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CALL US TODAY FOR A COPY OF Your Guide to Social Security Winter Park Recovery Center Executive Drug & Alcohol Treatment Services [email protected] | ASafeHarbor.com Suboxone Maintenance For Opioid Abuse Sinclair Method for Alcohol Extinction (407) 644-6646 Hypnotherapy/Acupuncture/Massage Learn more visit Medically Managed Dual Diagnosis www.ss.vip2site.com Evidenced Based Protocols Your Real Hometown Bank 2056 Aloma Ave, Suite 100, Winter Park, FL 32792 On Hwy 17-92 in Maitland Call us today for your Complimentary Custom Annuity Review! www.WinterParkRecoveryCenter.com Member FDIC 407-644-6646 or visit www.asafeharbor.com for your complimentary brochure. 407-629-0413 Thursday, April 18, 2013 WPMOBSERVER.COM 50¢+ tax Serving Winter Park, Maitland, Baldwin Park, College Park and Goldenrod Maitland awakens Election TARS IN rules SHINING ARMOR chicken initiative revamped LIFESTYLES, 8 SARAH WILSON Observer Staff Rollins drops four of five Flocks of supporters have after suit gathered together in towns Two comeback losses leave across Central Florida petition- Controversial election baseball team stinging. Can they ing to legalize the keeping of led city to remove rebound before the postseason? backyard chickens, with Mai- SPORTS, 6 tland being the most recent qualification gray areas to hop on the bandwagon in How fat is Orange County? March. ISAAC BABCOCK Observer Staff New study shows surprising The Maitland Backyard results about local obesity. Chicken Initiative, an idea Winter Park tied up some loose HEALTHY LIVING, 10 hatched by resident John Endi- ends on a controversial issue that cott, has garnered nearly half of marred the city’s last election, Kudos to Florida Film Fest its goal of 500 signatures in sup- tightening up rules for candidates port of the city changing its code to qualify for the ballot. Our take on the best moments to allow backyard chickens since Ross Johnston’s attempt to get from the annual celebration of it launched March 15. PHOTO BY ISAAC BABCOCK — THE OBSERVER on the election ballot on Jan. 8 the art of the silver screen. “Other cities are doing it, so Roosters can’t roost in Maitland, but hens soon may as the Maitland City Council turned into a legal battle after City OPINIONS, 19 Maitland should too,” Endicott examines whether to give the go-ahead to an idea that’s gaining public support. Clerk Cindy Bonham disquali- said. fied him. She had said he failed COMMUNITY BULLETIN........... .4 He’s modeled the Maitland an desire to control and take ter citing a positive response to properly complete the process, CALENDAR ................... .7 LIFESTYLES................... .8 petition, urging the city to re- ownership of their food source and zero complaints, voted to leading to arguments of clarity is- HEALTHY LIVING............... .10 move chickens from its prohib- through the eggs, citing concern expand its Urban Chicken Pi- sues about the process. Johnston CULTURE.................... .17 ited list of “live poultry,” off a over an ever-industrializing lot Program to add 50 more argued that the rules weren’t ex- OPINIONS ................... .19 similar effort started in Winter commercial food market. households to the 25 currently plicit and that Bonham could have CLASSIFIEDS ................. .32 Park last year by resident Ra- “If you went and bought a allowed to set up coups. Whited used her discretion to allow him chel Whited, which reached 500 chicken from a grocery store, has presented that information on the ballot, but refused. With signatures in August. Both hope they couldn’t tell you where it to the city, and is waiting to see the new rules, City Attorney Lar- SUBSCRIBE NOW! to encourage cities to allow no came from, the same with eggs,” where Winter Park will take it ry Brown said, that won’t be an is- VISIT WPMOBSERVER.COM more than five hens – no roost- Endicott said. “… There’s just so from there. sue any more. ers, which are noisy and unnec- many problems with that.” In Maitland, the process of “We made it very clear that if essary for egg production – be Following Whited’s presen- evaluating chicken legality is you fail to strictly comply … then kept in backyard coops. tation of the petition to the Win- just beginning as Endicott and the city clerk really doesn’t have Whited and Endicott each ter Park Commission in August, fellow resident Doreen Olive any discretion,” Brown said at said their ideas spurred from the city opted to not take any seek out meetings with city staff a Commission meeting April 8. action regarding allowing urban and officials to start the code- “She has to reject it.” To learn more about the Maitland hens until results of Orlando’s change application process. To The rule changes will also cut Backyard Chicken Initiative, visit their backyard chicken trial program, do so, they’ll have to go through down on hastily submitted