ap 1211 P2 1^21 \ ^ <S' mmw mm(a]LAmm COMPILED FROM UNITED STATES GOVERNMENT SURVEYS. OFFICIAL STATE SURVEYS. AND ORIGINAL SOURCES. COPYRIGHTED KEY TO MAP PAGES INSIDE COVER EXPLANATION TO SIGNS PAGE 2 BANDED POLE LINES LISTED PAGE 3 INDEX AND HOTEfc DIRECTORY PAGE 81 PUBLISHED BY THE iSATIONAL SURVEY CO. GEOGRAPHERS MAP MAKERS PUBLISHERS TOPOGRAPHICAL OFFICES CHESTER-VERMONT L.V CROCKER, TOPOGRAPHER • EXPLANATION OF SIGNS. Main Auto Routes Secondary Auto Routes g» ifc Important Highways . Other Highways Trails - Railroads Trolley Lines . •— (Following main road) -. '. * (Along ordinary road) —»___— Steamship Lines r State Boundary !••* County Boundaries Township Boundaries Streams Camps Lighthouses # State Capitol (^ County Seat Towns /^ Country Stores not situated in Vil- .'. lages. » Post Office Villages o P. O. & Telegraph office © P. 0. and Express office @ Post Office and both Express and Telegraph offices # Summer Post Offices e Winter Post Offices o Recently Discontinued P. a Villages having store a (but no Post Office) Village and Telegraph office (No Post Office) Village and Express Office p (No Post Office) Village and both Express and Telegraph Offices M Other villages . ^^-JL (No P. O. or store) ***** Railway . Stations , Fire Lookout ^tation'8 >S "THE FIGURES ONTHE SIDES OF EACH MAP PAGE SHOW THE ADJOINING MAPS'.' BANDED POLE ROUTES MAINE Aroostook Trail. Pgs. 40, 41, 36, 31, 29, 28. Blue—White VVaterville to Ft. Kent via liangor & Houlton. Atlantic Highway. Pgs. 50, 51, 47, 48, 49, 41, 42, 43, 44. Blue New York to Calais via Portsmouth, Portland, Rockland and Bangor. Capital Way. Pgs. 47, 48. Blue—White Portland to .Augusta via Lewiston. International Trail. Pgs. 47, 48, 40, 39, 33. Red Brunswick to Solon via Augusta & VVaterville. (Route to Jackman & Quebec.) Kennebec—Penobscot Trail. Pgs. 48, 49. Orange—White Augusta to Belfast. Longfellow Highway. Pgs. 47, 46. Yellow Portland to New Hampshire line near Gorham via Poland Springs and Bethel. Moosehead Trail. Pgs. 41, 40, 34. Green—White Newport to Greenville Jc. via Dover- Foxcroft. Mt. Desert Trail. Pgs. 45. Yellow—White Ellsworth to Bar Harbor. Poland Springs—White Mtn. Trail. Pg. 47. Green Poland Spgs. to Naples. (Joining T.R. International Hy. at Naples.) Theodore Roosevelt Internat. Hy. Pgs. 47, 46. "T.R."—Red Portland to Montreal via Bridgton & Fryburg. •, ,. Umbagog Trail. Pg. 46. White—Yellow Bethel to state line on road to Dixville Notch. NOTE. When routes turn at forks or intersections a pole will be marked P or L to indicate whether the route turns right or left. NEW HAMPSHIRE Baboosic Road. Pg. 25. White—Green—Brown—White Manchester to Milford. Bakers Pd. Road. Pgs. 14, 15. Blue—Red Wentworth to Orford. Central. Pgs. 27, 26, 25, 20, 19. Black—White—Black Dover to Vt. line near Claremont via Concord. Cheshire. Pgs. 