IMMACULATE CONCEPTION THIRTY-SECOND SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME NOVEMBER 10, 2019 MARRERO, LOUISIANA VOLUME 49, NUMBER 19 Sunday, November 3, 2019 Weekly Collection Thursday, Oct. 31, Bishop Roger Morin passed away during a return flight from Envelopes……………....$4,704.00 Massachusetts. That must have been Loose……………..…….$1,712.00 Total Collection…...…...$6,416.00 some flight. Roger first came to New Orle- ans in the early 1970’s to work in the Sum- Thank you for your generosity. mer Witness Program sponsored by Arch- REFLECTIONS ON TODAYS READINGS bishop Hannan. He was a seminarian at Poor Sadducees! Unable to imagine a resurrection the time for Boston. He took a leave of ab- after one’s earthly life, they instead imagine conun- sence and requested to work for the Sum- drums that make the belief in resurrection look mer Witness Program full-time. He ended foolish. When someone remarries, who will be up working with Ben Johnson under the their spouse after the resurrection? Someone is direction of Arch. Hannan to form Social going to be left out. Jesus patiently explains to Services outreach of the Arch. N.O. Under them that this is not an issue in the coming age. their leadership New Orleans became na- The Sadducees have made the mistake of assum- tionally recognized leader in social ser- ing resurrected life if a continuation of earthly life. vices. Today we know this ministry as They have failed to imagine anything other than Catholic Charities. New Orleans is still life as they know it here on earth. With God, re- recognized nationally for its commitment member, all things are possible. Eternal life can be and professionalism. Along the way Roger more wonderful than we can even imagine. We completed his theological studies and believe that all God’s people are alive in God, for Arch. Hannan ordained him for N.O. After our God is the God of the living. Therefore, the his work on the 1987 Papal Visit he was seven brothers and their mother in the first reading honored with the title Monsignor. He was face torture and death with unwavering courage, later made Auxiliary Bishop for N.O. In for they believe they will be “raised up to live again 2009 he was named Bishop of Biloxi and forever” (2 Maccabees 7:9). Jesus, and later St. retired in 2016 at the age of 75. Paul would do the same. We hope to die confi- I was very blessed to become friends with dently, believing in a God who can imagine more him in 1997 when I met him at a priest re- than we possibly can. Especially in November, we treat. We have been good friends ever remember our loved ones who have died, imagin- since. My concern for social issues has ing their eternal life with God and in God forever. Question of the Week How does the assur- been nourished by his witness. I have al- ance of an afterlife change the way I live my life so witnessed the slander that is often di- today? rected towards those committed to serving the poor. He bore this slander with grace and dignity. I will always remember him by his saying; “If you teach people to be gen- erous, they will be generous. If you teach them to be stingy, they will be stingy.” He When the story of human history comes to a close, death and violence don't get the final word. The love of said this when we were talking about sup- God does. That love, burning bright in the heart of Fr. porting the second collections. Emil Kapaun in the darkness of a POW camp in the Ko- rean war, made him a hero. Veterans Day Nov. 11th. Love, Fr. Jimmy Say a prayer and remembrance for our Veterans. THIRTY-SECOND SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME SANCTUARY CLEANING Nov 16—Mary Aguilar, Charlene Saturday, November 9th Blanchard, Marei Dearstine, Rosalind 4:00 p.m. Hebert, Katia Hernandez, Katie Liljeberg, Suyapa Emile Hebert, Sr., Dennis & Dolly Naquin, Sr., Berna- Martinez. Nov 23–Hong Huong, Arvella & Elaine dette Parrino,deceased members of the Schaffer Fmly Lesnak, Debbie Melanson, Marlene Saucier, Peggy Sunday, November 10th Simmons. 8:00 a. m. Margaret Talmadge, Laurent & Betty Verdin and for Schedule: Ministers of the Eucharist the Birthday of Mary Martinez. 10 a.m. 4:00 PM Mass Nov 16 & Nov 23— Donna & Guy & Laura Adams, Benjamin Hernandez & Marie William Bentel, Elaine Klibert, Katie Liljeberg, Schouest, Bangon, Tawat, & Sr. Beth Lieux, John La- nier, Junius Duhon, Gladys Campo. Kim Ranson, Del Woolsey. 