THE Entered as second class Accepted f'or mailing matter, FebruIary (I 3rd, 1923 at special rate,s of postage at the post hoffice,c at Des * provided for in Section Moines, Iowa1, under the 1103, Act of Oet. 3rd, 1917, act of Augusits 24th, 1912. authorized Fekb. 3rd, 1923. 0-----------.. -- O- O < A .,--_---- > PUBLISHED MONTHLY BY THE DES MOINES STILL COLLEGE OF OSTEOPATHY Volume 13 JANUARY 15, 1936 Number 1 -- Dr. McCole's Book . .Introducing. Take A Deep Breath Those of us who have been A word of kindly greeting to waiting for the McCole book on our many friends in this first the Osteopathic Lesion at last Dr. ]R. B. Bachman Dr. L. L. Facto month of the new year 1936. It have our curiosity satisfied. We should be a great year. May its think that you will be more than problems make us stronger, its satisfied with it and even go so demands find us more resource- far as to say that every student ful, its challenges stimulate our of Osteopathy, undergraduate or courage and its successes leave graduate, should have a copy of us with a wholesome sense of it handy at all times. humility. - Dr. McCole has spent twenty We in Des Moines Still Col- years collecting this information lege of Osteopathy are rather and it is a job well done. As profoundly impressed with the editor and author of much of importance of our work. Our ef- the book, he does not make any forts are directed toward a well radical claims but the subject is defined goal. Ours is the respon- presented in a most dignified sibility of building an Osteopath- manner and is just as convinc- ic institution where properly ing as you want it to be. No one qualified young men and women can doubt the place in the sci- may learn those things that will ence of therapeutics that the help them to become real physi- Lesion is entitled to occupy. cians. It is a soul searching and We doff our hat to George worth while task. We feel that Malcolm McCole of Great Falls, Professor of Obstetrics and Professor of Technic, Physical we are most fortunate in the fact Montana, and wish for him Gynecology Diagnosis and Practice. that we have an all compelling many more years of Osteopathic Supt. of the General Clinic. opportunity. service along this line. We are making satisfactory progress in our program of de- Since Dr. Bachman's gradua- Dr. Facto is a busy member of velopment. Standards of schol- Seniors tion from Still College in 1916 the staff of teachers of the col- astic excellence are being ad- vanced. The clinic, as a teaching lege. His mornings are spent in Time marches on and in a few he has established an enviable unit, constantly taxes our best days' the college will ring out record at the institution. His the class room and his after- efforts to care for the great num- the old class of January, 1936 continuous service with increas- noons in the extensive general ber of patients who seek our ser- and ring in the new one to grad- ing responsibilities has made it clinic of the college. He has at- vice. Improvements in the build- uate in 1940. Few in number ing and added facilities in equip- but all excellent students and necessary for him to add to his tended clinics in this country ment serve as a cause for happi- new members for our profession staff of assistants. Specified rest and spent one year with the Os- ness and pride in our progress. that we will be proud of. Let us periods are not on the schedule teopathic Clinic in London, Eng- The enthusiasm of the student introduce them to you. of a busy obstetrician. During land. body is stimplating. John Henry Conaway, with Dr. Bachman's years of service The matter of examination Yes, we feel that 1936 should pre-med and credit from Iowa U. be a great year. to the college he has increased and treatment of approximately will take the Iowa board. Arthur D. Becker, D. O. Fredrick Hecker, Phi Sigma the work of the clinic from less three thousand cases a year is Gamma, Psi Sigma Alpha, has than one hundred per year to no easy task and yet Dr. Facto been:an ;:iassistant in the OB d e- theirecord' established in 19335 partment and hopes to special- sees these cases, sorts them out "Infanticipating" ize in that type of practice. Will of over 400 cases. and directs them to the specialty remain for special work at the Dr. Bachman is a member of departments, if necessary, and It might be interesting to you college. the Board of Trustees of the col- superintends the treatment of in the field to know that 101 Edward LaChance, Vice Pres- lege, being treasurer, and as a the majority. OB cases are booked for future ident of Class, returned to school delivery at the date of going to last year after having been out member of the faculty, teaches His hobbies are outdoor sports press. Here is what the Seniors a short time. Is undecided about three classes. A large part of his of all kinds and he is especially expect: a location. practice is confined at the hos- interested in the early ball Robert Lingenfelter, Sigma Overdue 9--------.