SUMMER, 1973 John C. Wilson Recommended for National Office Donald R. Johansson Richard H. Rais National Convention Memphis.. Tennessee August 13-16 William D. Reeves Says Governor Dunn Api'il 24, 1973 S tu<lents and Alumni 1-iembers Alpha Kappa Psi Fraternity GREETrnGs: Let me take this opportunity to join Theta Ps.i. Chapter v.t ;1emphis State Univeissity jn extending a peisson<1l invitation for you to attend the national eonventior: in i1emphis during August 12-lG, 1973. W�th the excellent facilities and wide range of entertainr1ent available in :remphis, I arn sure that the cor:vention 1vill prove informative as well as enjoyable. The citizens of Tennessee are pre­ pared to offer their cordiality and welcome renowne� around the 1vorld. �gain, I urge you to come to Tennessee and experience our Souther>!l Hospitality. 1,m: gcs '---- ---------- Honesty Still Best Policy ESPITE arguments to the contrary these days, honesty is still the best D policy and the nation's manufactur­ ers and retailers both must awaken quickly to a renewal of this old virtue in their consumer communications. If their communications are not more accurate-on packages, in newspaper ads, in TV and radio commercials-the con­ sumer will protest and the government Alpha Kappa Psi, a professional business fraternity, was founded will impose restrictions and regulations. in 1904. The Diary, its official magazine, was established in 1908. These warnings come from Dr. Norman B. Sigband (A. Zeta '70F, USC), chairman VOLUME LXII SUMMER, 1973 NUMBER 4 of marketing and business communications in the University of Southern California's School of Business Administration. In this Issue At stake, declares Dr. Sigband, is suc­ cess in the marketplace today or failure I Honesty Still Best Policy through the lack of honesty and trust in 2 Are You Ready for the New World of International Business? business communications with the con­ 3 How to Succeed by Trying sumer. "Today's consumer is a sensitive, intel­ 5 Memphis Convention Features Prominent Speakers ligent, concerned individual who wants to 7 Recommendations for National Officers know precisely what is in the package and 8 Five Outstanding Business Leaders to Discuss Executive what is the price. He or she cannot under­ Success stand why neither the manufacturer nor the chain store operator are reluctant to 9 National Veep of Welcome Wagon to Greet Ladies identify, date, and describe each product IO Northwest Region Convenes in Tacoma clearly and completely," Dr. Sigband as­ IO Southern Region Meets in Mobile serts. I I USC Host to Southwest Chapters These observations are particularly true of the food industry, says the use busi­ I I Idaho State Hosts Wes+central Regional ness communications expert, but apply 12 Variety of Memphis Scenes generally to the broad field of retail trade 13 Directory of Officers of Alpha Kappa Psi Fraternity and with the consumer. Alpha Kappa Psi Foundation "Consumers today have become so aroused as to be heard by the Federal 14 Photographs of National and Regional Officers of Alpha Trade Commission which is sure to re­ Kappa Psi quire-by statute-complete and honest 15 Program, 1973 National Convention, Memphis, Tennessee, communication if the retailer and manu­ August 13-16, 1973 facturer do not put their own houses in order soon-and fast," says Dr. Sigband. 17 Approximate Round Trip Air-Fares to Memphis "We are so far removed from the days 18 Four Alumni Chapters Installed of the one-to-one relationship of the Mom Inland Empire Alumni Chapter Formed and Pop store in the food industry that Martin Alumni Chapter Installed the consumer has become, not a person, but a statistic, a situation of which he or Central California Alumni Installed she is becoming bitterly resentful. This Eastern Michigan Chapter Established irritation arises not so much from being 19 Alumni and Faculty News identified as a 'shopping unit who is 33 21 In the Armed Forces years old, white, has 2.7 children, etc.,' .. but in being treated like one." 22 New Business Books Addressing himself particularly to the 22 The Audit Eternal food industry, USC's Sigband recommend­ 23 Chapter News ed that: 27 Be a Life Subscriber • "There be a new recognition of the 28 Business and Professional Directory different classes of consumers, by ethnic and age groups and whether they are rich or poor and that the retailers' communica­ Frank J. Brye, Acting Editor tions be adapted more particularly to these Ann L. Hall, Associate Editor different consumer groups. Simply add­ John D. Sparks, Editor Emeritus ing 'Se Habla Espanol,' to an advertisment isn't enough," said Dr. Sigband, as an ex­ Office of Publication: 1201-5 Bluff Street, Fulton, Missouri 65251. Editorial Office: 3706 Washington Boulevard, Indianapolis, Indiana 46205. ample. IMPORTANT: The postal laws require prominent display of address of office of pub­ • Eliminate the impersonal "operating­ lication. Please note that this does not mean that correspondence concerning general room sterility" in which little