_ ·. - I ~ I . STATE OF NEW.JERSEY DEP_ARTMENt OF ALCOHOLIC .BEVERAGE CONTROL 1060 Broad Street, Newark, N. J. BULLETIN 788 DECEMBER 23, 1947 J JANUARY, 1948 SUPPLEMENTAL LIST MINIMUM RESALE ·PRICES· Effectiv·e January 2, 1148 Filed by the following manufacturers IM.PORTANT! and wholesalers: AOSTIN, .NICHOLS & CO., INC. BACARDI IMPORTS, INC. AMENDED SPECIAL RULING JAS. BARCLAY. & CO. LIMITED BELLOWS & COMPANY, INC. BROWNE-VINTNERS CO., INC. Licensees may . not price~advertise alcoholic CANADA DRY GINGER ALE, INCORPORATED beverages, Including Malt Beverages; not listed R. lJ. DELAPENHA &: CO., INC. THE- FLEISCHMANN DISTILLING CORP. in Fair Trade Publications. DUNCAN GILMOUR & CO., LTD. P A!:~.K & TILFORD IMPORT CO~PORA TlON,,,, RENFIELD IMPORTERS, LTD. Effective Octdber 22, 1945, the Department ruled th!at SACCONE & SPEED (U.S.A.), INC. any alcoholic beverages (except mal:t beverages) not listed' SCHENLEY DIS'.J'.RlBUTORS, INC. in Minimum Resale Price ·pamphlets, issued pursuant to SCHENLEY DISTRIBUTORS, INC. (Import Division) State Fair Trade Regulations No. 30, may not be price SCHIEFFELIN & CO. SEAGRAM-DIS TILLE~ CORPORATION advertised <including direct or indirect r.eference to price) SHAW CO., INC., MUNSON G. in any periodical, publication, circular, hand-bill or direct ~·STONE & CO., LTD. mailing piece in this State by a manUfacturer, wholesaler W. A. TAYLOR & CO. UNITED DISTILLERS OF AMERICA, INC. or retailer. Priva~ brands owned or controlled by 1a re­ JULIUS 'WILE SONS & CO., IN~. tailer or exclusive brands confined to or distributed by - one retailer are e:xicepted in the ruling. The . ruling was amended, effective Tuesday, Sep­ TABLE OF CONTENTS ·tember 2, · 1947 to include malt beverages. (EXPLANATORY' NOTE: For the convenience of the consumer public and retailer alike, brands of a'coholic beverages are . As a note of caution, retailers 1are placed on notice listed under separate! type classification~~) · that the amended ruling, effective September ·2, 1947, Type. Page prescribes the flat prohibition of the price 'adv~rtising of all alcoholic beverages, including malt · beverages, not Canadian ,Whisky ·····-a-····.. ···: .........•............................ :......... 3 ITSted in Fair Trade, .except Private and Exclusive brands Irish Whi~key .................................................................... _.......... 3 confined t? or distri.buted by one retailer. ~~~e:~:!;di~~-·-:::::~~::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: ~ Any vio1Jation of the amended ruling sh.an· subject the Imported Gin .............................................................................. 4 license to suspension or revocation. ' Imported Rum ········-···············-~---······-~----························· 4, 5 Cordials and . Liqueurs .................................... :................. 5 ERWIN B. HOCK, ·Imported Champagnes ...................................................... 5 Commissioner: Imported Wines ........................................................................ 6 Imported Vermouth ······························-·····················-·····-···· 6 / ". -. ~. __ , ;. I ,i '. J . \ "o;(. ·ft1:t~~fu:;~~'~,;;;~d~it~.~i~i~i.;t~ii s,~1:t~ . .. J. •. STATE OF NEW JERSEY. DEPARTMENT.. OF ALCOHOLIC BEVERAGE CONTROL 1960 Broad Street, Newark, N. J. BULLETIN '788 DECEMB:ER. 23,. 