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993 THECANADIAN MINERALOGIST VOLUME32,INDEX J. DOUGLASSCOTT 20344Brousseau Avenue, Tirwnins, Ontario P4N 5Y2 AUTHORINDEX Abbott, R.N., Jr., Elotrodc poltriability of oxygenmd vuious cationstn C@FL' M.A.. Hafihome, F.C., Nov6t M. & Taylq, M.C.' The crystal strucnrre sleted triclidc minemls:poiatdipole thory, 909 of EsioniE, Mn2*SnA(BOtr a dolomite-smcfirrebq"ate' 903 Abbon, R.N., JL, Energy calculatio$ beuing on tbe dehydrcxylsdon of ms- Copq, M.A. with Bm, P.C., 397 covite, 87 C@;q,M.A. witht n" A.8., 525 Auisiahio. C., Gmbes| O. & Zrcchini, P., hfrared spectrospy md crystal coideD, A. with Bowls, J.F.w., 957 chemistryof the beryl group, 55 Crcssev.-asbestos B.A.. Cresrev, G. & Cemit, R.J., Strucu[al vriatios in chrysotile Bmmft, G.M.withLi, Dieu,8l fibers revealed by syrcbrofon X-ray diffmction atrd high- Bmett, RL. with Pan,Yuming, 133 mlution trrmmision elcEo! mimspy, 257 Bayli$, P. with Wmg, Liben,865 Ctlsy, G. witb Cssy, BA, 257 Be& F. with PeEira M.D.,763 CrekeL J.H.with Good"DJ.,681 Belendorff,K with Effenberger,I1., 365 CrudeL A.R. w[h Isnsu, P., 919 Benhrd! H.-J. with Effenberger,H., 365 Davis,A.M. with Fm4E.E.,839 Blalon N. with v@hteD,IL, 553 oou*. '&n.t.lra.. luteniouws, WJ., Zlrrewski, M.A.' Goubitz' K' Fmaje' J. Borodrev, Y.S. with Mozgova.N.N., 359 scherk H., Kieftit€, CoSbj, a new member of the skutrsnrditegrcup Boshmmn, IiF., Blm, P.C., Hawthome,F.c., Rildsepp, M. & Tmck A.c., fron Tuaberg, Sweden,179 A-site disorderin sytrtheticflmr€denite: a clystal-stsucorestudy, 2l Drexlo, J.w. with Hugh6, J.M., 563 Bouchea J.-L. with Istrru, P., 919 Dexler,I.W. with Wmg, Ubon, 865 Bowles, J.F.W., Gire, A.P. & Cowdeq A., The mobility of the platinum-group Dw PJ. witbRow, R.C.,43 elemnt! in the $ib of the Fretown Penimul4 Sim Isne, 957 Duawv. Y. with Chmy, B., 226 Brcm, D. & Mmn, R.A., Ar m of wbred bireftingea@in almrodine Effenberier. H.. Knuw.-W.. Belendorff, K., Bemhffdt, H.-J., Medenbrch' O.' gmet, 105 H-ybler,J. & Pedfdek V., Revision of the aystal structureof rudEkite' Brcwnfield, M.E. witb F@rd E.E., 839 Bicu"(om.o,@o"r.2H,o, 365 Bms, P.C., c@per, M.A. & Hawthme, F.C., Jabn-Tell* distortq.dMn3iO6 prcit ' r.SL Tii: seihihisfr uil crvstat chemistry of columbite-grcupminemls atahedn i! freddkssnite, the fouth polymorph of MgzMn$(BO:)Oz, fro; gr;itic p"gmritit"", southwestemGreqville Prcvince' Croadiu 397 Shielcl"421 Bums, P.C. & Hawthome,F.C., Hydrcgenbouding h tunellite, 895 Ercit,' T.S. & i{obiNo, G.W., A refinementof the saucdrreol f@iurngltire ftom Bre, P.C. & Hawthoroe,F.C., Kalibolite: m exmple of a oystallognphicaly KalaMoutai;Yukotr, mdobwatiomoatheong$@pymblG' 567 swefical hvdrcsenbond" 885 Ercit, T.s. & ve velthuiren, J., Gdtite, a new @litdike mineml ftom Mot Bmq P:c. & tlawtbimeif .c., sttuctre mo hydrcgetrbonding in ind€rborite,a Saint-Ililane, Queb€, ed it$ crystal stuchre' 855 hetercmlYhednl sh@tstrucare. 