Bowling Green State University ScholarWorks@BGSU Monitor University Publications 1-11-1988 Monitor Newsletter January 11, 1988 Bowling Green State University Follow this and additional works at: https://scholarworks.bgsu.edu/monitor Recommended Citation Bowling Green State University, "Monitor Newsletter January 11, 1988" (1988). Monitor. 903. https://scholarworks.bgsu.edu/monitor/903 This Book is brought to you for free and open access by the University Publications at ScholarWorks@BGSU. It has been accepted for inclusion in Monitor by an authorized administrator of ScholarWorks@BGSU. , Vol. XI.. No. 24 Bowling Green State University January 11. 1988 England performance set Rudolph-Libbe Sampen to introduce new saxophone donation creates One of mUSic's newest and most scholarships sophisticated technological Rudolph/Libbe Inc .• one of the largest advancements will be presented by a and most diversified construction University professor in the wor1d services farms in the Midwest, announced premiere performance of the electronic last month that $50,000 has been given saxophone in England Jan. 16 and 19. to the University to endow three Dr. John Sampen, music, will perform scholarships. Morton Subotnick's "In Two Wor1ds: A Dr. Dwight Burtingame, vice president Concerto for Saxophone, Orchestra and for University relations, said the gift will Computer" on the Yamaha WX.7 MIDI create scholarships in each of three wind controUer in Cambridge and London undergraduate coUeges--the CoUege of with the Electric Orchestra. Both Technology, the College of Business performances are sponsored by the Administration and the College of Arts Electro-Acoustic Association. and Sciences. Only the interest The WX.7 MIDI wind controller generated from the principal of the combines Yamaha state-of-the-art endowment be awarded, enabling the technology with the saxophone's wiD scholarships to be sett-perpetuating. traditional fingering and mouthpiece. When linked with the power of the MIDI Burlingame said Rudolph/Libbe has (Musical Instrument Digital Interface). the unusually strong ties with Bowling Green WX.7 can "speak" directty to synthesizers that began more than 35 years ago "'hen the firm's founders and principals, and tone generators to produce a "host Rudolph, his brother Philip of modem musical feats." A wind sensor Frederick W. inside the WX.7 detects variations in J. Rudolph and their cousin Allan J. Libbe breath control and controls the vibrato, were students at Bowling Green. "Since that time the ties between tone and articulation of the source Rudolph/Ubbe and the University have producing the sound. been exceptionally close," Burtingame Sampen, who has worked with the said. "Not only have each of the instrument only since mid-December, John Sampen, music, practices on the electronic saxophone for his Jan. 16 and 19 company's founders had children who beieves this concerto is the first classical performances where he will premiere the instrument in England. He said the concerto have been students at Bowling Green, composition to so use the WX.7. is the first classical composition to use the Yamaha WX7 MIDI wind controler. but Rudolph/Libbe also counts among its Beca• ise of the rapid development of literature for it," said Sarnpen, a specialist The 40-minute Subotnick concerto is key managers and employees a large modem technologyI electronic in contemporary saxophone music who Is divided Into two parts, one for alto number of the University's alumni. In instruments that were once expensive addition, the company has been very are now affordable, said Sampen. increasing this repertoire by encouraging saxophone and one for the WX.7. In composers to write music for it. October Sampen performed Part II, the generous in making internships available "These instruments are a real part of In 1.984, Sampen and two other portion for the alto saxophone, with the to Bowing Green students and a number our musical future. As a teacher, I need to saxophonists were awarded a National Toledo Symphony Orchestra. of its employees have taught courses and expose my students to the latest Endowment Consortium Grant, consisting In adc:ition to the performances of the seminars at the University.'' developments. Ifs important that we, as of an $18,000 monetary award to be entire Subotnick work in England, the The first scholarship awarded through active musicians, stay in the forefront of used exclusively for commissioning concerto is scheduled to be performed the Rudolph/Ubbe gift wil be presented the new technology," said Sarnpen, who composers to write new music for the March 11-12 in Albuquerque, N.M., with to Wiliarn Glazener Jr. of Findlay, a senior has taught the University for 11 years. at saxophone. the New Mexico Symphony Orchestra. construction technology major in the The tnKitional saxophone, which was As a result of the 1984 grant, Besides his trip to England this month, Colege of Technology. Glazener recentty invented in 1839, is considered relatively composers Morton Subotnick, Donald Sampan traveled