1947 OFFICIAL NOTICE OF FAIR TRAJ?E CONTRACTS AND PRrCE LISTS , FILED·PURSUANT TO REGULAT10NS No.-30 ' · Th'ere .. are set forth 'herein s~pplen{ented. price lists which· have been filed together with Fair ·Trade !contracts, at the offices 'Of the Department 9f Alcoholic Beverage' Control, pursua!ft to Regulations No. 30. \ The' Minimum consumer prices. which are .contained in, Bulletin. No .. 785 continue in. force, subject to the additions and changes li~ted nelow~ -It is therefore· essentiaJ that .B.ulletin No. 785 be used in conju:hqtion_ with.. this c;me. Until official notice of. any change in price lists is published in .a later bulletin issued',.by the De­ partment, _ret.ail licensees ·are pro4ibitecf (unle~s otherwise authorized by spetial permit) from selling the • described products except in accordanc:e wit~. the price lists .appearing herein. · · All of the minimum consu,mer prices se.t forth below b~come effective Friday, January 2, 1948 'at 10:00 A.M. MINIMUM MINIMUM BRAND • SIZE CONSUMER PRIC'E . BRAND SIZE CONSUMER PRICf . Canadian Whisky Scoto~ W'his.ky (Cont.). * MacNAUGHTON'S .~ DUNFIFE .. Fif•ths . 5.66 Canadi~n Whisky 4fs Quarts 5.37 Pints 3.37 * GAELIC OLD SMUGGLER Fifths 5.69 - * SEAGRAM'S "83" * GLEN ROSSIE SCOTCH • Blended Canadian Whisky _ Fifths 5.10 Specilal Reserve % Quarts 5.59 Pints 3.23- 8 .Years Old % Quarts 5.96 * SEAGRAM'S PEDIGREE· * GLENLIVET SCOTCH Fifths . 9.65 Rye or Bourbon · .Quar.ts 7.07 * GR~ND MacNISH tFifths . 5.8'9 , (Bottled in Bond in Canada) ~ints 3.. 61 * SEAGRAM'S V. O. .*GRANT'S Canadian Whisky Fifths , (8 Years· Old) Fifths A Blend Pints Tenths * GRANT'S .BE1ST', PROCURABLE (12 Years Old) - , ' Fifths 7.40 *HAIG & HAIG Pinch Bottle Fifths 7.03 ·Tenths 3.61 /Irish Whiskey Five ·Star Fifths 5.69 Tenths 2.9~ WHITE'S CLUB llUSH * .1* HANKEY BANNIS....,ER Fifths 5.80 WHISKEY % Quar.ts 5.6·2 * HEDGES IJl; . BUTLER "2.50" Fif.th~ q 7.12. \ *JOHNNIE WALKER BLACK £ABEL Fifths .6.89' Blended Scotch Whisky. Tenths 3.53, * JOHNNIE WALKER .RED Scotch Whisky .LABEL \' Fif1ths· 5.68 Blended Scotch Whisky Tent!hs 2.9G AINSLIE'S ROYAL EDINBURGH * KING WILLIAM· IV Fif.ths 5.317 SCt>TCH . Fif•ths 5.53 Tenths 2.79 ~AULD GLEN ROS'SIE S.COTC,H' :%'Quarts. · 5.5-9 * KINTORE o/s Quarts 5.318 *BELLOWS CHOICEST LAUDER'S ROYAL NORTHERN LIQUEUR Fifths 11:6.5 CREAM . Fifths 5.56 :t: BELLOWS CLUB SPECIAL " . Fifths 5.70 :_ l\'.(ACKIES ANCIENT . Fifiths 6.83 *BELLOWS DECANTER Fifths 12.15 * PETER DAWSON SCOTCH 'Special Fifths 5.6{) *BELLOWS PARTNERS. Tenths 2.95 CHOICE LIQUEUR Fifths 6.82 Old Curio Fifths 6.. 88 BLACK & WHITE Fifths 5.60 Rare Liqueur Fifths 9A7 Tenths 2.99 * ROBBIE BURNS % Quarts· 5.38 , ;; BLACK & WHITE DE LUXE .Fifths 6.6.0 TEACHER'S HIGHLAND BULLOCH'LADE ORE AM ' Fifths ,5.71 Gold Label . Fifths 5.45 Tenths. 31.12 'renths 2.86 *VAT 69 , Old Rarity Fifths .6.. 75 (Sanderson's) Fifths 5.62 * CATTO'S EXTRA SPECIAL Blended Scotch Whisky % Pints 2.93 ,LIQUEUR . Fifth~ 6.82 * WALDORF ASTORIA · Fifths •' 5.80 *DEWAR'S, V-IC~ORIA VAT %·Quarts 6.96 *WATSON No.