23, 24, 25. Blue—Gray Brattleboro, Vt., to Hillsboro via Keene. Contoocook Valley. Pgs. 25, 24. White—Gray—White Hopkinton to Mass. line via Hillsboro, Peterboro & Rindge. Crawford Notch. Pgs. 15, 16. White—Red—White Twin Mtn. to East Side Rd. above N. Conway. Derry—Raymond. Pg. 26. Orange—Black East Side Road. Pgs. 27, 21, 16, 10. Black—Yellow—Black Mass. line near Newbur>'port to Colebrook via Dover, Rochester, Osaipee, Conway, Gorham, Dixville Notch. Franconia. P. 15. Black—Orange—Black Profile House to West Side Rd. near Littleton. Gorham Hill. • Wh ite—Blue—Yellow—Black Gorham to Lancaster, Pgs. 16, 19. Hampton. P. 27. Yellow—Brown Exeter to Hampton. Hudson—Derry. P. 26. White—Green—Orange—White Nashua to Derry. Lafayette. P. 27. Black—Yellow—Black Mass. line to Portsniouth via Hampton. Mascoma Valley. Pgs. 20, 19. White—Green-Blue—White Franklin to Lebanon. .Merrimac Valley. Pgs. 25, 20, 21, 16, 15. White—Green—White Mass. line near Nashua to Twin Mtn. Monadnock. P. 24. Black—Orange—Black Keene to State line (Winchendon Route). Moosilauke. Pgs. 20, 15, 14. Red—White—Red Plymouth to Haverhill, N. H. N. H. College. P. 27. Brown—Yellow Exeter to Dover Ossipee Mtn. P. 20. Green—Red—Yellow—Red Wolfboro to Moultonboro. Raynjond—Plaistow. P. 26. White—Black—White Rockingham. P. 26. Black—Orange—Black Mass, line near Lawrence to Manchester. Rocky Pond. Pgs. 25, 19. White—Green Central Hy East of Concord to Laconia. Soo Nipi Park. P. 18. White—Black East Side Lake S'unapee. South Side Road. Pgs. 24, 25, 26, 27. White—Brown—White Bellows Falls to West Side Road, Keene to Nashua, Manchester to Portsmouth. Suncook Valley. Pgs. 26, 21. White—Green—Yellow—Black Suncook to Alton Sunapee Lake. Pgs. 19, 20. White—Black—White Newport to Plymouth. West Side Road. Pgs. 24, 19, 14, 15, 9. White—Blue—White Mass. line near Northfield to White Mtn . via Keene, Lebanon. & Bethlehem. Whittier. Pgs. 19, 20. Red—White—Red Meredith to W Ossipee. Winnepesaukee. P. 20. Black—Gray—Black VERMONT Berkshire Way. Pgs. 23, 18, 17. Blue Bennington to Burlington via Rutland. Central Vt. Route. Pgs. 17, 18, 19. Red White River Jc. to Ticonderoga via Rutland. East Side Road. Pgs. 23, 19, 14, 8. Blue Brattleboro to Newport Vt. via Connecticut Valley & St. Johnsbury. Hoosic—Brattleboro Route. Pgs. 23, 22. Red Theodore Roosevelt Int. Hy. Pgs. 6, 12, ,13, 14, IS, 16. "T.R."—Red Montreal to Portland, Me. via St. Albans, Burlington, Montpelier and St. Johnsbury. Ideal Tour. (New York to White Mountains.) Bennington to Manchester. P. 22 Blue Manchester to SunaF>ee via Chester. Pgs. 22, 25 19. No Markers MASSACHUSETTS, CONNECTICUT AND RHODE ISLAND Primary Routes East & West Red Primary Routes North & South Blue Secondary & Diagonal Routes Yellow Anchory Way. Pgs. 55^ 56, 64, 65. Yellow Athol to Pawtucket via Worcester. Atlantic Highway. Pgs. 