Tim AtLIAt U„. GLEANER December 28, 1976 G IE TN* 0 OC Mission '77 Finishing the Work Together By LEE KRETZ Ministerial and Lay Activities Director Atlantic Union Conference Recently a group of our ministers were asked, "How many of you believe that the church in North America is finishing God's work on earth so that in a given length of time, whatever that time may be, the work of God will actually be finished?" There was an uneasy atmosphere among the ministers, and not a single hand was raised. Then another question was asked, "How many of you believe that the church is in a 'holding pattern' and is definitely not gaining on the actual finishing of God's work in North America?" Just about every hand was raised. No doubt many of us feel the same way. We would like to see the work finished and Jesus come to take the redeemed home for all eternity. The recent Annual Council held in Washington, D.C., dealt with this very important theme, "Finishing the Work." What did our work had listed seven areas of concern: One of them leaders mean when they said, "finishing the work"? "It was the lack of concern over lost souls who live among means both an inward and an outward work, a people us. Is it possible that the majority of our church saved by grace, working to save others. It is the reach- members have come to believe that they cannot win ing of every person on earth with the claims and souls? Is it possible that in our homes there is a serious promises of God's message of love and salvation, so neglect of Bible study and an absence of morning and that this generation may have opportunity to be re- evening family worship? Is it possible that we find our- stored in His image, now and forever. Thus, 'the fin- selves in our churches doing those things which are ishing of the work' means one thing: communicating urgent and not spending enough time with the prime God's message through the power of the ministry of objective of the church? Is it possible that some of us the Holy Spirit to all of earth's population so that are thinking that evangelism or soul winning is an op- God can proclaim His work finished. When this hap- tion that we can choose to do or not to do, that it pens, Jesus will come." "And this gospel of the king- really doesn't matter in God's sight? Or should witness- dom shall be preached in all the world for a witness ing to what Jesus Christ means to us and what He has unto all nations; and then shall the end come." (Mat- done for us become a way of life with every member thew 24:14.) of the church? This document that our leaders of the church have It is obvious from this statement that our world drawn up for us to consider is approximately fourteen leaders have a real burden for preaching the gospel to pages long. We are well aware that documents alone all the world. The same document on finishing the will not finish the work. But as the thoughts and the plans expressed in this document are put into action by the laity, the pastors, the departmental directors, and the conference administrators, this work will move forward in a mighty way. Perhaps each church, com- pany, Sabbath school, and institution needs to lay some definite plans to reach every home within its territory with the Three Angels' messages. This is not a work that can be delayed. It must be done immediately. Is it possible to finish the work by 1980? I suppose there would be different answers and different reasons given to answer this question. I personally believe it is possible. But I guess the question really is: "Will we finish the work by 1980?" And I would like to add another question for your thinking: If we don't finish the work by 1980, why didn't we? lAtfutit,u GLEANER General News . • • off MAL OMR Of nit AIWIRIC WNI, COMFIESIN a ilevUITN.DAv Leon H. Davis Managing Editor Geraldine I. Grout Editor Richard Hawley Layout Artist And, oh yes, we've designed the EDITORIAL COMMITTEE: L. W. Crooker, Chair. outside eight pages as a give-away to man; L. H. Davis, Geraldine I. Grout, H. Eugene Haas, S. J. Steiner, Arnold Swan- "Liberty-Sentinel"— your non-Adventist friends and neigh- son. It's Plain Old Nostalgia! bors. We'll have more news on this CORRESPONDENTS: Bermuda, A. C. Mote; feature after the Greater New York, D. E. Kenyon; New York, To octogenarians the title Liberty- Liberty Emphasis. T. V. Zytkoskee; Northeastern, Lee Paschal; We also have another reason for Northern New England, C. P. Anderson; Sentinel (a special Liberty supple- Southern New England, H. Eugene Haas; At- ment) not only has a pleasant ring, giving you this piece: We want to im- lantic Union College, Kurt Ganter; New England Memorial Hospital, John Lew. it's plain old nostalgia. You see, Lib- press upon you the great need for Published twice monthly by the Atlantic erty is a direct descendant of the Liberty magazine to reach decision Union Conference and printed by the Col- lege Press, South Lancaster, Massachusetts Sentinel. The family tree gets a bit makers. 