Temperature: 79 Weather Faiar-v /A : A\ June 1,1951 Boca Raton, Florida Price 5 Gents Memorial Day Services Cabana Sun Colony Boca Raton joined the nation Many members and friends en- in Memorial Services to its war joyed the perfect weather Memorial Veterans on Wednesday, May 30, 51 Pay at the Boca Raton Cabana Sun At ten o'clock the American Club. It has been a busy week for Legion, Legion Auxiliary, Town the Club as many school classes Officials, Fir©Department, Police and organizations have taken ad- Department, as well as•all branch vantage of the facilities to en- es of the Scouts and Representa- tertain. The Garden Club of Pom- tives of various clubs, gathered pano held a delightful card party at Memorial Pafck and marched to this week with a large number at- the Cemetary where Mr, George W. tending. The Soacrest Band is Whitehouse, Ghapla in conducted looking forward with big plans & r the graveside services. From this evening, when they will hold there' the parade proceeded to the a Splash Party. Town H all where Mr. Gus Cicala, " The Saturday night parties Commander of toe Boca Raton Amer- also are proving popular. Tomor- ican Legion, introduced Gol» Ar- row night another gala evening of nold MacSpadden as speaker of the fun is being planned. This affair day. Also presented to the gather-is open to members and thdir friends ing were Mr. George W, Whitehouse with dining and dancing from 9 P.M. , Chaplain, Mr. Louis Zimmerman, unti. 1 1 A»M, Those dances are in- Chairman of the Town Council and formal, the fee is very nominal, Mr, Bryant Welsh, Commander of the $>l«00 plus tax, Como out and en- Deerfield American Legion Post* joy the moonlight in the lovely •Globing the services, the Boy patio of the Cabana Club« Scouts of Boca Raton placed a wreath at the base of the Memorial THE LIONS CLUB Flag, A regular meeting of the Lions SPORTS ASSOCIATION Club was hold Monday, May 28th, at the Lions Club House, with a- A meeting of the Sports Assbcia-bout forty members presont. tion willbe held this week to make It was announced that thirty out the Juno schedule for Arno folding chairs had been donated Lamb and will be printed next by individual members of tho organ- week in The Pelican. ization, Mr, Lamb and his assistants are Mr, J. C. Morris discussed tte hard at work developing tho play- SportsAsspciation Program with the ground at Pearl City. "We under- members* Mr, Arno Lamb was a stand that a thatched roof will guost for the evening. be built over the picnic table at The House Committee announced the Municipal Beach as another again that any indivL dual or d ub project. may use tho Lions Club House freo of charge, tho only requestb eing The Bomberettes are practicing that it bo loft clean. and getting in shape for thdir first game which we are all looking forward to attending. FRANK'S SODA & SUNDRY ROADMAN'S DEPARTMENT STORE aompleto line of Cosmetics Ready-to-wear and Sportswear Cards for all Occasions Sun Hats - Sun Glasses - Fishing tackle - for Soda Fountain IE N WOMEN CHILDREN Breakfast Lunch Dinner t NEXT TO THE POST OFFICE Pago 2. THE PELICAN Boca Raton, Florida LIBRARY HOURS AROUND THE TQ'W. Monday Wednesday Friday Mr, and Mrs, Hugh Buford havo closed their homo in Floresta and 2:00 5:00 returned to Lexington, Ky«, for tho summer months* Wednesday Evoninga 7:00 to 9:00 Tho Lawronco Manors and the Park HAVE YOU READ? Draycrs, with their respective families onjoyod a beach picnic GIVE ME YOUR GOLD HAND Saturday ovoning. They report that By tho now grill at tho Munici pal Evelyn Eaton Beach works fine and heartily on- dorse those ou door suppcrsto koop This is an exciting and distin- the children happy. guished novel - tho romantic story of a young man who learned Mr. and Mrs. Lano Schofiold loft that it is better to bo froc than for their homo in Akron, Ohio, to bo a king's son. Miss Eaton, Wednesday, aftor spending tho sea- with fresh and vivid knowledge of son in their Riviora residence* Colonial America and tho court of George III, haa brought to lifo Mr. J. C. Morris wishes to announco those turbulont days, shedding now that his Gtfooory Storo will bo light on both British and American closed in early Juno and will ro- attitudes toward tho Groat Rebel- opon sometime in September, lion* Ask your Library for itl Mr. and Mrs, Walter Eck, of First B,M,P, Avenue, have returned to Cincinnati aftor spending sovoral months in their newly completed winter home CHURCH SERVICES on tho Intcrcoastal Waterway. Community Church of Boca Raton Commencement Er.oroisos wore hold Sunday, May 