SUPPLEMENTARY PAPERS Committee CHILDREN AND YOUNG PEOPLE SCRUTINY COMMITTEE Date and Time MONDAY, 15 MARCH 2021, 4.30 PM of Meeting Venue REMOTE MEETING VIA MS TEAMS Membership Councillor Bridgeman (Chair) Councillors Cunnah, Hopkins, Joyce, Melbourne, Molik, Phillips, Mia Rees and Singh Patricia Arlotte (Roman Catholic representative), Carol Cobert (Church in Wales Representative), Karen Dell'Armi (Parent Governor Representative) and Matthew Richards (Parent Governor Representative) Mia John (Youth Council Representative) The following papers were marked ‘to follow’ on the agenda circulated previously Item 4 School Admission Arrangements 2022-2023 (Pages 3 - 66) Davina Fiore Director Governance & Legal Services Date: Tuesday, 9 March 2021 Contact: Mandy Farnham, 02920 872618, [email protected] This document is available in Welsh / Mae’r ddogfen hon ar gael yn Gymraeg This page is intentionally left blank Agenda Item 4 CYNGOR CAERDYDD CARDIFF COUNCIL CHILDREN & YOUNG PEOPLE SCRUTINY COMMITTEE 15 March 2021 SCHOOL ADMISSIONS ARRANGMENTS 2022/2023 Purpose of Report 1. To provide Members with the opportunity to carry out pre-decision scrutiny of the report to Cabinet, attached at Appendix A, prior to its consideration by the Cabinet at its meeting on the 18 March 2021. Background 2. In order to comply with Section 89 of the School Standards and Framework Act 1998 and the Education (Determination of Admission Arrangements) (Wales) Regulations 20016, Admission Authorities are required to review their School Admission Arrangements annually. In order to comply with this legislation, School Admission arrangements for implementation in the 2022/2023 academic year (i.e. from September 2022) must be determined on or before 15th April 2021. 3. The Education (Determination of Admission Arrangements) (Wales) Regulations 2006 and the School Admissions Code set out the procedure which admission authorities should follow when determining their admission arrangements, including that proper consultation must be carried out and that the arrangements should be determined by 15th April in the school year beginning two years before the school year which the arrangements will be for. Page 3 Issues highlighted in the report to Cabinet 4. The draft Cabinet report sets out the following issues: The Council’s draft School Admissions Policy 2022/2023 (see Appendix 1 to the Cabinet report) Summary of the Council’s School Admission Arrangements 2022/2023 Consultation - paragraphs 5-9 of the Cabinet report Responses received in respect of the draft policy during the consultation period - paragraphs 10/11 of the Cabinet report Formal responses (including a response from CYPSC Member, Councillor Hopkins and Appendix 2 to the Cabinet Report) – paragraphs 12/13 of the Cabinet report Appraisal of the views expressed - paragraphs 14 – 39 of the Cabinet report Local Member consultation - paragraph 40 of the Cabinet report Scrutiny Consideration - paragraph 41 of the Cabinet report 5. The draft cabinet report also provides details on the following areas: Financial Implications – paragraphs 43 – 51 of the Cabinet report HR Implications - paragraph 52 of the Cabinet report Transport Implications - paragraphs 53 – 60 of the Cabinet report Impact on the Welsh Language – paragraphs 61 – 65 of the Cabinet report Well-being of Future Generations – paragraph 66 of the Cabinet report Equality Impact Assessment – paragraph 67 6. The Cabinet is recommended to : Determine the Council’s draft School Admission Arrangements 2022/2023 as set out in the Admission Policy 2022/2023 (Appendix 1 to the Cabinet Report). Page 4 Scope of Scrutiny 7. The scope of this scrutiny is for Members to consider and provide comments on the draft report to Cabinet, prior to its consideration of the report on 18 March 2021. Way Forward 8. Councillor Sarah Merry (Deputy Leader and Cabinet Member for Education Employment, Skills), Melanie Godfrey (Director of Education and Lifelong learning), Richard Portas (Programme Director for the School Organisation Programme) and Michele Duddridge-Friedl (Operational Manager – Planning and Provision) will be available to answer any questions Members may have. 9. This report will also enable Members to provide any comments, concerns or recommendations to the Cabinet Member prior to its consideration by Cabinet. Legal Implications 10. The Scrutiny Committee is empowered to enquire, consider, review and recommend but not to make policy decisions. As the recommendations in this report are to consider and review matters there are no direct legal implications. However, legal implications may arise if and when the matters under review are implemented with or without any modifications. Any report with recommendations for decision that goes to Cabinet/Council will set