01561. Subscription price $3.00 a year. involved, so let's start with the basics. We cannot all appear before lawyers All material for publication must be channelled through the institution or con- A magazine promoting religious free- and legislatures or speak eloquently ference correspondent. dom was printed somewhat irregularly in courtrooms and cabinets. But Lib- Both old and new addresses should be given when a change of address is requested. between 1886 and 1904. At various erty can. We may not be able to gain Zip code should be included for all addresses. times it was called American Sentinel, admission to see the person whose Second class postage paid at Post Office, South Lancaster, Massachusetts 01561. the Sentinel of Liberty, and Sentinel decisions affect our freedoms. But Lib- of Christian Liberty. erty can. And Liberty can wait hours ATLANTIC UNION CONFERENCE DIRECTORY Finally, the Sentinel flickered and on his desk for his return, can reply 400 Main Street died in 1904, smothered by increasing succinctly to his questions and argu- South Lancaster, Massachusetts 01561 bills and decreasing circulation. (That Telephone (617) Clinton 368.8333 ments. Best of all, a bimonthly visit sounds strangely like a modern publish- from Liberty J. L. Dittberner President costs you just $2.00 for A. N. Brogden....Secretary; A.S.I.; Stewardship ing malady!) For two years no publi- six visits next year. and Development; Inner City cation took up the torch for religious Liberty has a priority list of more L W. Crooker Treasurer; Medical; Deferred Giving freedom, but then Liberty was born. than one million thought leaders in P. A. Bernet Publishing It has been published continuously for North America—people who make, L H. Davis Communications; MV; 71 years. Religious Liberty; N.S.O. interpret, and enforce our laws, peo- A. D. Gilliam Elementary Supervisor What is the Liberty-Sentinel? and ple who mold public opinion through A. J. Hess Auditor why are we telling you about it? The the mass media. We're reaching barely R. L. Kretz Lay Activities; Ministerial Liberty-Sentinel is a 16-page newspa- half of these. Do your part to ensure T. 0. Moore Director Northeast Adventist per supplement prepared especially Health Services our religious freedom by filling out H. R. Murphy Sabbath School for hand-out to you in your church your commitment card in church dur- L. D. Pendleton Associate Auditor during the 1977 Liberty Emphasis. We ing Liberty Emphasis Week, January L E. Smart Education; Temperance; hope that it will help you to be better 8 to 15! Home Education Service informed on current events and issues involving religious liberty in your LOCAL CONFERENCE DIRECTORY BERMUDA: R. H. Carter, President. Office local environment as well as around New Youth Ministry Resource Address: Box 1170, Hamilton, Bermuda. the world. Telephone: 24110. Service for Local Churches GREATER NEW YORK: D. J. Sandstrom, Pres- Here is a preview of some of the ex- ident; C. E. Schmidt, Secretary-treasurer. Office citing stories included in this special Leaders of youth all around the Address: 7 Shelter Rock Road, Manhasset, New York 11030. Telephone: (516) 627-9350. Liberty supplement: "Seven Predic- world will rejoice to learn that there NEW YORK: C. W. Skantz, President; R. A. tions for the Next Seven Years," are exciting new plans for youth minis- Wesson, Secretary-treasurer. Office Address: (P.O. Box 67, Onondaga Branch) 4930 West "Sabbath Problems Test Faith," "Why try in the local church. The first major Seneca Turnpike, Syracuse, New York 13215. Protestant Churches Are Dying at the steps in improving youth ministry have Telephone: (315) 469.6921. NORTHEASTERN: G. R. Earle, President; S. W. Roots," "The Truth About Miracles," been taken. One significant step is Stovall, Secretary; S. H. Brooks, Treasurer. "Scientific Experiments Prove Aver- authorization by the General Confer- Office Address: 115.50 Merrick Boulevard, Jamaica, New York 11434. Telephone: (212) age American Will Torture His Neigh- ence of the production of an interde- 291-8006 bor," "The Occult: Do Demons Today partmental publication to assist those NORTHERN NEW ENGLAND: C. P. Anderson, President; R. R. Trecartin, Secretary-treas- Inhabit Human Beings?" and an in- who are working with young people urer.
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