unnersity of haw*» m m a ria n a s ^V arie tVL·^ Micronesia’s Leading Newspaper Since 19 7 2 V\ ^ Saipan, MP 96950 V ïsAtëiriéty Monday «October 1 Z , 1 9 9 2 Serving CNMI for 20 Years 2 5 F irst, bullets, now m agazines By Gaynor Dumat-ol iUR MASTER IROUGH AS A BOX addressed to the John-T. : AIRLINES PAN UNITED TO Sablan group of companies UES AGENT SHINES TE yielded gun accessories, includ­ PHILIPPINI ing magazines of M -I4 rifle, nine SAI millim eter pistol and .45 caliber GENERALS revolver when inspected by Cus­ toms authorities Thursday at the Saipan International Airport, a well-placed source at the airport disclosed over the weekend. Another source who also de­ clined to be named, said the box was fetched at about 4 p.m. by a certain Edgar Los Banos, a sales representative of JTS Insurance Co. Inc. w hich is an affiliate o f the Sablan group. Am ong the gun accessories were eight magazines of M-14, 10 magazines of 9-mm pistol and another 10 magazines of .45- caliber revolver, the first source said. The sources said the magazines were an indication that a person or certain persons in the JT Sablan group which is owned by m illionaire businessman John T. Sablan, have such kinds of fire­ arm s. “No one would want to have those magazines if he has no gun,” the sources said. Gun holsters of different sizes were also found in the box mea­ suring about three feet long, one SINGER Lourna Pal from the Philippines persuades Governor Lorenzo I. Guerrero (left) and United Tour Master Chairman Young J. Oh to dance with foot wide and a foot tall. The box her during the dinner reception Saturday to celebrate the appointment of United Tour Master as general sales agent of the Philippine Airlines in Saipan. was mailed from the mainland. The Commonweal tit Code pro­ Guerrero hibits the manufacture, purchase, Saipan welcomes PAL service sale, possession and carrying of any firearm, dangerous device or denies 3 M A N Y o f Sa ip a n ’ s e lite residents chosen as general sales agent of ernment control lias embarked on ammunition. trooped to the inaugural dinner of the airline in the Northern aS1.2-billionreflcetingprogram. Only Law enforcers engaged in conditions Philippine Airlines’ Manila to M a ria n a s. The entry of PAL into the official duty, US m ilitary person­ Saipan route at the Diamond Ho­ Tanjuatco, who came on board Saipan market, Tanjuatco added, nel as w ell as owners, employees for peace tel ballroom Saturday night. the inaugural flight that arrived at would also offer an alternative and patrons of shooting galleries GOVERNOR Lorenzo I. Governor Lorenzo I. Guerrero 4:10 a.m. Saturday, said in a carrier for Filipino overseas w hilein the premises o f thegallery Guerrero last Friday denied that headed the long list of govern­ speech that the Philippines’ flag workers “who have longed for and engaged in target shooting, three conditions were presented ment guests from Lite executive carrier offers inflight service their very own airline and service arccxcmptcd from the prohibition. during a recent Republican branch. “other airlines talk about.” by their very own people.” The code docs not say, however, Party meeting to stop the im ­ Legislative leaders, prominent Tanjuatco said PAL is the only Tanjuatco also expressed hope that importation of firearm peachment proceedings being attorneys, travel agency execu­ carrier that offers the comfort of that through the entry of PAL, magazines constitutes violation of considered by the House of tives, bankers and other business­ a wide-bodied D C -10 aircraft on Filipinos and people of Northern the code. Representatives. men were also among the at least the route and gives passengers a Marianas descent would be able The box was addressed to Post “There were no such deals 300 well-dressed guests who at­ choice of economy or business toslrcngthcn their bonds as people O ffice box 2119 which, according on the table,” Guerrero said in tended the occasion livened up by class. and in terms of culture and com­ to sources, is the postal box of the a press conference. “The dis­ entertainment provided by a local Saipan residents going to Eu­ m erce. JT Sablan group. cussion we had in that meeting band. Manila-based singer Lourna rope, the US mainland, Middle During a luncheon hosted by Los Banos was questioned at was how to come up with an Pal as well as pretty ladies and East and Asia now also have an the governor at Dai-ichi that same lire a irp o rt and la te r b ro u g h t to the atmosphere of working and sturdy men dancing traditional alternative airline. day, Guerrero likewise called