r THE CITY RECORD VoL. LXXIV NUMBER 22249 WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 4, 1946 PRICE 10 CENTS THE CITY RECORD 400155 MUNICIPAL CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSION OFFICIAL JOURNAL OF THE CITY OF NEW YOLK Published Under Authority of Section 8724 of the New York City Charter Applications are being received continuously for the following license examina- tions: Master and Special Electrician; Master Plumber; Master Rigger; Motion STEPHEN G. KELLEY, Syrttavnoa Picture Operator; Portable Engineer (any motive power except steam) ; Portable WILLIAM VIERTEL, Elmo. Engineer (steam) ; Refrigerating Machine Operator (ten ton capacity) ; Refriger- 2213 Municipal Building, Manhattan, N. Y. 7. WO rth 2.1800 ating Machine Operator (unlimited capacity) ; Special Rigger; Stationary Engi- neer, First, Second and Third Grades; Stationary Fireman; Structural Welder; Published daily, at 9 a. m., except Sundays and legal holidays. Oil Burning Equipment Installation. Subscription: $20 a year; $10 six months; $5 three months. Daily issue, 10 cents a copy (by mail, 15 cents). License applications and detailed information may be obtained at the Applica- Entered as Second.Class Matter, Post Office at New York. N. Y. tion Bureau of the Municipal Civil Service Commission, 96 Duane Street, Man- OTHER CITY RECORD PUBLICATIONS Order must be accompanied by:. currency, money order, or cheek drawn to the order of hattan, N. Y. 7. "Supervisor of THE CITY RECORD." Checks for 13 or more Mlle be certified. By Mail Ry Mai, Assessed Valuation of Real Estate New York City Charter and Ad- (106 Sections) Prices Vary. ministrative Code, Amendment. Changes in Departments, Etc. num; Mack B. Goldstein, at $3,110 per an- to- Canvass of Votes $1.00 $1.10 num ; George Shapiro, at $3,050 per an- Cumulative to July 1, 1941 $1 . 00 $1.10 OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER Election Law Decisions, Digest 2.50 2.60 Annual Supplements- num; Thomas A. Downes, at $2,990 per Electrical Code .75 .85 1941-1942; 1942-1943, each .S0 .60 Appointed - (Temporary) - Tabulating annum. Searcher: Joseph F. Madeo, at Exempt Properties, List of 3.00 3.10 Registration of Voters, Each, A.D .25 .30 Machine Operators at $1,620 per annum: $5,150 per annum. Stenographer: Julia G. Rules and Regulations of New York Robert W. Heidt, 1113 Irving ave., Bklyn. Rice, at $3,350 per annum. Claim Exam- Fire Department Specifications for City Agencies- .35 .40 27, Aug. 1; Edwin H. Bennett, 1551 Wil- iner : Harrison M. Luzzi, at $3,890 per Tank Trucks, etc. Cumulative to Nov. 30, 1941 2.00 2.10 New York City Charter .25 .30 Annual Supplements. Each 1.00 1.10 llamsbridge rd., Bronx, N. Y. 61, Aug. 5; annum. Senior Accountants: Harold S. New York City Charter Index . .25 .30 Sanitary Code .75 .85 Marcy Zito, 545 W. 112th st., Manhattan, Wilcock, at $3,830 per annum ; Mortimer N. Y. 25, Aug. 6. Accountants at $2,750 R. Herrmann, at $4,010 per annum; Thomas per annum : Emily G. Sorrell, 555 Edge- P. Quinn, at $3,590 per annum. Account- TABLE OF CONTENTS combe ave., Manhattan, N. Y. 32, Aug. 1; ants : Charles Keller, Herman A. Fried and Joseph J. Tanahey, 177 Cherry st., Man- Oscar Rubenstein, at $3,410 per annum; Board Meetings • 3875 Police Department-Owners Wanted hatta,n, N. Y. 2, Thomas E. Rosetti, 471 John G. Kahles, at $3,230 per annum; Brooklyn, President Borough of- for Unclaimed Property. 3875 Hudson st., Manhattan, N. Y. 14, and James A. Califano, at $2,990 per annum. Proposals 3879 Public Works, Department of- Edward G. Healey, 36 Plaza st., Bklyn. Junior Accountant : David B. Deblinger, at Sale of Old Materials 3879 Notice to Bidders 3879 17, Aug. 16. Clerks at $1,560 per annum: $2,400 per annum. Senior Bookkeeper: Changes in Departments, Etc. 3871 Proposals 3879 Albert L. Oppikofer, 560 47th st., Bklyn. Meyer Goldstein, at $3,170 per annum. City Planning Commission - Notices Purchase, Department of-Proposals. 3876 20, Aug. 2; Michael J. Oates, 6527 79th Examining Inspector : James J. Carlin, at of Public Hearings 3878 Richmond, President Borough of- pl., Middle Village, N. Y., and Joseph J. $3,350 per annum. Comptroller, Office of the-Vouchers Proposals 3879 DiBenedetto, 1461 68th st., Bklyn. 19, Aug. Salaries Fixed-(July 1)-Clerks: John Received September 3, 1946 3871 Regulations Relating to Contracts 3880 16. Printing Consultants, Aug. 8: Israel P. F. Cox, at $4,590 per annum; William Education, Board of-Proposals 3879 Supreme Court, First Department- Lopatino, 37-52 89th st., Jackson Heights, Marcellus, at $4,500 per annum ; John P. Estimate, Board of-Notices of Pub- Filing Tentative Decree-Notice to N. Y., John J. Burns, 501 E. 139th st., Lavin, C. Joseph Brachfeld and Marcus lic Hearings-Franchise Matters 3876 File Objections Manhattan, N. Y. 54, Charles Magnus, 44 D. Verter, at $3,170 per annum; Peter P. Finance, Department of-Confirmation Supreme Court, Second Department- 3879 Arden st., Manhattan, N. Y. 34, at $13.83 Brown, at $4,190 per annum ; Daniel P. of Assessments-Notices to Prop- Filing Bills of Costs 3880 a day; Ferris S. Billyou, 226 St. James pl., Cronin, at $3,050 per annum ; Harry W. Bklyn. 