^ SOUTH BEND'S LARGEST STORE FOR MEN ^ CORDUROY TROUSERS $785 Pleats and zippers. Large selection in Brown, Blue and Tan. CORDUROY COATS In Brown, Tan and Olive $21.50 TAXI FREE to the Modern Gilbert's GILBERT'S 813-817 S. Michigan St. 1 SOUTH END LARGEST TOR MEN! } f You are Always a Guest Here Before You are a Customer Home of Famous Names in Men's Quality Clothing Hickey-Freeman ... Society Brand ... Burberry .. ."GGG"... Alpagora... British-R... Dobbs GILBERT'S 813-817 S. Michigan St. SOUTH BEND'S LARGEST STORE FOR MEN J they want to know on Sunday morning, cit, we can consider the backhandward as you see it is 7 a.m. in the morning manner in which they are collected: A LETTERS over here when the games start over sacrifice by one group for the betterment in the stadium. of the other. If charity is demanded of the cafeteria eater, it ought to be solicit­ (The folloioing letter tvas ivritten I have heai'd the doctors here at the ed in a proper and justifiable fashion. by Pfc, Ralph E. Gartner, stationed hospital say that they can't understand in the Philippines, to his parents, it, but it seems that it is like a miracle I suggest, therefore, that after Christ­ Mr. and Mrs. Ralph J. Gartner, Sr., . they take a turn for the better when­ mas vacation the price of ice cream and of 615 E. Gi'ove St., Mishaioaka. ever Notre Dame wins a game. As the other "luxury" items be lowered to a Chief Surgeon says, thank God that they reasonable amount and that boxes be Mon., Nov. 11, 1946 have something to hold them up so they placed at the doors of the cafeteria with don't despair, and he hopes there will placards attached: "Attention, Cafeteria Dear Mom and Dad: always be a successful Notre Dame clientele! Contributions accepted here ... I went to Mass and Communion on the gridiron if . only to help the for the upkeep of dining halls and the yesterday after we listened to the Notre patients get well. resolution of deficits incurred by stu­ Dame-Army football game over at Junior dents eating in the dining halls." the clinic and we had the largest crowd Whoever revamps the University of so far to hear the game. We opened all December 14, 1946 Notre Dame Bulletin has lost cognizance the doors to the wards and turned up the of the fact that times change and what volume on the radio so that as many Dear ra'ir : had appealed twenty years ago to the po­ as possible could hear the game. The tential tiniversity student is just a drop noise and the cheering at the hospital Despite the penetrating analysis of the food-price level in the cafeteria (with in the bucket today. In a rather liberal was just like being there in Yankee Sta­ and ostentatious manner Washington dium. I never knew that so many Notre emphasis on the costs to the student vis­ iting the ice cream bar) it appears that Hall is described as "containing the Uni­ Dame supporters were in the army, and versity auditorium, seating 900 persons, we also had a lot of naval officers who there is no downward trend in price-list­ ings and that the South Bend drugstores and the studios of the Department of are M.D.'s here at the hospital who were Music. The auditorium is equipped for rooting for good old N.D. to win. .we continue to sell sundaes, etc. at a lower price than on campus. I sense that the amateur dramatics and for 'talking pic­ all consider it a moral victory for N.D. tures'." because Coach Leahy, •with only one Student Council has approached this year's work with the squad, was able to matter in the wrong way and instead of The above is found on page 46 where­ hold Army, which had been together for imputing that the cafeteria bookkeepers as on page 87 under "Entertainment" three years, and were declared National have the figures all wrong, ought to the delighted initiate A\all discover for Champions the last two years. avow that the dining rooms are indeed the first (and perhaps only) time that losing money for the school and that the "In addition to the special lectvires given Dad, I know you will feel proud of No­ cafeteria profits are called upon to as­ for all students ... by men of promi­ tre Dame when I tell you that the morale sume the deficits. nence visiting the xmiversity, there is an of the patients is lifted up ti-emendously entertainment course of 'high class' con­ when N.D. wins and that is the 1st thing Having recognized the dining hall defi- certs ... in Washington Hall." I can­ not interpret