Subject Index to Abstracts

Subject Index to Abstracts

003 1-3998/84/1804-429ASO2.00 PEDIATRIC RESEARCH Vol. 18 No. 4, 1984 Copyright 0 1984 International Pediatric Research Foundation, Inc. Prinled in U.S.A. Subject Index to Abstracts Abortion 767 Adenosine 2 15, 389 Aminoglycoside 342, 1140 Arachidonic acid 295, 925, 1125, Absorption, gastrointestinal 7 15 Adenosine deaminase deficiency Aminonucleoside nephrosis 1598 1 139, 1254 Absorption, passive 706 888 Aminophylline 137 1, 1853 Arginine 134 1 Abstinence 140 1 Adenosine triphosphate 839 Aminopyrine 388 Arginine vasopressin 234,235,249 Abuse 24, 28, 37, 105 Adenovirus 542, 1044, 1073, 1133 Ammonia 1 397, 1707 Argininosuccinicaciduria 78 1 Abuse, sexual 1085 Adenylate kinase 1648 Amnesia 825 Argininosuccinate 742, 1 166 Abuse, substance 62 Adipocytes 44 1 Amniotic fluid 229, 618, 779, Arrhythmia 179, 195, 222, 223, Acanthosis 12 17 Adipose tissue 23 1, 69 1 1304, 1535 377,857,9 13, 1796 Accidents 5 1 1, 5 18 Adiposity 673 Amniotic leak, prolonged 1739 Arteriohepatic dysplasia 1642 Accretion 300 Admissions 825 Amoxicillin 8 19 Artery 1753 Acetaldehyde 777 Adolescence 1, 3, 4, 9, 10, 12, 16, Amphotericin 900, 1350, 1369 Artery, carotid 20 1 Acetaminophen 282, 297, 38 1, 19, 22, 24, 25 Ampicillin 11 14, 1147 Artery, mesenteric 372 390 Adrenal 14, 315,405,413,446 Amrinone 175,345 Artery, pulmonary 186, 2 17, 328, Acetylcholine 277 Adrenal hormones 18 Androgen 14,449, 465, 12 17 5 10 Acetyl-CoA 1200 Adrenal medulla 270 Anemia 20, 140, 143, 500, 545, Arthritis 1 167 N-Acetyl-P-D-glucosaminidase Adrenarche 4 13, 502 816, 835, 846, 888, 896, 904, Artificial endocrine pancreas 12 1 1 41 1 Adrenarche, premature 495 1480 Arylsulfatase B 758 N-Acetylglucosaminylphos- Adrenergic agents 372, 1869 Anesthesia 1 190, 1444 Asbestos 539 photransferase 745 Adrenergic mechanism 287 Angiocardiography 2 10 Ascites 199 Acetyl salicylic acid 352 a-Adrenoceptor 1590 Angiography 202, 159 1 Ascorbate 394 Achievement testing 789 P-Adrenoceptor 32 1, 370, 1735 Angioplasty, balloon 186 , Asphyxia 78, 249, 261, 315, 509, Achondroplasia 784, 1255, 17 15, Adrenoleukodystrophy 1669 Angiotensin I1 368 912, 1363, 1366, 1402, 1440, 1836 a2-Adrenoreceptors 296a Anorectoplasty 59 1 1478, 1537, 1562, 1565, 1606, Acid 657 Adult respiratory distress syn- Anorexia 1 166 1627, 1673, 1678, 1680, 1686, a,-Acid glycoprotein 1 136, 1466 drome, 1695, 1749 Anorexia nervosa 180 1697, 1708, 1710, 1722, 1729 Acidification 1639 Aerobic 115 Anthropometric variable 498,722 Aspirin 692, 1207 Acidity 15 13 Aerosol therapy 1795, 1847 Antiarrythmia 35 1 Asthma 788, 1742, 1795, 1796, Acidosis 249, 630, 885, 1067, Aganglionosis 622 Antibiotic 379, 892, 1057, 1069, 1799, 1804 1415, 1574 Agglutinin 9 1 1 11 10, 1140 Ataxia 702 Acid secretagogues 275 Aggression 9 Antibody 937,940,942,952,958, Atrophy, gyrate 782 Acid secretion 625 Airway obstruction 175 1, 18 10, 972, 985, 995, 999, 614, 671, Attachment 62 Aciduria, argininosuccinic 134 1 1816 753, 758, 844, 850, 852, 897, Attention deficit 50, 70, 7 1, 1 13 Acinetobacter glutaminase-aspar- Airway pressure 1774, 1780 1023, 1024, 1045, 1049, 1078, Auditory brainstem response ginose 635 Airway reactivity 1798 1100, 1141, 1151, 1157, 1270, 1276, 