Chuluunbaatar B., Iklasova A. This article provides a cross-cultural analysis of historical peculiarities of Kazakhstan and Mongolia, cultural and social lives of peoples living Cross-cultural comparison of there. The article was written mostly as a comparison of spiritual and ma- the Republic of Kazakhstan and terial cultures, common features and peculiarities of these two different Mongolia nations. Key words: Kazakhstan, Mongolia, cross-cultural comparison. Чулуунбаатар Б., Икласова А. Берілген мaқaлaдa aвторлaр Қaзaқстaн және көршілес жaтқaн Монғол мемлекетінің мәдени, тaрихи және әлеуметтік өмірін Қaзaқстaн және Монғолия: кросс -мәдени тұрғыдaн сaлыстырaды. Мaқaлaдa, негізінен, қaзaқ кросс-мәдени тaлдaу және монғол хaлықтaрының рухaни және зaттық мәдениетіндегі ұқсaстықтaр мен aйырмaшылықтaр тілге тиек болғaн. Түйін сөздер: Қaзaқстaн, Монғолия, кросс-мәдени тaлдaу. Чулуунбаатар Б., Икласова А. В дaнной стaтье aвторы дaют кросс-культурный aнaлиз исто- рическим особенностям Кaзaхстaнa и Монголии, отличительным Кaзaхстaн и Монголия: чертaм культурной и общественной жизни нaродов, нaселяющих кросс-культурный aнaлиз эти стрaны. В стaтье в основном срaвнивaются и сопостaвляются духовнaя и мaтериaльнaя культуры, их общие черты и особенности. Ключевые словa: Кaзaхстaн, Монголия, кросс-культурный aнaлиз. © 2016 Al-Farabi Kazakh National University UDC 321.081 *Chuluunbaatar B., Iklasova A. Al-Farabi Kazakh National University Kazakhstan, Almaty *E-mail: [email protected] CROSS-CULTURAL Short report. Kazakhstan is a sovereign country with a total COMPARISON OF land area of approximately 2,724,900 square kilometers. In August, THE REPUBLIC OF 2015 the population of Kazakhstan is overpassed 17 000 000 people. Ethnic Kazakhs, a mix of Turkic and Mongolian nomadic KAZAKHSTAN AND tribes migrated to the region by the 13th century became the one MONGOLIA nation. Modern Kazakhstan borders five different countries: China (on the East); Russia (on the North), Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan, and Kyrgyzstan (on the South) [1]. Mongolia is a landlocked country wedged between two regional superpower countries– Russian Federation and China. The population of Mongolia is nearly 3,042,511 people with the density of less than 2 people per square km. Total land area is approximately 1,565,000 square kilometers. As it is known from the historical sources, in 1206 Great Leader Genghis Khan for the first time tied up all Mongolian tribes together and established a unified state. The Steppe Empire and nomadic culture of ancient Mongolians took a unique place in the World history [2]. According to foregoing information we can find some similarities: both two countries are landlocked and their territorial landscape is steppe. We compared some historical parts and population, which is have an obvious difference: Kazakhstan’s population 5 times more than Mongolian. Personal appearance of Kazakhs and Mongolians is very similar; it confirms the misunderstanding of the local people when they understand that I’m foreigner. The climate of Kazakhstan and Mongolia is extremely variable: very hot summers, with temperatures over 38°C, cold winters, when the temperature can reach even -30°C, with strong winds, making the temperature feel like -46°C or -51°C. Astana and Ulan-Bator are two capital cities of these countries and the coldest places in each region; by the way Ulan-Bator is the coldest capital city in the world. Symbols. Historically Kazakhs have a nomadic roots, thus a lot of their cultural symbols reflect the nomadic background. For example, horse is probably the most central part of Kazakh culture. Kazakhs like this animal, riding, using them in farming needs and eating as a delicious meal during the some kind of celebrations. Mongolians respect the horses too, especially as a product of their nomadic lives – the yurt or Mongolian Ger which is the Central ISSN 1563-0226 KazNU Bulletin. Oriental series. №3 (78). 2016 185 Cross-cultural comparison of the Republic of Kazakhstan and Mongolia Asian dwelling and resembling tepee, it was famous Chinese dictature. After that country came under because if its transportability and utilitarity on the the control of the Soviet Union, which had aided its severe conditions of Great Steppe. These small independence from China. In 1924 the Mongolian white houses are still becoming found in some People’s Republic was declared as a Soviet satellite parts of Kazakhstan, but here they are mostly used state. After the anti-Communist revolutions of 1989, during the celebrations, murals and tourist crafts. In in early 1990 Mongolia conducted its own peaceful Mongolian small villages people still use this type democratic revolution. This led to a multi-party of dwellings. Another important part of Kazakh system, a new constitution of 1992, and shifted to a symbolism is Muslim symbolic. Kazakhs are market economy. historically Muslims and even after seventy years From this information we can see that both of Soviet Regime, they still use Islamic symbols countries have almost the same experience: - the in their everyday life. Traditional