October 28, 1985 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD-SENATE 29253 SENATE-Monday, October 28, 1985 The Senate met at 11 a.m. and was sion to move to that bill today. If any Whereas, after 16 years of loyalty, Kansas called to order by the President pro votes are ordered, they would be set City Royals fans in Kansas, Iowa, Arkansas, tempore [Mr. THURMOND]. aside until tomorrow at 2 o'clock. South Dakota, Missouri, and all over this Let me indicate that we are nearing great Nation have been rewarded with a PRAYER much-deserved world title; November 1, on Friday. In view of are­ Whereas, Manager Dick Howser and his The Chaplain, the Reverend Rich­ quest from a number of Members that team have demonstrated they are indeed ard C. Halverson, D.D., offered the fol­ we do all we can to move the legisla­ the right stuff; lowing prayer: tion we have before us, we shall be Whereas, after an 11 to 0 seventh game Let us pray. coming in-we will not be in too late victory last night the Royals-and Kansas ANNIVERSARY OF DEDICATION OF THE STATUE OF this evening, but starting tomorrow, City, Kansas, and Kansas City, Missouri­ LIBERTY we will probably be in at 8 or 8:30 in are on top of the baseball world: Now, there­ the morning and probably into th~ fore, be it God of our fathers, on this 99th Resolved, That the Senate recognizes and birthday of the Statue of Liberty, we evening, and follow that procedure applauds the accomplishments of the remember the history of this uncom­ through Friday and, hopefully, com­ Kansas City Royals, 1985 baseball champi­ mon land and the measure of its great­ plete action on the farm bill. I am not ons. ness as a servant to the dispossessed of going to predict that. <Later the following occurred:) the world. As the Statue of Liberty is Also, we have indicated to both Sen­ ators DOMENICI and CHILES that if we Mr. DANFORTH. Mr. President, I restored, grant Mighty God, that we rise to support the resolution of the may be renewed in our commitment to can work out the problems on reconcil­ iation, we would interrupt consider­ distinguished majority leader con­ the unprecedented invitation of the gratulating and commending the great lady in New York Harbor: ation of the farm bill to complete action on reconciliation. That could Kansas City Royals on their first ... • • Give me your tired, your poor, world championship. The accomplish­ your huddled masses yearning to take several hours because of the number of votes that could occur, even ments of the Royals have made this breathe free. The wretched refuse of team a part of baseball legend. Down 3 your teeming shore. Send these, the though time on the resolution, I think, is down to about 1 hour. to 1 in both the playoffs and the homeless, tempest-tost to me, I lift my series, the Royals fought back with lamp beside the golden door!"-Emma the kind of courage and character that Lazarus. KANSAS CITY ROYALS, 1985 earned them new fans across this In these crucial days, Lord of histo­ BASEBALL CHAMPIONS country. ry, may the Senate as a whole and the Having lost the first two games at Senators individually be true to their Mr. DOLE. Mr. President, I send a destiny, not forsaking their sacred resolution to the desk and ask for its home, with the second defeat coming trust in the interest of political adva­ immediate consideration. It is spon­ as the result of a devastating ninth­ tage. Renew us, God of the nations, to sored by myself, Senator KAssEBAUM, inning rally by the Cardinals, the the greatness to which Thou hast Senator EAGLETON, and Senator DAN­ Royals' comeback was remarkable. called this Nation. For Thy namesake FORTH. The series victory is especially heart­ and the benefit of all mankind. Amen. The PRESIDING OFFICER <Mr. warming because the Royals are not a GoRTON). The clerk will state the reso­ team made up of established stars. lution by title. Until this series, few Americans had RECOGNITION OF THE Mr. DOLE. Mr. President, I ask heard of Dane Iorg, Buddy Blanca­ MAJORITY LEADER unanimous consent that the clerk may lana, and Darryl Motley-yet those The PRESIDENT pro tempore. The read the resolution, then that we players are now among the chosen few distinguished majority leader is recog­ delay further action until Senators who can claim a game-winning World nized. EAGLETON, DANFORTH, and KASSEBAUM Series hit. have an opportunity to speak on it. The young Kansas City pitching The PRESIDING OFFICER. The staff is truly the best in baseball and it SCHEDULE I clerk will read the resolution. certainly showed in postseason play. Mr. DOLE. Mr. President, under the The legislative clerk read as