University of New Mexico UNM Digital Repository Las Vegas Daily Optic, 1896-1907 New Mexico Historical Newspapers 4-24-1897 Las Vegas Daily Optic, 04-24-1897 R. A. Kistler Follow this and additional works at: https://digitalrepository.unm.edu/lvdo_news Recommended Citation Kistler, R. A.. "Las Vegas Daily Optic, 04-24-1897." (1897). https://digitalrepository.unm.edu/lvdo_news/179 This Newspaper is brought to you for free and open access by the New Mexico Historical Newspapers at UNM Digital Repository. It has been accepted for inclusion in Las Vegas Daily Optic, 1896-1907 by an authorized administrator of UNM Digital Repository. For more information, please contact [email protected]. DlST avail aol r copy ; V.- -. 2 Your - 8 llnt Springs Subacrlp- Use our S 'i Hon with 1 ho & ;iai Column wen Money Optic S In want ul nylhlng. "e"ec3netoeceneceoeoeoeog y ' a fr iifT AS VOL XVIII. EAST LAS VEGAS, NEW MEXICO, SATURDAY EVENING, APKIL 24, 1897. NO. 140 succeeuiNd. An qreeks i Encouraging Future. compound had been to a member of N. 24. A JOHN AWFUL SPECTACLE! NW York, Y., April HILL, his family: "Paine's celery compound Th Advantage With Them. Though Turk. very encouraging feature of the busi ia not a i9 not Ar. Drunken With Blood. patent medicine; it ness is In COSTBACIOR IttDEB. is not a mere it situation here found the re Ei ' v. it tonic; A Man's Din- y, investment houses of a ia iiub an v 111c 11. ia Mother Served for London, England, April 24. port, by tfannfaefcu-e- r ef umiuni y jici iu e revival to trade over J them all as the diamond is rp the counter, ' beyond i? ner at Mich, All oonsidored, the ad rantags c Sash tbJ Williamstown, things 10 i Mness in high-price- d prime bonds, Doors, superior to cheap glass." with tha Greeks,' to-da- y. The Turks by his Insane Wife. r..tklrly the long running Issues. v Mouldings, It makes people well. It is the one reoelred a severs check on the land Found Pain's true specific recognized and prescribed by ; ScrU Celery Compound Beat. Record. Sawing, to-da- . th. y eminent the Greeks, which greatly strengthened ' by praotitiouere for OTHER Bessemer, Michigan, April 24. ' 5', y Surfacing and Matching diseases from ' a debilitated VIOLENT DEATHS the recruits by active and offensive arising The remains of a remarkable women, nervous system. Prof. Phelps gave to the sea coast. The Best of operation along Mrs. Christiana Bonekessol, were buried 2?liarxin.c: the Remedies, bis profession a positive cure for sleep- The Greeks Seem to Hate had It is demoralized Mill -- Turkish army greatly She was ninety-nin- e years old and Offioa Come ef Blnncnard street and lessness, wasting strength, dyspepsia, Much of a! and had been married bilousncss, liver complaint, neuralgia. Pretty Their own by the changing commands, eighteen times, (liraod avenue, t ' ' all nervous and To-da- y. Oman Pasha Is a sol the last time six months to a EAST LA , ' 1TEW -- rheumatism, diseases, Way though great only ago, ISA , laUXJ For the Nervous Exhaustion dler. - t young man. Consequent kidney troubles. For all such com. A London correspondent wires from plaints Paine's celery compound has SOME CONFESSIONS MADE Constantinople, that tha Sultan A Sad Ending. Upon Her Ardous Work The Re- succeeded again and again, where believes the Turks will be in Athens Quinct, 111., April 24. Wakeman senMiDi. everything else has failed. Lizzie A.e. When in a letter within a month. His army is fall of Hahn and Hudson, unole and Pre-Emine- Modjeska published Kanofaetom of' ' markable nt in Boston said : More Than tha Ordinary Run fanatloism and drunk with the blood of nleoe, who reoently eloped for Lorraln, Who Stands "I bave found Paine's Aste the best of alt of Events Armenians. were found dead, this morning, near celery onmpnund very Startling Wired ! Rev. Charles L. London, England. April.1 24. Lorrain. They probably committed at the Head of Her Profession. Thompson, D. D., To-da- the brilliant leader "The Optic," y. The practical refusal of Bulgaria to suicide with strychnine. The girl was Mm Presbyterian of ' acknowledge vassalage to. Turkey is but fifteen years old. ; supposed to foreshadow a declaration And dealer la ' . CONDENSED FOR READERS of complete independence. V Aa Unpretentious' Wedding-- 24. John -- Athens, Greece, April 24.' It is London, England, April . ih i"..l. MoDonahue, a wealthy western mine- - Hnnvu Hnrdwsra, Mich., 24. learned here, this evening, that a des Williamstown, Apry was in battle has been Amiti. owner, married at. uunstan's kind of waoa snaterlal cm!hand Imagine the horror of returning home perate fought t tbis to Mrs Bvery Ine Greeks were greatly outnumbered