(200) WRi 7.3>-- ;:). , 3 1818 00029855 Hydrology of Malheur Lake, Harney County, southeastern Oregon J, ./J v- . S. GEOLOGI AL SURV EY / Water esOi:ifceTn vest iga tlo ns 2 1-75 • EP 2 3 1975 Prepared in cooperation with U. S. ARMY CORPS OF E GT EERS, Wall a Wall a Distri ct BI6LIOGR.I.PHIC DATA 11. Report No. 3. Re cipient' Accession No. SHEET 4. Title a nd Subtitle 5. Report Date HYDROLOG Y OF MALHEUR LAKE, HARNEY COUNTY, SOUTHEASTERN August 1975 OREGON 6. 7. Au thor(s ) 8. Performing Organization Rept. Larr y L. Hubbard o. USGS/WRI -21-7 5 9. Performing Organization Name and Address 10. Project/ Task/ Work Unit No. U.S. Geological Survey, Water Resources Division 830 NE. Holladay Street 11. Contra ct/ Grant No . Portland, Oregon 97232 12. Sponsoring Organization Name a nd Address 13. Type of Report & Period U.S . Geological Survey, Water Resources Division Covered 830 NE . Holladay Street Final Portland, Oregon 97232 14. 15. Supplementary orcs Prepared in cooperation with the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Walla Walla Distr ict 16. Ab rracrs The various components of inflow and outf low to and from the lake and their relative magnitudes were identified. In 1972 water year the total inf low to the lake was 200,000 acre - feet, but it was only 75 ,000 acre-feet in 1973 water year. In 1972 wa ter year the Donner und Blitzen River contr ibuted 55 percent of the inflow, with Silvies River , direct prec i pitation, and Sodhous e Spring contributing 28, 13, and 4 percent respectively. In 1973 the Donner und Blitzen River contributed 61 percent of the inf low. The Silvies River, direct precipitation, and Sodhouse Spring contributed 1, 25, and 12 percent respectively. Ground-water inflow, o ther than Sodhouse Spring, appears to be negligible. In 1972 water year, 81 percent of t he outflow was b y evapotranspiration and 19 percent was surface outf low through The Narrows. I n 1973, 96 percent of the outflow was by evapotranspiration and 4 per c ent was surface outflow through The Narrmvs. Ground-water outflow is negligible. 17 . Key Words a nd Document Anal ys is . 17o. Des criptors ~'<Hydro logic equation, >'( Hydrologic budget, *Hydrologic data, >'<Lakes, Inflow, Wa t er levels, Surf ace -groundwater relationships, Water storage , Discharge (water), Evapotranspiration . 17b. Id entifi e rs / Open-E nded Terms Harney Lake basin, Harney County, Closed -lake basins . 17c. OSATI Field 'Group 18. Ava ilability Statement 19 . Securit y Class (Thi s 21 . No. of Pages Re port) No restriction on distribution .l iNr l ASS IFI£0 44 20. Security C lass (Thi s 22. Price Page UNCLASSIFIED FORM NTIS· 35 I REV . 10·7 31 ENDORSED BY ANSI AND UNESCO. THlS FORM MAY BE REPRODUCED U SCOMM· OC 8205·P 7 4 HYDROLOGY OF MALHEUR LAKE, HARNEY COUNTY , SO THEASTERN OREGON By Larry L. Hubbard U.S. GEOLOGiCAL SURV EY Water Reso urces lnvestigat ions 21 -75 Prepared in cooperation with U.S. ARMY CORPS OF E GINEERS, Walla Walla District August 1975 IT D ST TES DEP RTMEt T OF TH E I T ERIOR Stanl ey K. Hathaway, Secretary GEOLOGI LSURVEY Vin ce nt E. McK elvey, Director For additional information write to: U.S. Geological Survey P. 0. Box 3202 Portland , Oregon 97208 ii CONTENTS Page Abstract--- - -------- ------- - ------- - -- - - ----------------------- - -------- 1 I ntrodu ction--------- - -------- --------------- - - ------- - ------- - --------- 2 Description o f study area -------------------------------------- --- ­ 2 Acknowl edgments---------------------- - - ---------------------------­ 3 Purpose and scope - ---------- ---- - ------- ---------------------- - -- - ­ 3 Methods of inve stigation------------------------ ------------------- 4 Data collection------------------------------- - ------------- - ­ 4 Wa t er-budg et s ystem-------- - -- - ----------------------- -------- 7 The wa t er budge t------------- - ----- - --- - - - --------------- - - ------------- 7 Inflow to Ma lheur La ke--- ----------------------------------------- -----­ 10 Surfac e i nfl ow t o the l a ke-- -------------------------------- - ------ 11 Si lvies River------------ - - -------------------- - -------------- 11 We st Fork Sil vies ------------ - --------- -------------- - --­ 12 East Fork Silvies ------------ - - - --------------- - - -------­ 12 Floodflows b ypa ssing Ea st For k a nd We st Fork gages------­ 12 Ne t f low of the Silvies r eaching lake - ----- -------------­ 12 Flow of the Silvies Riv er during the study pe riod compared to the long-term average - --- - ------ - ---------­ 13 Eff ec ts on ffow o f upstream ma nagement pra ctices --------­ 13 Donner und Blitzen River-- ---------------------------------- -­ 1 5 Flow of the Donner und Blitzen River during the s tudy pe riod comp ared to the long - t e rm average - ----- - ---- - - -­ 17 Ef fects of upstream