follows: The country was charmed by 21-year­ standing order, the leaders have 10 A Senate resolution <S. Res. 246). old Bret Saberhagen, who in the span minutes each, to be followed by special S. RES. 246 of 2 days became a father and the orders not to exceed 15 minutes each Whereas, on the night of October 27, most valuable player in the World for Senator PRoxMIRE and Senator 1985, the Kansas City Royals climaxed one Series, but appeared calm and relaxed HEFLIN, followed by routine morning of the great chapters in major league base­ throughout. Special praise must also business not to extend beyond the ball annals with a world championship; go to Danny Jackson, Bud Black, Dan hour of 12 noon, with Sentors permit­ Whereas, the Kansas City Royals cap­ Quisenberry, and Charlie Leibrandt. ted to speak therein for not more than tured the hearts of baseball fans all across These pitchers baffled one of the best the country with its tenacious comebacks in 5 minutes each. both the American League playoffs and the hitting teams in baseball throughout Then we shall resume consideration World Series; the full seven-game series-an extraor­ of the farm bill, S. 1714, I do not be­ Whereas, the Royals made history by be­ dinary accomplishment. lieve there will be rollcall votes during coming the only team to lose the first two The Kansas City fans were justly re­ the day, but there will be amend­ games of a World Series in its home park warded yesterday evening with a ments. I understand there are a but then to fight back and win it all; World Series victory they had waited number of amendments that can be Whereas, the so-called experts gave the on for some time. Although the Royals almost no chance of winning any­ disposed of without record votes. thing in postseason play; Royals have been a frequent fixture in Also, we are attempting to resolve Whereas, the Kansas City Royals defeat­ postseason play, the series victory the controversy around the State-Jus­ ed an outstanding Saint. Louis Cardinals eluded them until last evening. The tice-Commerce appropriations bill. If team in the World Series and a great Toron­ Royals fans are a loyal group and they we could do that, we might ask permis- to Blue Jays squad in the playoffs; deserve to be congratulated as well. e This "bullet" symbol identifies statements or insertions which are not spoken by the Member on the floor. 29254 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD-SENATE October 28, 1985 Mr. President. I would only add the ting. These are dedicated and commit­ The motion to lay on the table was sentiment that I am a person who is ted fans who drive from hundreds of agreed to. very proud of both teams which miles around Kansas City to see their <Conclusion of later proceedings.) played for my State in the World team. This morning, and probably for Mr. DOLE. Mr. President. I reserve Series. As a lifelong Cardinal fan. one all time, their dedication and commit­ the remainder of my time. who spent his youth at the Old ment seems well worth the effort. Sportsman's Park watching the likes Mr. President, it is not often a team of Stan Musial. Enos Slaughter, and and a city have as much cause to cele­ RECOGNITION OF THE Marty Marion. I can only say on brate as the Royals and Kansas City. MINORITY LEADER behalf of the Cardinals that spring Against all odds, they have reached The PRESIDING OFFICER. Under training is only 4 months away and we the pinnacle of success. I salute them, the previous order, the minority leader shall rise to fight again. and I hope this becomes an annual is recognized. THE ROYAL TREATMENT-HOW SWEET IT IS event.e Mr. BYRD. Mr. President, I ask <By request of Mr. DoLE. the follow­ Mr. EAGLETON. Mr. President, unanimous consent that I may reserve ing statement was ordered to be print­ almost 2 weeks ago Senator DANFORTH the remainder of my time. ed in the RECORD:) and I introduced a resolution saluting The PRESIDING OFFICER. With­ e Mrs. KASSEBAUM. Mr. President, I the Kansas City Royals and the St. out objection. it is so ordered. proudly join my colleague from Louis Cardinals. At that time we called Mr. BYRD. Mr. President, I yield Kansas in congratulating the Kansas Kansas City "the Heart of the Ameri­ the floor. City Royals on their world champion­ can League." Yesterday, the Royals ship. After 16 years of hard work and won the hearts of America by winning dedication. Royals players, fans. and that little-known. intra-Missouri con­ RECOGNITION OF SENATOR owners can celebrate the greatest test, the World Series. PROXMIRE World Series comeback of all time.
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