churoh, London, morning, jnoreesnoolnz and repalrluf a apeoialty to fiod the horribly mutilated head of Mariorie an authoress. The Grand and Mfoganaras Av.ouae, ..Jiast a and, after suffering heavy losses, they Dare, Vauaa. i mother on a at the was devoid of " ,,. your resting platter were compelled to retreat. Subse marriage ceremony. i dinner table! That was the light quently,' the Greek army abandoned Formal Permission. which shocked Alfred both Turnavo and Larlssa. and' sickened D. April 24. The victory of the Turks at Mat! Is "Washington, C, Veaas Mil Ilanoy, at noon when he enter ' Formal for General Nelson Las Roller s on permission ed bis home. The deed-wa- commit- officially confirmed. The carnage both sides was terrific. I'rinoe Con A. Miles to go to Greece will probably ted by Haney'e demented wife be issued President this with an axe. blow was doubt etantine And his army are in fall re by McKinley, The Miles will try to leave on lesa delivered while the ' old treat.,; The troops are marching in evening. R. order and withont the Wednesday. J. SJUTH, Prop'r lady was sitting down. When she fell, good slightest sign of a panie. The Greeks have Location: On the hot springs branoh rati the maniac seized a butcher knife and Critically 111. slashed at the it was abandoned the entire plains of Tbes way, Xast Las Vegas, Hsw Usxloo. victim's neck until April 24. Father Thomas cut The bones she saly, and the Turks are not pursuing Chicao, through. parted - eon of the late Gener with an axe. Thsn came the insane them. Ewing Sherman, BRAN, FLOURGRAIN It is said that the Greek is idea of presetting the bead to her bus-- warships al W. T. Sherman, seriously ill, are to to-da- y, band on a platter. preparing make a dash through here, at the Meroy hospital. AND FEED. On found his the Dardanelles. His oondition is considered oritical. returning borne, Ilaney Your Patronage So io ted wile wandering around the yard, mat Constantinople, April 24. It is tenng and wOdly waving her arms reported that the Greeks have pene M5TAL MARKET. Tb woman has, tor some time, shown trated the country in rear of the Turk New York, N. Y., April 24. -- Silver, ish near Elessena. If the ru 4-- signs of insanity. army CI 5 cents: lead, $3.12i. HAEFNER S ROSSIER, ' mor be confirmed, it is a serious thing ' Spauldlng's Predicament, lor the A Card ol Denlel. larks. to an Chicago, Illinois, April 24. Ex All the war news Is being carefully desire make explicit denial President of the defunct here the authorities. of ail or any rumors that bave Agents"forJ Spaulding. suppressed by been and Globe oo. maliciously reported savings bank, will probably Elassona, April 24. The Greeis circulated which detrimental a ar. cupy cell, He appeared ia have been rooted at Mati, and as a to the hon.stv and of Patrlolo BFER, was Integrity NBI court, this morning, and his bond result the entire Greek army has with Gonsales In the matter of Bias IIIEE. ' increased to a. sum which he Banoheg, 950,000, drawn from Larissa. The Greek bead' who I. accused of Belling eonnty oertlU- - AND cannot secure. - quarters is now established at Phar- tiites. J. B. Teitlsbadm. Banker Spaulding, the supposed mil asala, forty-fiv- e miles south of Larlbsa. lionaire of last month, was taken to New April 24. Believes la Drinking, 1111. Yoek, 8 Y. Tiow can we life? and jail, this afternoon. He was the plo-- on enloy Br eatlne illBJIEI Greeks sailed fVr 'learner "Cam wolL ' ture ot and could not bail, shwpina; Eat, drink and be despair get y, for Havre, to aid their out be aura and drink tb. Aiteratlv. Wat was searched in like a common pagnia" lie jail country in the conflict with Turkey. er., Ho say J. pickpocket, and placed in a cell, jast was JOSEPH KNAPP. There great enthusiasm at the pier. ElOXABITBTOWK, N. M. vacated by the wile of murderer 13iMt Soda Works. A Notable Bottling O'Brien, who received a life sentence, Gathering. Mrs. William " I Graham, of Madrid, y. New Yoke, N. Y., 24-.- April who has been very ill for so is Former President Cleveland will be the long, Bis Pullman Earning. able to be about again. RAFAEL.ROMERO. Chicago, Illinois, April 24. People guest of honor at the annual dinner to Tha "Herald" is the name of a who believe that the of the night of the reform club at the Hotel reports claim lately located in Colla canon, Pullman car are a Waldorf. With him will be palace company nearly Coohiti district. Claim barometer of conditions in the business every member ot bis cabinet ; Senators Agent. ot Delaware ; of Ken world are retailing with satisfaction the Gray, Lindsay, Work on the "Albemarle" mine at LAS VEGAS, N.
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