533 ErciL T.S. witb Crcat" L.A., 49, 505 Bms, P.C. 8i Hlrtlme, F.C., Strucore ed hydrcgenbondilg h pmbrazhen- Ercit, T.S., Hawthoroe, F.C. & eemi, P., Tbe structural chemistry of kalipy- skite, a mmplex heiercpolyhedralbomte, 387 chlore. a'hvdrcowhlorc", 415 Bms, P.C. & Hawtlone, F.e., The crystal stucture of hmbentonite, a mixed Evms, H.T., Jr., Poi J.E:, Ros, D.R. & Nelen, J.A., The crystal sfucurre ud sulfale{itde minenl. 38I wstal chemistrvof femudinite md mite' 339 Bums, P.c., MacDonal4 D.J. & Hawthome, F.C., The crystal chemistry of fvm. tl.i.. tr. witn ciruch, Rl.,439 mgmebe{ing elbaite,3l FitrDarick, JJ. with Gnrcb" R.I., 439 Btrm P.C.with Boshlru. KF.,2l Fldil M.E. witb Pm. Yumin* 133,825 Blm, P.C. with Grie, J.D., I Foord.E.E.. Brownfield,M-E., Lichte,F.E.. Davis,A.M. & Sutley'S.J.' Burt D.M. withGruch, R.I., 439 Msi[isite. NaCs@e,Li)2"(Po,)il-2Hp' a new oineml speciG from fs gainsite' 839 Burt,' D.M., Vector representationof some mineral compositions itr the Mout Miq Oxford Couty-, Maine. ud rew data renigparia group',with sp@ialrefercn@ to haguvattE,44g Fmrd" E.E. with Gmh, RJ.,439 Cabd, LJ. with Wagla, F.E, 189 Fmie, J. witb Dobb€,R.TM., 179 Caleesi, A. with C@aq"F.,4'7'7 Friedl J. wirh wmq, F.E., 189 CaUe-sdi,A. with Hawtbme,F.C., 491,7 14 Friedrich,G. withkotrtoy, A., 803 Caucia,F., Catlegui, A., Oberti, R., Ungen| L. & Hanthore, F.C., S6uctunl Gdl. B. with [email protected]., 333 6pe1s of oxidatioD- dehydrcgeDationof staNlile, 477 Gwood. B.L. with Meyq, H.O.A.,295 CauciaF. with Hawthome.F.C..491,714 cault R.A. with Cri€, J.D., 333,4o5 G., Chuacterizatioo of the eenilq RJ. with CN!,8.A'257 Giesier. G.. Leogauer, C.L. & Redhammer, Cem(.P. with ErciLT.S..415 Fesoa.Hrd- cuso4'H2o solid-slution sris. 8d the narure of poile- dmY, n. wio frensra D.K, 69 vinire, (c\,Fe)so4.H2o, 873 Chme.L.L.Y. with Liu. Huifals. 185 Gi2e.A"P. with Bowl*, J.F.W.,957 wirb McDonald,A.M., 843 Gomq C.L. with Nue, I E.L, 223 C'hao:c.Y. gabbrc' Chapm, C.A.T.with Clake, D.B.,815 crod- bJ. & cukel J.H., Orisin of albile pods in the C@rdie bke slkqline noflhw*tem Otrtario: evideoe for late- Cbaioy,' 8., Lhote, F., Dlroy, Y. & Norcrbq F., The crystal chemistryof spo- Pofr Coldwell omplex, dumenein somegruitic aplite-pematite bodi* of nortiem Pornrgal: a sraeehvdrclhemal cu-Pd ninemlization' 681 ompararive nview: nPlY, 226 codotr. T--M.ilth Nichollr J., 969 Cbi P.H. with Row, F-C.,43 Goubitz,K wilh Dobb6,R.T.M., 179 Chovan M. with Uhs, P., 319 cmff. P.-R with Gruch. RI.,439 clarke, D.B., MitcheU R.H., chaplm, c-A.T. & MrcIGy, RM., Ocrllm@ md cru;h, RI., Lindaht,I., Evm, H.T., Jr., BEt' DM', Fitzpatrick JJ.' F@r4 origin of djerfisherite from the Elwin Bay kimberlite, Someret Islard, E.f., c*n, P.