H3600 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD Ð HOUSE May 25, 1999 Mr. MICA. I thank the gentleman. January of this year, and only now, FBI that asked the Justice Depart- f some 5, almost 6 months later, has this ment. report at long last been released to the Mr. HAYWORTH. Mr. Speaker, I CHINESE ESPIONAGE American people. thank my colleague for correcting the The SPEAKER pro tempore (Mr. It has been a strength of our society record. I misspoke. The FBI asked the TANCREDO). Under the Speaker's an- that once we as a people recognize a Justice Department for the ability to nounced policy of January 6, 1999, the threat, we deal with that threat in a wiretap this individual because of the gentleman from Georgia (Mr. KING- responsible manner. And yet, Mr. threat to our national security. And in STON) is recognized until midnight. Speaker, it is difficult to do so at this all the wiretaps issued following our Mr. KINGSTON. Mr. Speaker, I wel- juncture in our history because of what constitutional procedures, this par- come the gentleman from Arizona (Mr. has been called, in common parlance, ticular wiretap was denied. This special HAYWORTH), and also invite the gen- ``spin''; what some used to call in the surveillance was denied. tleman from Florida (Mr. MICA) to join past ``smoke and mirrors.'' And while Couple that with the curious case of us. He is welcome to do so. my colleague pointed out that espio- a Chinese arms merchant suddenly Mr. Speaker, the biggest and the nage is nothing new, that different gaining clearance for the import into scariest espionage in the history of our countries observe and conduct surveil- this country of 100,000 weapons to be country has taken place, and many of lance on one another, the fact is that used on the streets of our inner cities the details were revealed today in the the disturbing information is some- where again the agency in charge Cox report. Now, the Cox report was a thing that this House and this Nation looked the other way. Couple that with bipartisan congressional investigation, must deal with and should deal with the disturbing reality of the fact that and it raised many pertinent questions. immediately. the communist Chinese through their The Communist Chinese now have in business operations controlled by their b their possession our top nuclear se- 2340 so-called People's Liberation Army ac- crets. They have cut in half, certainly A point that should be addressed is tually contributed to the Clinton-Gore more than half, the years of research the inevitable spin echoes from sympa- effort in 1996 and, sadly, to the Demo- that it took the United States to con- thetic pundits and indeed from the spin cratic National Committee in that struct such weapons. They stole this machine at the other end of Pennsyl- same year, and we have a compelling information. They saved many, many vania Avenue that, oh, this has hap- devastating case that should cause con- years and they saved millions, if not pened before and previous Presidents cern for every American. billions, of dollars. are to blame. Before I yield back to my friend from And while this has gone on under a Let me offer this simple analogy: Mr. Georgia, just so we can clear this up, lot of different administrations and Speaker, suppose you contemplate a this is not a matter of partisanship. It over a long period of time, it is obvi- vacation and you take reasonable pre- is a question of patriotism. Because we ously clear that the Clinton adminis- cautions in your house. You will lock confront a clear and present danger, we tration, the National Security Adviser your doors. You lock your windows. If must avoid the temptation of engaging Sandy Berger, knew about this at least you have an alarm device, you activate in personalities and instead deal with in April of 1996. He briefed the Presi- it. And yet thieves are aware that you policies and change those policies. But regrettably, to this date, this ad- dent of the United States in July of have left your home. They disable the ministration has been more interested 1997, again in November of 1998, and alarm system. They gain entrance to in spin and preening and posturing and since January of 1999, the White House your home. And they begin to take offering the clever retort or the by now has been sitting on the completed Cox your property. Your belongings. familiar rejoinder that ``everyone does report. Now, that is one thing. But contrast it. If someone is sitting at home in the it.'' And yet only in March of this year Mr. Speaker, I am here to tell my easy chair and these same thieves pull did they take steps to fire one poten- colleagues again that not everyone up and the person in the home says, tial suspected spy, Wen Ho Lee. Only does it, but sadly all too many people ``Well, come on in. And you might want then. And, actually, he is not arrested within this administration have not at this point. He is still only on admin- to look in this area. And by the way, fulfilled their responsibilities to the istrative leave, I think. I do not know let me offer to show you where my wife citizens of this country to maintain exactly what the term is. keeps her jewelry. And here are our vigilance and to take actions against But the two questions here are: How stocks and bonds. And let me help you those who would steal our secrets. big is this thing; how much informa- take these and load up your van. And Mr. Speaker, it is worth noting that tion do they have on our nuclear weap- listen, we will just keep this between the findings are chilling. In the over- ons in China? And why did the adminis- us because it would be very embar- view, just to repeat from the Cox sum- tration react the way it did? rassing to me if I allowed this informa- mary, China has stolen design informa- I yield to the gentleman from Ari- tion to get out, if I chose to stop this. tion on the United States' most ad- zona (Mr. HAYWORTH). So I will take minimum action to stop vanced thermonuclear weapons. The Mr. HAYWORTH. I thank my col- what has gone on.'' That analogy, how- Select Committee on Intelligence, the league from Georgia. ever imperfect, essentially sums up bipartisan committee, judges that Chi- Mr. Speaker, our colleague from what has transpired. na's next generation of thermonuclear Florida amply pointed out just one It is important to note, as my col- weapons currently under development threat to our national security. Mr. league from Georgia capably points will exploit elements of stolen U.S. de- Speaker, I would go further in the out, that, sadly, our national security sign information and China's penetra- realm of Chinese espionage to say to advisor, with the responsibility that tion of our national weapons labora- this House and to the American people that title in fact describes, has aided tories spans at least the past several that we face a clear and present dan- our national insecurity, compounding decades and almost certainly continues ger. that, the curious actions of the Justice today. Mr. Speaker, the report released Department and our current attorney Mr. KINGSTON. Mr. Speaker, if I can today, available on the Internet, and I general. reclaim my time, I want to stop at that am sure many responsible publications My colleague from Georgia men- point for a minute. Because what is in- across the United States will carry it tioned Wen Ho Lee, the suspected spy teresting is we hear these incessant de- in detail tomorrow, outlines a trau- at one of our national labs, still not ar- fenders of this administration, regard- matic, devastating loss to this Nation rested. And indeed the Justice Depart- less of what the administration does, in terms of national security, and that ment asked for wiretap authority when they are automatically with them but is why I describe it as a clear and there was a preponderance of evidence forget the facts. They keep saying, present danger. and more than reasonable suspicion well, it still does not matter because My colleague from Georgia pointed that it should be checked. China has x number of nuclear war- out the fact that this bipartisan report Mr. KINGSTON. Mr. Speaker, re- heads and America has x-number-plus was drafted and really completed in claiming my time, actually it was the nuclear warheads. May 25, 1999 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD Ð HOUSE H3601 But they miss the whole point. This gling, it is so far afield to ever think should they choose to become an ag- is not about our number of nuclear that an administration would out of in- gressive adversary, that we are pro- warheads versus their numbers. It is competence or blissful ignorance or for tected? Of course it would be nice to about the technology. And we have political advantage allow the transfer know that. Yet, thanks to this espio- now given China the know-how to of technology, allow espionage from a nage, we are not. catch up should they choose to. And foreign power to jeopardize the secu- The gentleman has pointed out, it they also have these so-called legacy rity of the United States of America. has gone on a lot longer than the cur- codes, which are the ones that actually b 2350 rent administration.
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