2016 Annual Report Photo The Gay Alliance of the Genesee Valley is a Champion for LGBTQ Life and Culture. We envision a future where all members of the greater Rochester LGBTQ communities, at all stages of their lives, are free to be fully participating citizens, celebrating their lives in which they are safe, stable and fully respected. Letter from the Executive Director 2016 will go down as a year of great change for the Gay Alliance. Considering the changes that the Alliance has seen in its 44 years, 2016 brought new powerful and exciting changes. At the top of that long list of changes is our move into a new home in the Neighborhood of the Arts. The Rochester LGBTQ Resource Center is much more than just new offices, it is a home for members of our communities as well as our friends and allies. The LGBTQ Resource Center provides The James Moran Community Room; David Bohnett Cyber Center; a library of over 10,000 books, magazines and DVD’s; Gallery Q and our Education Center which hosts trainings, movies, youth and senior activities, classes and space for community gatherings. The new space brought the Alliance a 1400% increase in visitors over the previous year! In January and February 2016, the Library checked out more items than had been checked out in all of 2014 & 2015 combined! While the Resource Center and our community programs were busy, the LGBTQ Academy, our Education Program, also saw extraordinary growth. In 2016 our staff and volunteer educators presented 276 sessions, in 17 states, reaching over 10,000 participants! College campuses, medical centers, corporations, K-12 schools and a wide variety of social service organizations have become more welcoming to members of the LGBTQ communities because of the Gay Alliance. While taking on the move and program expansions, we also made major changes to the annual ROC Pride Fest that were met with near universal applause! In 2016, the ROC Pride Fest had 7,000 attendees and according to the Rochester Police Department 30,000 people watched the Pride Parade. 2017 shows no indication of slowing down. This year will bring more changes for our youth and senior programs, as well as for the Empty Closet which is the oldest LGBTQ publication in New York State. You’ll also see expanding programming for women, veterans, and rural participants. Best Wishes, Board of Directors Scott Fearing Executive Director Colleen Raimond—Presdient Staff David Zona—Past President Martin Murphy—Treasurer Scott Fearing—Executive Director Jennifer Mathews—Secretary Jeana Bonacci-Roth—Administrative Assistant Rowan Collins—Education Coordinator Jason Barnecut-Kearns Jeannie Gainsburg— Education Director Paul Birkby Susan Jordan—Editor, The Empty Closet Sady Fischer Jeff Myers—Managing Director Jeff Lambert Joshua Stapf—Development Director Milo Primeaux Anne Tischer—SAGE Coordinator Luis Rosario-McCabe Kristin Wiggall—Database Manager 2 The Gay Alliance values all of our dedicated donors who Donors believe in our mission and make our work possible. We want to thank all of our donors for their generous financial support. You are all “Champions for LGBTQ Life and Culture”! *= Sustaining Monthly Donor Abdullah Abbass Ashtin Argentieri Walter Bateman Tiffany Bourgeois Mary Abraham Dr. Gerald Argetsinger Wendy Bates Shirley Bowen & Tracy Perkins* Abie Abrams Hector Arguinzoni Jeffrey Baumert & John Noble Stuart & Vancy Boyar Kristina Abrams Katherine Arisumi Ed Beach Lyn Boyd-Bauer Tim Ackroyd James Arlington Deborah Bean Carolyn Braddock Julia Acosta Kathy Arminio Frank Beasley Kimberly Braithwaite Erick Adame Jon Arney & Michael Coffey Christopher Beato & John Cullen Joan Brandenburg Cori Adams Carolyn Arnold Michael Beatty John Braun Joanne Adams Caroline Atti Dennis Becker Roderick Bray Mimi Adams Dr. Edward & Ruth Atwater Sharon Bedard Linda Breen Robb Adams Suzanne Atwell Dick & Tamara Beebe Daniel Bresnan Justin Adelson Jeffrey Aurand Karen Behringer Steven Brewer & Joel Airy & Charles Wysocarski Steven Axelrod Jennafer Beldue & Pat Moran Michael Kusovich Karan Alag Keith Babuszczak Eric Bellmann William Brewer Pat Albanese & Laurie Brewer Julia Back Alex Benjamin Darlene Brewster Wayne Alber Stefan Baer Steven Benjamin James Bridges Leland Albright Evelyn Bailey Anne Benoit & Anne Hicks Michael Brisson Donna Allegretti Kathleen Bailey Annika Bentley Francine Brokaw Denise Allen Deanna Baker Scott Benz & John Fudalik Steven Brosnihan Erica Allen Mary Kate Baker Samantha Berge Mary Jane Brown Jeffrey Allen Nicole Baker Dana Bergeron Nancy Brown* Katy Allen & Robert Baker & Kevin Berry Steven Brown Kathleen Allen-Caballero Vincent Yacobelis Ronald Berry & Michael Touhey T Brown Paul Allen & David Quick Brian Balandis Robert Beshures Anita Bruckers John Altieri Eric Baller Andre Beswick Kimberly Brumber Lynn Angelo