16-seater minibuses. Let us know if you they dump their kitbags down at the door, might be able to help. kiss their wives and let their children Please contact us on 01483 420668 or look at www.clockhouse.org.uk wrestle them down to the kitchen floor, Registered Charity No: switch the telly on, pour out a whiskey, search for the local football score. Michelle Renée Some of them skip the quayside welcome, dodge the bunting and cannonade, A unisex salon offering a highly make their landfall in silent harbours, professional service in classic & nod to the coastguard, but evade contemporary hair design the searchlight of public scrutiny like those engaged in the smuggling trade. Some of them land at lonely airfields far removed from the celebration, hang their flying gear in a locker, cadge a lift to the railway station, make for home and take for granted the short lived thanks of a grateful nation. - Consultations & fringe trims are complimentary Some of them miss the royal salute, Visit our website for prices & services the victory parade along the Mall, MR the fly-past, the ships in formation passing Hair by Design the cheering crowds on the harbour wall. www.michellerenee.co.uk Remembered only by friends and relatives, some of them never come home at all. Selsey Cottage, Milford Road, Elstead, Surrey GU HN CHURCH SERVICES FOR THE PARISHES OF Clear All Pest Control ELSTEAD, THURSLEY, SHACKLEFORD & PEPER HAROW Fully qualified professional country services NOVEMBER Wasps, Hornets, Mice, Rats,Cluster Flies, Moles SUNDAY st .a BCP Couio Pepe Hao Phone Dean on: 07768 986338 or All Sait’s Da .a CW Couio & Zoo Elstead www.clearallpestcontrol.com .p Seie of Reeae & Hope Elstead .p Seie of Reeae & Hope Shaklefod MJP Plumbing & Heating Ltd SUNDAY th .a BCP Couio Elstead Helpful friendly plumber. Reeae Suda .a Reeae Seie Thusle Will do all the jobs that need doing from a tap washer to refitting your bathroom. .a Reeae Seie Elstead Servicing or replacing boilers .a Reeae Seie Shaklefod Just ask, no job too small! .p Eeig Seie o Zoo We work with all systems – heating and plumbing. SUNDAY th .a CW Couio Pepe Hao Gas Safe registered Seod efoe Adet .a CW Couio Thusle Contact Mike on 07768 844276 or email [email protected] .a Moig Seie Zoo SUNDAY d .a BCP Couio Thusle Chist the Kig .a CW Couio Shaklefod .a Couio & Zoo Elstead SUNDAY th .a BCP Couio Elstead Adet Suda .a CW Couio Shaklefod .a Moig Seie Zoo .p Adet Suda Light ito Dakess Thusle See poste opposite TO JOIN OUR ZOOM SERVICES: https://use.zoo.us/j/? pd=UhIUFQjRISWhjNdNMzVBjNzZz Meetig ID: Passod: ETSPH REMEMBERING AND HOPE ST NOVEMBER AT PM At p o the st Noee e ae settig aside a speial tie to eee those e hae loed ad lost.
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