78, 79, 71, 72, 73, 74, 75, 65. New York to Providence Red Providence to Newburyport via Boston. Blue Berkshire .Way Connecticut Line to North Adams. Pgs. 60, 52, 53. Blue Cape Cod Tour (Upper). Pgs. 58, 67, 68, 69. Red Boston to Provincetown via Plymouth. Cape Cod Tour (Lower). Pgs. 58, 66, 67, 68, 69. Blue Boston to Chatham via Middleboro. Connecticut River W-ay. Pgs. 72, 62, 54. Saybrook to N. H. Line at ^st Northfield. Blue Hubway. Pgs. 58, 57, 56, 64, 63, 62, 61, 53, 52 Boston to Albany via Springfield & Pittsfield. Red Mohawk Trail. ' Pgs. 5a 57, 56, 55, 54, 53, 52. Red Boston to Albany via Greenfield & N. Adams. Nutmeg Trail. Pgs. 71, 72, 62, 63, 73, 64, 65. Red Thomaston, Conn, to Wareham, Mass., via Hartford to Providence. Ideal Tour (New York to White Mtns.) N. Y. to Stratford. Pgs. 78, 79. Red Stratford to Winsted. Pgs. 79, 71, 61. Blue Winsted to Canaan. Pgs. 61, 60. Yellow Canaan to N. Adams. Pgs. 60, 52, 53. Blue — LBuna .^ -^^^^ 1!^ IspRsy W7 i lALBURGI If-^^' |C£-/vJ ! ji ' ^^^^ ! t-^/ \ J Hiqhgate -r-iS // /I r Twm ^ { ->f r ) i +- \i,/ikc'sidcjL ^CumOer)»nd Head jrano I lisle w.^1%/?. GORDOr\ LDS \ I >^£OffGIAfSTAK ,^_^ , '•^ ^V-V^rOaitifax ^Milton / R COLC, Burling to' Qujeen City 'ParH.^^ VvJ Iwillsboro ' ' ' Point • /ft to u KAL'^iri^u/^TltH^W Bed je gal \5pr t> -.^v*^ --•'"~~~^^^^^C'iByF f p~o s b f Q Falls <%. I ( \Er\IOSBURC\enossurc ( I \ M^?^s=,^ lOINTGQIVlbRy *K /-iliCRKlCh. ^ II HUTCHINS^ \ I o\ iHECrORVlLLL \IRFI£LD y A VERYS GORfE / Belvidere Corsi / ^elvidere Cen/ j^ BEL ^IDERE ^^ / CAMBRIPGE '* N H/de Park ' ^bridg^ _ Q flush Cambncjge Jc ^ ^ Jfft'fersonville )erb\ 3- 95- I PO norgarrx A TTroy 1V1\ WestfieldT, STFIELl '^Brownirigton / COVENTRY/^ '^OIVN/NGTON / '^s L/L Westmore IN / cT M O R E \ Jarton Kv^ ^^ iParkers - den Mills , ^Willoughby^\^ Tt/rCvStyeenei \GloverJ L<CKV .R / '^ \ SUA /CRAJftV SUTTON fST^! ^ U I A ClSrk}ClSrl Cra'ft^ury, '.V' SuEton 7G^RE(0\/SB,MO Sheffield I ) * Whe^lock , o/xri/ I/! ' tVolcott \i /Wheelock P. ? W H E E lA yf hUrIdwtix-^ \7 // ii \w// / lGOSS\y ^^cENTERyALE .^.ctIi ^^^^\^y£^'v,LLE '^ DAN^Ii-^^K STJOMSBlJfiXx' '^or Woodbury^ X 9 so ^W^riispond^5^^Beechen£aJls ^ Norton" ^--Canaan Holland Mills' "^verill ^ I U ^,^C A N A -A N| IN O R 1ft O I>l ^jLJiAyeri// I ^ 1 VJSif Lake A V E JRj^ I L'^l^^c^ ^ / , / I lorgan /wI VwP , WO /aVERYS /^n 10 'J 10 15 I , ^, 20 V Stejw^rtstown, 7 ~~"^~^ ^~'~----, -- fi . ' M ^i\ Is T^ J S/T O W HI \ ', ^MONb POND r \^'«f'"«i / .'cta-rt'Iviouth ?iDl XS //"'colhIcge '^-> l-ocat^ion \ -'"T (C^ hWENTWORTHS UO.C IV=»An I ' i:r= _ . — — --VfA • 11 \fordjpo n II M M ^'^'CAMB,.R l.DGE \ © COPyRIGMTED / 13 so / B O LjT O IN V / J' znamville u^v/ I -^.. / ®,^Waterbury IpuxBuR'y ^ D \}jyi^ B ly / VKtGhTS N. Middlesex^ -A O / f^JS^e//efi 'f >arr( \Z! 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