Bowling Green State University ScholarWorks@BGSU Monitor University Publications 3-26-1990 Monitor Newsletter March 26, 1990 Bowling Green State University Follow this and additional works at: https://scholarworks.bgsu.edu/monitor Recommended Citation Bowling Green State University, "Monitor Newsletter March 26, 1990" (1990). Monitor. 1009. https://scholarworks.bgsu.edu/monitor/1009 This Book is brought to you for free and open access by the University Publications at ScholarWorks@BGSU. It has been accepted for inclusion in Monitor by an authorized administrator of ScholarWorks@BGSU. Nonprofit Organization U.S. Postage Paid Permit No. 1 Bowling Green, Ohio • Social philosopher to address world civil rights Date Dr. Richard H_ King. a world-renowned social A Phi Beta Kappa graduate ol the University_ol VoL XIII. No. 35 Bowling Green State University March 26, 1990 book North Carolina, King holds a master's degree in critic. historian and philosopher from the Univer­ sity of Nottingham. will speak on -Civil Rights in American studies from Yale and a doctorate in Monday, March 19 Global Perspective: Non-Violent Protest Polrtcs American history from the University ol Virginia. from Montgomery, Alabama. to Berlin, Johan­ He has taught American studies at Nottingham WBGU-TV, -Ohio Business Outlook.· 5:30 and nesburg. and Tienanmen Square· at 7:30 p.m. for the past seven years. Dalton explains feasibility 11 :30 p.m.. host George Howick examines April 4 in the Joe E. Brown Theatre ot University He is the author ol two books. The Pany of issues concerning Ohio's business community. Eros: Radical Social Thought and the Realm of Hall. Channel 27. In his address. King shall describe how recent Freedom and A Southern Renaissance: The CSC discusses early retirement events have grown out of post WOl:cl War II Cultural Awal<ening of the American South. · In order to justify another Early Tuesday, March 20 protest politics in Africa. the Middle East and the 1930-1955. lower savings than for the faculty program American South. Retirement Incentive Program for because classified replacements come in Classified Staff Council, 9 a.m.. Conference He also has written many essays. articles and dassified staff, Classified Staff Council at about 80 percent of the retiree's salary. Room, Mileti Alumni Center. book reviews for professional journals and would have to recommend it as a That doesn't provide for a substantial WBGU-TV Program, ·university Forum: 5:30 ODK to initiate April 6 magazines ranging from the Kenyon Review to benefit, Dr. J. Christopher Dalton, vice savings." and 11 :30 p.m .. this program features discus­ Psychology Today and American Uterary president for planning and budgeting, Currently, the University does not need sions of issues facing the University community Omicron Delta Kappa will hold its annual spring History. He is presently a member of the told CSC at its March 20 meeting. to reduce or reallocate any classified today, Channel 27. initiation April 6. editorial board of Mississippi Quarterly. It will begin with a breakfast from 7-8 a.m. in the Before going abroad. King taught at the Dalton had been invited to attend the staffing, Dalton said, and it is not ex· _ Thursday, March 22 Alumni Room of the University Union. The initia­ University of Maryland. the Federal City College/ meeting to explain the possibility of pected that there wiU be shortages in the tion will be at 4 p.m. in Prout Chapel. followed by University in the District of Columbia and implementing a second early retirement classified pool in the future. WBGU-TV Program, "Time Out." 5:30 and a reception from 5-6 p.m. in the Faculty Lounge StilllT'.an Collage. program for dassified staff. The last time In addition, if an early retirement • 11 :30 p.m.. La.-ry Weiss is the host of this show of the University Union_ At Nottingham he teaches undergraduate a program was offered was in 1987-88 program was offered to classified staff, it Members are reminded to wear their ribbons to which examines the Falcons' week in sports. courses in American thought and culture. when 66 employees retired. would also have to be offered to adminis­ all events. Channel 27. modem southern literature. American politics, Dalton said there are several benefits trative staff, Dalton said. Faculty have an and the civil rights movement. He also teaches to the University for offering an early on-going program offered to them, but if it graduate level courses in American studies and Plan to lose weight retirement program to employees: it is ever infeasible, it wiU be Saturday, March 24 critical theory. becomes The next Weight Watchers Program will be The lecture will followed by an open an effective way to increase the number discontinued. WBGU-TV Program, ·Amish