E1028 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks August 2, 2019 of Merit, the Meritorious Service Medal, the COMMEMORATING WOMEN’S ‘‘The right of citizens of the United States Army Commendation Medal, and the Army EQUALITY DAY to vote shall not be denied or abridged by the Achievement Medal. United States or by any states on the ac- HON. SHEILA JACKSON LEE count of sex.’’ Madam Speaker, I invite my colleagues to In 1971, Congresswoman Bella Abzug of OF TEXAS join me in thanking Major General Haskins for New York introduced legislation designating IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES his service to the state of California and our August 26 as ‘‘Women’s Equality Day,’’ which nation. We wish him the best in his next stage Friday, August 2, 2019 was passed by the Congress in 1973. in life. Ms. JACKSON LEE. Madam Speaker, later Madam Speaker, in 1916, four years before this month, on August 26, 2019, we will com- the ratification of the 19th Amendment, f memorate the 99th anniversary of the ratifica- Jeannette Rankin was elected to the U.S. tion of the 19th Amendment to the U.S. Con- House of Representatives from Montana, the REMEMBERING THE LIFE AND stitution which granted women the right to first woman elected to federal office in Amer- WORK OF RONALD CLIFFORD vote. ican history. CLARK This momentous achievement did not come A little over a century later, a record 102 easy or without struggle, for as the great aboli- women serve in the House of Representa- tionist and orator, Fredrick Douglas stated: ‘‘If tives, comprising 23.4 percent of the cham- HON. ELEANOR HOLMES NORTON there is no struggle, there is no progress ber’s voting members, and presided over by OF THE DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA .... Power concedes nothing without a de- NANCY PELOSI, the first and only woman elect- mand. It never did and it never will.’’ ed Speaker of the House. IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES The fight for women’s suffrage was waged In the 116th Congress, 37 percent of Friday, August 2, 2019 over a 72-year period, beginning in Seneca women are women of color, and since 1964, Falls, New York at the Seneca Falls Conven- more than 70 women of color have been Ms. NORTON. Madam Speaker, I rise today tion in 1848. elected to Congress. to ask the House of Representatives to join At Seneca Falls, the delegates issued the While women obtained the fundamental me in remembering the life and work of Ron- ‘‘Declaration of Sentiments’’ regarding the re- right to vote, they are still too often treated as ald Clifford Clark. Clark, the co-founder and pression of women in American society. second class citizens in our society and there former executive director of Regional Addiction The Seneca Falls Conference was orga- remains much work to do to ensure that Prevention, now known as RAP, Inc., passed nized by Elizabeth Cady Stanton, Lucretia women enjoy full blessings of liberty and away on May 14, 2019. He will be remem- Mott, Mary McClintock, and Sojourner Truth, equality. bered by District of Columbia residents for his who powerfully reminded the delegates that But this does not detract the achievements contributions to the battle against drug addic- equality and suffrage for women should in- and contributions to the greatness of our tion and for his love and appreciation of life. clude all women, saying ‘‘Ain’t I A Woman?’’ country made by American women, including With the end of the Civil War, the suffrage Sally Kristen Ride, the first woman sent into Clark moved to the District of Columbia in movement resumed with the 1869 formation of space; Eileen Marie Collins, the first woman 1970, at a time when D.C. was facing an ad- the National Woman Suffrage Association and space shuttle pilot; Grace Murray Hopper, an diction epidemic. Originally on a path of be- its rival, the American Woman Suffrage Asso- American computer scientist and United coming a musician, Clark’s life took on new ciation. States Navy rear admiral; and Katherine John- purpose after seeing firsthand the damages of By 1890, these two groups merged to cre- son, one of the unsung heroes of the NASA drug addiction and a society ill-equipped to ate the National American Woman Association Space Program, whose mathematical calcula- handle it. Clark took a novel approach to pro- led by Susan B. Anthony, Elizabeth Cady tions helped the United States win the Space viding treatment for substance abusers and Stanton, and Lucy Stone. Race. created a holistic program that was African- The progressive National Women’s Party The technology sector represents $1.2 tril- centered and drug free. RAP, Inc. was one of was formed in 1916 as an outgrowth of the lion