San Francisco, Calif. Permit No. 4241 1 U, S. POSTAGE PAID 1-- . "r STATIONARY ENGINEERS l OCAl 39 '( :Dollars and Ballots ISF Rallies Biggest .Issue in State .Can Win For Labor 1 0 Elect History-Calif. Prop. 13 i o the Officers and Members union can be facilitated and made · hf. All Local Haven ner Big Business rulers of Ca1ifornia's Senate are being driven Unions. more convenient for them. This 13 into a frenzy over the possibility that Proposition No. · o:q ,. Dear Sirs and Brothers: method, which -has been approved San Francisco voters who the November 2 ballot may be voted by the people and thus .. Election day, November 2, is fast I by the League's attorneys as being have long demonstrated their put On the election of state senators on a population basis ~n~ appro~ching. that day ma~lY Ientirely legal under the Taft-Hart- -' . b t th ~ongressmen anedd fsomteh of L1e . ley Act, is now being used success- approval of the sincere, capa- 1 stead ·of one for each county, 1t ecame apparen as · e Senators who vot or e passage . ble type of representation in I pre-election period drew near . of the infamous Taft-Hartley Act, fully a · close . by the membershJ~ o_f a . b C . 1 "ProposWon 13 is definitely or- ' --------------- a law designed to destroy the trade · number_· of _labor · orgamzatrons. Congre?S giVen Y ongress- ' ganized labor's fight, as it should tions and other big business mo:. labor movement of this country Under Jt, umon members pledge man Franck H. Havenner are be the fight of every citizen who nopolists prefer the area system will ask the citizens of this by Repub~ vote to make _an individual _vol~ . believes in human interests over for the State Senate," the lie to return them to office. federa"' You untary contnbutwn of a specrfied rallying to· counteract a de- property interests," officers of the tion o1fJcers declared. have it with- amount to Labor's League for Po- termined effort to unseat him State Federation of Labor declared EASY TO SWING VOTES litical Education, to be used by the 1 13 i.n Y. our pow- · League for political purposes, and l·n . the November 2 , genera 'I in urging a YES vote on . "They favor this set_-.up ~ r· to see that ba(:ause . 1 "The present area-based state their high-powered these enemies authorize,. lobbyists a re by vote also, the collec- electiOn. _ _ 1 senate is_ _a str_onghold _of re_ action able to influence the vote o-f state tion of that individual contribution tl _ of labor are u ·on, business ari.d crvJc lead- - · from each member at the time he 111 and antr labor measures· 111 1e senators from the sparsely pop- ' ~oundly d·e- pays regular f hi~ union dues·. This ers who approve of Havenner's sta~e, a~d it st~nds_ m ~he way- o ,ulated districts. It is much easier feated and contribution is to be voluntary in record have issued a warning that progressJvf·e tlhegrslatwtn 111_ Jn-f to bargain ' · d1' ate d · t~te \vith, say the fi ve . all· :repu · every sense. No one is required · to • unless the people are m· f.ormed d terests o e grea maJOri Y o rural members of 'the all-powerful y do an C J'f . ; ou can contribute and a ·union member i aroused to actwn,· th eu·· f avon·t e a 1 ormans. Rules Committee, who r~ present t his by vot- failing to contribute is n. ot to be . representative may be the victim THEY ARE DESPERATE only ' t tl half a million Californians and ~ ng a 1e . P,eilalized or di.scriminated against. .of a - c<l:_mpai gn· which is. stopr>i-r:g a minimum of rather simple rurai o -:, '';Frop.osition 13 P _r ovid e s a !leeds, thaJ1)t would be to infl ue nc ~ ·- "-:~~li s ;:;, _:r:io-_ qJ.h'ese.