Cooking From be offered starting March 29 and will run through of employees who retire if there is a "I'm willing to consider any arguments Quilt Country." noon. host Marcia Adams creates reception for the speaker. May31. need to reduce the number of full-time for a program, but a repeat of a program "Fritters Great and Small." Channel 27. Scott Hamilton The 10-week session is held from noon to 1 ERIP to be discussed employees: it can be an effective way to for dassified staff is diff1CUlt to justify that p.m. in the Campus Room of the University reallocate staffing; in the case of faculty, it would be of any benefit to the Univer­ Scott Hamilton and his friends Sunday, March 25 Union. However. the first meeting on March 29 it is a good way to get a jump on sity; Dalton said. "There isn't the will be in the Town Room of the Union and the At the March 20 Classified Staff Council meet­ replacing faculty members since it is pre­ rationale for it as there is for a faculty WBGU-TV Program, "Viewpoint." 9:30 a.m.. May 1O meeting will be in 409 South Hall. ing, Dr. J_ Christopher Dalton will be the guest dicted there will be a smaller pool of program.· to perform at Ice Arena April 25 host Judy Paschalis tackles the issues that affect A minimum of 16 participants is necessary to speaker and will address the topic of whether an­ us all. Channel 27. conduct the dass. The cost scale has been other Early Retirement Incentive Program is fea­ these employees to draw from in the late From a cash flow standpoint. Dalton Workl and Olympic gold medalist Scott Hamilton will return to the University's Planetarium Show, ·1rs About Time: A Tale Of adjusted to reflect rates for 1990 and is $100 for sible for dassified staff. 1990s; and it can result in a money · said the University •came out about even" Ice Arena April 25 with a showcase of talented skaters to present one perform­ Secrets Of Our Clocks And Calendars." 7:30 16-19 participants and $95 for 20 or more Any dassified employee interested in the topic savings. on the 1987-88 ERIP for classified staff. ance. p.m., Physical Sciences Building. participants. is invited to attend the meeting. Dalton is ex­ An early retirement program saves If CSC would recommend an early "Scott Hamilton and Friends" will feature Hamilton, as well as Olympic skating pected to speak at 1O a.m. The meeting. which Persons interested in the program should money for a university when there is a retirement program as a benefit for duo Kitty and Peter Carruthers. Also scheduled to appear are Brian Orser, two-­ begins at 9 a.m., will be in the conference room Monday, March 26 contact Ruth Milliron or Cheryl Heinlen at 372- difference in the retiree's salary and the dassified staff, it would have to be time silver medalist, Rosalynn Sumners, an silver medalist of the Mileti Alumni Center. Olympic and Olympic 2236 by March 28- salary paid to the new employee hired to reviewed with all other benefits submitted, featured will be the bronze medal dance team of Tracy Wilson and Robert Guest Recital, by darinetist Lux Brahn and Also replace or_ her. "Retirees normally_ .. pianist Hanni Schmid-Wyss, Switzerland. 8 p.m .. him Dalt.onsaicU:Jawer, funding for it.would McCall, duo Lea Ann Miller and William Fauver, and Kathleen Schmelz. Bryan Recital Hall, Moore Musical Arts Center. Computer rental set Complete your waivers have a higher salary than what the not necessarily have to come from the Tickets go on sale Wednesday1March 28) at the Ice Arena, 372-2264. Ticket replacement is hired in at.· Dalton said. prices for the 7:30 performance are $6 for general admission {north end seats); Economics Colloquium Series, "Economic Microcomputers will be available for rent tor the Logic of Unconscionability Adjudication." by Faculty and staff are reminded to complete and "However, for classified staff. we have a Continued on Page 3 $9 for reserved seats; $12 for chair seats; and $15 for on-ice seating. summer through Computer Services. submit employee and dependent lee waivers to Daniel T. Ostas. Unversity of Maryland. 4000 The rental lee is $50 for the period of tJ.ay 3 the bursar's office for summer dasses. Business Administration Building. through August 27. Applications are available at International Film Series, "My Friend Ivan Mortar Board chapter named in her honor 241 Math Science Building, 102 Hayes Hall or at Hammond given Lapshin." 8 p.m.. 121 West Hall. the receptionist's desk at Computer Services on Pool, bookstore closed the second floor of the Health Center. All applications must be received by 4 p.m. The Iris Andrews pool and spa at the Student Paulsen plans retirement after a 27-year career honorary degree Candidates are needed April 6.
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