on Department of Public Safety being closer together.” dances. “We came to this market to Filipinos and Northern Marianas building in Susupe. He did not, however, dis­ Philippine Consul Julius Torres compete with Continental Air people to “continue exploring the Sources said the employee was closed how an “atmosphere of and other leaders of the Filipino Micronesia not on air fares but on spirit of friendship and under­ later transferred to DPS and working together and being community also attended the in­ service. We take pride in the fact s ta n d in g .” questioned from 7 p.m. up to 9 closer together” could be augural dinner where guests hon­ that Philippine / is noted “I’m sure people from the p.m . achieved w hile the House was ored P A L’s entry into Saipan with for its fine inflight amenities and Northern Marianas are no differ­ After the questioning, the em­ studying the possibility o f re­ a toast o f champagne. we would like to price this es­ ent from the people from the ployee was brought back to the moving the governor from of­ During the affair, PAL director sential commodity accordingly,” Philippines. W e almost have the airport where his car was parked, fic e . Jose S. Tanjuatco also officially Tanjuatco said. same fam ily names. We should and released. Sources closed to at least tw o turned over a symbolic model According to Tanjuatco, the try to cooperate within our re­ The eight M -14 magazines were continued on page 7 plane to Young J. Oh, chairman of new PAL management which gion,” the governor said. released to Los Banos but the 9- United Tour Master which was took over the airline from gov­ continued on page 2 continued on page 7 foc- Kleui£p.peU 2-MARIANAS VARIETY NEWS AND VEEWS-MONDAY- OCTOBER 12,1992 MONDAY, OCOTBER 12,1992 -MARIANAS VARIETY NEWS AND VIEWS-3 De Lugo blocks plan ÀG still has no lawyer to prosecute Guerrero United, PAL host ‘shining’ affair to exclude territories O N E O F th re e S aipan la w y e rs — investigating legislative com m it­ Richard Pierce, Tim Bellas and tee. Edward Manibusan — may be Upon conviction, a person may from population count hired by the government to pros­ be fined not more than $1,000 or ecute Ramon S. Guerrero, execu­ imprisoned for not more than one RON DE Lugo (D-VI), chairman “Immediately upon learning of tive director of the Common­ year, or both. of the Subcommittee on Insular the Census Bureau’s plans, I con­ wealth Utilities Corp. (CUC), for The committee, through its and International Affairs, an­ tacted every member o f the House c o n te m p t. chairman Rep. Heinz $. nounced Thursday that he was and Senate appropriations sub­ This was learned from Assistant Hofschneider, subpoenaed the able to halt -by law - plans by the committees of jurisdiction, urging Attorney General John F. Cool original canceled checks issued Census Bureau to single out the that the territories be treated w ith who earlier declined to prosecute by the CUC from January 1990 territories for elimination from greater fairness and equity. Guerrero due to possible conflict through M ay 1992 amounting to population estimates. “I am pleased to report that as a o f in te re st. some S99 m illion. ‘The plans of the Census Bu­ result, the fiscal year 1993 appropria­ Two of three lawyers, however, He said his committee needed reau to arbitrarily cut the territo­ tions bill on commerce, justice, stale said they would decline the as­ to lake hold of the checks to en­ ries from these populations esti­ and judiciary, which was signed into s ig n m e n t. able it to fu lly investigate C UC ’s mates would have had serious law by the president on October 6, Cool did not identify which of financial condition. and disastrous implications for 1992, contains language that would the three was w illing to take on Instead o f complying, Guerrero the territories since so much fed­ require the Census Bureau to treat all the case. argued that the documents being eral assistance depends upon states and territories equally in the SpeakerThomas P. Villagomez asked were the property o f CUC precisely these estimates,” de event that any cuts in programs are asked the AG O ffice to prosecute and subject to the control of its L u g o sa id . deemed necessary.” De Lugo Guerrero for twice refusing to board of directors. comply with a legislative sub­ He likewise noted that the 2 inJured poena issued by the Committee subpoena was, in effect, a seizure, Singapore debates on Public Utilities,Transportation order beyond the constitutional and Communication.
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