1286, 1382, 1445, 1683, Acini 727 Alanine 450, 1242 1314, 1650 1684, 1690, 169 1, 1706, 1725 Acne 14 Albumin 912, 1053, 1195, 1458 Antidiuretic hormone 827 Auditory function 342 Acoustic method 73 1 Alcohol 5, 303, 352, 355, 540, Antigen 280, 614, 707, 945, 957, Auditory responses 242 Acoustic reflexes 8 10 1257, 1261 1000, 1093 Autoimmunity 846,837,938,946, Acquired immune deficiency syn- Aldolase 928 Antihistamine 1566 950,969,996, 1006 drome 121, 550, 553, 868, 886, Aldosterone 1633, 1646 Antioxidant 669 Autopsy 1426 944, 948, 949, 954, 968, 970, Alkaline phosphatase 703, 1052 Antipyretic 1583 Autoregulation 269, 276 972, 975, 984, 994, 995, 999, Allergy 633, 1375 Antithrombin I11 878, 912 Atherosclerosis 557 1008, 1009, 1010, 1013, 1014, Allergy, atopic 96 1 0,-Antitrypsin 609,7 14,720, 1844 Atopy 1375 1015, 1016, 1046, 1053, 1090, Allotype 1079 Antiviral 1084 Atresia 1264 1096 Alloxan 1 182 Anxiety 42 Atresia, biliary 6 12, 730 Acquired monosaccharide intoler- Aluminum 1634 Aorta 157 Atresia, pulmonary 136, 158, 202 ance 665 Alveolar capillary 1768 Apgar score 17 19 Atnopeptin 158 1 Actin microfilament 725 Alveolar overdistention 1778 Aplasia, pituitary 426 Atrioventricular valve insuffi- Actinomycin D 873 Alveolar pressure 1772, 1773 Apnea 34, 38, 263, 387, 56 1, 565, ciency 206 Acute lymphocytic leukemia 636, Alveolar type I1 cell 304 634, 797, 1280, 1286, 1309, Atrium 19 1,207, 224 849,865,887,890,916,922 Amaurosis 1669 1310, 1362, 1372, 1385, 1394, Acute nonlymphoblastic leukemia Ambulatory care 1759 1430, 1432, 1442, 1517, 1518, 862,911 Amenorrhea 473,479 1520, 1547, 1552, 1672, 1737, Bacitracin 1056 Acute nonlymphocytic leukemia Amikacin 353 1738, 1785, 1805, 1807, 1809, Bacteremia 879, 1043, 1057, 1059, 848 Amiloride 729, 1573 1810, 1836, 1842, 1843, 1846, 1095, 11 18, 1135 Acyclovir 1 1 19 Amino acid 423, 559, 573, 581, 1849, 1853, 1862, 1869 Bacteria 732, 1 152 Acyl-CoA 755, 1227, 1236 625, 626, 629, 660, 693, 694, Apolipoprotein 749, 955 Bacteria, overgrowth 650 Acyldehydrogenase 1236 730, 771, 1185, 1231, 1577, Apoprotein 1880 Bacterial disease 106 1 Adenine nucleotide 1 180 1586, 1617 Appendectomy 5 12 Bactericidal activity 6 15, 1069 Adenine nucleotide translocase 26 Aminoaciduria 1585 Appendicitis 5 12 Bacteroidesfragilis 1 108 Adenoid 1064 Amniocentesis 774, 776 Appointment keeping 12 Barium enema 7 13 Adenoidectomy 797 Aminodarone 35 1 Arachidonate synthesis 1325 Barotrauma 1370 4 SUBJECT INDEX TO ABSTRACTS Barrett's esophagus 578, 6 1 6 Breath hydrogen 32 Care, level of 806, 8 14 Chromosome, X 770,786 Basement membranes 1768 Breathing 100, 324, 325, 389, Care, medical 798 Chromosome abnormality 520, Basolateral membrane 16 10 1439, 1519, 1521, 1549, 1738, Care, prenatal 1476 772,776,779 Basophil953 1784, 1814, 1817, 1838 Care, postoperative 1777 Chronic granulomatous disease Bayley scores 65, 67, 85, 89 Breath test 388 Care, well-child 69 876, 1712 B cells 940, 944, 950, 975, 989, Breech 1321 Caregiver 4 1 Chronic lung disease 1776 1002, 1004, 1202 Bronchial reactivity 1756 Carnitine 698, 743; 755, 1200, Chronopharmacology 505 Behavior 25, 30, 3 1, 73, 100, 1 16, Bronchiolitis 1865 1227, 1231, 1236, 1663, 1707 Chylomicron 749 128, 1668 Bronchodilator 1795, 