Muslim crescent 13th century Mongolia conquered Kazakh’s steppe; with the small star, small Muslim caps and some - we all had the Soviet Union’s influence. But in traditionally Muslim robes can be widely seen in the Kazakhstan this influence is much more deeper. villages. Major Industries. Kazakhstan is a land rich for Kazakhs are also very proud of their mountains, natural resources, with recent oil deposits making rare animals such as snow leopards, eagles, and it to become one of the world leaders in potential falcons (a large eagle appears on the Kazakh flag oil reserves. In spite of oil & gas Kazakh land is under a rising sun), and their national instrument - also rich for such mineral resources as oil, coal, Dombra, a two-stringed instrument with a thin neck ore, lead, zinc, gold, silver, metals and construction and potbelly base, resembling a guitar. Mongolians material. Kazakhstan produces about 40 percent are proud of the beauty of their nature and very of the world’s chrome ore (2nd place after South respectful for horses, wolfs, Khan Garuda (fairy Africa). Besides the major fossil fuels and important bird, which is symbol of Ulan-Bator). Mongolians minerals extraction, which are supported by foreign also have Morin Khur - a two-stringed instrument and governmental investment. In 1998 the industrial which is sometimes can be named as horse-head growth rate reached the point of 2.1 percent and fiddle. became frustrating to a country and people with History. Historically the territory of Kazakhstan such a rich land, but such a poor infrastructure and had been inhabited by nomadic tribes. It changed in rate of capital investment [3]. the 13th century, when Genghis Khan occupied the Economic activity in Mongolia has traditionally country as part of the Great Mongolian Empire. But been based on herding and agriculture, however because of internal struggles among the conquerors, development of extensive mineral deposits of the power eventually reverted to the nomads. By the copper, coal, molybdenum, tin, tungsten, and gold 16th century, the Kazakh emerged as a distinct group, gave a rise of industrial production [4]. Besides divided into three jüz (ancestor branches occupying mining (21.8% of GDP) and agriculture (16% of specific territories). The Russians began gobble up GDP), another dominant industries composing GDP the Kazakh steppe in the 18th century and by the are wholesale, retail trade and service, transportation middle of the 19th century, they nominally ruled all and storage, and other real estate activities. The the Kazakh territories as part of the Russian Empire. underground economy gets almost 30% of the total After Russian Revolution of 1917 and subsequent amount of the official economy. In 2006, 68.4% of civil war, the territory of modern Kazakhstan was Mongolia’s export falls to the PRC, and the PRC changed for several times. Finally in 1936 it bacame supplied 29.8% of Mongolia’s imports [5]. the Kazakh Soviet Socialist Republic, considered an Here is common to them: abundant natural integral part of the Soviet Union. resources. But the most important thing is the At this time during the collapse of the similarity of their usage. Qing dynasty in 1911, Mongols established the Food. In Kazakh and Mongolian cultures food is Temporary Government of Khalkha. This was becoming a part of the national heritage, the way of before the abdication of the last Qing Emperor respecting and celebrating. Both nations are like to and the establishment of the Republic of China. eat meat and very hospital. On December 29, 1911 Mongolia declared During the food ingestion there are have to independence from the Qing dynasty; the National be done couple rules: there have to be more than Revolution of 1911 finished the over 200 years of enough food to eat and the meat of different types. Qing occupation, but only after Revolution of 1921 The Kazakhs are very respectful to their guests. Mongolians became independent from any kind of Certain traditional Kazakh food are usually served 186 ҚазҰУ хабаршысы. Шығыстану сериясы. №3 (78). 2016 Chuluunbaatar B., Iklasova A. only on special occasions such as parties, holidays, to dissolve the parliament if his prime minister is weddings, and funerals. The most notable of these rejected twice or if there is a vote of no confidence. is beshbarmak, traditionally made of horse meat. The president also is the only person who can suggest It is essentially boiled meat served with noodles constitutional amendments and make political and covered by a meat broth called soup. The host, appointments. There are some forms of checks and usually a man, takes the various pieces of meat and balances provided by a bicameral legislature called gives them to the guests in order to show his respect. the Kenges. The Majlis, or lower house, has sixty- Each piece of the horse (or goat, sheep or cow, never seven Deputies and the upper house, the Senate, has chicken or pig) symbolizes a different attribute such forty-seven Senators, but their legislative functions as wisdom, youth or strength.
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