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Suite 300, 6 Roslyn Road Winnipeg, Manitoba in this issue of Canada R3L 0G5 President MONTANA MINING David Langstaff MMA President’s Message – Mike Mullaney 4 Publisher Jason Stefanik MMA Mission Statement 4 Managing Editor MMA Executive Director’s Message – Debbie Shea 6 Katrina Senyk MMA 2010 Board of Directors 8 [email protected] Montana Bureau of Mines and Geology Report 9 Advertising Account Executives Cheryl Ezinicki Member Profile – Dolores Rife 16 Jennifer Hebert Ross James Join us once again at the Fairmont Hot Springs Resort 17 Michelle Raike World Museum of Mining promotes important mining heritage to the public 18 Contributing Writers MT voters’ mode uncovered in chamber poll 23 Rebecca Colnar © Debra Pitassy More than palling around: Provider Pals 24 Nicole Ritter MNHC adds new mining trunk to its program 26 Production services provided by: Big mine, small footprint 28 S.G. Bennett Marketing Services www.sgbennett.com Happy Birthday GNA! 30 Art Director Barrick Golden Sunlight Mine achieves greatest level of mining excellence 33 Kathy Cable The “lean” advantage 36 Layout & Design Montana Resources: A mining tradition, a mining family 39 Dana Jensen Chapter Report 43 Advertising Art Deryn Bothe American Mining Insurance Company 44 Matthew Kehler Hard work and diligence pays off for Holcim’s Trident Plant 46 © Copyright 2010 Graymont committed to working with government and community members 48 DEL Communications Inc. All rights reserved. The contents of this pub lica - Revett’s commitment to environmental protection 52 tion may not be reproduced by any means, in whole or in part, without prior written consent MMA Members 58 of the publisher. While every effort has been made to ensure the accuracy of the information contained herein index to and the reliability of the source, the publisher in ADVERTISERS no way guarantees nor warrants the information and is not responsible for errors, omissions or AFFCO 13 Golder Associates Inc. 37 Montana Seals & Packing CAD, Inc. 50 statements made by advertisers. Opinions and AMEC / Geomatrix 19 Gough, Shanahan, Johnson & Waterman PLLP 11 Moore Oil, Inc. 14 recommendations made by contributors or American Mining Insurance Company 45 Graymont Western US Inc. 49 Nelson Brothers Mining Services, LLC 20 advertisers are not necessarily those of the pub- Billings Clinic 41 GSE Lining Technology, LLC 30 O'Keefe Drilling Company 52 lisher, its directors, officers or employees. Bison Engineering 35 Hardsteel Inc. 45 Pierce Leasing 40 Publications mail agreement #40934510 Brenntag Pacific, Inc. 28 Holland & Hart LLP 46 Revett Minerals 53 Bucyrus International Inc. 14 ITT Water & Waste Water/ Flygt Products 21 Richwood 43 Butte War Bonnet Hotel 29 Industrial Automation Consulting, Inc. 15 Rio Tinto IBC PRINTED PROUDLY IN MONTANA by CAMP (Montana Tech) 12 Industrial Equipment Manufacturing Ltd. 15 Ruen Drilling, Inc. 24 ARTCRAFT PRINTERS of Chemical Montana Company 10 Intermountain West Energy 31 Small Mine Development LLC 48 BILLINGS, INC. CiDRA Minerals Processing IFC Interstate BearingSystems 35 Spring Valley Drilling 11 Cross Petroleum Service 30 Interstate PowerSystems 11 Stillwater Mining Company 31 Mailing provided by Dick Irvin, Inc. 36 Irwin Car and Equipment 34 Stone Raven Resources, LLC 43 Helena Industries, Inc., Helena, MT Energy Laboratories Inc. 28 JBR Environmental Consultants, Inc. 42 Tetra Tech 47 Ernest K. Lehmann & Associates of Montana, Inc. 47 Larox, Inc. 38 Thiessen Team USA 37 PRINTED | 05/2010 Ezzie’s Wholesale, Inc. 36 LeTourneau Technologies 26 Tractor & Equipment Co. 44 F&H Mine Supply, Inc. 42 MDM Supply 50 Westate Machinery Company 54 DEL Fairmont Hot Springs Resort 55 Metso Minerals Industries Inc. 32 Western States Insurance - Missoula 50 Communications Inc. Fickler Oil Company, Inc. 47 Mines Management, Inc OBC Western Wyoming Community College 7 Geometrics, Inc. 5 Montana Crane Service 43 Wholesale Mine Supply 51 Cover Photo: Golden Sunlight Mine 33 Montana Resources 41 WWC Engineering 17 Site overview of East Boulder Mine. digital copy available online at www.montanamining.org 3 PHOTO COURTESY OF STILLWATER MINING. President’s Message MIKE MULLANEY President, Montana Mining Association ’ve been honored to take on the responsibility of being president of The legislative committee that is chaired by Bruce Gilbert is active Ithe MMA these past few years. It has been a rewarding learning and staying on top of issues such as the nutrient criteria standards, experience, working with board members and the association staff. We wilderness bill, proposed mining law changes, etc. In addition, an have set up a team-type association that actively listens to feedback, Environmental Committee has just been formed and is being led by and then makes sound decisions on a consensus basis. Tad Dale. Thanks to all the individuals and participants involved in MMA board members are involved in all four of our committees – this important process. health and safety; education; membership; and legislative – which are Membership is stable but there has to be a stronger effort in getting defined in our bylaws. Commitment to these committees is essential more individuals, suppliers, and small operators such as sand and to our success – that success being a strong safety culture both on and gravel producers, to join. Numbers do make a difference. off the job; educating people of all ages about the importance of our These past two years have brought difficult times to many opera- natural resources; environmental stewardship; and compliance with tions due to the struggling economy. It is commendable to see how reasonable rules and regulations. The foundation has been put in these folks have stepped up to the plate and dealt with challenging sit- place for a bright future for this association. uations by taking on some drastic downsizing and cost-cutting meas- Safety is a top priority and we need to have the appropriate be - ures within their operations to remain competitive for years to come. havior instilled in us – on and off the job – to ensure no one is injured. It is a privilege to be part of the mining industry. We work so hard This past year, our safety and health committee has been rejuvenated in our typical day’s work that we take little time to reflect on our by committee chair Jerry Laughery, and all the other safety managers accomplishments and to tell our stories. By putting out our annual at various operations throughout the state who have been actively magazine, which is also available on the MMA website, we have been participating in this committee. The safety committee is by far the telling our stories and communicating to others what we are doing. most active within the association; committee members have been I thank the board for the opportunity to serve as president of the meeting monthly and quarterly at mine sites to share incidents and Montana Mining Association. Please continue to give feedback and best practices, and to discuss on-going MSHA regulatory changes and ideas to Debbie, Debra and the board to help us continue achieving how to best deal with them. our objectives. ✦ The Montana Mining Association (MMA) is a Montana being. One of the MMA’s primary functions is to pro- trade association dedicated to helping mining compa- mote and enhance the image of the mining industry. nies, small miners and allied trade members succeed, The Montana Mining Association works in coopera- understand, comply and function in a complex busi- tion with other state and national mining associations, ness and regulatory world. The primary purpose of the natural resource trade associations and groups with Montana Mining Association is to protect and promote similar interests and needs. the mining industry in the state. The MMA serves the industry on a wide
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