mtmmm & Esfabllsher1 June, 1893 LOWELL. MICH., THURSDAY. JULY 16. 1956 Number 13, "Silver Anniversary" Morris Biggs First 9 inkling Ban Kent Co. 4-H Fair With Wheat Thursday Plans Set for Swimming Pool, Field and Pool House LOWELL Begins August 18 ^The first wheat of the 1959 sea- V.**;• U e » i. -A Imposed Here Kent County 4-11 Fair time will seh was delivered to the King Mill- « C * */•' -vn V. The long dry period has brought soon lie here! All youngsters of ing Company last Thursday by water levels in Lowell wells to the the Kent County area are busy Morril Biggs, of *2209 Fallasburg point which requires a sprinkling preparing to put their best foot Park Dr.. just north of Lowell. ban in the village starting at once. forward to show outstanding pro- The Michigan White Wheat tested Lowell Utility Superintendent Roger jects and exhibits as this year r)N pounds to the bushel. The mois- Westenbroek has ruled thai sprin- will mark 25 years of progress for ture count was a reported 13.8. kling will be permitted on the east "4-H'ers." The dates for the "Sil- and the yield was approximately side of the village on even days ver Anniversary" Kent l-H Fair 35 bushels to the acre. (Thursday, July 16 on east sidel arc August 1H through 21 and will According to King Doyle, the and on Iho west side of the Village be held at the Recreation Park United States Agriculture depart- on odd days of the month. This Fair grounds in Lowell. ment reports a slight decrease in ruling will bp in effect until wea- production for Michigan this year. Last week a kick-off meeting for ther conditions change I he ground Mr. Doyle further stated that if all Kent district leaders was held water levels. the weather remains dry the wheat at Townsend Park. At this time Citizens are urged to cooperate should lie over in a couple of weeks the new Fair Project Catalog was IMiins are complete and bids are being received on Frldav of for their own protection. It is neces- however, duo to the present wea- distributed. These catalogs have this week at the arebHeets, of Low'eU'K long nwaited HWimmlng sary to maintain water capacity ther. drying is taking*a long time. been recognized all over the coun- pool sponsored by the Lowell Lions Club. The |mm»I, to be built in case of fire and to insure suf- Dry Spell (iood for Wheat try for their good planning and Rollins and Rankin as shown In artist's view above, at the northweHl fide of the fool- ficient water for sanitary facilities. The long dry spell which has hurt composition. "So well," states Rus- ball field, north of Ihe tennis courts and extending acrowi what 1m Remind your neighbor if they fail many crops, has been favorable sell Mawby, of Lansing, State 4-H now Ihe track. The field and |ioo| house will be bulll on the west to follow the plan: east side, even for the ha.vest of wheat. Elected Monday Club leader, "that not only other , side ol the track Just north of the l-H exhibition buildiiiK. The pool days and west side, odd days, for Tuesday night King Milling was In the school board election on Michigan counties are copying . "'V.i will be of a spreading design to Klve more room at the shallow the good of the entire community. 11 |,)l M( 1( operation Monday, only 188 voters turned their books after them; four stales, • • end for children and beginning swimmers. The diving end of the to receive the trucks of newly out to elect the incumbent presi- New York, New Jersey, Kansas |hhiI with three boards will be .HO feel wide, the shallow end of harvested grain. dent of the Iniard Gerald Rollins and Connecticut are also using the pool will he ."i0 feet wide, the |M»o| will be 82' j feet long, allow- Showboat Gels By Wednesday noon the line of and Vergennes Township salesman them as models." ing five competitive lanes for contests and exhibitions. A modern trucks extended from the grain Kdward L. Rankin. On the vote structure HI v 71 Is being built for a combination field and pool 60 Ambassadors No charge is made for entries silos two blocks west on Main St. count Rollins received Hil; Rankin hmiHe. This building will house dressing rooms, showers, rest rooms to the Fair and an increase of 127 and Jerald Roth 77. L, M The Lowell Showboat, strictly a and maintenance quarters for operating Ihe swimming |>ool during 1.300 entries, over last year's high The I ward will meet on Monday, community project, now has sixty Formers May Request •lime, •Inly and August. The hnilding during Ihe remainder of the of U.0(H) is expected. July 20 