1796, 1799 Carnitine deficiency 12 10 Cimetidine 357, 656 Behavior, maternal 6 1 Bronchopulmonary dysplasia 183, Carotene 669, 889, 1436 Circadian rhythms 29 1,292, 1848 Behavior, parental 7 384, 1358, 1421, 1432, 1465, Carotid bodies 1869 Circulation, cerebral 2 15, 276, Benzoate 746, 1206 1515, 1766, 1775, 1783, 1797, Canier detection 74 1 307, 332, 1275, 1279, 1287, Benzocaine 392 1803, 1815, 1817, 1821, 1829, Cartilage 279 1398, 1407, 1415, 1416, 1435, Benzyl alcohol 385, 386, 1322, 1844 Case definition 1009 1449, 1453, 1526, 1547, 1548, 1474 Broviac catheter chemotherapy Castration 25 1 1686, 1687, 1694, 1699, 1704, Beriberi 1731 1120 Catecholamine 228,26 1,270,288, 17 16, 1726 Betamethasone 137 1, 1845 Broviac catheter infections 1 120 315, 1403 Circulation enterohepatic 706 Bicarbonate metabolism 12 14 Broviac catheter neutropenia 1 120 Catheter, arterial 1307, 1308 Circulation, gastrointestinal 7 1 1 Bicuculline 332 Brush-border membrane 569, Catheter, bulb vs deLee 1320 Circulation, heart 20 1, 2 1 1, 1290 Bile 605, 6 12, 696, 1 190 1185, 1585, 1586, 1597, 1620, Catheter, peripheral artery 1308 Circulation, kidney 157 1, 1624 Bile acid 573, 587, 679 1621 Catheter, suction 1825 Circulation, organ 170, 1 8 13 Bile acid, metabolism 627 Bucindolol 178 Catheter, umbilical 1353, 1356, Circulation, peripheral 190 Bile salts 564, 706 Burns 28, 36, 1 124 1530 Circulation, pulmonary 14 1, 142, Biliary tract 726 Bypass, cardiopulmonary 350 Catheterization gradients 159 338, 395, 1297, 1509, 1734, Bilirubin 236, 237, 294, 326, 605, Bypassing activity 856 Cavum vergae 1266 1774 640,641,841,1053, 1190,1276, Cefotaxime 1036 Circulation, regional 160, 199, 1305, 1311, 1312, 1329, 1400, C3NeF 1650 Cefoxitin 1062 200, 734, 1360 1417, 1445, 1450, 1467, 1487, C5a des Arg 1756 Ceftazidime 108 1 Circumcision 46, 796 1495, 1514, 1523, 1524, 1542, Caffeine 324, 325, 361, 1384, Ceftriaxone 333, 1040, 11 17 Circumference, mid-arm/head 1553, 1563, 1570 1671, 1672 Celiac disease 562, 563 603 Bilirubinometry, transcutaneous Calcification 164 1 Central hypoventilation syndrome Citrulline 267, 1665 236, 1400 Calcitonin 486, 709, 1537 759 Citrullinemia 742 Bioavailability 369, 598, 678 Calcium 144, 169, 187, 31 1, 319, Central nervous system 887, 916, Classroom performance 1346 Biopsy 1626, 1654 336, 346, 499, 579, 598, 660, 1350, 1709 Cleft lip 483, 1258 Biopterin deficiency 1209 859, 924, 1194, 1219, 1233, Cephalosporins 339, 1050 Cleft palate 483, 1 123, 1254 Biostater 12 1 1 1234, 1301, 1534, 1538, 1543, Cephalothin 1081 Cleft, oro-facial 1264 Biotin 95 1, 122 1, 1730 1562, 1597, 1604 Cereal 5 12 Clonidine 445, 485 Biotinidase 6 17, 1730 Calcium, parenteral 1534 Cereal prolamins 563 Cloning 422, 832, 866 Birth defect 83, 84, 205 Calcium gluconate therapy 160 1 Cerebral palsy 740 Clonogenic 870 Birthweight, maternal 532 Calciuria 160 1 Cerebrospinal fluid 8 15, 887, Coagulation 867, 885, 9 13, 998 Bladder 1638 Calories 673, 721, 1401 1 1 17, 1675, 1680 Coarctation 147, 2 19 Bleeding time 867, 869,925, 1506 Calorimetry 693 Ceruloplasmin 60 1, 7 1 7 Cobalamin 764, 1220 Blindness 123, 127 Cancer 635, 845, 870, 891, 898, Cesarean section 1342 Cognition

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