FIAT LUX Student Boxholder VOL. XX ALFRED, N. Y., TUESDAY, OCTOBER 25, 1932 No. 5 NIAGARA TRIUMPH 2O-0 NEGRO EDUCATOR SPEAKS FOOTLIGHT CLUB TO PRE- ALFRED'S GREEN ON HOME GRIDIRON ON HISTORY OF HIS RACE SENT FROSH-SOPH PLAYS LOSES TO COOK 18-2 Mr. William E. Pickens, national Crippled Saxons Fight Stub-' Continuing the traditions of the Trumbull Makes Tackle field secretary of the Association for Footlight Club, the Frosh-Soph plays bornly Agains Falls Men the Advancement of Negro Education, will be presented in Alumni Hall, Oct. To Score Touchback quickly won the interest and attention 31, 1932, under the direction of Mary For an entire first half a crippled of the student assembly last Thurs- Swan, Elsie Bonnett, Dorothy Ravit, Alfred's "baby" tide, despite its Alfred University team stubbornly day, when he addressed them on the Georgianna Kennedy and Dante Vez- hard fighting, lost to a decidedly held Niagara University's veteran ma- subject of "The History and Progress zoli. heavier and hardier team than theirs, chine here Saturday afternoon and of the negro Race". Saturday at Cook Academy, Montour then broke under the strain early in The following plays have been cast: Mr. Pickens showed that the negro Falls. The going was so hard for Al- the third quarter to permit the Catta- The Violin Maker of Cremona is a very real factor in our social, fred's youngsters that many sustained ract huskies a 20 to 0 victory. Giannini Harriet Gover economic, and political life. Though injuries which prevented their further The Falls team scored all three of Sandro Morris Cutler playing in the game. In the first no history records it, the negro has Furari Carl Scott its touchdowns through vicious aerial quarter that Crisofelli, the youngster been here in this country as long as Felippo Howard Johnson barrages, aided by superb running on who did so well in the Kane High the white man, and has played a very Clipped the part of Andy Vermette and Ray School game, was taken out with a important part in the history of the Dr. Bert Halbrook .. Francis Danaher Seig. A bad kick by Alfred from be- country. In every crisis of the Nation Lois Bernice Tanner badly twisted ankle. hind its own goal, resulted in the first the colored people have been repre- Aunt Hatty .... Katherine Titsworth In the earlier part of the first quart- score. The other two came through sented. Without being in the legis- Clara Virgina Bardeen er both teams were playing quite even- passes in the last quarter. lature the negro has made more laws Magnolia's Man ly with little or no gain by either. During that first half, the Purple than any other group of citizens. Be- Magnolia Jean Colyer But toward the end of the first quarter linesmen drove Niagara's line with cause history books have been written Miss Tish Dorothy Saunders Cook opened up a barrage of passing, rabid force, while against Niagara's Burgess George Reiben by white people for white people, we Newt and Hopper, a Cook end, received a ground offense, they were almost im- scarcely realize the significant part beautiful thirty-five yard pass to chalk movable. Cohen in tackle was the big Question of Morality the negro has played in our history. Dorothy Marjory Sherman up six points for Cook's initial score. gun for Alfred along the line of scrim- Carruthers Burdett Nash mage. Plays directed through him al- The speaker then explained the In the second quarter, Cook's Shelton Robert Howe heavier line seemed to tell on the most always resulted in gains. status of the negro before and after Felli Injured at Niagara Frosh and for a while tore gaping It was Alfred's second defense that the Civil War and told of the almost holes in the latter's line. Realizing failed to withstand the gaff against unbelievable advance in literacy of the PURPLE VARSITY TO MEET William H. Leach the almost futile resistance of the line, the Fall's team air game. Every man race after it was given some oppor- NEW RIVER STATE Assembly Speaker Kegan, Alfred's witty quarterback, in the Purple backfield, however, tunity for education. After the Civil called for an aerial attack, and for a either went into the game with injured War and the freeing of the slaves "The Mind Which Wins Workers" Another unknown quantity seems to brief period much ground was gained. legs or sustained injuries during the less than five per cent of the negro will be the topic of the assembly ad- be the lot of the Varsity gridders But still Cook showed superiority and game, which did greatly handicap their population could read and write. To- dress, Thursday, and the speaker is when they tackle New River State again registered another six points ability to mess up aerials. day over eighty per cent are