Utah Directory of Radio 645.9063. E -mail: letters @kpcw.org. Web Site: www.kpcw.org. KOVO(AM)- Sept 12, 1939: 960 khz; 5 kw -D, 1080 w -N, DA -N. TL: 1800 E. 8005, Ballard (84066). (435) 722 -501'. (435) 789 -5101. Fax: Licensee: Community Wireless of Park City. Format: AAA, news. Spec N40 12 44 W111 40 13. 26 W. Center (84601). (801) 818.1074. (801) (435) 722 -5012. E -mail: radio @ubtanet.com. Licensee: Country Gold prog: Class 17 hrs, C &W 18 hrs, jazz 12 hrs wkly. Blair Feulner, gen 818 -9600. Fax: (801) 818 -3308. Licensee: Millcreek Broadcasting Broadcasting. (acq 2 -84: $419,419: FTR: 2-20-84) Format: C&W. mgr; Karen Thomas, progmg dir; Leslie Thatcher, news dir; Dennis L.L.C. (group owner; acq 2-23 -01: $335.000). Net: ABC Information News staff: one; news progmg 10 hrs wkly. Target aud: 25-54. Silver, chief of engrg. & Entertainment Rep: D & R Radio Format: All sports. Target aud: 35 Joseph L. Evans, pres & gen mgr: Bob Fox. gen mgr: Teddy Evans, plus; upper income affluent males & females 35-65. Craig Hanson, gen sls mgr, Ead Hawkins, progmg dir & news dir: Jim Leonard, chief Parowan pres; Sheila O'Conner, gen mgr. of engrg. KSRR(AM)- Nov 24, 1947: 1400 khz; 1 kw-U. TL: N40 15 29 W111 KXRO(FM)- Dec 18, 1998: 94.3 mhz; 17.5 kw. Ant 1,863 ff. TL: N40 KTTT(AM)- September 2003: 1400 khz; 800 w -U. TL: N37 48 47 42 24. Hrs opn: 24. Box 828, 1240 E. 800 N., Orart (84059). (801) 31 15 W109 42 25. 1420 E. 2850 S., Suite 200, Vernal (84078). (435) W112 56 21. Box 1450, St. George (84771 -1450). 210 North 1000 224 -1400. Licensee: Robert Morey. (acq 8- 27 -97) Format Adult 722 -0940. (435) 781 -1100. Fax: (435) 781-1500. E -mail: East, St. George (84770). (435) 628.1000, Fax: (435) 628 -6636. contemp. News progmg one hr wkly. Target aud: 18 -54. *Robert H. cruise @iwworeko.com. Web Site: www.kxrq.com. Licensee: Uinta Licensee: AM Radio 1400 Inc. Group owner: Diamond Broadcasting Morey, gen mgr; Gordon W. Bullock, gen sls mgr, V. Ray Bishop, Broadcasting L.C. (acq 2- 15-01: $450,000). Format: CHR. hot adult Corp. Wash airy: Dan J. Alpert. Format: News/sports. *Jeffrey B. progmg dir; Terry Noble, chief of engrg. contemp. Target aud: 25 -54. Spec prog: Religion 6 hrs wkly. Chartes Bate, CEO & pres; Bill Traue, chief of engrg. D. Hahl, gen mgr; Mark Christiansen, opns dir & progmg dir; Ray Wanly. gen sls mgr & prom dir; Robert S. Davis. chief of engrg, KXRK(FM)- Feb 14, 1968: 96.3 mhz; 38 kw. Ant 2,952 ft. TL: N40 36 Rates: $15: 15; 15; 15. Payson 28 W112 09 26. Stereo. Hrs opn: 24. 515 South 700 East, Suite IC, Salt Lake City (84102). (801) 524 -2600. Fax: (801) 521 -9234. E -mail: KTCE(FM)- November 1993: 92.3 mhz; 110 w. 2,215 ft. TL: N40 05 xmail ®x96.com. Web Site: www.x96.com. Licensee: Simmons -SLC, Roy 27 W111 49 16. Box 10, Provo (84603). (801) 371 -9000. Fax: (801) LS LLC. Group owner: Simmons Media Group (acq 4 -4-01; grpsl). 