-R. & Hysitrgjoid, J., Hogtuvaite' a rew berellim member Nonhw*t Tenitoriq.8l5 of r-bereniematite groirp 6m Nona)" with new X-my data on renig- Clilke, D.B. & Rotllr4 A., Cmt-foming ud gmteliminating roctiom in a natite,439 quartzdiorite intxsiotr at capo Vdi@o. Calabria ltaly, 623 Gri@. J.D.. B|s. P.C. & Hawthm, F.C., DetcminalioD of the megstluctus Clelmd-J.M.with Mcswisse!. P.L..589 of lhe boratcNlmomhs dnsleite ed roiteobergite'I C@lq NJ. & Woo4 S.A.,Ti*inm-group minaals ir the Is Shen Cu-Ni*PGE crice.' J.D.. Gartrefl, b., G;uli, R.A. & van velthuizeD,J., Emienickelite' DrcsmL Oreb@,703 NiMD"o,'3H"O, a new mineral sp*ie from the Siberis @mplex. Wstem of the chal@pbeile goup' coper,-15 tvt.A. a ttasrtrome, F.c., Refinementofthe crystal stucnre ofkulaoitt, Ausnrilii co-rcn on tle crystallogmphy 333 Cooper.M.A. & Hawthorne,F.C., Tbe cryslal scrucaureot-wberryite, Grie. ' J.D.. Vu Velthuizetr, J. & Geit, RA., Petercnite-(Ce), a new mireral PbrCulSOJo(SiOJr(OH)2,a mixed sulfate-silicaEwith [r"rM(?Ot2ol ftom Motrt Saint-Hilaire, ed its struclural relationship to olher REE chAin.,323 ca$onnles,405 994 TIIE CANADIAN MINERALOGIST Gri€, J.D. withMcDonal4 A.M..843 Medenbrch,O. with Effenbeiga, H., 365 Grcat, LA., Hawthome,F.C. & Eeit, T.S., ExK F-gloup cariom itr the crystal MeDgel,F. & Rivm, T., Metamorphismof pelitic mkE io tbe Paleoprcterczoic strucnre of vsuvidite, 497 Rmah Croup, Saglekrea oortbemfrbndon mitreml MtioD, p-T GDat, LA., Hawtbme, F.C. & Ercif T.S., fhe ircommtion of borco ino the @nditios ed inflMe of omposition, 'lValdmu, butk 78 I vGuvimire stluc!re, 505 Meyer, H.O.A., M.A. & Gardood, 8.L.. Mmde xenolirhsfrom GrcaqL.A. withhrD" A.E.525 kimbsrlite ntr Ki*lmd kke, Ontario, 295 Grcaq L.A. *ith RlNtL J.K.,575 Michailidis,IC with KNoli-Fomanki. A.. @7 Grubssi, O. with Auisi@hio, C., 55 Mitchell. R.H. wi& Clrkq D.8., 815 Halm, A.,q-D.witb RtN[. J.K.57S Mittwede, S.K., Primary wapolite in a gmitic pegmatite, wstem Cherck@ Hmis, D.C.with Wmn F_E..189 c4uty, Sou& C{iolind, 617 Hawthme, F.C., OErti, R., Ungarni, L., Carciq F. & Caletri. A.. Crysr8l- Mmy, G.B.with McswiggeD,P.L.,589 structw refiDementof bydrcgs-ricb stamlite, 49 I Mozgova,N.N., Nenasheva,S.N., Borodaev,Y.S. & Yudovskaya,M.A., Hafihme, F.C., U-ngreni, L., Obefr, R-, Caucia"F. &. CaIegdi. A., The crystal Nuffieldite from the Malevsk@ rcive sulfide deposit,Rsi4 359 chemistsvof stamlite: mlv.714 Murphy,T.P. with Mming. P.G.,459 Ilawlhome,F.d witb Bwhmn"i.-11p.. 21 Neleo,J.{. with Evm, H.T.,Jr.,339 !-lawtlome!.Q. witb Btm, P.C.,31, 381, 387, 397, s33. 885, 895 Nmbeva. S.N.with Mozgova.NN.,359 Hawthome,F.C. with CauquF..47'7 Ni, Ywieg with$fm& Ubeq 865 Hawtbm, F.C.with Coper, M.A., 15,373,903 Nicholls, J. cordon, j & T.M., he€dm for the calculation of uial rad$ otr Hawthme, F.C.with Ercil T.S..4l Prcelemt-ntiodim 969 Ilawthme, F.C. with cri@, J.D.. I Nijted, T.G. wirh Liefthk DJ; 149 Harthome, F.C. with Gmat, L.A.,4S7,505 NorcDha,F. with Ch@y, B.,226 Hawthore, F.C.wift r+m, A.E.,525 Novdk, M.
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