12 Noon 8:00 AM Mass Nov 17 & Nov 24- E. Cloutet, Filena Lopez y Accion de Garcia C. D’Aquin, R. Lamy, C. Lasserre, D. Modenbach 6:00 p.m. and M. Verdin. All Parishioners of Immaculate Conception 10:00 AM Mass Nov 24 – J. Bellanger, C. Monday, Veterans Day November 11th Blanchard, D. DiMarco, R. Hebert, R. Rawle, F. 6:00 p.m. Stevenson. Myra Bellanger LaChute & Larry Blanchard Tuesday, November 12th 10:00 AM Mass Nov 17– P. Camardelle, L. 6:-00 p.m. D’Aquin, J. Mailhos, S. Nguyen Special intentions of Walter Danner 6:00 PM Mass Nov 17 & Nov 24— F. Lipovsky, Wednesday, November 13th G. Smith, S. Verret, D. Guise. 8:30 a.m. School Mass Schedule: Ministers of the Word Jamie David & Sal Monfra, Sr. 6:00 pm Mass 4:00 PM Nov 16—E. Klibert Myra Bellanger LaChute & Larry Blanchard Nov 23— L. D’Aquin Thursday, November 14th 8:00 AM Nov 17—D. Rudolph 6:00 p.m. Myra Bellanger LaChute & Larry Blanchard Nov 24— M. Totten Friday, November 15th 10:00AM Nov 17—C. Blanchard 6:00 p.m Nov 24—K. Moser Myra Bellanger LaChute & Larry Blanchard 6:00 PM Nov 17—H. Smith Nov 24—A. Gongora "Is there anyone sick among you? He should ask for the presbyters of the Vigil Lights church. They, in turn, are to pray over him anointing him with oil in the name of This week the vigil light at the Blessed the Lord." (James11-35:J.4-J.5) Parish- Sacrament is for the special intentions of Guy & Laura Adams. ioners who are seriously ill or anticipating hospitalization for a serious illness are requested This week the vigil light at the St. Joseph to call the parish office if they wish to receive the Statue is in loving memory of Laurent Ver- sacrament. Some hospitals provide full time din. priests/chaplains. Patients are regularly visited This week the vigil light at the Blessed and offered the sacrament of the anointing of the Mother Statue is in loving memory of sick, as well as daily Communion. This, however, Betty Verdin. presumes inpatient admission. Those patients who are interested in receiving this sacrament, but are scheduled for outpatient or same day sur- 2nd collection for November 23 & 24th gery, should call the parish office to ensure is for the Catholic Campaign for anointing before going to the hospital. Human Development. IMMACULATE CONCEPTION THIRTY-SECOND SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME NOVEMBER 10, 2019 MARRERO, LOUISIANA VOLUME 49, NUMBER 19 Reflexión Los primeros israelitas creían que aquellos que El jueves 31 de octubre, el obispo cumplían los mandamientos del Señor serían rec- Roger Morin falleció durante un vuelo de ompensados durante el transcurso de su vida o la regreso desde Massachusetts. Roger lle- de sus descendientes. La justicia de Dios triunfa- gó por primera vez a Nueva Orleans a ría en este mundo. Durante el tiempo de la re- principios de la década de 1970 para tra- vuelta de los macabeos, cuando tantas personas justas sufrieron el martirio, se empezó a entender bajar en el Programa de Testigos de Ve- que la justicia de Dios era capaz de trascender rano patrocinado por el Arzobispo Han- esta vida. Los mártires podían ser recompensa- nan. Era seminarista en ese momento pa- dos después de su muerte. En la primera lectura ra Boston. Se tomó un permiso de ausen- de hoy los siete hermanos tienen plena confianza cia y pidió trabajar para el Programa de en sus creencias, tanto en el cumplimiento de las Testigos de Verano a tiempo completo. prácticas religiosas como en la recompensa de la resurrección, y estaban dispuestos a morir por su Terminó trabajando con Ben Johnson ba- fe. • San Pablo también está dispuesto a ar- jo la dirección de la Arquidiocesis. Han- riesgar un arresto, la tortura y la muerte para nan para formar la extensión de Servicios predicar pese a la ley. Por supuesto que él mod- Sociales de la Arquideocesis de N.O. Ba- ela su valentía y confianza no sólo en los mártires jo su liderazgo, Nueva Orleans se convir- judíos, como los siete hermanos y su madre, sino tió en líder reconocido a nivel nacional en también en el mismo Señor resucitado. • La respuesta de Jesús a aquellos que niegan la res- servicios sociales. Hoy conocemos este urrección es perfectamente lógica sin caer en la ministerio como Caridades Católicas. trampa de tratar de explicar la vida después de la Nueva Orleans sigue siendo reconocida a muerte en términos de los saduceos. Para los sa- nivel nacional por su compromiso y profe- duceos no podía haber una vida después de la sionalidad. En el camino Roger completó muerte, porque no había una respuesta satisfac- sus estudios teológicos y Arch. Hannan lo toria para esta pregunta capciosa. Ciertamente una persona no puede estar casada con otras ordenó para N.O. Después de su trabajo varias personas a la misma vez, por tanto no en la Visita Papal de 1987 fue honrado puede haber una vida después de la muerte con el título Monseñor.
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