412-6041. Licensee: Moenkopi Communications Inc. Format: Rhythm, Wash ally: Fletcher, Heald & Hildreth. Format: Alternative. Target aud: 'KANN(AM)- September 1961: 1120 khz; 10 kw-D. 1 kw -N, DA -2. CHR. Brian Leifson, pres, gen mgr, progmg dir & chief of engrg; 18 -34; young, affluent executives. *Craig Hanson, pres; Bruce TL: N41 03 31 W112 04 10. Hrs opn: 24. Box 3880, Ogden (84409). Thomas Sly, gen mgr. *Rates: $60; 30: 15; 7.50. Thomas, CFO; Stephen C. Johnson, gen mgr; Alan Hague, opns dir; 2500 W. 3700 S., Syracuse (84075). (801) 776 -0249. E -mail: Mike Lund, gen sls mgr; Kris Burton, nati sls mgr: Natalie Divino, mktg bobalzu6arat @aol.com. Web Site: www.sosradio.net. Licensee: Faith dir & prom dir; Todd Nukem, progmg dir; Scott Matthews, chief of Communications. Format: Christian. News progmg 6 hrs wkly. Target Pleasant Grove engrg. Rates: $120; 120; 120; 100. aud: 25 -44; young families. Jack French. pres; Bob Alzugarat. gen mgr; Brad Staley. opus mgr; Chris Staley, progmg dir: Tm Hunt. chief May 1976: mhz; 115 TL: N40 21 48 'KPGR(FM)- 88.1 w. -1,128 h. KZHT(FM)- November 1979: 94.9 mhz; 47 kw. Ant 2,798 ft. TL: N40 of engrg. PM. 700 W111 43 30. Stereo. Hm opn: 8:45 AM -10 E. 200 S. (84062). 16 58 W111 56 11. Stereo. Hrs opn: 24.2801 S. Decker Dr., Salt Lake (801) 785 -5747. (801) 785-8700. Fax: (801) 785 -8744. Licensee: City (84119). (801) 909 -1300. Fax: (801) 908 -1449. Web Site: KUOD(FM)- September 1986: 107.9 mhz: 67 kw. 2.383 ft. TL: N41 Alpine School District. Format: CHR, educ. Target aud: 12 -18; www.949zhlcom. Licensee: Citicasters Licenses L.P. Group owner: 15 27 W112 26 24. 2835 E. 3300 S., Suite 800, Salt Lake City students. Spec prog: All Pleasant Grove High football, basketball, Clear Channel Communications Inc. (acq 1999; grpsl). Rep: Clear (84107). (801) 412.6040. Fax: (801) 412 -6041. Licensee; Millcreek baseball games 4 hrs wkly. Van L. Bulkley, gen mgr. Channel Wash airy: Hogan & Hartson. Format: CHR. Target aud: Broadcasting L.L.C. (group owner: acq 4 -17 -01: grpsl). Wash airy: 18 -34; females. Ann Stanek, VP; Stu Stanek, gen mgr: Deb Robert Olender. Format: Top 40. Target aud: General. Sheila Wallace, gen sls mgr; Jim Vandiver, nail sls mgr; Stacy Davis, prom Price O'Connor, gen mgr: Steve Pluim, gen sls mgr; Brian Michel, progmg mgr; Jeff McCartney, progmg dir; Mike "Jagger' Prebish, mus dir: Abby dir: Kevin Terry, chief of engrg. Bonet!, news dir: Barry McLellan. chief of engrg; Lutisha Merrill, sls. KARB(FM)- July 1977: 98.3 mhz; 3 kw. -145 h. TL N39 36 36 W110 48 52. (CP: 7 kw). Stereo. Box 875 (84501). (435) 637 -1167. Fax: Saint George (435) 637 -1177. E -mail: koal ®castlenet.com. Web Site: www.koal.net. Randolph Licensee: Eastem Utah Broadcasting Co. *Net: ABC FM Connection 'KAER(FM) --Not on air, target date: unknown: 89.3 mhz; 900 w. Ant Format: Country. Keith Mason, progmg dir; Tom Anderson, pres, gen KWKD(FM) -Not on air, target date: unknown: 102.3 mhz; 480 w. -112 ft. TL: N37 06 54 W113 34 23.5700 W. Oaks Blvd., Rocklin, CA mgr & chief of engrg. 