or no per­ fraternity matters should be sent to the publishers. All such matters, including address changes should be addressed to Alpha Kappa Psi Fraternity, 3706 Washington Boulevard, sonal communication takes place between Indianapolis, Indiana 46205. the time the consumer enters the store The Diary of Alpha Kappa Psi is the official publication of Alpha Kappa Psi Fraternity, and the point at which he reaches the professional business fraternity, a charter mem· ber of the Professional lnterfraternity Confer­ check-out counter. ence. Published under the direction of the Ex­ • Encourage employee communications ecutive Committee in the Autumn, Winter. Spring, and Summer. Alumni dues including subscription with the consumer, both in the store and price, $10.00. Single copies, $1.25 each. in the community it serves. All matter intended for publication must be in • Lastly, tell it like it is-honestly, ac­ the editorial offices, 3706 Washington Boulevard, Indianapolis, Indiana 46205, on the first day of curately and completely in dealing with the month preceding the month ol publication: the consumer. i.e., October I for Autumn issue, December I for Prof. Sigband's theme of honesty and Winter issue, February I for Spring issue, April I for Summer issue. trust in communications is well known in Second-class postage paid at Fulton, Missouri. the American marketing world through Statements made or opinions expressed in this publication are those of the writer and do not his lectures, consultancies, and writings necessarily represent the opinions or policies of on consumer communications. • Alpha Kappa Psi Fraternity or its members. 2 THE DIARY OF ALPHA KAPPA PSI Are You Ready for the New World of International Business? by James D. Goodnow Associate Professor of Marketing Roosevelt University and Executive Secretary Academy of International Business INCE World War II, the interna­ manufacturers with annual sales be­ tionalization of business has grown tween $10 and $100 million). Moreover, S at an enormous rate. Overseas managerial posts with U. S. subsidi­ trade and investment have changed aries and other affiliates of foreign­ their nature radically from procedural­ based firms (e.g., European and Jap­ oriented foreign trade (export-import) anese companies) will become avail­ to an existing world of multinational able to an even greater extent than enterprises with production, marketing ever before. and research facilities throughout the What Do You Need to Know? world. With the advent of the Euro­ pean Economic Community (Common According to a recent surveY., con­ Market), the tremendous growth of ducted by this author, of the member­ Japan, the detente with the Soviet ship of the Academy of International Union and the People's Republic of Business (i.e., most of those who teach China, and the development of coun­ international business courses in the tries in our planet's southern regions, U. S. and Canada), academic experts business firms have capitalized on op­ on international business believe: portunities to sell abroad. 1. All students of business should Now more than ever there is a grow­ have a basic understanding "of interna­ ing demand for businessmen who can tional economics and international com­ deal effectively with the complexities mercial policy. of the global business environments. 2. All students should also be aware One study estimated that nearly 12,000 * Dr. Goodnow was formerly on the of cultural and political differences as new jobs may open up for careers re­ faculty of Eastern Michigan University they affect international marketing and lated to international business in the and served as Program Director of the management strategies. U. S. Most of these jobs will be in University of Michigan's Institute for In­ 3. Such specialized topics as inter­ international marketing and sales as ternational Commerce. He is the author national accounting, taxation, person­ well as in management. of several articles and a monograph on nel selection, production, law, and Since the U. S. has been experienc­ international business. capital movement strategies should be ing a trade deficit for the first time in reserved for more specialized students. the century, the U. S. Government is When questioned recently, a group of 4. Although it would be optimal to encouraging more and more firms, both top personnel executives of major U. S. integrate information about the inter­ large and small, to expand their com­ corporations stated that it was impor­ national environment into existing mitment to exporting. Moreover, the tant for every business student, both courses, this might involve extensive recent devaluations of the U. S. dollar graduate and undergraduate, to gain retraining for many instructors whose have stimulated overseas-based firms, an exposure to the international envi­ courses are already over-brimming particularly European and Japanese, to ronment in which much of modern with information.
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