to Europe twice in 1987 completed an internship in new compared to the trombone, clarinet Martino and Milton Babbitt, al world-class for recitals in Belgh.m. Holand and Rudolph/Libbe's estimating deparbnent. and flute, instruments which have been musicians, were commissioned to write Switzer1and, and for a concerto Since Fritz and Phil Rudolph and Alan evolving for centuries. new saxophone music. Sampen was performance in Biel, Switzerland, with Libbe received their degrees from ..As a result, there were fewer ma;or given the honor of premiering the piece former Bowling Green faculty conductor Bowing Green in the 1950s, the firm composers who could have written by Subotnick. Gaegorz Nowak. -5usan McDonald they estabished has grown to become the 152nd largest construction orga1aization in the coootry and the largest localy owned construction company in northwest Ohio. The firm has Portfolio assessment provides a new credit option participated, through competitive bidcing, Terry Stelingworth of Toledo was the documentation, then the student Students could receive as l'l'B1Y as 30 in a runber of new construction and ori'f a year fNmf from completing her receives cre<it for that course." hows of cre<it toward their colege renovation projects on the campus. degree at Michigan State University FNe students were enroled in the degree, but completion of a portfoio Cmently it is serving as general when her husband was transferred to a portfoio assessment Engish cowse last doesn't guarantee cre<it, Bissland COiibactor for the $3.65 milion adcition job in Dayton. Then came motherhood, semester. Dr. Thomas Wymer, Engish, stresses. Credit is granted only after to the Business Admil listJ ation Building more relocatioa-is and, later, a job in who taught the course, points out that ike departmental review. "Of course," she and is performing msior renovation WOf1t Toledo. incividual experiences, students' adds, "the student does get credt for in several other campus buildings. Now Stelingworth is finishing her portfolios can be Qlite cifferent. taking Engish 207 ... RudolphJLibbe also was responsible colege degree in Bowing Green where In adcition to fees for enroling in "Docunentation of experiences can for the construction of the Educational she's taking advantage of the Engish 207. portfolio assessment Memorabiia Center campus. vary greatly. In businesS education. for on University's new portfo&o assessment costs $70 per course. ilStal ace, a runber of highly specific In addition to providing the ttvee new program that offers adult students an VI/hie the cost of portfo&o assessment skils have to be mastered. In other scholarships at Bowing Green, opportunity to earn cre<it for life is higher than for credit-by-examination been funding fields, these skils may be more Rudolph/Libbe has experiences. options, Dr. Ramona Cormier. dean of generalized than specific,.. Wymer scholarships for graduating seniors from Students who seek crecit through continuing education, says it's justified says. Completed portfoios, in addition some 30 high schools in Lucas and Wood portfoio assessment are first screened because ')'Qu receive much more to detailed resumes, might contain job counties. by Joan Bissland, director of adult attention, with service on the portfolio descriptions, letters of verification and learner services and the evening credit and faculty review of whether it's worthy actual work samples in some cases. program. H quaified, students enrol in a of credit." special section of Engish 207. an Judy Lord, the only fultime student in Stelingworth, an account executive Election set interme<iate writir.g class. Class the class, said the course has helped with a marketing and cornmooicationS Nearly 300 ~time and permanent members poish their writing skils by her in composition. 'We've been taught . firm in Toledo, is preparing sections of part-time staff in the custodial, food compili ig a portfoio that docoo1ents how to write and how to document," her portfoio to submit to the service and telephone operator areas what they've lesned outside a she added. depattments of jolmalism, home wil vote on Tlusday, Feb. 4 to c:lasSI oom. A senior biology rnaior from economics, speech commooication detemme whether they want third party .,, deparirnental faculty agree that the Pemberville, Lord has had extensive and, possibly. sociology. She hopes representation by the Cormu1ication outcome of the students' experiences pubic speaking experience through the that she may be able to finish her Workers of America in collective are potentialy the same as those of Northwest Ohio Kidney Foundation and degree by the end of the soovner. bargaining activities. specffic CC'sses, then when the the Red Cross. "The wOOd has set the standa..-d and Votir.g 'ri be from noon until 5; 15 portfo5o secfion is completed it can be Once students have successfuily that standard .s a college degree. A p.m. in the lobby of Anderson Ater.a in submitted to the department for re\iiew.
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