of economic activity but women only make the first programs in the District to allow moth- Congressional Union and reached out to so- up 20 percent of tech jobs. ers to bring their children into the facility with cial groups beyond the elite class, using rad- In 2019, 41,000 new tech jobs were cre- them while they participated in treatment. It ical tactics in the fight to win suffrage. ated, but female founders only account for 2.1 was also one of the first programs to provide During World War I, the struggle for suffrage percent of the leadership in these new tech services to individuals living with AIDS. Over continued as the National Women’s Party or- jobs. the years, his strategy proved to be lifesaving ganized protests outside the White House, Studies have shown that there has been a and redeeming for many D.C. residents. turning President Wilson’s famous question decline over the last 20 years in the percent- back on him, asking: ‘‘Mr. President, how age of bachelor’s degrees in computer science Clark will also be remembered for his love much longer must women wait for liberty?’’ earned by women of color, from 6.5 percent in of music, in particular jazz, which he carried These protests resulted in the jailing of suf- 1993 to 4.8 percent in 2012. into his work, making sure that music was fragists for ‘‘obstruction of traffic’’ and they en- During this same period, for minority women ever-present in his facilities. As the son of the dured mistreatment and forced-feeding while in engineering, the increase was less than 1 musician Roy T. Clark, Clark learned how to in jail. percent. play piano, saxophone and bass at a young Among the courageous women who orga- The low number of women in the tech in- age and later formed a Modern Jazz Society nized these protests and some who spent time dustry is an effect of the pipeline, the lack of in his early 20s. He was devoted to jazz and in jail were Alice Paul, who fearlessly exe- resources and education for young women for a period of time he had a show called cuted the National Women’s Party picketing studying STEM. Transitions that aired on Thursdays from mid- protests, and conceived the hunger-strike in It is important that we ensure that all young night to 4am on WPFW-FM 89.3. prison; Carrie Chapman Catt, who devised the women, especially those of color have equi- His organization continues to serve those in ‘‘winning plan’’ at the Atlantic City Convention; table access to the STEM field. need. His work touched and changed thou- and Ida B. Wells-Barnett, whose political activ- The tech industry is one of the fastest grow- sands of lives in D.C., bringing families back ism and criticism of the suffrage leadership for ing industries in America’s economy, and together, motivating individuals to choose dif- excluding black women led to a more inclusive when women are involved, the outcomes are ferent pathways for their lives and changing and effective movement. triumphant. The pressure generated by the White House In 2019, several women have been recog- attitudes of the public about the value of treat- pickets, the arrests, and forced-feedings of nized for their work as CEOs of major cor- ment over of sending addicted people to pris- women protestors compelled President Wilson porations, such as Lynsy Snide of In-N-Out on. to embrace the suffrage amendment in Janu- Burger; Cathy Engelbert of Deloitte; and Col- Madam Speaker, I ask the House of Rep- ary 1918, which was approved by Congress leen Wegman of Wegmans Food Market. resentatives to join me in remembering Ronald on June 4, 1919, and became the 19th Seven female CEOs are among the U.S. Clifford Clark for his strength of character, his Amendment to the United States Constitution top 100, and 3 women earn honors for leading capacity for love, and his commitment to help- when it was ratified by the 36th state, Mis- U.S. small and midsize businesses. Women of ing others and giving many District of Colum- sissippi, on August 26, 1920. color represent a very small part of this popu- bia residents a second chance at a better life. The 19th Amendment states: lation. VerDate Sep 11 2014 01:01 Aug 03, 2019 Jkt 089060 PO 00000 Frm 00006 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\CR\FM\A02AU8.020 E02AUPT1 lotter on DSKBCFDHB2PROD with REMARKS August 2, 2019 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks E1029 Women still represent only 6.6 percent of all coastal minesweeping and submarine patrol veterans. Student Veterans of America’s mis- Fortune 500 CEOs, and 5 percent of CEO po- until he was called to Naval Flight training. sion is to offer the assistance needed in high- sitions at S&P 500 companies.
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