<e:@nk·Pibutions-are -to be kept · at not:hmg to put tl: new . man 111 .chfmg mno· Z'a "d . e to -r ~r.,res el).tatron on a ·pop- 1{ er . n · ' 1 b · · t · · b 1 representatives of heavily popu- .separate and apart from union the office. I' u ation asJs, mam ammg a lated districts with }JY conrhbut- funds and are not to be mingled T 1 ~- their multitude .. t 0 t d f ance between rural and urban dis- mg now o__ with or become a part of the he 0 per cen recor o . f C l'f · of more complex problems. L. -b · ·• L · · . ·. h h tncts. The fear o a J orma gov- "' a or s ea- · Frank Ha.venner 111 be alf of t e b . t . d t union's treasury. A receipt for . ernment emg re urne o th e P eo- That is w hy the big boys are ·g tte · for· Po- wage~earner and each donation should be given each the htt!e· man. IS Ple llas ·dt·r ·vell the State Chamber worried about Proposition 13- and litical Edu- . one c · 1 Geri. Pres. Maloney member of the finest ever established of Commerce the utility corpora- that is why every working ma n in t:ation. at the time the contnbu- . · 1 hi t d · t'h · ' th·s state must helrJ to roll tJ'on I's collected· and the contri- m congresswna s ory a..n rs e t_ions, and the Los Angeles Times 1 up· an -~.-I As you know, the- Taft-Hartley vh , t'11 · consci'errtr·ous bution, together with a copy of reason \ J • S . ' ·able· ' into a frenzied attack on ~abor_ and O\•er·\·'•' l1eln1i11g.., Y_ES ,;ote on N ov•. .;A ct amen d ed e eth F d era1 C orr·up t and courageous public servant , th receipt should be forwarded a 11o th ers w 110 tTU 1y b e] reve m a 2." Act ~ractices to the extent that it di:ectly to 'the League. must be l•ept in \Vashington. ~overnme~t of the. pe~~ le and not Is n_ow _unlawful for any la?or ?r· If the 1)1ethod of facilitating con- In a radio address last week, .m ~ 1 g busmess bossism. * * * ·~amzatwn_ to m_ake a con!nbub_on tributions outlined in this letter is Congressman Havenner reviewed f:he senate has a vrc1~usly anb­ pr expen~1t ure 111 ~onnect1~n w~th adopted, the following resolution ~he work of the 80th Congress and labor record because 1ts urban Utah's Ballot ~ny electiOn at wluch presrdentral should be adopted by your union: Issued a warnmg, as follows : county delegates are controlled by )~lectors or a Senator or a Con- "Whereas, Labor's League for "First, . these big business b~sses big business_. In th~ last 10 years 15 Issues Listed .~Tessma n are to be voted for. This Political Education has been es- demanded the rep;;al of. the excess assembly b1lls wh1ch would have .m~ans that a . union _cann?t co~- tablished by the unions Full recommendations on the affiliated profits tax . This w~~ ~one, and 1 given desirable ~-egulatio_n_to wages, .{nbute or many important election contests expend umon funds 111 with the American Federation of now the sky is the llmrt for un-, hours and w.orkmg conditwns were lhis appearing on the ballot in election campa_ign to _br!~g Labor to carry on a nation-wide restricted profite.ering in _this colin- introduce~. Attempts to improve the ,about the state of Utah defeat of _rts enemres 111 political campaign to oust ~rom try. Next the bosses called_ ~or the lot of th~ needy. aged! the are listed on page nine of this issue of _con~r_ess, or: to ?rmg about the office those Representatives ·and tl].e hqmdatwn of all ·government blmd, and of crrppled children have the ·Engineers _ News. All Utah ·;,ele,~tron of r~s . fnend~. H~weve~·, ·Senators in Congress who voted controls .. over p~ic_es and_. , re~1ts. also been ~efeat:d by the State members are · ;}'vhrle funds urged to read these m a umon treasury 1 for the notorious Taft-Hartley Act; This _program is . now: vrrtuallY. .Senate 11 trmes m the past four recommenda- . ;p annot be used for such a purpose, I aiid complete, and the . cost of Jiving in ye9-rs. tions ca1·efully. f= he Taft-Hartley law doe ~ not pr~: "Whereas, The w?r~' 0 ~ t his Am·erica is soaring straight toward LOOI{ AT THE RECORD ,,vent * * * you or a~y local umon men. League canrtot be earned on ex- the moon. Other examples of this ·,be_r fr_om record I E~1~ :m: er' 5 ,ClaSSeS makmg a_voluntary c~~-~ cept by the voluntary individual NO HOU.Sll"'G, T-H are the senate's 1933 kiss o'f' death ~- ~tnbutwn or expenditure for polltl- contributions of working men and "Then, the bosses decreed that to a proposal for a graduated in- Alameda County · Engin e .e r 5:· ,1l( al purposes. ·worn' en of ·tl1J·s countr·y because of t · th · t t f l 1 there should be no Federal pro-- come a~ In e 1_n [,"With the knowledge that indi- the restrictions of the Taft-Hartley eres~s ~ . ower classes will start on Tuesday, Oc~ ·y'idual members of labor t' f low- bracket mcomes, 1ts 1931 kllhng of I tn.
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