27th, at the Pearl Sunday School 10:00 A.M. City Schoo. The Principal speaker Morning Services 11:00 A.M. of tho day was Mr. Thomas F, Fleming Youth Fellowship 6:00 P.M. Jr., whoso subjoot was, "Bo Proud Evening Services to be An American", Mr, F, W, Thursday Evening 7:30 P.M. Weaver, principal of the Boca Raton School, also attending the exer- eisos. Tho Pearl City School was BAPTIST CHURCH cited for being tho neatest and cleanest school in Palm Beach Co., Boca Raton School Auditorium for which both teachers and pupils aro to bo congratulated, Sunday School 9:30 A.M. Church Services 11:00 A.M. Mr. and Mrs. Peyton N, Mitchell, and children, of Hazard, Ky,, loft last Friday aftor spending two CATHOLIC SERVICES months in tho Hudgill homo on Boca Raton Road, Mr. Mitchell joined St Vincent's Dolray Beach his family for the last two weeks and all confirmed an enjoyable Sunday Masses 9:00 & 11:00 A.M. vacation. Wookday Mass 7:3. ._0 _A.M. ---_-»___ Mr, and Mrs. Dcwcy Thordarson, who havo boon in their Riviora home all Mr, Ira Lee Eashleman will con- season, left this wook for their duct the services at the Boca Ratonsumincr k°mo on Washington Island, Community Church Juno 3rd and 10th Wisconsin. Ihoy plan to spend some at olevon o'clock, timo in St Augustine, Florida, and Chicago, 111, on route. • * toftb 5,, Juno 14951. THE PELICAN Boca Raton, tho Town cont'dt WRIGHT'S DRUG STORE Miss Botty Thomason and Miss Mary Proscription pharmacists LaMont have returned from Colum- Tho Roxall Store bia. South Carolina, whoro they • visited Paul Gapp anti Douglap Ever- pai»kor Pens Morris Candies ago• Wo are happy to know that Phono 4551 Dccrfiold Beach Paul and Bully are i|'-n© and oxpoot to bo homo for a visit in July* Tho 7th Grado of the Boca Raton BROWN«S School and their teacher., Mr« P. W. Weaver enjoyed Tuesday after- Our Tropical Lounge is Idoal noon at tho Boca Raton Cabana Sun For Your Entertaining Colony. After an afternoon of swimming, tho students wore sorv- Havo Luncheon or Dinner in our od a picnic supper. Modern Dining Room. Mrs* August Grugero will leave Package Store - Phone 3901 on Juno 6th and fly to Zurick, Federal Highway at Royal Palm Rd» Switzerland, to visit hor family. Sho plans also to visit Franco, Germany, Italy and possibly Aus- tria, returning to Boca Raton UNIVERSAL TELEVISION AND sometime in Septcmbert APiLIANCE SERVICE Mr, and Mrs. Theodore Pratt are Special Summer Clearance Salo closing their homo in Plorosta and will spend six months in Extra Trade-in Value on Any Mexico. Radio, T,Vc or Appliance, ' Phono 2561 Young Philip Powers is saying Your Emerson Dealer 3-oodbyo to his school friends Froo Pick up and Delivery and leaving June 6th with his grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Prod Powers, for their homo in Chicago, BROWN PLUMBING & HARDWARE lilt, Mr* and Mrs. Don Powers have already left for their summer Dianol - Paint Insecticide homo in tho East. Kills Insects for the Life of tho Paint Mr, and Mrs. Charles Abbato, of Stay Spray - Dorusto Palm Beach and Chicago, and thoir Peerless Cement Paint son, Michaol, wore guests of Mr, Phono 4111 or 4421 and Mrs, Thomas F. Fleming Jr., Across from Town Hall on Tuosday. Sunday ovening Mr. and Mrs Loon C, Tookcr entertained guests for Tiros Batteries Accessories cocktails in the homo they aro oc-Motor Tune-up General Repairs cupying for tho summer on Coconut Road. A mong those who enjoyed B 0 C A SERVICE this delightfully informal affair, were Mr. and Mrs. David Smart, Federal Highway & Royal Palm Rd. Mr. and Mrs. Richard Mann, Mrs. Bornico Plowlor, Mr. and Mrs, Pick up Phono 3911 Delivery Charles Spalsbury, Mrs. Carlton Prompt Courteous Sorvico Smith, Miss Mary Jamison, Mrs, Gertrude Jamison, Mrs. V« B. CARL DOUGLAS — Stoinbaugh, Mr, and Mrs. Robort Bobta, Mr, and Mrs, Tom Fleming, Saturday Night Mr, and Mrs. William Day, and Mr. June 2nd and Mrs. Ely. BOCA BOMBERS Dr, and Mrs. Wm, G. O'Donnoll aro vs oxpocte-d homo Sunday from a weeks ROTH'S RANGERS of ST. PETE, stay in Nassau, Memorial Park 8:00 P.M» Pago 4 Juno 1,1951 THE PELICAN Boca Raton, Fla* Wo arc proud of our local Boy BOCA BOMBERS SPLIT TWIN BILL Scout Troop for winning second AT CLEARWATER plaoo for Best Ail-Around Campers in tho Camporoo hold in Jupiter The Boca Bombers split a twin last wook* bill with the world1s softball champions, the Cloarwater Bombers, The Boca Raton Theater, in Boca at Clearwater Saturday night. Raton Hills, opened Tuesday night Behind the throe-hit pitching at govon o'clock.
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