out any legal implications arising from those recommendations. All decisions taken by or on behalf of the Council must (a) be within the legal powers of the Council; (b) comply with any procedural requirement imposed by law; (c) be within the powers of the body or person exercising powers on behalf of the Council; (d) be undertaken in accordance with the procedural requirements imposed by the Council e.g. Scrutiny Procedure Rules; (e) be fully and properly informed; (f) be properly motivated; (g) be taken having regard to the Council's fiduciary duty to its taxpayers; and (h) be reasonable and proper in all the circumstances. Page 5 Financial Implications 11. There are no direct financial implications arising from this report. However, financial implications may arise if and when the matters under review are implemented with or without any modifications. RECOMMENDATIONS The Committee is recommended to: a) Review and assess the information contained in the draft Cabinet Report, attached at Appendix A, together with any information provided at the meeting; b) Provide any recommendations, comments or advice to the Cabinet Member and / or Director of Education and Lifelong Learning prior to the report’s consideration by Cabinet. Davina Fiore Director of Governance and Legal Services 9 March 2021 Page 6 CARDIFF COUNCIL CYNGOR CAERDYDD CABINET MEETING: 18 MARCH 2021 SCHOOL ADMISSIONS ARRANGMENTS 2022/2023 EDUCATION, EMPLOYMENT & SKILLS (COUNCILLOR SARAH MERRY) AGENDA ITEM: Reason for this Report 1. In accordance with Section 89 of the School Standards and Framework Act 1998 and the Education (Determination of Admission Arrangements) (Wales) Regulations 20016, Admission Authorities are required to review their School Admission Arrangements annually. 2. This report is to inform the Cabinet of responses received following public consultation on the Council’s School Admission Arrangements 2022/2023. Background 3. In order to comply with the legislation above, School Admission arrangements for implementation in the 2022/2023 academic year (i.e. from September 2022) must be determined on or before 15th April 2021. 4. The Education (Determination of Admission Arrangements) (Wales) Regulations 2006 and the School Admissions Code set out the procedure which admission authorities should follow when determining their admission arrangements, including that proper consultation must be carried out and that the arrangements should be determined by 15th April in the school year beginning two years before the school year which the arrangements will be for. Issues Summary of the Council’s School Admission Arrangements 2022/2023 Consultation 5. The Council’s draft School Admissions Policy 2022/2023 (see Appendix 1) was issued for consultation on 18 December 2020 to all those the Council are required to consult with as set out in the Welsh Government’s School Admissions Code (Headteacher, Governing Bodies, Diocesan Directors, neighbouring Local Education Authorities). The consultation closed on 5 February 2021. Page 7 Page 1 of 10 6. The proposed changes to the arrangements for 2022/2023 compared to the arrangements for 2021/2022, relate to the following: Clarification of the Out of Chronological Age process Clarification of the Fair Access Protocol A change to the priority given under the admissions criteria for multiple birth siblings Clarification on guidance for schools where children who have been allocated a place at the school fail to attend Increased Published Admission Numbers for Cathays High School and Ysgol Mynydd Bychan Reduced Admission Number for Allensbank Primary School 7. The policy was published on the Council website with details of how responses could be submitted which provided an opportunity for any interested parties to comment. Responses were requested to be returned by 5 February 2021. 8. Details of the consultation were promoted via social media and schools. 9. Proposed oversubscription criteria for 2022/2023 are set out on pages 9, 13 and 16 of Appendix 1. Responses received in respect of the draft policy during the consultation period 10. Prior to the annual consultation, the Council works closely with the Admissions Forum to consider how well existing and proposed admission arrangements serve the interests of children and parents city-wide. The Cardiff Admissions Forum includes Diocesan representatives, representatives of community and voluntary controlled, foundation and voluntary aided schools, parent governors and local community representatives. 11. The role of the admission forums is to provide a vehicle for admission authorities and other key interested parties to discuss the effectiveness of local admission arrangements. This includes raising any particular
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