ma nagement pra ctices- --- - ------- - ---­ 17 Noncontributing surfa c e dra inages ------------------ - ---- -----­ 18 Infl ow f r om direct precipita tion on the l a ke surface---------- - -- - ­ 19 Ground -wa t er inf low-- ---------------------------------- - ----------­ 20 Seepage into l a ke from the gr ound-wa t er t abl e --------------- - ­ 20 Sodhous e Sp r ing ---------------------------------------- - - - ---- 20 Ou t f low f rom Ma lheur La ke - ------------------------------------- - --- - ---- 23 Surface out f low ---------- ---- - ------------------------------------- 23 Eva potra nspiration los s es ----- - ------------------- - ---------------­ 23 Ground -wa t er out f low- - -------------- ------------------- - - --- -- - ---- 24 Change in l a ke cont ents------------------------------------------------­ 25 La ke wa t er-surfac e el eva tions -------- -------- ----------------- - ---­ 25 De t ermina tion o f l a ke wa t er - surfac e a r eas ---------------- - --------­ 28 Estimation of monthly cha nge in lake contents ---------------------- 31 Eva lua tion o f water budget- - -------------------------------------------- 31 Wat er qua lity -------------------- - --- - - - -- - ---------- - --- --------------- 32 Sel ec t ed r e f er enc es-- -------------- - -------- -- - ------------- ---- ---- -- -- 40 iii ILLUSTRATIONS Page Figure 1 . Map of Oregon showing location of study area------- -- -------- 3 2 . Map showing locations of data-collection points---------- - --- 5 3 . Photograph showing stage - recording gage and deflection-vane meter on East Fork of Silvies River-- --------------------- - 6 4 . Graph showing relationship of flow in Silvies River near Burns and the fl ow in Donner und Blitzen River near Frenchglen during 1972 and 1973 water years to the long- term average flow ----------------- - ------------------------ 14 5. Hyd rographs for the Silvies River comparing flows passing the gaging station near Burns with flows reaching Malheur Lake- 15 6 . Hydrographs of the Donner und Blitzen River compa ring f lows passing the Frenchglen gaging station with fl ow s passing the Voltage gaging station--------------------------------- 18 7. Ma p showing locations of ground-water obs ervation wells and graphs showing water-table profiles------------------------ 21 8. Map showing locations of water-level gaging sites and hydraulic units-------------------------------------------- 26 9 . Graphs showing water-surface elevations at Malheur Lake at break in Cole Island Dike and Malheur Lake Ou tlet at The Narrows---------------------------------------------------- 27 10. ERTS-1 imagery showing water surface of Malheur Lake through- out a range of lake levels--------------------------------- 29 11. Graphs showing area curves of Malheur Lake---- --------------- 30 12. Map showing locations of water-quality sampling sites, and specific conductanc e and streamflow near the end of March 1972--------------------- -------------------------- -- 33 iv TABLES Page Tab l e 1 . Malheur Lake monthly water budget s howing i n flow , outfl ow , and change i n lake conten ts from March 1, 1972 , to Sept ember 30, 1973 -- - -------------- - ----------------------- 8 2 . Yearl y wa t er budget s for Ma lheur Lake for 1972 and 1973 wa t er years ------- - -- - ------- - - - - - ---------- - -- - ------ - --- - 11 3 . Inf l ow t o Ma lheur Lake that b ypassed Ea st Fork a nd West Fork Sil vies Ri ver gages ------- - ---- - --- - ---- - ------- - - - -------- 13 4 . I nf l ow bypassing Donner und Bl itzen River near Vo l tage gage a nd crossing So d Hou se Lane - - ------ - ------ ---- - -- - --- - - - -- - 16 5. Inf l ow t o Ma lheur Lake from Ma lheur Slough ------ - ----- - ----- - 19 6 . Inflow a t Sodhouse Sp ri ng -- - -------- - ------- - --- ~ - - - -- --- -- - - 22 7. Wa t er - surface areas of Ma lheur Lake ----------- ------- - --- - --- 28 8 . Chem i cal ana l yses of water samples at mi scellaneous sites on Ma lheur Lake a nd its tributaries -- - --------- -- ---- - - - - --- -- 34 I 9 . Analyses of t rac e metal s dissolved i n waters of Malheur La ke ------------------------------------------ - - ----- - ----- 38 10. Ch em ica l analyses of bottom- sedi men t sampl es of miscellaneous s ites in Ma lheur Lake --- - ------------------- - -- - --------- - - 39 v FACTORS FOR CONVERTING ENGLIGH UNITS TO INTERNATIONAL SYSTEM UNITS (SI) The following factors may be used to convert the Eng lish units in this report to the International System of Units (SI). Multiply English units To obtain SI units Length inches (in.) 25.4 millimetres (mm) feet (ft) . 3048 metres (m) miles (mi) 1 . 609 kilometres (km) Area acres . 004047 square kilometres (km2) .4047 hectares (ha) 2 square mil es (mi ) 2 . 590
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