16, and William H. O'Grady, erty Owners 3875 Filing Fourth Partial and Separate 4105 Riegert and Isidore Suchoff, at $2,990 per Housing and Buildings, Department Tentative Decree 3880 158th st., Flushing, N. Y., at $14.68 a night. annum. Auditor of Accounts : Pauline E. Appointed-(Temporary)-Robert P. Er- of-Proposals 3877 Filing Tentative Decree-Notice to Xeller, at $5,000 per annum ; Eugene J. Marine and Aviation, Department of- File Objections 3880 wood, 211-71 Jamaica ave., Queens Village Tully, at $4,670 per annum ; Alexander 15, N. Y., Addressograph Operator at $1,- Proposals 3878 Notice to File Claims 3880 Silverstein, at $4,020 per annum; Francis Municipal Civil Service Commission- Transportation, Board of- 620 per annum, Aug. 16. Joan R. Schuster, Savona, at $4,650 per annum; Arthur F. Notice to All Persons Discharged Notices of Public Hearings 69-12 167th st., Flushing Heights, N. Y., Barton and Edward J. Darragh, at $4,010 Clerk at $4 a day, Aug. 19. Thomas A. per from Military Duty 3871 Proposals 3877 annum. Inspector of Foods: Edward Notice to Applicants 3871 Proposals-Notice to Bidders 3878 Lenane, 110 Seaman ave., Manhattan, N.Y. J. Hetherington, at $4,350 per annum. In- New York City Housing Authority- Proposed Approval of Subcontractor 3877 34, Junior Accountant at $2,160 per annum, spector of Repairs and Supplies : James P. Aug. 16. Notice to Bidders. 3879 Water Supply, Board of-Proposals. 3879 Dempsey, at $4,490 per annum. Notice re Prequalification Forms Water Supply, Gas and Electricity, Promoted-Joseph F. Waldorf, to Clerk, for Contractors 3879 Department of- at $1,800 per annum, July 1. DEPARTMENT OF WELFARE Proposals 3879 Proposals 3876 Services Ceased-(Temporary)-Jean C. Appointed - William Shannon, 406 E. Official Directory 3874 Report for Week Ended August 17, Simms and Robert P. Erwood, Clerks at 101st st., Manhattan, Cook at $1,740 per Parks, Department of-Proposals . 3879 1946 3871 $1,560 per annum, Aug. 16. Michael J. annum, Aug. 15. Baldo, Laborer at $1,860 per annum, Aug. Appointed- (Temporary) -Theresa M. 16. Printing Consultants : Ferris S. Billyou Engelbrecht, 200 E. 16th st., Manhattan, MUNICIPAL CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSION and William H. O'Grady, at $14.68 a night, Administrative Assistant at $3,800 per an- Aug. 15; Charles Magnus and Israel P. num, July 1. Administrative Assistants at ALL PERSONS DISCHARGED FROM MILITARY DUTY ARE ADVISED TO Lopatino, at $13.83 a day, Aug. 16; John $3,600 per annum, July 1: Betty Schneider, forthwith consult and carefully read those provisions of the State Civil Service Law J. Burns, at $13.83 a day, Aug. 17. 88-57 163d st., Jamaica; Mariana Jessen, and State Military Law pertaining to their rights, duties and responsibilities in connec- Services Ceased - Thomas J. Dolan, 58 W. 8th st., Manhattan. Ester Pris- tion with civil service examinations, and civil service employment. In order to safeguard Stenographer (Reporting) at ($1,800) $2,- cilla Stewart, 23 E. 9th st., Manhattan, such rights, they are further advised to forthwith appear at the offices of the Municipal 160 per annum, Aug. 12. Robert R. Brad- Administrative Assistant at $3,350 per an- Civil Service Commission at 299 Broadway, Manhattan, N. Y. 7, with their discharge ley, Temporary Clerk at $1,560 per annum, num, July 16. Social Investigators at $2,- papers. Disabled war veterans and any war veterans who are City employees or whose Aug. 16. Anthony J. Cella, Clerk at $1,620 160 per annum: Ruth E. Levine, 1365 St. names appear upon eligible lists are especially cautioned to appear forthwith at the office per annum, Aug. 8. Temporary Clerks at Johns pl., Bklyn., July 12; Edna G. Deane, of the Commission with their honorable discharge papers so that their preferential rights $4 a day : Salvatore Franco, Aug. 9; Mar- 10 W. 99th st., Manhattan, July 6; Joan T. as provided by law may be safeguarded. s4-11-18-25 garet A. Hyland and Bernadette Soder- Egan, 1051 Van Duzer st., S. I., July 11; strom, Aug. 16. Mildred M. Osofsky, Myra K. Rand, 215 W. 90th st., Manhat- Bookkeeper at $1,920 per annum, Aug. 15. tan, July 18. Office Appliance Operators Department of Water Supply, Gas tionary Fireman at $7.92 a day. Moe Lorraine C. Hentschel, Temporary Tabu- Levine, 1901 Bergen st., Bklyn., Temporary (Tabulating Machine) at $1,620 per an- and Electricity lating Machine Operator at $1,620 per an- num : Georgina M. Blake, 868 Stebbins Laborer at $1,980 per annum.
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