October 16, 2001 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS 20005 In causing this awakening, then, the ter- CONGRATULATIONS TO by a State commission currently applies to rorists have assured their own destruction. AZERBAIJAN both voice grade and advanced services. The And those we mourn today, have, in the mo- current process for evaluating a petition to lift ment of their death, assured their own tri- a rural exemption provides disincentive for umph over hate and fear. For out of this act HON. DAN BURTON of terror—and the awakening it brings—here OF INDIANA small, rural carriers to make costly investment and across the globe—will surely come a vic- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES in advanced telecommunications service infra- tory over terrorism. A victory that one day Tuesday, October 16, 2001 structure. For these reasons, I am introducing may save millions from the harm of weapons the ‘‘Rural Exemption Enhancement Act. of mass destruction. And this victory—their Mr. BURTON of Indiana. Mr. Speaker, I My legislation should not in any way be in- victory—we pledge today. would like to present my most sincere con- terpreted to be a competing proposal to H.R. But if we gather here to remember them— gratulations to President Aliyev on the occa- 1542, the ‘‘Internet Freedom and Broadband we are also here to console those who shared sion of the 10th anniversary of the restoration their lives, those who loved them. And yet, Deployment Act of 2001’’ passed by the of Azerbaijan’s independence. The past sev- House Energy and Commerce Committee. I the irony is that those whom we have come eral years have proven your nation’s commit- to console have given us the best of all con- am proud to be a cosponsor and active sup- solations, by reminding us not only of the ment to democracy, and I encourage you to porter of that proposal. The bill that I am intro- meaning of the deaths, but of the lives of continue your efforts aimed at strengthening ducing today would simply make it clear that their loved ones. Azerbaijan’s independence, territorial integrity, a request to lift the voice grade exemption ‘‘He was a hero long before the eleventh of and sovereignty. We, in the U.S. Congress, should be made and evaluated separately September,’’ said a friend of one of those we appreciate Azerbaijan’s friendship and sup- have lost—‘‘a hero every single day, a hero from the advanced services exemption. port, especially in these times of the inter- Mr. Speaker, this Congress and the Presi- to his family, to his friends and to his profes- national campaign against terrorism. Please, sional peers.’’ dent will spend the remainder of this session A veteran of the Gulf War—hardworking, accept, Mr. President, my best wishes to your- developing legislation that is vital to our na- who showed up at the Pentagon at 3:30 in the self and the Azerbaijani people on this anni- tion’s economy and national security. I look morning, and then headed home in the after- versary. forward to working with my colleagues to noon to be with his children—all of whom he f move this legislation forward next year before loved dearly, but one of whom he gave very the 107th Congress adjourns sine die. special care, because she needs very special RURAL EXEMPTION care and love. ENHANCEMENT ACT OF 2001 f About him and those who served with him, IN HONOR OF CELIA CRUZ, RECIPI- his wife said: ‘‘It’s not just when a plane hits HON. GEORGE RADANOVICH their building. They are heroes every day.’’ ENT OF THE JAMES SMITHSON ‘‘Heroes every day.’’ We are here to affirm OF CALIFORNIA BICENTENNIAL MEDAL that. And to do this on behalf of America. IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES And also to say to those who mourn, who Tuesday, October 16, 2001 have lost loved ones: Know that the heart of HON. ROBERT MENENDEZ America is here today, and that it speaks to Mr. RADANOVICH. Mr. Speaker, I rise OF NEW JERSEY each one of you words of sympathy, consola- today to introduce the ‘‘Rural Exemption En- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES hancement Act of 2001’’ (REEA). This modest tion, compassion and love. All the love that Tuesday, October 16, 2001 the heart of America—and a great heart it proposal would ensure greater regulatory cer- is—can muster. tainty for many of our nation’s rural telephone Mr. MENENDEZ. Mr. Speaker, I rise today Watching and listening today, Americans companies as they continue their efforts to to honor and pay tribute to musical legend everywhere are saying: I wish I could be bring quality and affordable advanced tele- Celia Cruz. On Tuesday, October 16, 2001, there