1,128 ft. TL: N41 37 31 W111 07 23. Hrs opn: 24 hours. 2835 E. 3300 (95765). (916) 251 -1600. Fax: (916) 251 -1650. Licensee: Educational S., Salt Lake City (84109). (801) 412 -6040. Fax: (801) 412 -6041. Media Foundation. Group owner: EMF Broadcasting. *Richard Licensee: Millcreek Broadcasting L.L.C. (group owner; acq 4-17 -01; KOAL(AM)- 1936: 750 khz; 10 kw kw -N, DA -N. TL: October -U, 6.8 Jenkins, pres. grpsl). Dewey Johnson, pres mgr; Kelly, gen mgr; Dee N39 34 02 W110 47 53. Box 875 (84501). (435) 637 -1167. Fax: (435) & gen Jim sls Doyle, news dir; Bill McKenney, chief of engrg. 637 -1177. E -mail: koal @castlenet.com. Web Site: www.koal.net. Licensee: Eastern Utah Broadcasting Co. Net: ABC Information & KDXU(AM)- July 3, 1957: 890 khz; 10 kwU, DA -N. TL: N37 04 04 W113 750 Ridgeview Dr., 204 (84770). Entertainment Format: News/talk, sports. Spec prog: Farm 5 hrs wkly. Richfield 31 04. W. Suite (435) Fax: *Keith Mason, progmg dir; Thomas Anderson, pres, gen mgr & chief 673 -3579. (435) 673 -8900. Licensee: Western Broadcasting LS of engrg. LLC. Group owner: Simmons Media Group (acq 4 -4-01: grpsl). Net: KCYO(FM)- Listing follows KSVC(AM). ABC Information & Entertainment Format: News/talk. Target aud: 25 -54. Spec prog: Relg 4 hrs wkly. C. Craig Hanson, pres; Don KSLL(AM)- Sept 6, 1980: 1080 khz; 10 kw -D. TL: N39 33 43 W110 KLGL(FM)- 2000: 97.5 mhz: 56 kw. Ant 2,353 ft. TL: N39 19 17 Shelline. gen mgr: Kevin Fry, gen sls mgr, Bryan Hyde, progmg dir: 46 36. Stereo. Box 1080 (84501). 163 E. 100 N. (84501). (435) W111 48 11. Stereo. Box 40. Mami (84642). (435) 835 -7301. Fax: Gary Smith. chief of engrg. 637.1080. Fax: (435) 637 -8191. E -mail: kusa ®emerytelcom.net. Web (435) 835 -2250. Licensee: Sanpete County Broadcasting Co. (acq Site: www.kusaonline.com. Licensee: Against the Wind Broadcasting 5-3 -01; $250,000). Format: Super hits. Douglas Barton, CEO, pres KSNN(FM) -owned with KDXU(AM). June 15, 1973: 93.5 mhz; 3 Inc. (acq 6-21 -02; $250,000 with co-located FM). Format: Country. -Co & gen mgr; J. D. Fox, opns VP, mktg VP, prom VP & progmg VP; Dave kw. -125 ft. TL: N37 06 54 W113 34 23. Stereo. Format: Adult Target aud: General. *Randy J. Timothy, pres; David B. Smith. gen Gunderson, sls VP; J. D Fox, mus din Kirk Williams, engrg VP. contemp. Target aud: 12 -49. Bryan Benware, progmg dir. mgr & progmg dir; Dennis Silver, chief of engrg. KSVC(AM)- September 1947: 980 khz; 5 kwD, 1 kw -N, DA -N. TL: KWSA(FM)-Co -owned with KSLL(AM). December 1985: 100.9 mhz; KONY(FM)- Nov 12, 1994: 99.9 mhz: 89 kw. Ant 2,053 ft. TL: N36 45 40 Annabella N38 W112 04 35. Hrs opn: 24. 390 E. Rd. (84701). 50 49 W113 29 28. Stereo. Hrs opn: 24. Rebroadcasts KSGI(AM) St.
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