whether the term "high class" refers to the absence of burlesque or is an attempt at snob appeal. Regard­ SOUTH BEND'S MOST UNIQUE SHOP less, the reader learns once again that "A good 'talking-picture' is presented each week." DISTINCTIVE GIFTS —EXCLUSIVE JEWELRY 118 W. Colfax Ave. Phone 4-7565 I will not question the quality of the "talking picture" but it is of interest to note that "talkies" have been "in" for some time now and have been more or less picked up by the public at large as the usual sort of thing. That pictures "talk" is no longer a drawing card, sorry to say. Grade schools and high schools which have accepted the theater refer to pictures shown at their instittitions by the simple, unsophisticated title of "mov­ Paris ies." No airs here. 532 NORTH NILES AVENUE A final suggestion, then: That the CLEANING DYEING words "talking pictures" be substituted Pressing While You Wait for in accordance with the example shown above or that the complete Bulle­ tin be revamped to catch the style i.e. One of Our Specialties "Students are permitted to smoke and to­ Sweaters, cleaned by our experts, baccos are sold locally and at 117 houses keep that "new" look. of business in nearby South Bend." Sincerely, Conveniently located at 532 NORTH NILES AVE. Paul F. Carr Across the Street from the Sunny Italy Cafe 801 Cedar St., South Bend. pyt*» ujiiKS ^r-^'«w«« »im w'sm. i-ss^^ai-jassA "'^^^iSttHt^j^h, when you smoke PHILIP MORRIS CLEAN, FRESH, PURE kmeM% fINEST Craorette.' There's an important difference in PHILIP MORRIS manufacture that lets the FULL FLAVOR of the L'"'^ world's finest tobaccos come through for your com­ plete cajoym&tit—clean, fresh, pure! That's why the flavor's ALL yours when you smoke PHILIP MORRIS! That's why PHIUP MORRIS taste better —smoke better—all day long! No wonder that with millions of smokers everjrwhere, PHILIP MORRIS is America's FINEST Cigarette! ties ^ ^'-^o r ^ PHIUP HO ALWAYS BETTER-BETTER ALL WAYS LOST! CCLLCeC PARADE White gold necklace with crj-stal pendant By LOU ALMAS! and TOM HIGGINS having: two small diamonds. Finder please return to William. Ogbum, 328 Brcen- Phillips Hall. Reward $10.00. HOME SWEET HOME . AvonderfuUy rested and Avell-prepared for Ah yes, it was great to be home. As the oh-too-close finals. Most of the stu­ WANTED Bob Hope would say, we stepped oflF the dent body easily undei-Avent the transfer Student with some printing experi­ train and were met by a brass band—a from a part-time occupation to a full ence to do part time work on cam­ girl scout with braces. To make a long time (40 hour or better) Aveek at the pus press. Fine opportunity lor the story short, the vacation was somewhat Peacock Room, Chez Ami, or G-A. It Avill right man. of a busman's holiday, we spent the time be harder to bear the change back to loafing. the old South Bend WCTU system. The day before Christmas we came out We hear our lads all had a good time, of hiding long enough to go on our an­ but neAvs has also reached us of the chap nual shopping spree. Grimly clutching AA'ho Avas so ingrained Avith the ND sys­ £t kiicm^ni^ tem that he spent his seventeen days • our semester's savings, we set forth for making his three checks per Aveek on the Excellence in glasses the poor man's Macy, Zuckmaier's. We liA'ing room Avallpaper, refusing to eat is a matter of pre­ sauntered around gaily until we came to cision every step of a beautiful collection of dolls. We anything but beans and Aveiners, dash­ the way — from squeezed one and she yelled, "Mama!" ing home before midnight, sticking strict­ ly to beer. He Avas only too glad to examination to the We squeezed another. She screamed get back to Notre Dame, Avhere he AA'-asn't final adjustment of "Floorwalker!" Flashing our SCHOiASTic considered queer for acting the Avay he the RX to your eyes. press card Avith an air of something did. 234 S. Mich. St. Ph. 2-4405 or other, Ave were allowed to continue on our way to the shoe department. • There we bought our first gift, a pair of WHAT MAKES MOTHERS GRAY . shoe laces that we decided would go well We hear one of the married vets Avith Imelda's broAvn eyes. We paid cash bought a neAv baby carriage for Christ­ for it. We had a little trouble Avith mas. A feAV days later, Av^hile they Avere the next gift, a pair of shoes that squeak doAvntoAvn shopping, the little Avoman in the same key.
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