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DIAMOND RINGS F-6e OMEGA - nSSOT - lULOVA I Name- ELGIN WATCHES AND RINGS SPEIDEL AND KREISLER WATCH BANDS I Address- EXPERT WATCH AND JEWELRY REPAIRING I 218 SOUTH MICHIGAN STREET I City- CilLL—233-4200—CilLL I State- -Zip- I KEEPSAKE DIAMOND RINGS. BOX 90, SYRACUSE, N. Y. 13201 I : The Scholastic SCHOLASTIC Dec. 6, 1968 / Notre Dame, Indiana / Vol. 110, No. 10 Educational FEATURES Radio is a A CHRISTMAS CHILDHOOD / Patrick Kavanagh 15 JIMMY AND THE ANGEL 16 TOMMY STARTS TO THINK 17 BORE JEFFREY AND THE CHOO-CHOO 18 TOMMY'S FAMILY ALBUM 20 Well, yes. If you find the A CHRISTMAS VISION DOWNTOV^N / Richard Moran .. 23 best of serious music, from THE SCHOLASTICS FIRST ANNUAL SECOND GRADE Praetorius to Stockhausen, boring; if you can't find any­ CHRISTMAS SPIRIT ESSAY CONTEST 24 thing of interest in sjmi- TIMMY KILLS'EM DEAD 26 phonies, sonatas, operas, bal­ CHRISTMAS AT OUR HOUSE 28 lets, oratorios, concertos or SATURDAY MORNINGS AT PHIL'S 30 songs. THE SONS OF PULASKI 32 If, in addition, progi'essive JOEL MANEUVERS THE MISTLETOE 33 rock leaves you cold, if you AT CHRISTMAS / Frank O'Malley 34 can listen to names like Jef­ ferson Airplane, Moby Grape, Buffalo Springfield. H. P. Lovecraft, or Jimi Hendrix DEPARTMENTS without the faintest glimmer of recognition. If it doesn't Letters 6 matter to you that Captain EDITORIAL 8 Electric's new record was premiered on an educational PASSING GIFTS AROUND 10 station. ON OTHER CHRISTMASES 12 REEFER 13 If you're not at all interested in -Jazz, folk music, Indian music, the avant-garde, dra­ Ed/tor-in-ch/ef / WILLIAM CULLEN Managing Editor / TIMOTHY UNGER ma. If you couldn't find a little joy in listening to Dick Executive Editor / JOEL GARREAU Gregory rapping about the Associate Editors / THOMAS HENEHAN, TONY INGRAFFEA, MARTItv) McNAMARA U.S. for 30 minutes, or in Art Director / DAVID HESKIN Coordinating Editor / JOHN DUDAS David Moynihan describing Photography Editor / DENNIS MALLOY Copy Editor / STEPHEN KRCHMA the Coleman report, or in Art Editor / KIM KRISTOFF Assistarit Copy Editor / TIMOTHY MANNION specials about Acid, the Pres­ Sports Editor / WILLIAM SWEENEY idency, bhies and rock, poli­ Contributing Editors / FRANK BLUNDO, KATHLEEN CARBINE, STEVEN NOVAK, THOMAS tics, and just about every­ PAYNE thing else. And if you don't Business / PETER MclNERNEY want the news, not just from Circu/otion / TIMOTHY SCHLINDWEIN the United States viewpoint, Public Relations / RICHARD LAVELY but as described in the for­ Faco;ty Advisor / FRANK O'MALLEY eign press. Contributors / JAMES FULLIN, PHILIP KUKIELSKI, RICHARD MORAN, RAYMOND SERAFIN, If none of that does anything KATHLEEN SHEERAN, JOHN WALBECK for you, you're right—educa­ Writers / George Arkedis, Morilyn Becker, Thomas Booker, Barry Breen, Kathy Callan, Tom Card, tional radio is a bore. James Coburn, Adrianne Coyne, Steve Duok, Michael Fallon, David Finley, Joseph Furjonic, Kathy Gibbons, Cynthia Golan, Bill Golden, Terry Goodwin, Maureen Gore, Len Groszek, Mark Hannahan, Lynne Houck, Dave Hirschboeck, Robert Keefe, John Keyes, Tom Knowles, Timothy Murphy, John Norton, Jim Petelle, Mark Seeberg, Jody Tigani, Joseph Tynan, Robert Vodnal, Jim Werner, John Zipprich. Copy and Layout / Robert Devita, Kerry Durr, Andrea Magazzu, Chuck Nelson, David O'Brien, Kevin O'Conneli, Mary Jane Sullivan, Lee Poterson. Artists and Photographers / Douglas Allaire, Mortine Befhards, Zack Brown, Terry Wwyer, Steve Kogge, Michael McClear, James McDonald, Fred Quiros, Ole Skorstein, Stefonie Stanitz, Richard Walsh. WSND-FM Business and Circulation / Bob Burke, James Grady, Mark Kearns, Robert McGrath, Joan Mclnerney, Jan Tocks. Second class postage paid at Notre Dome, Ind. 46556. The magazine is represented for 88.9 lyiliz national advertising by National Educational Advertising Services, 360 Lexington Avenue, New York, New York 10017. Published weekly during the school year, except during vacation and exominotion periods, the SCHOLASTIC is printed at Ave Maria Press, Notre Dame, Ind. 46556. The fubscription rate is $5.00 o year (including all issues and the FOOTBALL REVIEW). Please address all manuscripts to the SCHOLASTIC, Notre Dame, Indiana 46556. All unsolicited material becomes the property of the SCHOLASTIC. December 6, 1968 letters The SCHOLASTIC welcomes letters the students. And so long as the Uni­ lapse, and our freedom along with it. from its readers on all topics of cur­ versity extends this service to both Nothing could be more obvious to rent concern. Letters sliould be ad­ community and students it seems to me than that. dressed to William Gullen, Editor- me that it has no choice but to In the final analysis what I am in-chief; Scholastic; Notre Dame, follow a rule of neutrality. pleading for is tolerance, even for Indiana 46556. Such a rule of neutraUty seems the ideas and pohcies we despise. mandatory since reasonable men dis­ If this is necessary for a democracy PAYING FOR SPIRIT agree about the moral legitimacy of to survive, how much more neces­ EDITOR: the pohcies and practices of certain sary is it for the survival of the What is happening to Notre Dame corporations and government institu­ University. (In this connection I am Sports when we have to pay to show tions, not to mention the total arbi­ reminded of the remark of a very oui' spirit? We can't even cheer our trariness of isolating Dow and CIA wise man—Justice Oliver W. Holmes basketball team on in an intrasquad for special treatment. It seems to me —^who once said that it is "the mark game without paying our fifty cent that another group of students could of a civilized man to doubt his own admission. This is not to mention become equally outraged over the first premises." If we were to sub­ the twelve dollars for a season ticket closed society of General Motors — scribe to this view we would not be (which does not include three home whose policies affect our lives every so inclined to impose our notions of games during the Christmas vaca­ bit as much as an Asian land war— right and wrong upon others.) A tion) and the admission price for or the production of automobiles University is a very delicate mech­ two freshman football games. It's that take the lives of far more in­ anism. It is the ordy institution of ridiculous. After all, these athletic nocent men, women, and children our society whose very existence teams are representing Notre Dame than have been incinerated by Dow's depends upon mutual trust among and are therefore our teams.
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