literate. William H. Leach, editor of "Church University, Saturday, at Montgomery, thru the line. A futile attempt to gain through the The statement was also made that W. Va. The Saxons will make the Management," author, preacher and In the third quarter many thrills line and again around end, necessi- work was the biggest contribution of longest trip of the season to play a lecturer. The address which Mr. were received from the swift return tated another pass. It was intercept- the negro to our country. Using the team about whidh information is Leach is planning to give is a popular of the ball by Novells, Alfred's shifty ed by Reer of Niagara to bottle up negroes employed in the Ford factory rather scarce. study in the psychology of voluntary halfback. His snappy, powerful run- •what for a few minutes looked like as an illustration, he showed that organizations. It will be o£ interest to West Virginia teams are pretty ning was the delight of many. Hia a sure score drive for Alfred. For the when the negro had the proper in- student not only as leaders of student tough, judging from the sample which kicking pulled Alfred out of a much next few minutes, it was a kicking centive he was just as diligent and organizations, buit as prospective lead- Alfred entertained two Saturdays ago. tighter hole than would otherwise duel with neither team gaining ground prompt as any one else. ers in civic affairs after college days. It remains to be seen whether New have been expected. Despite the bril- but fighting doggedly in mid-field. The negro's artistic contribution River is the exception of the rule. liant playing of individual players on As twilight fell on the first period, was mentioned by Mr. Pickens. He Early in the season the Montgomery SENIOR CLASS MEETS the Frosh team, Cook again tallied an- Continued on page four particularly named music and singing, eleven ran up a large score against President of the Senior class, Ralfe other six points toward their final the natural out-growth of a down- Cedarville, which shows at least that score by a sweeping end play. REGISTRATION COMPLETED trodden people. they have scoring ability. Saturday, Klinger, called the first Senior meet- ing of the year at Alumni Hall, after The fourth quarter opened up with In conclusion, the speaker said that they fought a 6-6 tie with the Quantics Assembly, Thursday. There was an Alfred fighting doggedly, resisting All late registration has been com- although numerically the negro com- Marines. From the meager amount of unusually large attendance. The main futilely the powerful plunging of their pleted and the files are completed for prises only one tenth of our population, data that Saxon scouts have been able the college year. At this time the file issue of the meeting was the decision opponents. At one time in this quarter politically, socially, economically, ar- to collect on New River, they are of at the Registrar's office offers some upon the wearing of caps and gowns they staged a comeback and resisted tistically and industrially, he contri- the opinion that it is an aggregation interesting information in regard to by the Seniors at the Founder's Day and outfought Cook with such power the distribution among the student butes much more than that to our with plenty of powers. program. President Davis wished the that they forced the latter back to body of states, religious denomination civilization. If injuries do not prevent Coach and sex. customary procedure of Seniors ap- their thirty-five yard line. Here, by a Galloway's charges from putting up The geographical distribution in- pearing in caps and gowns on that penalty given to Cook for clipping cludes some sixteen of our forty-eight CROSS COUNTRY YEARLINGS a fight as dogged as they did in the day to be followed. from the rear, the frosh fighting des- states. Taking them in alphabetical TO MEET GENEVA HIGH Niagara game .Saturday, the results perately scored a safety on Cook should be satisfactory, regardless of order, the allotment is as follows: ALFRED HAS ANOTHER through the efforts of Trumbull, a fast States Liberal Arts Ceramic The first meet of the Freshman the score. The Coach's promise of a moving end. The whistle saved Alfred Connecticut 6 1 Colorado 1 Cross Country schedule will be held fighting team was made good against NATIONAL FRATERNITY from another touchdown by the Cook District of Columbia 1 1 the power of Shel Hecker's boys, Georgia 1 Friday afternoon, October 28th, when team. Idaho 1 the yearlings will face the harriers holding them scoreless the first half, The local fraternity known as Kappa Eta Phi, went national last June, and Kansas 1 from Geneva High School.
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