to tell them how sorry we are, how communications services to our communities. Ms. Cruz will be awarded the James Smithson much we grieve for them. And to tell them Bicentennial Medal for her distinguished musi- too, how thankful we are for those they I am pleased that this legislation has been en- loved, and that we will remember them, and dorsed by the Organization for the Promotion cal career and invaluable contributions to our recall always the meaning of their deaths and Advancement of Small Telecommuni- nation’s cultural heritage. The award cere- and their lives. cations Companies as well as Sierra Tele- mony will take place at the Smithsonian Insti- A Marine chaplain, in trying to explain phone Company in my home district. tution in Washington, DC. why there could be no human explanation for More than five years ago, Congress passed Celia Cruz was born and raised in the Santa a tragedy such as this, said once: ‘‘You would comprehensive legislation to reform our na- Sua´rez neighborhood of Havana, Cuba. As a think it would break the heart of God.’’ young girl, she spent much of her spare time We stand today in the midst of tragedy— tion’s telecommunications laws—the Tele- the mystery of tragedy. Yet a mystery that communications Act of 1996. In crafting this entertaining her peers, friends, and neighbors is part of that larger awe and wonder that legislation, Congress wisely included provi- by singing lullabies and melodies. In the causes us to bow our heads in faith and say sions which exempt rural telephone compa- 1940’s, she officially began her musical career of those we mourn, those we have lost, the nies from the collocation, unbundling and re- by singing on numerous Cuban radio pro- words of scripture: ‘‘Lord now let Thy serv- sale obligations imposed upon incumbent local grams. She expanded her musical aptitude by ants go in peace, Thy word has been ful- exchange carriers. Congress understood that studying at Havana’s Conservatory of Music filled.’’ from 1947 to 1950. To the families and friends of our fallen these obligations would not serve the best in- colleagues and comrades we extend today terests of rural consumers and would deter in- In 1950, Celia Cruz gained international ac- our deepest sympathy and condolences—and vestment in high-cost areas that are already claim by becoming the lead singer for Cuba’s those of the American people. challenging to serve due to a lack of econo- top dance band, La Sonora Matancera. For We pray that God will give some share of mies of scale. over fifteen years, La Sonora Matancera elec- the peace that now belongs to those we lost, Mr. Speaker, it is important to note that the trified sold-out audiences with their vibrant and to those who knew and loved them in this rural exemption accorded to rural telephone catchy Afro-Cuban melodies and rhythms. life. companies is not permanent and can be lifted Throughout much of her career, Celia Cruz But as we grieve together we are also thankful—thankful for their lives, thankful by a State commission. Under section 251(f) has been hailed as the ‘‘Queen of Salsa’’ due for the time we had with them. And proud of the Telecommunications Act, a new entrant to herr energetic and animated musical per- too—as proud as they were—that they lived may make a bona fide request to a State com- formances. Cruz, a Grammy Award winner their lives as Americans. mission to lift a rural ILEC’s exemption. Fol- and Latina musical icon, has enjoyed a dy- We are mindful too—and resolute that lowing a 120 day evaluation of the request, a namic career that has spanned over five dec- their deaths, like their lives, shall have State commission may lift the exemption if the ades, recorded countless albums, and has meaning. And that the birthright of human request from the competing carrier is not often performed with musical great Tito freedom—a birthright that was theirs as Puente. Americans and for which they died—will al- found to be unduly economically burdensome, ways be ours and our children’s. And through is technically feasible, and is consistent with Today, I ask my colleagues to join me in our efforts and example, one day, the birth- the universal service provisions of the Act. honoring Celia Cruz, for her immeasurable right of every man, woman, and child on I am very concerned, however, that the lift- contributions throughout her illustrious career. earth. ing of a rural telephone company exemption The James Smithson, Bicentennial Medal VerDate Aug 04 2004 10:12 Apr 25, 2005 Jkt 089102 PO 00000 Frm 00008 Fmt 0689 Sfmt 9920 E:\BR01\E16OC1.000 E16OC1.
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