------.----.------9 Sigma Phi, will intern at Waldo pital, where he is also a member games among teams picked from January .---------------.----27 Sanitarium in Seattle, Washing- of the staff. the student body. February -------------...---.--.--- 27 ton, and take the board there. March --- .............-----15 Arthur Montgomery, Phi Sig- April ...................... 7 ma Gamma, Sigma Sigma Phi, Here These Men In New York At M ay ----------------.-..- ...---. 10 has been an assistant in the OB June -------------------- .------.--- 4 department. Expects to take the July ---------.-. ---.----.------- 2 Oklahoma State Board. The National Meeting In July This is just a sample of what Carl Scheffold, Atlas Club, i; g'oing- oin in tie cliric at Still Sigma Sigma Phi. Has filled im- Colleie:. Even at this early-date portant offices in both organiza- William Jones, Atlas Club, re- department. He plans to return case;- are booked seven: mntilths tions and an officer of the class. turned last year after several to his home state of Wisconsin. ahead. -By the time July rolls Expects to locate in Oklahoma. years absence. "Casey" expects We congratulate this class and around probably thirty-five oth- Verne Wilson, Sigma Sigma to take the Ohio board and prac- extend to them every good wish ers will be added to the two list- Phi. Pre-med at Drake. Presi- tice in his home state. for the future. With the demand ed. The other months will also dent of the class. Expects to re- Michael Sanl Fillipo has been for Osteopaths all over the coun- receive many additions. Last main in Iowa. Received the Sig- specializing in OB and has es- try and in foreign lands, their year over 400 cases were hand- success is assured. led by this denartment_ ma Sigmav Phi award in 1933. tablished quite a record in the ------ a -Ai.m. .... ~ ........h .......--V ,v?1o4 THE LOG BOOK - P II l I~~~~~~ quite a few days here, Work is now being done on A card from Dr. John Woods the Speculum, national publica- Assemblies informs us that he is gaining tion of Phi Sigma Gamma, which strength rapidly and will be on will be issued in a short time. December 13 hand for our senior banquet. We It will contain an account of Following music by the or- are glad to hear that Dr. Woods chapter activities for the past chestra, Dr. Halladay showed is getting along so well and are year. the new film depicting scenes in looking forward to seeing him and around the college and hos- soon. SIGMA SIGMA PHI pital. With the addition of about Monday, December 9th, a prac- (J. E. Dunham) two hundred feet of recent shots tical work night was spent lis- Election of officers was held this brings the college picture tening to Harold Gessel, chief of at the regular meeting January up-to-date and well worth twen- the county identification ty minutes of your time. An- bureau. I. ilnose eiectea were. Ueorge Mr. Gessel gave an interesting Neihouse, president; Ernest nouncements and music closed DELTA OMEGA the session. (B. M.) talk on the methods of identifi- Baumen, vice president; Don The first work night of the cation. Evans, secretary; J. Q. Mattern, December 20 new year will be held at the The basketball team is doing treasurer; W. Ryan, sergeant- Preliminary to dismissal for office of Dr. John P. Pinkerton, fairly well, having won their at-arms. the Christmas vacation period, D. D. S., Orthodontia Specialist first two games. The boys are A stag to honor the graduat- Drs. J. P. Schwartz and Arthur looking at 1012 Southern Surety Bldg. forward to the coming ing Seniors and alumni members D. Becker spoke to the student The last meeting was held at games. will be held January 15 at the body. Dr. Schwartz, in the ca- Evelyn Ketman's. It turned out Brother Stimson is taking a Hotel Fort Des Moines. We trust pacity of Dean of the College, to be a party, with popcorn balls lot of kidding about his first OB it will be a memorable occasion. reminded the student body of and a taffy pull for entertain- case. It seems as though he spent The basketball tournament is the successful efforts of the ment.
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