last- Facebook page at facebook.com/ which began last May, were Maitland’s Development Re- minute filings, with erroneous ap- MaitlandChickens or their petition made public. view Committee and Planning plications submitted within two Publisher statement on page 4. USPS 00-6186 page on Change.org at tinyurl.com/ On April 8 of this year, the and Zoning Commission before days of the ballot deadline being MaitlandChickens Orlando City Commission, af- n Please see CHICKENS on page 6 thrown out. UCF offers business start-up help to veterans BRITTNI JOHNSON course. The program has been designed to create an environ- a business, which is a popular Observer Staff taught on military bases around ment for businesses to be suc- choice. Veterans own nine per- The University of Central the country with 300 participants cessful and to create jobs,” said cent of business in the United Florida Business Incubation Pro- so far. Gordon Hogan, director of the States, and are 45 percent more gram is offering veterans and ac- The 30 hour class, which is UCFBIP. “We just want to give likely to become an entrepreneur tive military members the chance open to both veterans and active veterans the opportunity to make compared to people with no ac- to learn how to start their own military members, costs $100 and a good decision.” tive-duty military experience, ac- businesses from a successfully will teach business and network- Rafael Caamano, assistant di- cording to 2011 research from the proven program. ing skills, give attendees access rector for the UCFBIP, said that U.S. Small Business Administra- The University of Central to their own military business the economy and job market is tion Office of Advocacy. Florida Business Incubation Pro- owner advisory board for advice still in a rough state. After re- gram (UCFBIP) is the host to the and support, and will connect tiring, many military members Course objectives Central Florida pilot program of them to other military business can’t find a job or are underem- The class will first help the the Kauffman FastTrac NewVen- resources in the area. ployed. Their next option is to veteran decide if their idea is fea- ture Veteran Entrepreneur “The Incubation Program is create their own job by starting n Please see VETERANS on page 2 Page 2 Thursday, April 18, 2013 Winter Park / Maitland Observer VETERANS | Program takes veterans from missions on the battlefield to operations in the business world n CONTINUED FROM FRONT PAGE ing his own daytime care-giving ness idea happen, from the basic sons learned that would take en- “They understand missions, center for adults. But, he’s never business plan, to finding their au- tire lifetimes to be learned, that they understand objectives,” Caa- sible, and if they have the motiva- been sure if he could actually do dience and the money to actually are available to them on day one,” mano said. “They have tendency tion, time and character it takes to it. He hopes to be able to make a start it up. Ruiz said. to stay on target.” start their own business. more informed decision after the But they don’t always realize And that’s what drew Orlan- class. Veteran success Veterans make good that those skills are what make a do veteran Christian Betancourt “You’re confident to make the Gabe Ruiz, president of Ad- entrepreneurs great entrepreneur, so that’s why to the program. Because of his right decisions,” he said. “They vanced IT Concepts in Orlando It’s not always easy to translate the UCFBIP veteran course is im- healthcare background – he was didn’t provide any false expecta- and a retired Army colonel, said military experience into civilian portant to help them identify their a combat medic in the Navy and tions … that’s what I really want.” his success is proof of the value of work atmospheres, Ruiz said, but strengths and take the next step. served for 12 years before retiring The class will then teach the the business assistance programs the qualities military members Hogan and Caamano hope that – he always thought about start- veterans how to make their busi- offered by UCF. While his com- have are extremely useful as a they can help a few veterans make pany was too large to participate business owner. the decision to start their own in the UCFBIP, he did benefit from “Entrepreneurship is almost business after taking the class, APY using the resources at the Small automatic,” he said. “It’s an atti- and then move on to their addi- Business Development Center at tude toward serving, it’s an atti- tional BIP courses. They’re work- UCF. tude toward perfection.” ing on garnering more sponsors He’s grown his revenue 100 Veterans thrive under pres- to help veterans with registration percent to $5 million last year, sure, are open to taking risks and fees once they see how successful and tripled in size since utilizing can adapt quickly.
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