at 7:30 to organize for the new "ambassadors" to promote ACP Cost-Sharing year will be used for IiIkIi school football, cross-country, wrestl- coming year. Rankin will replace ticket sales for the 1959 Showboat ing, baseball and track. These quarters will provide a long recog- Frank L. Stephens who has served to be held July 20-25. Charles Sliph Three hundred and ninety-eight nized need for dressing rooms at Ihe field. Part of the expansion UL^RmhrouchI as treasurer of the Board for many The sixty Showboat ambassa- different Kent County farmers program will be Ihe conslrncllon next spring of a quarter mile years. Stephens announced his re- dors are the members of the Low- Skiers To Appear have requested ACP cost-sharing cinder track around the football field. The Lions dub have com- tirement from the school board ell Rotary Club. The club feels to carry out needed conservation millees that will be calling on business, Industry and citizens of position this year. Other members that since Showboat is a communi- At Showboat practices in 1959. the community to obtain donations to help construct Ihe swim- Cost-sharing practices include es- of the board are Dr. Thomas Hill, ty project, they should have the Charles Sligh. Jr., and his Maca- . „ , , . ming pool. A total of nearly .S7.j,(MM) must be raised for the entire secretary; David Coons, vice presi- opportunity to help out as a group. tawa Bay Experts will again pu. HHsbmeni of cover crops to pro- project. 'ec t 80,soi1l from cn,siuerosionn , es,ob,lRhestablish dent and Francis Campau. Each member is given both bro- on their exciting water ski exhi ^ - ment of tree cover on land not Ask for 182,000 chures and place-mats to take with bition show before the Robert E. uiited to cropping, water conser- Bids will be received by the them when they go to clubs all Lee comes around the bend each To Continue Sole Of vation practices, anil other prac- Lowell Board of Educnlion next over Western Michigan. At the Ro- night of this year's Showboat. Old Library Books Children Free at Monday. July 20 for S32,(HI0 of tax tary meetings, the ambassador lces to protect land from wind The water ski show will start at anticipation bonds. This issue was from Showboat is given a chance md water erosion. The Lowell Library Board will 7:30 each night, and feature eight necessary because of delinquent Monday Showboat to talk about the show and how the ACP cost-sharing is a program to continue its sale of old books, left skiers in such skill and stunt ski i Nearly 3,000 people watched 55 eontcHtnntH compete for places ;uaranree an equal or better life tax monies due from the state were after the Lowell Library consoli- Monday night has been selected community of Lowell puts the show ing as a three-man jump criss- Sfor our future generations. not available to pay current bills. as Family Night at this year's on Ihh year's 28tli annual Low ell Show bout at Amateur Night last dated with the Kent County sys- together. crossing in mid-air. riding a chair Ralunlay, Pletured above and below are the six winning; acts that Approximately 1800 brochures A limited amount of funds are tem. this week on Friday, July Lowell Showboat. In line with this, aboard a ski disk, a three-man will appear for one night on the Showboat. Top: The Crystal- still available for farmers who are 17, 9 to 5 p. m. the ticket committee has announc- and place-mats art in the hands pyramid, and balancing on the 8 John Hatwai aires, of Crystal, will sing together on the Thursday night Show- of Rotary mc-nibers, which have planning to install needed conser- The sale .< being conducted in ed that on Monday night any adult inch by 7 foot jitter board without boat. Bottom: The Coachmen, a local teen-age trio who sang the already started their an bassador vation practices in 1959. the East apartment of the Lowell may bring in all his or her chil- a rope. Promoted To Sp.5 Kingston Trio's latest hit "The M. T. A.," will ride down the Flat All requests must be made prior Library Building. The sale so far dren, up to 12-years-old, absolute- trips. Some of the clubs they will The eight skiers appearing at the River for Monday night's performance. to beginning the needed practices has netted S65 and the remaining ly free with the purchase of a visit in the next few- weeks are: 1959 Showboat include such cham- Grand Rapids, Beldihg, Kalama- and will be accepted until all funds books will be sold at ten cents each.
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