Why Neve Shalom/ Wahat ai-Salam Was Selected as the Recipient of the Niwano Peace Prize ~fi .ffiM ~~.~fi.ffi ••~~a~~~~~~~ The iwano Peace Foundation, acting on the recommendati on of the Niwano Peace Prize Screen­ ~. ~ 10@] ~lL'Y.;fD . ~ -1 A 7 .:r. Jv~::J:t [QJ1* r;1'. - f . ing Committee, has decided to award the tenth ~ f tJ - J..,. / '7 / \ ';I r . 7 Jv • -lj- 7 - J..,. J I;:: ll~ ~ ;: t ~ iwano Peace Prize to the community Neve Shalom/ ~~L-;:I; L-t.:o Wahat a I- Salam, in Israel. Neve shalom means "oasis ;1'. - 7+· ~ f tJ - J..,. fi"'- 7+7 -1 ~. '7/\ ';I I' • 7 Jv • of peace" in Hebrew; waliat aI-salam means the same in Arabi c. -lj-7-J..,.~77~7~~::J:t~ r.ffi~~7~AJ ~.~ Since its establishment in 1972 this community L- . 19 721f-~~ U ~~.J*. -1 A 7 .:r.Jv tv' -? i&mi¥JI;:::t * has aspired to reali ze the ideal of peaceful coexistence 1}&i¥JI;:: :t fJl*7J'rp'~ ~~;z ~ ~~. r::L j'+-v At / "\ 1/ AT between Jews and Palestinians in Israel, a land fraught with complex political and reli gious problems, 7 A t ~::J:t1¥ J tv' -? ~;W~:j=.fMf. &9 £? lID ~*1}& • i&m and has pursued acti vities to that end independently of i¥Jm.~£?~~L-~m~L-~~;:I;L-ko all reli gious and political organi zati ons. ::J:t[QJ1*~r:p-r· fi. 11-19r.pJT~/J \~;f!,('-r·"'-7· 7-1~ · 77 Education at the community's day-care center t:"7~~=7J ~~1}&1f~ ;ff v}. :I,H[v}~~J1: t1z:;~~~ and elementary school is conducted in both Hebrew and Arabic. The community stri ves to create a basis ~;:t~!~~.~%1}&1f~~~~£? ffi ~~m~~.~ for understanding between Jews and Palestinians at I) I;:: ~ lib ~ ~ ;:I; L- t.: 0 the earliest stage of education by teaching the hi story ;:I; t.:. ::Lj'"-v At /"\1/ A T7 A~wY1f-~X'1~I;:: L-t.: and traditions of both peoples. The School for Peace, aimed at Jewish and Palestini an youth, teaches yo ung r A 1-Jv · 7;t- · C - AJ (.;fD ~t.:Iib~~;f!,(') ~ people to be "peace ambassadors" in their own locales ~.ffi~~mL-h~~I)~I) . ~m~ n ~~~~;:t~ by ridding themselves of hostility toward each other !~~. ~h~h~ ~ ft ~.~S~~ r.ffi~*~J t and building friendship in its pl ace. The community is also a li ving example of interfaith reconcili ati on, 7J' ~« < 1}&1f ~1T~ ~ ~ ;:I; L- ko respecting the rites and traditions of Judaism, Islam, ~ £? I;::. S~v}~*1}&~;19 ~ ::Lj'+-v1}& . -1 A 7 J..,.1}& . and Christianity. ~L-~~ ~ Ar1}&~.~ · ffi~~ •• L- . M~i¥J~~* Through its wo rk Neve Sha lom/ Wahat a I-Sa lam 1}&M~~®~~;z . ~BL-~~;:I;L-ko is imparting courage and hope to many people of reli gion and others, not onl y in Israel but throughout m~~~-1A7.:r.~~h7J'£?f. r:p.~~<~Ak. the Middle East. The N iwano Peace Foundati on *1}&;;g-I;::~~ t;ffi-~ ~-9-;Z ~ v};:I;"9 0 awards eve Sha lom/ 'I\Tahat a I- Salam the tenth ~M~fi. r;1'.-7· · ~ftJ - J..,. / '7/\';I r · 7Jv · -lj- iwano Peace Prize both in honor of its long dedica­ ti on to justice and peace and its many accomplish­ 7-J..,.J~;:-?L-k~1f-~bk~K.t.ffi"'-~ •• ~ ments and in the heartfe lt hope that its example will .<~.~.L-. ~~~*7J'~.~.~"9~t::J:t~ . ~ inspire many others to devote themselves similarl y to £? I;::~ < ~.;fD",-~[QJ;t,iMp;tI:l ~ h~ ;: t ~~ {J\! I);it the cause of peace. L9Jl L- ~. ;:;: f;::~ 10 @]~fi.;fDjt ~ ll~ I) ;:I; "90 B 8 .
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