Christine Banke Amanda Beswick-Smrcka & Yovi Bruno Michelle Anlyn A. Bansal Alan Smrcka Julie Buchanan Sophrona Annal Kelsey Barale Carla Betlem Michael Buckley Deborah Antoniades Jason & William Barnecut-Kearns* Hollis Biggs Rebecca Budinger & Meredith Antonsen Lori Barnes Stanley Bigord Dennis Mulhearn Judy Aquilina Steven Barnett Olga & Michael Birkby Walter Bukowski Bill Arcuri Lisa Baron Paul Birkby & Ron Woodring* Dana Bunting Brigitte Arduini Pamela Barrale, Mary Ford & D. Birkelund & Betty Dwyer Laurel Bunting Noelle Arduini Caitlin Barrale* Daniel & Arthur Birnbaum Glenn Burbott Pamela & Suzanne Barres* Joseph Arena & Lon Baratz Joseph Bishop-Boros Jennifer Burger Adrian & Sarah Bartholomeo Garrett Argenna Benoit Biteau Gianine Burgo Lori Blaha Andy Burke & Marice Bennett Cindy Blair John Burns Ian Blake Laura Burns Andrew Blaustein Matt Burns* Darla Blazey Marty Burris Brian Bliss Paula Busch Beth Bloom & Pat Uleskey Martha Bush Sue Blumendale Vanessa Buskey Aj Blythe Stanley Byrd Joe Bochner Michelle Cain Patrick Boher & Graham Lodge Alana Calhoun Ethan Borger Daniel Callahan 3 Thomas Clark Edward Davis & Anne Kress Lisa Drew Jeff & Suzette Clarke Robert Day Cheryl Driscoll Pat Cloonan Deborah Swift & Melissa Gallison Tammy Drollette Carol Clothier & Lorraine Hahn Debra C Bonsignore Ernest Dubois Kevin Coffey & Elliott Wilson John DeGrandis Lois Dubois Daniel Callan Lenora Colaruotolo Petra Dehmler* Andrew Dudash & Robert Harris Lyn Callan Cathy Coleman & Iris Sims Ginny Dekin & Saundra Ehman Stephanie Dudrak Aria & Christopher Charles Collins Annette Delahooke Kathleen Duffy Camaione-Lind Elizabeth Collins Jenna Dell Karin Dunnigan Chris Campbell Jim Collins & Fiona Thompson Lisa Della Posta Beth Durham Christina Campbell Lisa Collins Claire DelMonte Sandra Dyer Christine Cantie Pat Collins & Judy Lawrence Katherine & Sue Delp Marian Early Natalie Capasse Rowan Collins Deborah DeMott Dana & Carol Ebersole-Weiss* Denise Cappon Catherine Conheady & Marissa Dennie Magdalene Economou Michael Carafos & Mark Joseph Beth Schmidt* Nick Dennie James Ehmann Amanda Carlino Colleen Conheady Patrick Dennie Les Eisenberg Jessica Carney Richard Connett Carly Dennis Peter Elliott Laurel Carney Ron Cook Tricia Deraska Jerry & Janet Elman* David Carpenter Anthony Corbett Michael Derby & Bruce Jewell Garnetta Ely & Rita Pelusio Thomas Carroll Chloe Corcoran Linda & Lori DeRushia Mohsen Emami Dawn Carter Sandra Corker Dan Destephano David Emlen & Paul Scheib* Juleen Carter & Sue Cory Bill DeStevens Jason Englerth Kathleen Madigan Jeffrey Cougler* Jason Deutschbein Sheila Englerth Lisa Carter Danton Coulson David & Judy DeVivo Tom Enright Ralph Carter & Van Van Zanten Nicholas Coulter Gretchen Dewan Tara Erb Alice Carver-Kubik & Jamie Allen* William Coulter Robert Dewey Giuseppe Erba & R Mark Pierzynski Heidi Case Alexa & Kathy Courtney Christopher Dickens Barbara Erbland & Judy Binder* Jeremiah Casey & Patrick Macey Nancy Cowan Cassondra Digrazia Marianne Erlichman Michelle Casey Susan Cowell & Marta Maletzke Barbara Dimarco Catherine Ervay Robert Casey Donna Cox Claudine Dixon Deborah Ervay Mary Ann Catalano Jeffrey Cox Kim Dodge Kim Estler Tonya Cato Randall Coyne Margaret Donaghy & Jennifer Evens Suzanne Catucci Andrew Crakes Dara Donaghy Smith Melissa Fanton Julie Cavallaro Judy Cranston & Lynn Tavernese Linda Donahue Mark Fearing Richard Caves & Randall Fisher Tom Crawford Sharon Donovan Scott Fearing & Todd Gordon* Marybeth Cerrone Jerry Crissy Sherlea Dony Pete Fedele Susan Chan John Cromey Christopher Dool John Feeney Xin Yi Chan Nicole Crouse-Dickerson Jose Doty Peggy Felt Mark Chaplin & John Strawway Keri Crowley Valerie Douglas Richard Fenwick Eddie Chapman Carol Crumlish Barbara Douglass & Julianne Feola Anne Chase & Anne Proudfire Maeve Cullinane Constance Valois Kelly Ferguson Paul Chatfield Nancy Cunningham Elizabeth Doyle Andres Fernandez David & Judith Chesney Alan Curle & Andrew London Dorothy Drake & Karen Hagberg Thomas Ferrarese & Bill Giancursio Adrianne Chesser David Curry Elizabeth Chesser John Curtis & David Wikiera Steve Chesser Allan Cuseo Janice Chiappone & Terri L Cvetan Sandra Swadling Greg D'aiello Donor Christopher Chilas Scott Dalessandro Michelle Chin Maren Daly Jeff Christensen Lara D'ambrosio Event Tina Christensen Robert Dardano Lisa Cichocki Maureen Dauphinee Samuel Ciurca Photo Yesmina Daut Tatiana Clader Melissa Davies 4 Jeanne Ferris Rick French & Michael Sciortino Howard Gladstone Stephanie Feyne Sade Fridy Lori Gladstone Oscar Figueroa David & Jill Frier* Erin Glanton & Lenora Reid-Rose Alan Filreis Nechama Frier Lindsey Gleason Samuel Filreis Ruth Friga Dana Glicksman Thomas Haley & Kenneth Finton Christine Fritsch Ilana Glinsky* Lucille Washburn-Haley
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