· 10 Fifths 5.36 % Pints - 3.57 \ . * WHITE. HORSE CELLAR *DEWAR'S WHITE LABEL % Qwarts 5.,69 SCOTCH. Fifths 5.6'5 %Pints 2.99 Tenths 2.94 _3_:_ * Discount of 5% Permitted On Case Lot Purchases. *"' Discount of 10% Permitted On Case .Lot Purchases. MINIMUM MINIMUM BRAND SIZE CONSUMER PRICE BRAND SIZE CONSUMER PRICE , l~port~d Bra~dies (Cont.) ¥'*BARTON & GUESTIER. * J & ·F MARTELL . Three ·Star Cogna.c 4/s Qwa,rts · . 7.46 (Cognac, France) Fine Champagne Cognac % Quarts I 11.29 - T:t:iree St1a.r Cognac Fifths 7.14 % Pints 3,_,75_ iK * 1.i!"t?i:~:>:! BAS ARMAGNAC Cordon Bleu Fifths 12.09 Fif.ths 6.~7 Tenths . 6.22 Jtf:r\} Finest Reserve Fifths .­ 7.9-8 Cordon· Argent Fifths ' 17.75 Fifths ' . 9.04 Maritell Extra Fifths 20.70 .... ;Fifths 9.80, Martell V .S .0 .P. Fifths -8.81 * RiVOLI SEVEN STAR, Fifths I~por.ted Brandy Fifiths 3.99 1~ :!!~E?~!:ORT~ Pints 2.6'1 e;r.,.,.x BORDERIES 'WERTHEIMER'S rw,~. .EXTRAORDINAIRE «Swiss) . Fifths 17.55 'Marello, Grappa Fifths 8,00 Marc de Suisse Fifths 8,00 I~; ",:~~E~~~- Fifths . 7.30 Rathaus Kirschwasser Fifths 10.16 . Fifths JQ,,39. *BELLOWS V.V.S!E.P. - · Cognac Fifths 14::07 .lmporte~d Gin BISQUIT COGNAC- * ** Gallons 40.03 Fifths '7.30 . <~ask) _Tenths '3.81 . * BOOTH'S HOUSE OF :LORDS I GIN . BISQUIT EXTR:A COGNAC- Fif.tl:is . ·17.rn -Distilled Dry Gin <London, ~ngland) Fifths 5.13 . / * CUSENIER ... C_OATES ,PLYMOU_TH GIN Fifths .5.34 Cognac Fifths 7.65 ,. * NICHOLSONS DRY GIN -Fif·ths 5.09' DUFF GORDON BRANDY ··, UO Years. Old) Fifths 5~53 HENNE>SSY- THREE-STAR ,. ~ - . '- Cognac . Gallons 37.30 l~ported Rum Fifths .7.261 Tenths 3.7'9 *BACARDI HENNE:SSV v.s.O.P. Carta Blanca <White Label) Fifths 5.41 Cognac · Fifths 8..86 <CU ban) . Tenths . 2.77 1 Carta De Oro <G-01.Q Label) · Fifths ·5,53 HENNESSY X.O. (Cuban) · Tenths 2.8~ Cognac · Fif.th~ ~3:.08. * BACARDI 873 BRAND · HENNESSY 'EXTR'A (Cuban) ·Fifths. 6.016; Cognac· · Fifths 25.34 *BACARDI -ANEJO BRAND HENRYM.F.HATHERLY ·<Cuban) Fifths. 6.88' v .o. Extra Portuguese Bl'landl' · Fifths 4.27 . Pints 2-.75 * BELLOWS. ·CHOICEST LiQUEUR JAMAICA *JOHN EXSHAW o_ ~um.· Fifths. 6.64 Three Star Cognac :Fifths 7.00. ·*BELLOWS COCKADE­ V.S.O.P. Cognac Ftf.ths - 8.29 . BARBADOS ** JULE·S. BOUCHARD Rum Fifths 4.}2 <French) ·~ -- · %Quarts. 5.54 Three Star . *·.BELLOWS FINEST BARBADOS % Pints 2'.9·5 Rum Fifths, 5.28 * JULES ROBIN COGNAC *BELLOWS FINEST JAMAlCA Fifths·' · 6.50. r Three Star Rum . F.i,fths 4.96 Tenths· ~,,49, Specfal Fine. co~ac F~ths 8.58. * BEL'LOWS R9N -MALECON ~Cuban Rum _· **LA GRANDE MARQUE <Gold Seal) Fifths 4.63' Three Sitar Cognac Gallons 41.14 (Silver Seal) Fif.ths 4.48 4/s Quarts 7.14 DAGGER . PUNCH % Pints 3.73 Jamaica Rum · o Fifths 5.41 Liqueur Cognac· Superlatiye 4ls Quarts 11.29 Tenths 2.80 -·4- * Discount of 5% Permitted' On ·case Lot Purchases. · * * Discount of 10% Permitte_d On Case Lot Purchases. :\_ ... MINIMUM MINIMUM BRAND_ SIZE CONSUMER PRICE BRAND SIZE CONSUMER PRICE , __ Imported Rum (Con~.) Cordials and Liqueurs (Cont.) - * GILBEY'S "_GOVERNORC ·*KAHLUA GENERAL'' -Mexican Liqueur % Quarts 6.4-9 JamaiCa Rum _:_ Fifths 5.60 % Pints 3.35 *M.A. B. -, *LEMON HART (Bordeaux, France) · Jamaica Rum Apricot Liqueu.r ·Fifths 7.32 ~ Fif:·ths Golden or bark 5.49 Crem~ de Oacao Fifths 7.14 Demerara ( 8:6 Pi:oo.f) Fifths _ 5.10 Creme de Menthe Fifths 7.14 Demerara (151. PrO'Of) Fifths 7.75 4.68- Pints **PICON (Levallois-Perrot, France) *-ST.
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